

Ana Pont, Guy Pujolle, S. V. Raghavan
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
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目次情報: 続きを見る
WCITD 2010
Preface / Ana Pont
Semantic Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks / Atslands Rego da Rocha ; Igor Leão dos Santos ; Luci Pirmez ; Flávia C. Delicato ; Danielo G. Gomes ; José Neuman de Souza
Wireless Mesh Networks for Infrastructure Deficient Areas / Laurie Butgereit ; Reinhardt A. Botha ; Roman Seibel ; Nils-Hendrik Klann ; Tim Waage ; Dieter Hogrefe
Establishing Low Cost Aquatic Monitoring Networks for Developing Countries / Jarrod Trevathan ; Ian Atkinson ; Wayne Read ; Ron Johnstone ; Nigel Bajema ; James McGeachin
Infrastructure and Business Model for Universal Broadband Access in Developing Regions: The Ceara State Digital Belt / Cid F. Gomes ; Fernando C. Gomes ; Marcial P. Fernandez
ICT Driven Knowledge Management in Developing Countries: A Case Study in a Chinese Organisation / Jin Tong ; Siraj A. Shaikh
Technical ICTD-A User Centered Lifecycle / Joerg Doerflinger ; Tom Gross
NF 2010
An Introduction to the Network of the Future / Guy Pujolle ; S. V. Raghavan
Future Internet Is by Ethernet / Marko Luoma ; Raimo Kantola ; Jukka Manner
On the Way to a Theory for Network Architectures / Thi-Mai-Trang Nguyen
Green Network Planning Model for Optical Backbones / Jose Gutierrez ; Tahir Riaz ; Michael Jensen ; Jens M. Pedersen ; Ole B. Madsen
Internet Sensor Grid: Experiences with Passive and Active Instruments / Peter Komisarczuk ; Ian Welch
Data-Driven MAC for Efficient Transmission of Spatially Correlated Data in WSNs / Nahdia Tabassum ; Guojun Lu
Leveraging Trusted Network Connect for Secure Connection of Mobile Devices to Corporate Networks / Kai-Oliver Detken ; Hervais Simo Fhom ; Richard Sethmann ; Günther Diederich
Open Flow and Xen-Based Virtual Network Migration / Pedro S. Pisa ; Natalia C. Fernandes ; Hugo E.T. Carvalho ; Marcelo D.D. Moreira ; Miguel Elias M. Campista ; Luís Henrique M.K. Costa ; Otto Carlos M.B. Duarte
Virtual Network Urbanization / Othmen Braham ; Ahmed Amamou
New Routing Paradigms for the Next Internet / Djame H. Sadok ; Luciana Pereira Oliveira ; Judith Kelner
End-to-End Performance Evaluation of Interconnected Optical Multi-ring Metropolitan Networks / Tülin Atmaca ; Tuan Dung Nguyen
A Relative Bandwidth Allocation Method Enabling Fast Convergence in XCP / Hanh Le Hieu ; Kenji Masui ; Katsuyoshi Iida
On the Interest of Introducing Randomness in Ad-Word Auctions / Patrick Maillé ; Bruno Tuffin
The Role and Future Challenges of Wireless Communication Networks for Cooperative Autonomous City Vehicles / Andrei Furda ; Laurent Bouraoui ; Michel Parent ; Ljubo Vlacic
Performance Analysis of User-Centric Network Selection and Network-Centric Resource Allocation Approaches in Wireless Networks / Sahin Albayrak ; Manzoor A. Khan ; Fikret Sivrikaya ; Ahmet C. Toker ; Cuong Troung
Author Index
WCITD 2010
Preface / Ana Pont
Semantic Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks / Atslands Rego da Rocha ; Igor Leão dos Santos ; Luci Pirmez ; Flávia C. Delicato ; Danielo G. Gomes ; José Neuman de Souza


Jordi Domingo-Pascual, Takeo Kanade, Pietro Manzoni, Sergio Palazzo, Ana Pont, Caterina Scoglio
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Anomaly Detection
BotTrack: Tracking Botnets Using NetFlow and PageRank / Jerome François ; Shaonan Wang ; Radu State ; Thomas Engel
Learning Entropy / Lele Zhang ; Darryl Veitch
Machine Learning Approach for IP-Flow Record Anomaly Detection / Cynthia Wagner ; Jérôme François
UNADA: Unsupervised Network Anomaly Detection Using Sub-space Outliers Ranking / Pedro Casas ; Johan Mazel ; Philippe Owezarski
Content Management
Efficient Processing of Multi-connection Compressed Web Traffic / Yehuda Afek ; Anat Bremler-Barr ; Yaron Koral
The Resource Efficient Forwarding in the Content Centric Network / Yifan Yu ; Daqing Gu
Modelling and Evaluation of CCN-Caching Trees / Ioannis Psaras ; Richard G ; Clegg ; Raul Landa ; Wei Koong Chai ; George Pavlou
Empirical Evaluation of HTTP Adaptive Streaming under Vehicular Mobility / Jun Yao ; Salil S. Kanhere ; Imran Hossain ; Mahbub Hassan
DTN and Sensor Networks
MAC Layer Support for Delay Tolerant Video Transport in Disruptive MANETs / Morten Lindeberg ; Stein Kristiansen ; Vera Goebel ; Thomas Plagemann
DTN Support for News Dissemination in an Urban Area / Tuan-Minh Pham ; Serge Fdida Stochastic Scheduling for Underwater Sensor Networks ; Dimitri Marinakis ; Kui Wu ; Sue Whitesides
Using SensLAB as a First'Class Scientific Tool for Large Scale Wireless Sensor Network Experiments / Clément Burin des Roziers ; Guillaume Chelius ; Tony Ducrocq ; Eric Fleury ; Antoine Fraboulet ; Antoine Gallais ; Nathalie Mitton ; Thomas Noël|cJulien Vandaele
Energy Efficiency
'Using Coordinated Transmission with Energy Efficient Ethernet / Pedro Reviriego ; Ken Christensen ; Alfonso Sánchez-Macián ; Juan Antonio Maestro
Migration for Reducing the Electricity Bill in the Cloud / Niv Buchbinder ; Navendu Jain ; Ishai Menaehe
Stochastic Traffic Engineering for Live Audio/Video Delivering over Energy-Limited Wireless Access Networks / Nicola Cordeschi ; Tatiana Patriarca ; Enzo Baccarelli
VMFlow: Leveraging VM Mobility to Reduce Network Power Costs in Data Centers / Vijay Mann ; Amnash Kumar ; Partha Dutta ; Shivkumar Kalyanaraman
Mobility Modeling
A Collaborative AAA Architecture to Enable Secure Real-World Network Mobility / Panagiotis Georgopoulos ; Ben McCarthy ; Christopher Edwards
Markov Modulated Bi-variate Gaussian Processes for Mobility Modeling and Location Prediction / Paulo Salvador ; António Nogueira
Mobility Prediction Based Neighborhood Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks / Xu Li ; David Simplot-Ryl
STEPS - An Approach for Human Mobility Modeling / Anh Dung Nguyen ; Patrick Sénac ; Victor Ramiro ; Michel Diaz
Network Science
Epidemic Spread in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Determining the Tipping Point / Nicholas C. Valler ; B, Aditya Prakash ; Hanghang Tong ; Michalis Faloutsos ; Christos Paloutsos
Small Worlds and Rapid Mixing with a Little More Randomness on Random Geometric Graphs / Gunes Ercal
A Random Walk Approach to Modeling the Dynamics of the Blogosphere / Muhammad Zubair Shafiq ; Alex X. Liu
A Nash Bargaining Solution for Cooperative Network Formation Games / Konstantin Avrachenkov ; Jocelyne Elias ; Fabio Martignon ; Giovanni Neglia ; Leon Petrosyan
Network Topology Configuration
Optimal Node Placement in Distributed Wireless Security-Architectures / Stefano Paris ; Antonio Capone
Geographical Location and Load Based Gateway Selection for Optimal Traffic Offload in Mobile Networks / Tarik Taleb ; Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul ; Stefan Schmid
Femtocell Coverage Optimisation Using Statistical Verification / Tiejun Ma ; Peter Pietzuch
Points of Interest Coverage with Connectivity Constraints Using Wireless Mobile Sensors / Milan Erdelj ; Tahiry Razafindralambo
Next Generation Internet
A Deep Dive into the LISP Cache and What ISPs Should Know about It / Juhoon Kim ; Luigi Iannone ; Anja Feldmann
Data Plane Optimization in Open Virtual Routers / Muhammad Siraj Rathore ; Markus Hidell ; Peter Sjödin
Performance Comparison of Hardware Visualization Platforms / Daniel Schlosser ; Michael Duelli ; Sebastian Goll
A Novel Scalable IPv6 Lookup Scheme Using Compressed Pipelined Tries / Michel Hanna ; Sangyeun Cho ; Rami Melkem
Path Diversity
BGP: An Overlay for a Scalable iBGP Control Plane / luniana Oprescu ; Michaël Meulle ; Steve Uhlig ; Cristel Pelsser ; Olaf Maennel
Scalability of iBGP Path Diversity Concepts / Uli Bornhauser ; Peter Martini ; Martin Horneffer
MultiPath TCP: From Theory to Practice / Sébastien Barré ; Chrisioph Paasch ; Olivier Bonaventure
Stealthier Inter-packet Timing Covert Channels / Sebastian Zander ; Grenville Armitage ; Philip Branch
Author Index
Anomaly Detection
BotTrack: Tracking Botnets Using NetFlow and PageRank / Jerome François ; Shaonan Wang ; Radu State ; Thomas Engel
Learning Entropy / Lele Zhang ; Darryl Veitch


Jordi Domingo-Pascual, Takeo Kanade, Pietro Manzoni, Sergio Palazzo, Ana Pont, Caterina Scoglio
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
UDP NAT and Firewall Puncturing in the Wild / Gertjan Halkes ; Johan Pouwelse
Enhancing Peer-to-Peer Traffic Locality through Selective Tracker Blocking / Haiyang Wang ; Feng Wang ; Jiangchuan Liu
Defending against Sybil Nodes in BitTorrent / Jung Ki So ; Douglas S. Reeves
Traffic Localization for DHT-Based BitTorrent Networks / Matteo Varvello ; Moritz Steiner
BGP and Inter-AS Economic Relationships / Enrico Gregori ; Alessandro Improta ; Luciano Lenzini ; Lorenzo Rossi ; Luca Sani
Network Non-neutrality Debate: An Economic Analysis / Eitan Altman ; Arnaud Legout ; Yuedong Xu
Strategyproof Mechanisms for Content Delivery via Layered Multicast / Ajay Gopinathan ; Zongpeng Li
A Flexible Auction Model for Virtual Private Networks / Kamil Koitys ; Krzysztof Pieńkosz ; Eugeniusz Toczyhwski
Resource Allocation
Collaboration between ISPs for Efficient Overlay Traffic Management / Eleni Agiatzidou ; George D. Stamoulis
Optimal Joint Call Admission Control with Vertical Handoff on Heterogeneous Networks / Diego Pacheco-Paramo ; Vicent Pla ; Vicente Casares-Giner ; Jorge Martinez-Bauset
Balancing by PREFLEX: Congestion Aware Traffic Engineering / João Taveira Araújo ; Richard Clegg ; Imad Grandi ; Miguel Rio ; George Pavlou
EFD: An Efficient Low-Overhead Scheduler / Jinbang Chen ; Martin Heusse ; Guillaume Urvoy-Keller
Resource Allocation Radio
Flexible Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks Based on Game-Theoretical Mechanism Design / José R. Vidal ; Luis Guijarro
Channel Assignment and Access Protocols for Spectrum-Agile Networks with Single-Transceiver Radios / Haythem Bany Salameh ; Marwan Krunz
The Problem of Sensing Unused Cellular Spectrum / Daniel Willkomra ; Sridhar Machiraju ; Jean Bolot ; Adam Wolisz
Adaptive Transmission of Variable-Bit-Rate Video Streams to Mobile Devices / Fa-rid Molazem Tabrizi ; Joseph Peters ; Mohamed Hefeeda
Resource Allocation Wireless
Multiscale Fairness and Its Application to Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks / Konstantin Avrachenkov ; Sreenath Ramanath
Fast-Converging Scheduling and Routing Algorithms for WiMAX Mesh Networks / Salim Nahle ; Naceur Malouch
OFDMA Downlink Burst Allocation Mechanism for IEEE 802.16e Networks / Juan I. del-Castillo ; Francisco M. Delicado ; Jose M. Villalón
Adaptive On-The-Go Scheduling for End-to-End Delay Control in TDMA-Rased Wireless Mesh Networks / Yung Cheng Tu ; Meng Chang Chen ; Yeali S. Sun
Social Networks
SMS: Collaborative (Streaming in Mobile Social Networks / Chenguang Kong ; Chuan Wu ; Victor O.K. Li
Assessing the Effects of a Soft Cut-Off in the Twitter Social Network / Saptarshi Ghosh ; Ajitesh Srivastava ; Niloy Ganguly
Characterising Aggregate Inter-contact Times in Heterogeneous Opportunistic Networks / Andrea Passarella ; Marco Conti
Are Friends Overrated? A Study for the Social Aggregator Digg.corn / Christian Doerr ; Siyu Tang ; Norbert Blenn ; Piet Van Mieghem
Revisiting TCP Congestion Control Using Delay Gradients / David A. Hayes ; Grenville Armitage
NF-TCP: A Network Friendly TCP Variant for Background Delay-Insensitive Applications / Mayutan Arumaithurai ; Xiaoming Pit ; K.K. Ramakrishnan
Impact of Queueing Delay Estimation Error on Equilibrium and Its Stability / Corentin Briat ; Emre A. Yavuz ; Gunnar Karlssan
On the Uplink Performance of TCP in Multi-rate 802.11 WLANs / Naeem Khademi ; Michael Welzl ; Renato Lo Cigno
Author Index
UDP NAT and Firewall Puncturing in the Wild / Gertjan Halkes ; Johan Pouwelse
Enhancing Peer-to-Peer Traffic Locality through Selective Tracker Blocking / Haiyang Wang ; Feng Wang ; Jiangchuan Liu


Vicente Casares-Giner, Takeo Kanade, Pietro Manzoni, Ana Pont
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011
所蔵情報: loading…


Francisco J.;Pont, Ana Mata, Ana Pont
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2016
所蔵情報: loading…


Ana Pont, Guy Pujolle, S. V. Raghavan
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
WCITD 2010
Preface / Ana Pont
Semantic Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks / Atslands Rego da Rocha ; Igor Leão dos Santos ; Luci Pirmez ; Flávia C. Delicato ; Danielo G. Gomes ; José Neuman de Souza
Wireless Mesh Networks for Infrastructure Deficient Areas / Laurie Butgereit ; Reinhardt A. Botha ; Roman Seibel ; Nils-Hendrik Klann ; Tim Waage ; Dieter Hogrefe
Establishing Low Cost Aquatic Monitoring Networks for Developing Countries / Jarrod Trevathan ; Ian Atkinson ; Wayne Read ; Ron Johnstone ; Nigel Bajema ; James McGeachin
Infrastructure and Business Model for Universal Broadband Access in Developing Regions: The Ceara State Digital Belt / Cid F. Gomes ; Fernando C. Gomes ; Marcial P. Fernandez
ICT Driven Knowledge Management in Developing Countries: A Case Study in a Chinese Organisation / Jin Tong ; Siraj A. Shaikh
Technical ICTD-A User Centered Lifecycle / Joerg Doerflinger ; Tom Gross
NF 2010
An Introduction to the Network of the Future / Guy Pujolle ; S. V. Raghavan
Future Internet Is by Ethernet / Marko Luoma ; Raimo Kantola ; Jukka Manner
On the Way to a Theory for Network Architectures / Thi-Mai-Trang Nguyen
Green Network Planning Model for Optical Backbones / Jose Gutierrez ; Tahir Riaz ; Michael Jensen ; Jens M. Pedersen ; Ole B. Madsen
Internet Sensor Grid: Experiences with Passive and Active Instruments / Peter Komisarczuk ; Ian Welch
Data-Driven MAC for Efficient Transmission of Spatially Correlated Data in WSNs / Nahdia Tabassum ; Guojun Lu
Leveraging Trusted Network Connect for Secure Connection of Mobile Devices to Corporate Networks / Kai-Oliver Detken ; Hervais Simo Fhom ; Richard Sethmann ; Günther Diederich
Open Flow and Xen-Based Virtual Network Migration / Pedro S. Pisa ; Natalia C. Fernandes ; Hugo E.T. Carvalho ; Marcelo D.D. Moreira ; Miguel Elias M. Campista ; Luís Henrique M.K. Costa ; Otto Carlos M.B. Duarte
Virtual Network Urbanization / Othmen Braham ; Ahmed Amamou
New Routing Paradigms for the Next Internet / Djame H. Sadok ; Luciana Pereira Oliveira ; Judith Kelner
End-to-End Performance Evaluation of Interconnected Optical Multi-ring Metropolitan Networks / Tülin Atmaca ; Tuan Dung Nguyen
A Relative Bandwidth Allocation Method Enabling Fast Convergence in XCP / Hanh Le Hieu ; Kenji Masui ; Katsuyoshi Iida
On the Interest of Introducing Randomness in Ad-Word Auctions / Patrick Maillé ; Bruno Tuffin
The Role and Future Challenges of Wireless Communication Networks for Cooperative Autonomous City Vehicles / Andrei Furda ; Laurent Bouraoui ; Michel Parent ; Ljubo Vlacic
Performance Analysis of User-Centric Network Selection and Network-Centric Resource Allocation Approaches in Wireless Networks / Sahin Albayrak ; Manzoor A. Khan ; Fikret Sivrikaya ; Ahmet C. Toker ; Cuong Troung
Author Index
WCITD 2010
Preface / Ana Pont
Semantic Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks / Atslands Rego da Rocha ; Igor Leão dos Santos ; Luci Pirmez ; Flávia C. Delicato ; Danielo G. Gomes ; José Neuman de Souza


Francisco J.;Pont, Ana Mata, Ana Pont
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer International Publishing, 2016
所蔵情報: loading…


Jordi Domingo-Pascual, Takeo Kanade, Pietro Manzoni, Sergio Palazzo, Ana Pont, Caterina Scoglio
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Anomaly Detection
BotTrack: Tracking Botnets Using NetFlow and PageRank / Jerome François ; Shaonan Wang ; Radu State ; Thomas Engel
Learning Entropy / Lele Zhang ; Darryl Veitch
Machine Learning Approach for IP-Flow Record Anomaly Detection / Cynthia Wagner ; Jérôme François
UNADA: Unsupervised Network Anomaly Detection Using Sub-space Outliers Ranking / Pedro Casas ; Johan Mazel ; Philippe Owezarski
Content Management
Efficient Processing of Multi-connection Compressed Web Traffic / Yehuda Afek ; Anat Bremler-Barr ; Yaron Koral
The Resource Efficient Forwarding in the Content Centric Network / Yifan Yu ; Daqing Gu
Modelling and Evaluation of CCN-Caching Trees / Ioannis Psaras ; Richard G ; Clegg ; Raul Landa ; Wei Koong Chai ; George Pavlou
Empirical Evaluation of HTTP Adaptive Streaming under Vehicular Mobility / Jun Yao ; Salil S. Kanhere ; Imran Hossain ; Mahbub Hassan
DTN and Sensor Networks
MAC Layer Support for Delay Tolerant Video Transport in Disruptive MANETs / Morten Lindeberg ; Stein Kristiansen ; Vera Goebel ; Thomas Plagemann
DTN Support for News Dissemination in an Urban Area / Tuan-Minh Pham ; Serge Fdida Stochastic Scheduling for Underwater Sensor Networks ; Dimitri Marinakis ; Kui Wu ; Sue Whitesides
Using SensLAB as a First'Class Scientific Tool for Large Scale Wireless Sensor Network Experiments / Clément Burin des Roziers ; Guillaume Chelius ; Tony Ducrocq ; Eric Fleury ; Antoine Fraboulet ; Antoine Gallais ; Nathalie Mitton ; Thomas Noël|cJulien Vandaele
Energy Efficiency
'Using Coordinated Transmission with Energy Efficient Ethernet / Pedro Reviriego ; Ken Christensen ; Alfonso Sánchez-Macián ; Juan Antonio Maestro
Migration for Reducing the Electricity Bill in the Cloud / Niv Buchbinder ; Navendu Jain ; Ishai Menaehe
Stochastic Traffic Engineering for Live Audio/Video Delivering over Energy-Limited Wireless Access Networks / Nicola Cordeschi ; Tatiana Patriarca ; Enzo Baccarelli
VMFlow: Leveraging VM Mobility to Reduce Network Power Costs in Data Centers / Vijay Mann ; Amnash Kumar ; Partha Dutta ; Shivkumar Kalyanaraman
Mobility Modeling
A Collaborative AAA Architecture to Enable Secure Real-World Network Mobility / Panagiotis Georgopoulos ; Ben McCarthy ; Christopher Edwards
Markov Modulated Bi-variate Gaussian Processes for Mobility Modeling and Location Prediction / Paulo Salvador ; António Nogueira
Mobility Prediction Based Neighborhood Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks / Xu Li ; David Simplot-Ryl
STEPS - An Approach for Human Mobility Modeling / Anh Dung Nguyen ; Patrick Sénac ; Victor Ramiro ; Michel Diaz
Network Science
Epidemic Spread in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Determining the Tipping Point / Nicholas C. Valler ; B, Aditya Prakash ; Hanghang Tong ; Michalis Faloutsos ; Christos Paloutsos
Small Worlds and Rapid Mixing with a Little More Randomness on Random Geometric Graphs / Gunes Ercal
A Random Walk Approach to Modeling the Dynamics of the Blogosphere / Muhammad Zubair Shafiq ; Alex X. Liu
A Nash Bargaining Solution for Cooperative Network Formation Games / Konstantin Avrachenkov ; Jocelyne Elias ; Fabio Martignon ; Giovanni Neglia ; Leon Petrosyan
Network Topology Configuration
Optimal Node Placement in Distributed Wireless Security-Architectures / Stefano Paris ; Antonio Capone
Geographical Location and Load Based Gateway Selection for Optimal Traffic Offload in Mobile Networks / Tarik Taleb ; Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul ; Stefan Schmid
Femtocell Coverage Optimisation Using Statistical Verification / Tiejun Ma ; Peter Pietzuch
Points of Interest Coverage with Connectivity Constraints Using Wireless Mobile Sensors / Milan Erdelj ; Tahiry Razafindralambo
Next Generation Internet
A Deep Dive into the LISP Cache and What ISPs Should Know about It / Juhoon Kim ; Luigi Iannone ; Anja Feldmann
Data Plane Optimization in Open Virtual Routers / Muhammad Siraj Rathore ; Markus Hidell ; Peter Sjödin
Performance Comparison of Hardware Visualization Platforms / Daniel Schlosser ; Michael Duelli ; Sebastian Goll
A Novel Scalable IPv6 Lookup Scheme Using Compressed Pipelined Tries / Michel Hanna ; Sangyeun Cho ; Rami Melkem
Path Diversity
BGP: An Overlay for a Scalable iBGP Control Plane / luniana Oprescu ; Michaël Meulle ; Steve Uhlig ; Cristel Pelsser ; Olaf Maennel
Scalability of iBGP Path Diversity Concepts / Uli Bornhauser ; Peter Martini ; Martin Horneffer
MultiPath TCP: From Theory to Practice / Sébastien Barré ; Chrisioph Paasch ; Olivier Bonaventure
Stealthier Inter-packet Timing Covert Channels / Sebastian Zander ; Grenville Armitage ; Philip Branch
Author Index
Anomaly Detection
BotTrack: Tracking Botnets Using NetFlow and PageRank / Jerome François ; Shaonan Wang ; Radu State ; Thomas Engel
Learning Entropy / Lele Zhang ; Darryl Veitch


Jordi Domingo-Pascual, Takeo Kanade, Pietro Manzoni, Sergio Palazzo, Ana Pont, Caterina Scoglio
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
UDP NAT and Firewall Puncturing in the Wild / Gertjan Halkes ; Johan Pouwelse
Enhancing Peer-to-Peer Traffic Locality through Selective Tracker Blocking / Haiyang Wang ; Feng Wang ; Jiangchuan Liu
Defending against Sybil Nodes in BitTorrent / Jung Ki So ; Douglas S. Reeves
Traffic Localization for DHT-Based BitTorrent Networks / Matteo Varvello ; Moritz Steiner
BGP and Inter-AS Economic Relationships / Enrico Gregori ; Alessandro Improta ; Luciano Lenzini ; Lorenzo Rossi ; Luca Sani
Network Non-neutrality Debate: An Economic Analysis / Eitan Altman ; Arnaud Legout ; Yuedong Xu
Strategyproof Mechanisms for Content Delivery via Layered Multicast / Ajay Gopinathan ; Zongpeng Li
A Flexible Auction Model for Virtual Private Networks / Kamil Koitys ; Krzysztof Pieńkosz ; Eugeniusz Toczyhwski
Resource Allocation
Collaboration between ISPs for Efficient Overlay Traffic Management / Eleni Agiatzidou ; George D. Stamoulis
Optimal Joint Call Admission Control with Vertical Handoff on Heterogeneous Networks / Diego Pacheco-Paramo ; Vicent Pla ; Vicente Casares-Giner ; Jorge Martinez-Bauset
Balancing by PREFLEX: Congestion Aware Traffic Engineering / João Taveira Araújo ; Richard Clegg ; Imad Grandi ; Miguel Rio ; George Pavlou
EFD: An Efficient Low-Overhead Scheduler / Jinbang Chen ; Martin Heusse ; Guillaume Urvoy-Keller
Resource Allocation Radio
Flexible Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks Based on Game-Theoretical Mechanism Design / José R. Vidal ; Luis Guijarro
Channel Assignment and Access Protocols for Spectrum-Agile Networks with Single-Transceiver Radios / Haythem Bany Salameh ; Marwan Krunz
The Problem of Sensing Unused Cellular Spectrum / Daniel Willkomra ; Sridhar Machiraju ; Jean Bolot ; Adam Wolisz
Adaptive Transmission of Variable-Bit-Rate Video Streams to Mobile Devices / Fa-rid Molazem Tabrizi ; Joseph Peters ; Mohamed Hefeeda
Resource Allocation Wireless
Multiscale Fairness and Its Application to Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks / Konstantin Avrachenkov ; Sreenath Ramanath
Fast-Converging Scheduling and Routing Algorithms for WiMAX Mesh Networks / Salim Nahle ; Naceur Malouch
OFDMA Downlink Burst Allocation Mechanism for IEEE 802.16e Networks / Juan I. del-Castillo ; Francisco M. Delicado ; Jose M. Villalón
Adaptive On-The-Go Scheduling for End-to-End Delay Control in TDMA-Rased Wireless Mesh Networks / Yung Cheng Tu ; Meng Chang Chen ; Yeali S. Sun
Social Networks
SMS: Collaborative (Streaming in Mobile Social Networks / Chenguang Kong ; Chuan Wu ; Victor O.K. Li
Assessing the Effects of a Soft Cut-Off in the Twitter Social Network / Saptarshi Ghosh ; Ajitesh Srivastava ; Niloy Ganguly
Characterising Aggregate Inter-contact Times in Heterogeneous Opportunistic Networks / Andrea Passarella ; Marco Conti
Are Friends Overrated? A Study for the Social Aggregator Digg.corn / Christian Doerr ; Siyu Tang ; Norbert Blenn ; Piet Van Mieghem
Revisiting TCP Congestion Control Using Delay Gradients / David A. Hayes ; Grenville Armitage
NF-TCP: A Network Friendly TCP Variant for Background Delay-Insensitive Applications / Mayutan Arumaithurai ; Xiaoming Pit ; K.K. Ramakrishnan
Impact of Queueing Delay Estimation Error on Equilibrium and Its Stability / Corentin Briat ; Emre A. Yavuz ; Gunnar Karlssan
On the Uplink Performance of TCP in Multi-rate 802.11 WLANs / Naeem Khademi ; Michael Welzl ; Renato Lo Cigno
Author Index
UDP NAT and Firewall Puncturing in the Wild / Gertjan Halkes ; Johan Pouwelse
Enhancing Peer-to-Peer Traffic Locality through Selective Tracker Blocking / Haiyang Wang ; Feng Wang ; Jiangchuan Liu


Vicente Casares-Giner, Takeo Kanade, Pietro Manzoni, Ana Pont
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011
所蔵情報: loading…