Invited Talks |
Gauss Composition and Generalizations / Manjul Bhargava |
Elliptic Curves — The Crossroads of Theory and Computation / John Coates |
The Weil and Tate Pairings as Building Blocks for Public Key Cryptosystems / Antoine Joux |
Using Elliptic Curves of Rank One towards the Undecidability of Hilbert's Tenth Problem over Rings of Algebraic Integers / Bjorn Poonen |
On p-adic Point Counting Algorithms for Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields / Takakazu Satoh |
Number Theory |
On Arithmetically Equivalent Number Fields of Small Degree / Wieb Bosma ; Bart de Smit |
A Survey of Discriminant Counting / Henri Cohen ; Francisco Diaz y Diaz ; Michel Olivier |
A Higher-Rank Mersenne Problem / Graham Everest ; Peter Rogers ; Thomas Ward |
An Application of Siegel Modular Functions to Kronecker's Limit Formula / Takashi Fukuda ; Keiichi Komatsu |
Computational Aspects of NUCOMP / Michael J. Jacobson, Jr. ; Alfred J. van der Poorten |
Efficient Computation of Class Numbers of Real Abelian Number Fields / Stéphane R. Louboutin |
An Accelerated Buchmann Algorithm for Regulator Computation in Real Quadratic Fields / Ulrich Vollmer |
Arithmetic Geometry |
Some Genus 3 Curves with Many Points / Roland Auer ; Jaap Top |
Trinomials ax7 + bx + c and ax8 + bx + c with Galois Groups of Order 168 and 8 · 168 / Nils Bruin ; Noam D. Elkies |
Computations on Modular Jacobian Surfaces / Enrique González-Jiménez ; Josep González ; Jordi Guàrdia |
Integral Points on Punctured Abelian Surfaces / Andrew Kresch ; Yuri Tschinkel |
Genus 2 Curves with (3, 3)-Split Jacobian and Large Automorphism Group / Tony Shaska |
Transportable Modular Symbols and the Intersection Pairing / Helena A. Verrill |
Elliptic Curves and CM |
Action of Modular Correspondences around CM Points / Jean-Marc Couveignes ; Thierry Henocq |
Curves Dy2 = x3 − x of Odd Analytic Rank |
Comparing Invariants for Class Fields of Imaginary Quadratic Fields / Andreas Enge ; François Morain |
A Database of Elliptic Curves - First Report / William A. Stein ; Mark Watkins |
Point Counting |
Isogeny Volcanoes and the SEA Algorithm / Mireille Fouquet |
Fast Elliptic Curve Point Counting Using Gaussian Normal Basis / Hae Young Kim ; Jung Youl Park ; Jung Hee Cheon ; Je Hong Park ; Jae Heon Kim ; Sang Geun Hahn |
An Extension of Kedlaya's Algorithm to Artin-Schreier Curves in Characteristic 2 / Jan Denef ; Frederik Vercauteren |
Cryptography |
Implementing the Tate Pairing / Steven D. Galbraith ; Keith Harrison ; David Soldera |
Smooth Orders and Cryptographic Applications / Carl Pomerance ; Igor E. Shparlinski |
Chinese Remaindering for Algebraic Numbers in a Hidden Field / Ron Steinfeld |
Function Fields |
An Algorithm for Computing Weierstrass Points / Florian Hess |
New Optimal Tame Towers of Function Fields over Small Finite Fields / Wen-Ching W. Li ; Hiren Maharaj ; Henning Stichtenoth |
Periodic Continued Fractions in Elliptic Function Fields / Xuan Chuong Tran |
Discrete Logarithms and Factoring |
Fixed Points and Two-Cycles of the Discrete Logarithm / Joshua Holden |
Random Cayley Digraphs and the Discrete Logarithm / Jeremy Horwitz ; Ramarathnam Venkatesan |
The Function Field Sieve Is Quite Special / Reynald Lercier |
MPQS with Three Large Primes / Paul Leyland ; Arjen Lenstra ; Bruce Dodson ; Alec Muffett ; Sam Wagstaff |
An Improved Baby Step Giant Step Algorithm for Point Counting of Hyperelliptic Curves over Finite Fields / Kazuto Matsuo ; Jinhui Chao ; Shigeo Tsujii |
Factoring N = pq2 with the Elliptic Curve Method / Peter Ebinger ; Edlyn Teske |
Gröbner Bases |
A New Scheme for Computing with Algebraically Closed Fields / Allan Steel |
Complexity |
Additive Complexity and Roots of Polynomials over Number Fields and p-adic Fields / J. Maurice Rojas |
Author Index |
Invited Talks |
Gauss Composition and Generalizations / Manjul Bhargava |
Elliptic Curves — The Crossroads of Theory and Computation / John Coates |
The Weil and Tate Pairings as Building Blocks for Public Key Cryptosystems / Antoine Joux |
Using Elliptic Curves of Rank One towards the Undecidability of Hilbert's Tenth Problem over Rings of Algebraic Integers / Bjorn Poonen |
On p-adic Point Counting Algorithms for Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields / Takakazu Satoh |