A Case Study on Logging Visual Activities: Chess Game / Sukru Ozan ; Sevket Gumustekin |
Multiple Robot Path Planning for Robot Soccer / Cagdas Yetisenler ; Ahmet Ozkurt |
Navigation and GPS Based Path Control of an Autonomous Vehicle / Erol Uyar ; Levent Cetin ; Aytac Goren |
A Generative Model for Multi Class Object Recognition and Detection / Ilkay Ulusoy |
Depth of General Scenes from Defocused Images Using Multilayer Feedforward Networks / Veysel Aslantas ; Mehmet Tunckanat |
Tracking Control Based on Neural Network for Robot Manipulator / Murat Sonmez ; Ismet Kandilli ; Mehmet Yakut |
Performance Evaluation of Recurrent RBF Network in Nearest Neighbor Classification / Mehmet Kerem Muezzinoglu |
Tracking Aircrafts by Using Impulse Exclusive Filter with RBF Neural Networks / Pinar Civicioglu |
A Multilayer Feedforward Fuzzy Neural Network / Aydogan Savran |
Neural Networks and Cascade Modeling Technique in System Identification / Erdem Turker Senalp ; Ersin Tulunay ; Yurdanur Tulunay |
Comparison of Complex-Valued Neural Network and Fuzzy Clustering Complex-Valued Neural Network for Load-Flow Analysis / Murat Ceylan ; Nurettin Cetinkaya ; Rahime Ceylan ; Yuksel Ozbay |
A New Formulation for Classification by Ellipsoids / Aysegul Ucar ; Yakup Demir ; Cuneyt Guzelis |
DSP Based Fuzzy-Neural Speed Tracking Control of Brushless DC Motor / Cetin Gencer ; Ali Saygin ; Ismail Coskun |
Fault Diagnosis with Dynamic Fuzzy Discrete Event System Approach / Erdal Kilic ; Caglar Karasu ; Kemal Leblebicioglu |
A Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for Brushless DC Motors / Muammer Gokbulut ; Besir Dandil ; Cafer Bal |
Can a Fuzzy Rule Look for a Needle in a Haystack? / Akira Imada |
Protein Solvent Accessibility Prediction Using Support Vector Machines and Sequence Conservations / Hasan Ogul ; Erkan U. Mumcuoglu |
Instrument Independent Musical Genre Classification Using Random 3000 ms Segment / Ali Cenk Gedik ; Adil Alpkocak |
Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using Markov Random Fields / Abdulkadir Sengur ; Ibrahim Turkoglu ; M. Cevdet Ince |
Modeling Interestingness of Streaming Classification Rules as a Classification Problem / Tolga Aydin ; Halil Altay Guvenir |
Refining the Progressive Multiple Sequence Alignment Score Using Genetic Algorithms / Halit Ergezer |
An Evolutionary Local Search Algorithm for the Satisfiability Problem / Levent Aksoy ; Ece Olcay Gunes |
HIS: Hierarchical Solver for Over-Constrained Satisfaction Problems / Zerrin Yumak ; Tatyana Yakhno |
Elevator Group Control by Using Talented Algorithm / Ulvi Dagdelen ; Aytekin Bagis ; Dervis Karaboga |
A Fault Tolerant System Using Collaborative Agents / Sebnem Bora |
3-D Object Recognition Using 2-D Poses Processed by CNNs and a GRNN / Ovung Polat ; Vedat Tausanoglu |
Author Index |
A Case Study on Logging Visual Activities: Chess Game / Sukru Ozan ; Sevket Gumustekin |
Multiple Robot Path Planning for Robot Soccer / Cagdas Yetisenler ; Ahmet Ozkurt |
Navigation and GPS Based Path Control of an Autonomous Vehicle / Erol Uyar ; Levent Cetin ; Aytac Goren |
A Generative Model for Multi Class Object Recognition and Detection / Ilkay Ulusoy |
Depth of General Scenes from Defocused Images Using Multilayer Feedforward Networks / Veysel Aslantas ; Mehmet Tunckanat |
Tracking Control Based on Neural Network for Robot Manipulator / Murat Sonmez ; Ismet Kandilli ; Mehmet Yakut |