Introduction to 3D Computer Vision / 1: |
Introduction / 1.1: |
Imaging Geometry and Camera Models / 1.2: |
Camera Models / 1.2.1: |
Single View Imaging Geometry / 1.2.2: |
Single View Metrology and Reconstruction / 1.3: |
Measurement on Space Planes / 1.3.1: |
Camera Calibration from a Single View / 1.3.2: |
Measurement in 3D Space / 1.3.3: |
Examples of Single View Reconstruction / 1.3.4: |
Two-View Geometry and 3D Reconstruction / 1.4: |
Epipolar Geometry and Fundamental Matrix / 1.4.1: |
Three Dimensional Reconstruction / 1.4.2: |
Reconstruction of Structured Scenes from Two Images / 1.5: |
Plane Detection Strategy / 1.5.1: |
Camera Calibration and Reconstruction / 1.5.2: |
Closure Remarks / 1.6: |
Conclusion / 1.6.1: |
Review Questions / 1.6.2: |
References |
Simplified Camera Projection Models / 2: |
Affine Projection Model / 2.1: |
Quasi-Perspective Projection / 2.3: |
Error Analysis of Different Models / 2.3.1: |
Experimental Evaluations / 2.4: |
Imaging Errors / 2.4.1: |
Influence of Imaging Conditions / 2.4.2: |
Geometrical Properties of Quasi-Perspective Projection / 2.5: |
One-View Geometrical Property / 3.1: |
Two-View Geometrical Property / 3.3: |
Fundamental Matrix / 3.3.1: |
Plane Induced Homography / 3.3.2: |
Computation with Outliers / 3.3.3: |
3D Structure Reconstruction / 3.4: |
Evaluations on Synthetic Data / 3.5: |
Fundamental Matrix and Homography / 3.5.1: |
Outlier Removal / 3.5.2: |
Reconstruction Result / 3.5.3: |
Evaluations on Real Images / 3.6: |
Test on Stone Dragon Images / 3.6.1: |
Test on Medusa Head Images / 3.6.2: |
Introduction to Structure and Motion Factorization / 3.7: |
Problem Definition / 4.1: |
Structure and Motion Factorization of Rigid Objects / 4.3: |
Rigid Factorization Under Orthographic Projection / 4.3.1: |
Rigid Factorization Under Perspective Projection / 4.3.2: |
Structure and Motion Factorization of Nonrigid Objects / 4.4: |
Bregler's Deformation Model / 4.4.1: |
Nonrigid Factorization Under Affine Models / 4.4.2: |
Nonrigid Factorization Under Perspective Projection / 4.4.3: |
Factorization of Multi-Body and Articulated Objects / 4.5: |
Multi-Body Factorization / 4.5.1: |
Articulated Factorization / 4.5.2: |
Perspective 3D Reconstruction of Rigid Objects / 4.6: |
Previous Works on Projective Depths Recovery / 5.1: |
Epipolar Geometry Based Algorithm / 5.2.1: |
Iteration Based Algorithm / 5.2.2: |
Hybrid Projective Depths Recovery / 5.3: |
Initialization and Optimization / 5.3.1: |
Selection of Reference Frames / 5.3.2: |
Camera Calibration and Euclidean Reconstruction / 5.4: |
Camera Self-calibration / 5.4.1: |
Euclidean Reconstruction / 5.4.2: |
Outline of the Algorithm / 5.4.3: |
Projective Depths Recovery / 5.5: |
Calibration and Reconstruction / 5.5.2: |
Evaluations on Real Sequences / 5.6: |
Test on Model House Sequence / 5.6.1: |
Test on Stone Post Sequence / 5.6.2: |
Test on Medusa Head Sequence / 5.6.3: |
Perspective 3D Reconstruction of Nonrigid Objects / 5.7: |
Perspective Depth Scales and Nonrigid Factorization / 6.1: |
Perspective Depth Scales / 6.2.1: |
Nonrigid Affine Factorization / 6.2.2: |
Perspective Stratification / 6.3: |
Linear Recursive Estimation / 6.3.1: |
Nonlinear Optimization Algorithm / 6.3.2: |
Reconstruction Results / 6.4: |
Convergence and Performance Comparisons / 6.4.2: |
Experiments with Real Sequences / 6.5: |
Test on Franck Sequence / 6.5.1: |
Test on Scarf Sequence / 6.5.2: |
Rotation Constrained Power Factorization / 6.6: |
Power Factorization for Rigid Objects / 7.1: |
Power Factorization for Nonrigid Objects / 7.3: |
Initialization and Convergence Determination / 7.3.1: |
Sequential Factorization / 7.3.3: |
Reconstruction Results and Evaluations / 7.4: |
Convergence Property / 7.4.2: |
Test on Grid Sequence / 7.4.3: |
Test on Quilt Sequence / 7.5.2: |
Stratified Euclidean Reconstruction / 7.6: |
Deformation Weight Constraint / 8.1: |
Nonrigid Factorization / 8.2.1: |
Geometrical Explanation / 8.2.2: |
Affine Structure and Motion Recovery / 8.3: |
Constrained Power Factorization / 8.3.1: |
Initalization and Convergence Determination / 8.3.2: |
Segmentation and Stratification / 8.4: |
Deformation Detection Strategy / 8.4.1: |
Stratification to Euclidean Space / 8.4.2: |
Implementation Outline / 8.4.3: |
Convergence Property and Segmentation / 8.5: |
Test on Toy Sequence / 8.6: |
Quasi-Perspective Factorization / 8.7: |
Background on Factorization / 9.1: |
Quasi-Perspective Rigid Factorization / 9.3: |
Euclidean Upgrading Matrix / 9.3.1: |
Algorithm Outline / 9.3.2: |
Quasi-Perspective Nonrigid Factorization / 9.4: |
Problem Formulation / 9.4.1: |
Evaluation on Rigid Factorization / 9.4.2: |
Evaluation on Nonrigid Factorization / 9.5.2: |
Evaluations on Real Image Sequences / 9.6: |
Test on Fountain Base Sequence / 9.6.1: |
Projective Geometry for Computer Vision / 9.6.2: |
2D Projective Geometry / A.1: |
Points and Lines / A.1.1: |
Conics and Duel Conics / A.1.2: |
2D Projective Transformation / A.1.3: |
3D Projective Geometry / A.2: |
Points, Lines, and Planes / A.2.1: |
Projective Transformation and Quadrics / A.2.2: |
Matrix Decomposition / Appendix B: |
Singular Value Decomposition / B.1: |
Properties of SVD Decomposition / B.1.1: |
Low-Rank Matrix Approximation / B.1.2: |
QR and RQ Decompositions / B.2: |
Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Matrix / B.3: |
Cross Product / B.3.1: |
Cholesky Decomposition / B.3.2: |
Extended Cholesky Decomposition / B.3.3: |
Numerical Computation Method / Appendix C: |
Linear Least Squares / C.1: |
Full Rank System / C.1.1: |
Deficient Rank System / C.1.2: |
Nonlinear Estimation Methods / C.2: |
Bundle Adjustment / C.2.1: |
Newton Iteration / C.2.2: |
Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm / C.2.3: |
Glossary |
Index |
Introduction to 3D Computer Vision / 1: |
Introduction / 1.1: |
Imaging Geometry and Camera Models / 1.2: |
Camera Models / 1.2.1: |
Single View Imaging Geometry / 1.2.2: |
Single View Metrology and Reconstruction / 1.3: |