

Alfredo Colosimo, Alessandro Giuliani, Paolo Sirabella (eds.)
出版情報: Berlin : Springer, c2002  ix, 222 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Lecture notes in computer science ; 2526
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Data Mining and Decision Support Systems
Knowledge Discovery Using Medical Data Mining / F. Alonso ; Á. López-Illescas ; L. Mart'inez ; C. Montes ; J.P. Valente
Analysis of Stationary Periods of Heart Rate via Symbolic Dynamics / C. Cammarota ; G. Guarini ; M. Ambrosini
Microcalcification Detection Using a Kernel Bayes Classifier / B. Caputo ; E. La Torre ; G.E. Gigante
The Use of Classification Trees for Analysis of Kidney Images in Computer Assisted Microscopy / E. Kaczmarek ; E. Nieruchalska ; M. Michalak ; A. Wozniak ; W. Salwa-Zurawska
A Neuro-fuzzy Based Alarm System for Septic Shock Patients with a Comparison to Medical Scores / J. Paetz ; B. Arlt
Determination of Functional Relationships for Continuous Variables by Using a Multivariable Fractional Polynomial Approach / W. Sauerbrei ; P. Royston
Medical Informatics and Modeling
Nonlinear Oscillation Models for Spike Separation / T.I. Aksenova ; O.K. Chibirova ; A.-L. Benabid ; A.E.P. Villa
Modeling Glucose-Insulin Behavior in Ill Patients (DM Type 2) / G. Baratta ; F. Barcellona ; G. Lucidi ; A.M. Bersani
ECG Acquisition and Management System for Knowledge Discovery in Database: Data Modeling, Design, and Implementation / Y. Cho ; H. Kim ; M.-j. Jeon ; D. Kang ; H. Choi ; J.-m. Lee ; I.-y. Kim ; S.I. Kim
The Conceptual Basis of WITH a Collaborative Writer System of Clinical Trials / P. Fazi ; D. Luzi ; F.L. Ricci ; M. Vignetti
Problems of the Model Choice in Classes of Mendelian Inheritance Models / B. Jäger ; K.-E. Biebler
Computational Modeling of the Cardiovascular System After Fontan Procedure / E.B. Shim ; C.H. Youn ; T. Heldt ; R.D. Kamm ; R.G. Mark
Time-Series Analysis
Short- and Long-Term Statistical Properties of Heartbeat Time-Series in Healthy and Pathological Subjects / P. Allegrini ; R. Balocchi ; S. Chillemi ; P. Grigolini ; L. Palatella ; G. Raffaelli
An Index of Organization of the Right Atrium During Atrial Fibrillation: Effects of Internal Cardioversion / V. Barbaro ; P. Bartolini ; G. Calcagnini ; F. Censi ; A. Michelucci ; S. Poli
Morphological Analysis of ECG Holter Recordings by Support Vector Machines / S. Jankowski ; J. Tijink ; G. Vumbaca ; M. Balsi ; G. Karpinski
Monitoring of Sleep Apnea in Children Using Pulse Transit Time / J. Pagani ; M.P. Villa ; E. Lombardozzi ; R. Ronchetti
Linear and Nonlinear Evaluation of Ventricular Arrhythmias / J.P. Zbilut ; P.A. Santucci ; S.-Y. Yang ; J.L. Podolski
Invariant and Subject-Dependent Features of Otoacoustic Emissions / G. Zimatore ; A. Giuliani ; S. Hatzopoulos ; A. Martini ; A. Colosimo
Medical Imaging
Short Term Evaluation of Brain Activities in fMRI Data by Spatiotemporal Independent Component Analysis / V. Cimagalli ; G. Cruccu ; G.D. Iannetti ; A. Londei ; P.L. Romanelli
Implementation of an IT System for the Support of a Hospital Infection Surveillance System / M. Behnke ; T. Eckmanns ; H. Rüden
An Artificial Neural Network for 3D Localization of Brainstem Functional Lesions / M. Capozza ; J.J. Marx ; N. Accornero
Dependent Rendering: Visualizing Multiple Properties of an Objects / S. Löbbert ; S. Märkle
Automatic Detection of Microaneursyms in Color Fundus Images of the Human Retina by Means of the Bounding Box Closing / T. Walter ; J.-C. Klein
Author Index
Data Mining and Decision Support Systems
Knowledge Discovery Using Medical Data Mining / F. Alonso ; Á. López-Illescas ; L. Mart'inez ; C. Montes ; J.P. Valente
Analysis of Stationary Periods of Heart Rate via Symbolic Dynamics / C. Cammarota ; G. Guarini ; M. Ambrosini


Petra Perner, Rüdiger Brause, Hermann-Georg Holzhütter (eds.)
出版情報: Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer, c2003  viii, 126 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Lecture notes in computer science ; 2868
所蔵情報: loading…


Rüdiger W. Brause, Ernst Hanisch (eds.)
出版情報: Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer, c2000  xi, 316 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Lecture notes in computer science ; 1933
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Keynote Lectures
Medical Decision Support Systems / T. Wetter
Medical Bayes Networks / B. Sierra ; I. Inza ; P. Larrañaga
Synchronization Analysis of Bivariate Time Series and Its Application to Medical Data / M. Rosenblum
A Survey of Data Mining Techniques / V. Maojo ; J. Sanandrés
Time Series Analysis
Prognoses for Multiparametric Time Courses / R. Schmidt ; L. Gierl
Estimation of the Time Delay of Epileptic Spikes by ICA / A. ČernoÜek ; V. Krajča ; J. Mohylová ; S. Petránek ; M. MatouÜek ; K. Paul
Change-Point Detection in Kinetic Signals / G. Staude ; W. Wolf
Hierarchical Clustering of Functional MRI Time-Series by Deterministic Annealing / A. Wismüller ; D. R. Dersch ; B. Lipinski ; K. Hahn ; D. Auer
Classification of Electro-encephalographic Spatial Patterns / T. Müller ; T. Ball ; R. Kristeva-Feige ; T. Mergner ; J. Timmer
Detection and Classification of Sleep-Disordered Breathing Using Acoustic Respiratory Input Impedance and Nasal Pressure / H. Steltner ; R. Staats ; M. Vogel ; C. Virchow ; H. Matthys ; J. Guttmann
Some Statistical Methods in Intensive Care Online Monitoring-A Review / R. Fried ; U. Gather ; M. Imhoff ; M. Bauer
Entropy Measures in Heart Rate Variability Data / N. Wessel ; A. Schumann ; A. Schirdewan ; A. Voss ; J. Kurths
Determinism and Nonlinearity of the Heart Rhythm / L. Cimponeriu ; A. Bezerianos
Bayes Networks
Feature Subset Selection Using Probabilistic Tree Structures. A Case Study in the Survival of Cirrhotic Patients Treated with TIPS / M. Merino ; J. Quiroga ; M. Girala
Deconvolution and Credible Intervals Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method / R. Hovorka
Graphical Explanation in Bayesian Networks / C Lacave ; R. Atienza ; F. J. Díez
Neural Nets
About the Analysis of Septic Shock Patient Data / J. Paetz ; F. Hamker ; S. Thöne
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Medical Applications Using Self-Organizing Maps / T. Villmann ; W. Hermann ; M. Geyer
Analysis of Nonlinear Differential Equations: Parameter Estimation and Model Selection / W. Horbelt ; W. Melzer ; K. Winkler
Machine Learning
Medical Expert Evaluation of Machine Learning Results for a Coronary Heart Disease Database / D. Gamberger ; G Krstačić ; T. èmuc
Combining Methodical Procedures from Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Individual-Oriented Simulation-Data Mining in Time Series- / F. Köster ; R. Radtke ; B. Westphal ; M. Sonnenschein
Inconsistency Tests for Patient Records in a Coronary Heart Disease Database / N Lavrač
Architectures for Data Aquisition and Data Analysis
A MATLAB-Based Software Tool for Changepoint Detection and Nonlinear Regression in Dose-Response Relationships / S. Wagenpfeil ; U. Treiber ; A. Lehmer
A Web-Based Electronic Patient Record System as a Means for Collection of Clinical Data / L. Fritsche ; K. Schröter ; G. Lindemann ; R. Kunz ; K. Budde ; H.-H. Neumayer
The InterAction Database: Synergy of Science and Practice in Pharmacy / H. Tobi ; P.B. van den Berg ; L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg
Medical Informatics and Modeling
A New Computerized Method to Verify and Disseminate Medical Appropriateness Criteria / L. Laita ; E.Roanes-Lozano ; J. Crespo ; J. Rodriguez-Pedrosa
Pharmacokinetic & -dynamic Drug Information and Dosage Adjustment System Pharmdis / F. Keller ; D. Czock ; M. Giehl ; D. Zellner
Discrete Simulations of Cadaver Kidney Allocation Schemes / D. A. Mattucci ; V. Macellari ; P. Chistolini ; G. Frustagli
Bootstrap and Cross-Validation to Assess Complexity of Data-Driven Regression Models / W. Sauerbrei ; M. Schumacher
Genetic and Fuzzy Algorithms
Genetic Programming Optimisation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Pulse Shapes / H.F. Gray ; R.J. Maxwell
Application of a Genetic Programming Based Rule Discovery System to Reccurring Miscarriage Data / C. Setzkorn ; R.C. Paton ; L. Bricker ; R.G. Farquharson
Detecting of Fatigue States of a Car Driver / R. Bittner ; P. Smrčka ; P. Vysoký ; K. Hána ; L. PouÜek ; P. Schreib
Operator Method of Fuzzification / A. Bolotin
Medical Data Mining
A System for Monitoring Nosocomial Infections / E. Lamma ; M. Manservigi ; P. Mello ; S. Storari ; F. Riguzzi
A Data Mining Alternative to Model Hospital Operations: Filtering, Adaptation and Behaviour Prediction / D. Riaño ; S. Prado
Selection of Informative Genes in Gene Expression Based Diagnosis: A Nonparametric Approach / M. Beibel
Principal Component Analysis for Descriptive Epidemiology / A. Giuliani ; R. Benigni
Author Index
Keynote Lectures
Medical Decision Support Systems / T. Wetter
Medical Bayes Networks / B. Sierra ; I. Inza ; P. Larrañaga


Jose Crespo, Victor Maojo, Fernando Martin (eds.)
出版情報: Berlin : Springer, c2001  x, 311 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Lecture notes in computer science ; 2199
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Medical Analysis and Diagnosis by Neural Networks / R. W. Brause
On Applying Supervised Classification Techniques in Medicine / B. Sierra ; I. Inza ; P. Larrañaga
Methods and Criteria for Detecting Significant Regions in Medical Image Analysis / J. Crespo ; H. Billhardt ; J. Rodríguez-Pedrosa ; J. A. Sanandres
Using Bayesian Networks to Model Emergency Medical Services / S. Acid ; Campos ; S. Rodríguez ; J. M. Rodriguez ; J.L.Salcedo
Analysis of Strength Data Based on Expert Knowledge / F. Alonso ; Á. López-Illescas ; L. Martínez ; C.Montes ; J.P.Valente
A Computational Environment for Medical Diagnosis Support Systems / V. Alves ; J. Neves ; M. Maia ; L. Nelas
Automatic Detection of Regions of Interest in Digitized Mammograms for Computer-Aided Diagnosis / J. M. Barreiro ; A. Carrascal ; D. Manrique ; J. Ríos ; A. Vilarrasa
A New Method for Unifying Heterogeneous Databases / V. Maojo ; F. Martin ; J. L. Maté
Fatigue Indicators of Drowsy Drivers Based on Analysis of Physiological Signals / R. Bittner ; P.Smrcka ; M. Pavelka ; P. Vysoky ; L. Pousek
Secure and Interoperable Document Management over the Internet - The Generic HARP Cross-Security Platform for Clinical Studies / B. Blobel ; G.Stassinopoulos ; P. Hoepner
A Generalized Uncertainty Function and Fuzzy Modeling / A. Bolotin
Special Time Series Models for Analysis of Mortality Data / M. Fazekas
Knowledge Organisation in a Neonatal Jaundice Decision Support System / J. A. Fernández del Pozo ; C. Bielza ; M. Gómez
Quasi-Fourier Modeling for Individual and Count Outcomes / M. Friger ; Y. Novack ; U. Ranft
An Anatomical and Functional Model for the Study of Cortical Functions / A. J. García de Linares ; L. de la Peña Fernáindez
Predicting the Level of Metabolic Control Using Collaborative Filtering / M. Grabert ; R. W. Holl ; U. Krause ; I. Melzer ; F. Schweiggert
Web-Enabled Knowledge-Based Analysis of Genetic Data / P. Juvan ; B. Zupan ; J. Demsar ; I. Bratko ; J. A. Halter ; A. Kuspa ; G. Shaulsky
Fuzzy Sets Applied to Image Processing and Quantification of Interstitial Fibrosis and Glomerular Size in Computer Assisted Microscopy / E. Kaczmarek ; A. Wozniak ; W. Salwa-Zurawska
Cancer Epidemiology of Small Communities: Usinga NovelApproach toDetecting Clusters / E. Kordysh ; M. Barchana ; R. Chen
Hybrid Pattern Recognition Algorithms with the Statistical Model Applied to the Computer-Aided Medical Diagnosis / M. Kurzynski ; E. Puchala ; J. Sas
Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Application of Wavelet Transform to the Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms / M. J. Lado ; A. J. Mendez ; P. G. Tahoces ; M. Souto ; J. J. Vidal
A Methodology for Constructing Expert Systems for Medical Diagnosis / L. M. Laita ; G. Gonziález-Páiez ; E. Roanes-Lozano ; L. de Ledesma ; L. Laita
An Expert System for Microbiological Data Validation and Surveillance / E. Lamma ; P. Mello ; A. Nanetti ; G. Poli ; F. Riguzzi ; S. Storari
Hierarchical Clustering of Female Urinary Incontinence Data Having Noise and Outliers / J. Laurikkala ; M. Juhola
ACMD: A Practical Tool for Automatic Neural Net Based Learning / R. Linder ; S. J. Pöppl
Development of a Mammographic Analysis System Using Computer Vision Techniques / J. Martí ; P. Planiol ; J. Freixenet ; J. Espanol ; E. Golobardes
Improvement of a Mammographic CAD System for Mass Detection / A. J. Méndez ; C. Varela
Classification of Gene Expression Data in an Ontology / H. Midelfart ; A. Ldsgreid ; J. Komorowski
Feature Selection Algorithms Applied to Parkinson's Disease / M. Navío ; J. J. Aguilera ; M. J. del Jesus ; R. González ; F. Herrera ; C. Iríbar
A New Model for AIDS Survival Analysis / J. Orbe ; E.Ferreira ; V.N'uñez-Antón
A Frequent Patterns Tree Approach for Rule Generation with Categorical Septic ShockPatient Data / J. Paetz ; R. Brause
Analysis of Medical Diagnostic Images via the Implementation and Access to a Safe DICOM PACS with a Web Interface: Analysis of Contrast-Enhanced CT Imaging of Oral andOropharyngealCarcinomas / J. Pereira ; A. Lamelo ; J.M.Váizquez-Naya ; M. Fernáindez ; J. Dorado ; A. Santos ; J. Teijeiro ; A. Pazos
Classification of HEp-2 Cells Using Fluorescent Image Analysis and Data Mining / P. Perner
MultitaskPattern Recognition Algorithm for the Medical Decision Support System
The Analysis of Hospital Episodes / D. Riaño ; S. Prado
ElectroshockEffects Identification Using Classification Based on Rules / J. Rodas ; K.Gibert ; J.E.Rojo
Advanced Visualization of 3D Data of Intravascular Ultrasound Images / D. Rotger ; C.Cañero ; P. Radeva ; J. Mauri ; E. Fernandez ; A. Tovar ; V. Valle
Investigations on Stability and Overoptimism of Classification Trees by Using Cross-Validation / W. Sauerbrei
A Case-Based Approach for the Classification of Medical Time Series / A. Schlaefer ; K. Schröter ; L. Fritsche
Binary Vector or Real Value Coding for Secondary Structure Prediction? A Case Study of Polyproline Type II Prediction / M. Siermala ; M. Vihinen
Notes on Medical Decision Model Creation / M. Sprogar ; P. Kokol ; M. Zorman ; V. Podgorelec ; L. Lhotska ; J. Klema
Refining the Knowledge Base of an Otoneurological Expert System / K. Viikki
Segmentation of Color Fundus Images of the Human Retina: Detection of the Optic Disc and the Vascular Tree Using Morphological Techniques / T. Walter ; J.-C. Klein
Learning Structural Knowledge from the ECG / F. Wang ; R. Quiniou ; G. Carrault ; M.-O. Cordier
Recurrence Quantification Analysis to Characterise the Heart Rate Variability before the Onset of Ventricular Tachycardia / N. Wessel ; N. Marwan ; U. Meyerfeldt ; A. Schirdewan ; J. Kurths
Learning Bayesian-Network Topologies in Realistic Medical Domains / X. Wu ; P.Lucas ; S.Kerr ; R.Dijkhuizen
Author Index
Medical Analysis and Diagnosis by Neural Networks / R. W. Brause
On Applying Supervised Classification Techniques in Medicine / B. Sierra ; I. Inza ; P. Larrañaga
Methods and Criteria for Detecting Significant Regions in Medical Image Analysis / J. Crespo ; H. Billhardt ; J. Rodríguez-Pedrosa ; J. A. Sanandres


Nicos Maglaveras ... [et al.] (eds.)
出版情報: Berlin : Springer, c2006  xiii, 496 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Lecture notes in computer science ; 4345 . Lecture notes in bioinformatics
所蔵情報: loading…


José M. Barreiro ... [et al.] (eds.)
出版情報: Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer, c2004  xi, 508 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Lecture notes in computer science ; 3337
所蔵情報: loading…


José Luis Oliveira ... [et al.] (eds.)
出版情報: Berlin : Springer, c2005  xii, 402 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Lecture notes in computer science ; 3745 . Lecture notes in bioinformatics
所蔵情報: loading…


International Symposium on Medical Data Analysis, Alfredo Colosimo, Alessandro Giuliani, Paolo Sirabella
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Data Mining and Decision Support Systems
Knowledge Discovery Using Medical Data Mining / F. Alonso ; Á. López-Illescas ; L. Mart'inez ; C. Montes ; J.P. Valente
Analysis of Stationary Periods of Heart Rate via Symbolic Dynamics / C. Cammarota ; G. Guarini ; M. Ambrosini
Microcalcification Detection Using a Kernel Bayes Classifier / B. Caputo ; E. La Torre ; G.E. Gigante
The Use of Classification Trees for Analysis of Kidney Images in Computer Assisted Microscopy / E. Kaczmarek ; E. Nieruchalska ; M. Michalak ; A. Wozniak ; W. Salwa-Zurawska
A Neuro-fuzzy Based Alarm System for Septic Shock Patients with a Comparison to Medical Scores / J. Paetz ; B. Arlt
Determination of Functional Relationships for Continuous Variables by Using a Multivariable Fractional Polynomial Approach / W. Sauerbrei ; P. Royston
Medical Informatics and Modeling
Nonlinear Oscillation Models for Spike Separation / T.I. Aksenova ; O.K. Chibirova ; A.-L. Benabid ; A.E.P. Villa
Modeling Glucose-Insulin Behavior in Ill Patients (DM Type 2) / G. Baratta ; F. Barcellona ; G. Lucidi ; A.M. Bersani
ECG Acquisition and Management System for Knowledge Discovery in Database: Data Modeling, Design, and Implementation / Y. Cho ; H. Kim ; M.-j. Jeon ; D. Kang ; H. Choi ; J.-m. Lee ; I.-y. Kim ; S.I. Kim
The Conceptual Basis of WITH a Collaborative Writer System of Clinical Trials / P. Fazi ; D. Luzi ; F.L. Ricci ; M. Vignetti
Problems of the Model Choice in Classes of Mendelian Inheritance Models / B. Jäger ; K.-E. Biebler
Computational Modeling of the Cardiovascular System After Fontan Procedure / E.B. Shim ; C.H. Youn ; T. Heldt ; R.D. Kamm ; R.G. Mark
Time-Series Analysis
Short- and Long-Term Statistical Properties of Heartbeat Time-Series in Healthy and Pathological Subjects / P. Allegrini ; R. Balocchi ; S. Chillemi ; P. Grigolini ; L. Palatella ; G. Raffaelli
An Index of Organization of the Right Atrium During Atrial Fibrillation: Effects of Internal Cardioversion / V. Barbaro ; P. Bartolini ; G. Calcagnini ; F. Censi ; A. Michelucci ; S. Poli
Morphological Analysis of ECG Holter Recordings by Support Vector Machines / S. Jankowski ; J. Tijink ; G. Vumbaca ; M. Balsi ; G. Karpinski
Monitoring of Sleep Apnea in Children Using Pulse Transit Time / J. Pagani ; M.P. Villa ; E. Lombardozzi ; R. Ronchetti
Linear and Nonlinear Evaluation of Ventricular Arrhythmias / J.P. Zbilut ; P.A. Santucci ; S.-Y. Yang ; J.L. Podolski
Invariant and Subject-Dependent Features of Otoacoustic Emissions / G. Zimatore ; A. Giuliani ; S. Hatzopoulos ; A. Martini ; A. Colosimo
Medical Imaging
Short Term Evaluation of Brain Activities in fMRI Data by Spatiotemporal Independent Component Analysis / V. Cimagalli ; G. Cruccu ; G.D. Iannetti ; A. Londei ; P.L. Romanelli
Implementation of an IT System for the Support of a Hospital Infection Surveillance System / M. Behnke ; T. Eckmanns ; H. Rüden
An Artificial Neural Network for 3D Localization of Brainstem Functional Lesions / M. Capozza ; J.J. Marx ; N. Accornero
Dependent Rendering: Visualizing Multiple Properties of an Objects / S. Löbbert ; S. Märkle
Automatic Detection of Microaneursyms in Color Fundus Images of the Human Retina by Means of the Bounding Box Closing / T. Walter ; J.-C. Klein
Author Index
Data Mining and Decision Support Systems
Knowledge Discovery Using Medical Data Mining / F. Alonso ; Á. López-Illescas ; L. Mart'inez ; C. Montes ; J.P. Valente
Analysis of Stationary Periods of Heart Rate via Symbolic Dynamics / C. Cammarota ; G. Guarini ; M. Ambrosini


International Symposium on Medical Data Analysis, Rüdiger W. Brause, Hermann-Georg Holzhütter, Petra Perner
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003
所蔵情報: loading…


International Symposium on Medical Data Analysis, Jose Crespo, Victor Maojo, Fernando Martin
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Medical Analysis and Diagnosis by Neural Networks / R. W. Brause
On Applying Supervised Classification Techniques in Medicine / B. Sierra ; I. Inza ; P. Larrañaga
Methods and Criteria for Detecting Significant Regions in Medical Image Analysis / J. Crespo ; H. Billhardt ; J. Rodríguez-Pedrosa ; J. A. Sanandres
Using Bayesian Networks to Model Emergency Medical Services / S. Acid ; Campos ; S. Rodríguez ; J. M. Rodriguez ; J.L.Salcedo
Analysis of Strength Data Based on Expert Knowledge / F. Alonso ; Á. López-Illescas ; L. Martínez ; C.Montes ; J.P.Valente
A Computational Environment for Medical Diagnosis Support Systems / V. Alves ; J. Neves ; M. Maia ; L. Nelas
Automatic Detection of Regions of Interest in Digitized Mammograms for Computer-Aided Diagnosis / J. M. Barreiro ; A. Carrascal ; D. Manrique ; J. Ríos ; A. Vilarrasa
A New Method for Unifying Heterogeneous Databases / V. Maojo ; F. Martin ; J. L. Maté
Fatigue Indicators of Drowsy Drivers Based on Analysis of Physiological Signals / R. Bittner ; P.Smrcka ; M. Pavelka ; P. Vysoky ; L. Pousek
Secure and Interoperable Document Management over the Internet - The Generic HARP Cross-Security Platform for Clinical Studies / B. Blobel ; G.Stassinopoulos ; P. Hoepner
A Generalized Uncertainty Function and Fuzzy Modeling / A. Bolotin
Special Time Series Models for Analysis of Mortality Data / M. Fazekas
Knowledge Organisation in a Neonatal Jaundice Decision Support System / J. A. Fernández del Pozo ; C. Bielza ; M. Gómez
Quasi-Fourier Modeling for Individual and Count Outcomes / M. Friger ; Y. Novack ; U. Ranft
An Anatomical and Functional Model for the Study of Cortical Functions / A. J. García de Linares ; L. de la Peña Fernáindez
Predicting the Level of Metabolic Control Using Collaborative Filtering / M. Grabert ; R. W. Holl ; U. Krause ; I. Melzer ; F. Schweiggert
Web-Enabled Knowledge-Based Analysis of Genetic Data / P. Juvan ; B. Zupan ; J. Demsar ; I. Bratko ; J. A. Halter ; A. Kuspa ; G. Shaulsky
Fuzzy Sets Applied to Image Processing and Quantification of Interstitial Fibrosis and Glomerular Size in Computer Assisted Microscopy / E. Kaczmarek ; A. Wozniak ; W. Salwa-Zurawska
Cancer Epidemiology of Small Communities: Usinga NovelApproach toDetecting Clusters / E. Kordysh ; M. Barchana ; R. Chen
Hybrid Pattern Recognition Algorithms with the Statistical Model Applied to the Computer-Aided Medical Diagnosis / M. Kurzynski ; E. Puchala ; J. Sas
Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Application of Wavelet Transform to the Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms / M. J. Lado ; A. J. Mendez ; P. G. Tahoces ; M. Souto ; J. J. Vidal
A Methodology for Constructing Expert Systems for Medical Diagnosis / L. M. Laita ; G. Gonziález-Páiez ; E. Roanes-Lozano ; L. de Ledesma ; L. Laita
An Expert System for Microbiological Data Validation and Surveillance / E. Lamma ; P. Mello ; A. Nanetti ; G. Poli ; F. Riguzzi ; S. Storari
Hierarchical Clustering of Female Urinary Incontinence Data Having Noise and Outliers / J. Laurikkala ; M. Juhola
ACMD: A Practical Tool for Automatic Neural Net Based Learning / R. Linder ; S. J. Pöppl
Development of a Mammographic Analysis System Using Computer Vision Techniques / J. Martí ; P. Planiol ; J. Freixenet ; J. Espanol ; E. Golobardes
Improvement of a Mammographic CAD System for Mass Detection / A. J. Méndez ; C. Varela
Classification of Gene Expression Data in an Ontology / H. Midelfart ; A. Ldsgreid ; J. Komorowski
Feature Selection Algorithms Applied to Parkinson's Disease / M. Navío ; J. J. Aguilera ; M. J. del Jesus ; R. González ; F. Herrera ; C. Iríbar
A New Model for AIDS Survival Analysis / J. Orbe ; E.Ferreira ; V.N'uñez-Antón
A Frequent Patterns Tree Approach for Rule Generation with Categorical Septic ShockPatient Data / J. Paetz ; R. Brause
Analysis of Medical Diagnostic Images via the Implementation and Access to a Safe DICOM PACS with a Web Interface: Analysis of Contrast-Enhanced CT Imaging of Oral andOropharyngealCarcinomas / J. Pereira ; A. Lamelo ; J.M.Váizquez-Naya ; M. Fernáindez ; J. Dorado ; A. Santos ; J. Teijeiro ; A. Pazos
Classification of HEp-2 Cells Using Fluorescent Image Analysis and Data Mining / P. Perner
MultitaskPattern Recognition Algorithm for the Medical Decision Support System
The Analysis of Hospital Episodes / D. Riaño ; S. Prado
ElectroshockEffects Identification Using Classification Based on Rules / J. Rodas ; K.Gibert ; J.E.Rojo
Advanced Visualization of 3D Data of Intravascular Ultrasound Images / D. Rotger ; C.Cañero ; P. Radeva ; J. Mauri ; E. Fernandez ; A. Tovar ; V. Valle
Investigations on Stability and Overoptimism of Classification Trees by Using Cross-Validation / W. Sauerbrei
A Case-Based Approach for the Classification of Medical Time Series / A. Schlaefer ; K. Schröter ; L. Fritsche
Binary Vector or Real Value Coding for Secondary Structure Prediction? A Case Study of Polyproline Type II Prediction / M. Siermala ; M. Vihinen
Notes on Medical Decision Model Creation / M. Sprogar ; P. Kokol ; M. Zorman ; V. Podgorelec ; L. Lhotska ; J. Klema
Refining the Knowledge Base of an Otoneurological Expert System / K. Viikki
Segmentation of Color Fundus Images of the Human Retina: Detection of the Optic Disc and the Vascular Tree Using Morphological Techniques / T. Walter ; J.-C. Klein
Learning Structural Knowledge from the ECG / F. Wang ; R. Quiniou ; G. Carrault ; M.-O. Cordier
Recurrence Quantification Analysis to Characterise the Heart Rate Variability before the Onset of Ventricular Tachycardia / N. Wessel ; N. Marwan ; U. Meyerfeldt ; A. Schirdewan ; J. Kurths
Learning Bayesian-Network Topologies in Realistic Medical Domains / X. Wu ; P.Lucas ; S.Kerr ; R.Dijkhuizen
Author Index
Medical Analysis and Diagnosis by Neural Networks / R. W. Brause
On Applying Supervised Classification Techniques in Medicine / B. Sierra ; I. Inza ; P. Larrañaga
Methods and Criteria for Detecting Significant Regions in Medical Image Analysis / J. Crespo ; H. Billhardt ; J. Rodríguez-Pedrosa ; J. A. Sanandres