Preface |
International Advisory and Organizing Committee Program Committee Words of Welcome Contents Phase Transformations in Carbon Materials / ZA. Matysina ; D. V. Schur ; S. Yu. Zaginaichenko ; V.B. Molodkin ; A.P. Shpak |
Hydrogen Solubility in FCC Fullerite |
Controlling Role of Electron Concentration in Plasma - Chemical Synthesis / G.N. Churilov'' |
Oxygen Source for Isolated Fuel Ceils / R. Lou V. Shapovalov |
E. Ve/csler Microscopic Characteristics of H Diffusion and Diffuse Scattering of Radiations in H.C.P.-Ln-H (From the Data on Electrical-Resistivity Relaxation) / V.A. Tatarenko ; T.M Radchenko |
Investigation of Content of Endometallofulerenes Extracts / LE. Kareev ; Y.M. Shulga ; V.P. Bubnov ; VI. Kozlovski ; A.F. Dodonov ; M. V. Marlynenko ; K.B. Zhogova ; EB. Yagubskii |
An Overview of Hydrogen Storage Methods V.A. Yartys, M V. Lototsky Alumo- and Borohydrides ofMetals: History, Properties, Technology, App!ication / B.M Bulychev |
Structural - Phase Transformations in Titanium - Fullerene Films at Implantation ofBoron lons / L. V. Baran ; E.M. Shpilevsky ; G. P. Okatova |
Field Emission Investigation of Carbon Nanotubes Doped by Different Metals K.N. Nikoiski / A.S Baturin ; VS. Bormashov ; AS. Ershov ; L.D. Kvacheva ; D.A. Kurnosov ; V.E. Muradyan ; A.A. Rogozinskiy ; E.P. Sheshin ; A. P. Simanovskiy ; Yu. M. Shulga ; R. G. Tchesov ; S Yu. Zaginaichenko |
Development of Methods of Deposition of Discontinuous Nickel Coatings on Powders ofAB5 Type / Alloys1. Slys ; L. Shcherbakova ; A. Rogozinskaya ; D. Schur ; A. Rogozinskii |
vi XRD Patterns of Cathode Deposits Formed in Electric are Sputtering Zr-Me Graphite Electrodes / S.A. Baskakov ; A.P.Simanovskiy ; A.A. Rogozinskaya ; A.P. Mukhachev |
Metal Hydride Accumulators of Hydrogen on the Basis ofAlloys of Magnesium and Rare-Earth Metals with / Nickel B.P. Tarasov ; S.N. Klyamkin ; V.N. Fokin ; D.N. Borisov ; V.A. Yariys |
Synthesis of Nanotubes in the Liquid Phase / A. G. Dubovoy ; E.A. Lysenko ; T.N. Golovchenko ; AF. Savenko ; V.M Adeev ; S.N. Kaverina |
Mossbauer Study of Carbon Nanostructures Obtained on Fe-Ni Catalyst / T Yu. Kiseleva ; A.A. Novakova ; B.P. Tarasov |
Determination of an Optimum Performance of PEM Fuel Celi Based on its Limiting Current Density / Ayoub Kazim |
Photoinduced Modifications ofthe Structure and Microhardness of Fullerite / C 1. Manika ; J Maniks ; 1. Kalnacs |
Investigation on the Carbon Special Form Graphitic Nanofibres as a Hydrogen Storage Materials / Bipin Kumar Gupta ; O.N. Srivastava |
Heterometallic Fullerides of Transition Metals with the Composition / K V.A. Kulbachinskli ; R.A. Lunin ; A. V. Krechetov ; V.G. Kytin ; K. V. Poholok ; K. Lips ; J. Rappich |
Characterization ofNanoparticles Processed by arc-Discharge between Carbon Electrodes Containing / Ni Catalyst M Leonowicz ; Yu.M. Shulga ; M Wozniak ; WeiXie |
Protection of Securities by the Application of Fullerenes / N.S. Astratov ; A.P. Pomytkin ; AD. Zolotarenko ; TI. Shaposhnikova |
Spectrophotometric Analysis of C and C Fullerenes in Toluene Solutions / NS. Anikina ; MI. Maistrenko ; GA. Sivak ; D. 17. Schur ; L. 0. Teslenko |
Effect ofthe Nature ofthe Reactor Wall Material on Morphology and Structure of Products Resulted from are Graphite Sputtering / A.N. Antropov ; Iv!.!. Maystrenko ; R.N. Nikulenko ; A. Yu. Vlasenko ; V.K Pishuk ; V. V. Skorokhod ; A.N. Stepanchuk ; P.A. Boyko2 i 7 |
Study of Thermodynamic Parameters of Hydrogen Gas by Grapho-Analytic Method / B. Ibrahimoglu ; T.N. Veziroglu ; A. Huseynov |
vii Simulation ofOperation Heat or Cold-Making Unit with Hydride Heat / Pump Yu. 1. Shanin |
Quantum-Chemical Investigations of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Hydrogenation Processes / N.G. Lebedev ; 1. V. Zaporotskova ; LA. Chernozatonskii |
Quantum C |
Preface |
International Advisory and Organizing Committee Program Committee Words of Welcome Contents Phase Transformations in Carbon Materials / ZA. Matysina ; D. V. Schur ; S. Yu. Zaginaichenko ; V.B. Molodkin ; A.P. Shpak |
Hydrogen Solubility in FCC Fullerite |
Controlling Role of Electron Concentration in Plasma - Chemical Synthesis / G.N. Churilov'' |
Oxygen Source for Isolated Fuel Ceils / R. Lou V. Shapovalov |
E. Ve/csler Microscopic Characteristics of H Diffusion and Diffuse Scattering of Radiations in H.C.P.-Ln-H (From the Data on Electrical-Resistivity Relaxation) / V.A. Tatarenko ; T.M Radchenko |