

Max Viergever, Mongi A. Abidi, Gunilla Borgefors, Andreas Koschan, Marc Pollefeys
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Netherlands, 2007
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Contributing Authors
Biometrics / Part I:
3D Assisted Face Recognition: A Survey / M. Hamouz ; J. R. Tena ; J. Kittler ; A. Hilton ; J. Illingworth
A Survey on 3D Modeling of Human Faces for Face Recognition / S. Huq ; B. Abidi ; S. G. Kong ; M. Abidi
Automatic 3D Face Registration without Initialization / A. Koschan ; V. R. Ayyagari ; F. Boughorbel ; M. A. Abidi
A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for 3D Face Recognition: Using Geometric Face Modeling and Labeling / Y. Sun ; L. Yin
Story of Cinderella: Biometrics and Isometry-Invariant Distances / A. M. Bronstein ; M. M. Bronstein ; R. Kimmel
Human Ear Detection from 3D Side Face Range Images / H. Chen ; B. Bhanu
Safety and Security Applications / Part II:
Synthetic Aperture Focusing Using Dense Camera Arrays / V. Vaish ; G. Garg ; E.-V. Talvala ; E. Antunez ; B. Wilburn ; M. Horowitz ; M. Levoy
Dynamic Pushbroom Stereo Vision: Dynamic Pushbroom Stereo Vision for Surveillance and Inspection / Z. Zhu ; G. Wolberg ; J. R. Layne
3D Modeling of Indoor Environments for a Robotic Security Guard / P. Biber ; S. Fleck ; T. Duckett ; M. Wand
3D Site Modelling and Verification: Usage of 3D Laser Techniques for Verification of Plant Design for Nuclear Security Applications / V. Sequeira ; G. Bostrom ; J.G.M. Goncalves
Under Vehicle Inspection with 3D Imaging: Safety and Security for Check-Point and Gate-Entry Inspections / S. R. Sukumar ; D. L. Page ; A. F. Koschan
Colour Plate Section
Contributing Authors
Biometrics / Part I:


Max Viergever, Mongi A. Abidi, Gunilla Borgefors, Andreas Koschan, Marc Pollefeys, Mongi Abidi
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer Netherlands, 2007
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Contributing Authors
Biometrics / Part I:
3D Assisted Face Recognition: A Survey / M. Hamouz ; J. R. Tena ; J. Kittler ; A. Hilton ; J. Illingworth
A Survey on 3D Modeling of Human Faces for Face Recognition / S. Huq ; B. Abidi ; S. G. Kong ; M. Abidi
Automatic 3D Face Registration without Initialization / A. Koschan ; V. R. Ayyagari ; F. Boughorbel ; M. A. Abidi
A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for 3D Face Recognition: Using Geometric Face Modeling and Labeling / Y. Sun ; L. Yin
Story of Cinderella: Biometrics and Isometry-Invariant Distances / A. M. Bronstein ; M. M. Bronstein ; R. Kimmel
Human Ear Detection from 3D Side Face Range Images / H. Chen ; B. Bhanu
Safety and Security Applications / Part II:
Synthetic Aperture Focusing Using Dense Camera Arrays / V. Vaish ; G. Garg ; E.-V. Talvala ; E. Antunez ; B. Wilburn ; M. Horowitz ; M. Levoy
Dynamic Pushbroom Stereo Vision: Dynamic Pushbroom Stereo Vision for Surveillance and Inspection / Z. Zhu ; G. Wolberg ; J. R. Layne
3D Modeling of Indoor Environments for a Robotic Security Guard / P. Biber ; S. Fleck ; T. Duckett ; M. Wand
3D Site Modelling and Verification: Usage of 3D Laser Techniques for Verification of Plant Design for Nuclear Security Applications / V. Sequeira ; G. Bostrom ; J.G.M. Goncalves
Under Vehicle Inspection with 3D Imaging: Safety and Security for Check-Point and Gate-Entry Inspections / S. R. Sukumar ; D. L. Page ; A. F. Koschan
Colour Plate Section
Contributing Authors
Biometrics / Part I:


European Workshop on 3D Structure from Multiple Images of Large-Scale Environments, Marc Pollefeys
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Invited Presentation
Pursuing Reality with Image-Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting / Paul Debevec
Computations and Algorithms
Frame Decimation for Structure and Motion / David Nistér
Stabilizing Image Mosaicing by Model Selection / Yasushi Kanazawa ; Kenichi Kanatani
On Computing Metric Upgrades of Projective Reconstructions under the Rectangular Pixel Assumption / Jean Ponce
A Progressive Scheme for Stereo Matching / Zhengyou Zhang ; Ying Shan
Panel Session on Computations and Algorithms / BillTriggs
Visual Scene Representations
Rendering with Non-uniform Approximate Concentric Mosaics / Jinxiang Chai ; Sing Bing Kang ; Heung-Yeung Shum
Volumetric Warping for Voxel Coloring on an Infinite Domain / Gregory G. Slabaugh ; Thomas Malzbender ; W. Bruce Culbertson
A Compact Model for Viewpoint Dependent Texture Synthesis / Alexey Zalesny ; Luc Van Gool
Augmented Reality Using Uncalibrated Video Sequences / Kurt Cornelis ; Marc Pollefeys ; Maarten Vergauwen
Panel Session on Visual Scene Representation
Extended Environments
Geometry and Texture from Thousands of Images / J.P. Mellor
VideoPlus: A Method for Capturing the Structure and Appearance of Immersive Environments / Camillo J. Taylor
Eyes from Eyes / Patrick Baker ; Robert Pless ; Cornelia Fermüller ; Yiannis Aloimonos
Sequential Localisation and Map-Building in Computer Vision and Robotics / Andrew J. Davison ; Nobuyuki Kita
Panel Session on Extended Environments / Tomas Pajdla ; Tomas Brodsky
Author Index
Invited Presentation
Pursuing Reality with Image-Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting / Paul Debevec
Computations and Algorithms


David Hutchison, Takeo Kanade, Jan-Michael Frahm, Laura Leal-Taixé, Marc Pollefeys, Bodo Rosenhahn
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012
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