

E.マイアー著 ; 養老孟司訳
出版情報: 東京 : 岩波書店, 1994.4  xii, 242, 11p ; 19cm
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エルンスト・マイア [著] ; 八杉貞雄, 新妻昭夫訳
出版情報: 東京 : 東京化学同人, 1994.11  xvi, 545, 60p ; 20cm
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Ernst Mayr
出版情報: Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press, c1982  ix, 974 p. ; 25 cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Introduction: How to write history of biology / 1:
Subjectivity and bias
Why study the history of biology?
The place of biology in the sciences and its conceptual structure / 2:
The nature of science
Method in science
The position of biology within the sciences
How and why is biology different?
Special characteristics of living organisms
Reduction and biology
The conceptual structure of biology
A new philosophy of biology
The changing intellectual milieu of biology / 3:
The Christian world picture
The Renaissance
The discovery of diversity
Biology in the Enlightenment
The rise of science from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century
Divisive developments in the nineteenth century
Biology in the twentieth century
Major periods in the history of biology
Biology and philosophy
Biology today
Diversity of Life / Part I:
Macrotaxonomy, the science of classifying / 4:
The classification of plants by the ancients and the herbalists
Downward classification by logical division
Pre-Linnaean zoologists
Carl Linnaeus
A new start in animal classification
Taxonomic characters
Upward classification by empirical grouping
Transition period (1758-1859)
Hierarchical classifications
Grouping according to common ancestry / 5:
The decline of macrotaxonomic research
Numerical phenetics
The traditional or evolutionary methodology
New taxonomic characters
Facilitation of information retrieval
The study of diversity
Microtaxonomy, the science of species / 6:
Early species concepts
The essentialist species concept
The nominalistic species concept
Darwin's species concept
The rise of the biological species concept
Applying the biological species concept to multidimensional species taxa
The significance of species in biology
Evolution / Part II:
Origins without evolution / 7:
The coming of evolutionism
The French Enlightenment
Evolution before Darwin / 8:
Lyell and uniformitarianism
Charles Darwin / 9:
Darwin and evolution
Alfred Russel Wallace
The publication of the Origin
Darwin's evidence for evolution and common descent / 10:
Common descent and the natural system
Common descent and geographical distribution
Morphology as evidence for evolution and common descent
Embryology as evidence for evolution and common descent
The causation of evolution: natural selection / 11:
The major components of the theory of natural selection
The origin of the concept of natural selection
The impact of the Darwinian revolution
The resistance to natural selection
Alternate evolutionary theories
Diversity and synthesis of evolutionary thought / 12:
The growing split among the evolutionists
Advances in evolutionary genetics
Advances in evolutionary systematics
The evolutionary synthesis
Post-synthesis developments / 13:
Molecular biology
Natural selection
Unresolved issues in natural selection
Modes of speciation
The evolution of man
Evolution in modern thought
Variation and Its Inheritance / Part III:
Early theories and breeding experiments / 14:
Theories of inheritance among the ancients
Mendel's forerunners
Germ cells, vehicles of heredity / 15:
The Schwann-Schleiden cell theory
The meaning of sex and fertilization
Chromosomes and their role
The nature of inheritance / 16:
Darwin and variation
August Weismann
Hugo de Vries
Gregor Mendel
The flowering of Mendelian genetics / 17:
The rediscoverers of Mendel
The classical period of Mendelian genetics
The origin of new variation (mutation)
The emergence of modern genetics
The Sutton-Boveri chromosome theory
Sex determination
Morgan and the fly room
Morgan and the chromosome theory
Theories of the gene / 18:
Competing theories of inheritance
The Mendelian explanation of continuous variation
The chemical basis of inheritance / 19:
The discovery of the double helix
Genetics in modern thought
Epilogue: Toward a science of science / 20:
Scientists and the scientific milieu
The maturation of theories and concepts
Impediments to the maturation of theories and concepts
The sciences and the external milieu
Progress in science
Subjectivity and bias Why study the history of biology?
The nature of science Method in science
Reduction and biology Emergence
The changing intellectual milieu of biology Antiquity
The discovery of diversity Biology in the Enlightenment
Biology and philosophy Biology today
Diversity Of Life
Macrotaxonomy, the science of classifying Aristotle
Pre-Linnaean zoologists Carl Linnaeus Buffon
The decline of macrotaxonomic research Numerical phenetics Cladistics
The nominalistic species concept Darwin's species concept
Evolution before Darwin Lamarck Cuvier England
Lyell and uniformitarianism Germany
Charles Darwin Darwin and evolution
The resistance to natural selection Alternate evolutionary theories
Molecular biology Natural selection
Modes of speciation Macroevolution
The evolution of man Evolution in modern thought
Variation and its Inheritance
Theories of inheritance among the ancients Mendel's forerunners
Introduction: How to write history of biology / 1:
Subjectivity and bias
Why study the history of biology?


edited by Glenn L. Jepsen, Ernst Mayr, George Gaylord Simpson
出版情報: New York : Atheneum, 1963  xiv, 474 p. ; 19cm
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Ernst Mayr
出版情報: Cambridge : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1963  xiv, 797 p. ; 24 cm
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Ernst Mayr, E. Gorton Linsley, Robert L. Usinger
出版情報: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1953  ix, 336 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: McGraw-Hill publications in the zoological sciences
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Ernst Mayr
出版情報: Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1970  xv, 453 p ; 25 cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Evolutionary Biology / 1:
Species Concepts and Their Application / 2:
Morphological Species Characters and Sibling Species / 3:
Biological Properties of Species / 4:
Isolating Mechanisms / 5:
The Breakdown of Isolating Mechanisms (Hybridization) / 6:
The Population, Its Variation and Genetics / 7:
Factors Reducing the Genetic Variation of Populations / 8:
Storage and Protection of Genetic Variation / 9:
The Unity of the Genotype / 10:
Geographic Variation / 11:
The Polytypic Species of the Taxonomist / 12:
The Population Structure of Species / 13:
Kinds of Species / 14:
Multiplication of Species / 15:
Geographic Speciation / 16:
The Genetics of Speciation / 17:
The Ecology of Speciation / 18:
Species and Transpecific Evolution / 19:
Man as a Biological Species / 20:
Evolutionary Biology / 1:
Species Concepts and Their Application / 2:
Morphological Species Characters and Sibling Species / 3:


by Charles Darwin ; with an introduction by Ernst Mayr
出版情報: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, c1964  xxvii, ix, 502 p ; 22 cm
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エルンスト・マイア著 ; 八杉貞雄, 松田学訳
出版情報: 東京 : シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京, 1999.6  xvi, 324p ; 22cm
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