Introduction |
COST 2102: Cross-Modal Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication (CAVeNC) / Anna Esposito |
Verbal and Nonverbal Coding Schema / I: |
Annotation Schemes for Verbal and Non-verbal Communication: Some General Issues / Niels Ole Bernsen ; Laila Dybkjaer |
Presenting in Style by Virtual Humans / Zsofia Ruttkay |
Analysis of Nonverbal Involvement in Dyadic Interactions / Uwe Altmann ; Rico Hermkes ; Lutz-Michael Alisch |
Emotional Expressions / II: |
Children's Perception of Musical Emotional Expressions / Manuela Serio |
Emotional Style Conversion in the TTS System with Cepstral Description / Jiri Pribil ; Anna Pribilova |
Meaningful Parameters in Emotion Characterisation / Eva Navas ; Inmaculada Hernaez ; Iker Luengo ; Inaki Sainz ; Ibon Saratxaga ; Jon Sanchez |
Gestural Expressions / III: |
Prosodic and Gestural Expression of Interactional Agreement / Eric Keller ; Wolfgang Tschacher |
Gesture, Prosody and Lexicon in Task-Oriented Dialogues: Multimedia Corpus Recording and Labelling / Ewa Jarmolowicz ; Maciej Karpinski ; Zofia Malisz ; Michal Szczyszek |
Egyptian Grunts and Transportation Gestures / Aly N. El-Bahrawy |
Analysis and Algorithms for Verbal and Nonverbal Speech / IV: |
On the Use of NonVerbal Speech Sounds in Human Communication / Nick Campbell |
Speech Spectrum Envelope Modeling / Robert Vich ; Martin Vondra |
Using Prosody in Fixed Stress Languages for Improvement of Speech Recognition / Gyorgy Szaszak ; Klara Vicsi |
Single-Channel Noise Suppression by Wavelets in Spectral Domain / Zdenek Smekal ; Petr Sysel |
Voice Source Change During Fundamental Frequency Variation / Peter J. Murphy |
A Gesture-Based Concept for Speech Movement Control in Articulatory Speech Synthesis / Bernd J. Kroger ; Peter Birkholz |
A Novel Psychoacoustically Motivated Multichannel Speech Enhancement System / Amir Hussain ; Simone Cifani ; Stefano Squartini ; Francesco Piazza ; Tariq Durrani |
Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Acoustic Signals with the Dresden UASR System / Rudiger Hoffmann ; Matthias Eichner ; Matthias Wolff |
Machine Multimodal Interaction / V: |
VideoTRAN: A Translation Framework for Audiovisual Face-to-Face Conversations / Jerneja Zganec Gros |
Spoken and Multimodal Communication Systems in Mobile Settings / Markku Turunen ; Jaakko Hakulinen |
Multilingual Augmentative Alternative Communication System / Pantelis Makris |
Analysis and Synthesis of Multimodal Verbal and Non-verbal Interaction for Animated Interface Agents / Jonas Beskow ; Bjorn Granstrom ; David House |
Generating Nonverbal Signals for a Sensitive Artificial Listener / Dirk Heylen ; Anton Nijholt ; Mannes Poel |
Low-Complexity Algorithms for Biometric Recognition / Marcos Faundez-Zanuy ; Virginia Espinosa-Duro ; Juan Antonio Ortega |
Towards Mobile Multimodal Telecommunications Systems and Services / Matus Pelva ; Jan Papaj ; Anton Cizmar ; L'ubomir Dobos ; Jozef Juhar ; Stanislav Ondas ; Michal Mirilovic |
Embodied Conversational Agents in Wizard-of-Oz and Multimodal Interaction Applications / Matej Rojc ; Tomaz Rotovnik ; Miso Brus ; Dusan Jan ; Zdravko Kacic |
Telling Stories with a Synthetic Character: Understanding Inter-modalities Relations / Guilherme Raimundo ; Joao Cabral ; Celso Melo ; Luis C. Oliveira ; Ana Paiva ; Isabel Trancoso |
Author Index |
Introduction |
COST 2102: Cross-Modal Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication (CAVeNC) / Anna Esposito |
Verbal and Nonverbal Coding Schema / I: |
Annotation Schemes for Verbal and Non-verbal Communication: Some General Issues / Niels Ole Bernsen ; Laila Dybkjaer |
Presenting in Style by Virtual Humans / Zsofia Ruttkay |
Analysis of Nonverbal Involvement in Dyadic Interactions / Uwe Altmann ; Rico Hermkes ; Lutz-Michael Alisch |