

edited by S. Müller-Stach and C. Peters
出版情報: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004  xix, 290 p., [1] p. of plates ; 23 cm
シリーズ名: London Mathematical Society lecture note series ; 313
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Introductory Material / Part I:
Chow varieties, the Euler-Chow series and the total coordinate ring / J. Elizondo1:
Introduction to Lawson homology / C. Peters ; S. Kosarew2:
Lawson (Co)homology / Part II:
Topological properties of the algebraic cycles functor / P. Lima-Filho3:
Motives and Motivic Cohomology / Part III:
Lectures on motives / J. P. Murre4:
A short introduction to higher Chow groups / P. Elbaz-Vincent5:
Hodge Theoretic Invariants of Cycles / Part IV:
Three lectures on the Hodge conjecture / J. D. Lewis6:
Lectures on Nori's connectivity theorem / J. Nagel7:
Beilinson's Hodge and Tate conjectures / S. Saito8:
Introductory Material / Part I:
Chow varieties, the Euler-Chow series and the total coordinate ring / J. Elizondo1:
Introduction to Lawson homology / C. Peters ; S. Kosarew2:


Ayalvadi Ganesh, Neil O'Connell, Damon Wischik
出版情報: Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer, c2004  xi, 254 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 1838
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Rolf Gohm
出版情報: Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer, c2004  viii, 170 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 1839
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Simon Tavaré, Ofer Zeitouni ; editor, Jean Picard
出版情報: Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer, c2004  314 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 1837
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Simon Tavare: Ancestral Inference in Population Genetics Contents / Part I:
Introduction / 1:
The Wright-Fisher model / 2:
The Ewens Sampling Formula / 3:
The Coalescent / 4:
The Infinitely-many-sites Model / 5:
Estimation in the Infinitely-many-sites Model / 6:
Ancestral Inference in the Infinitely-many-sites Model / 7:
The Age of a Unique Event Polymorphism / 8:
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods / 9:
Recombination / 10:
ABC: Approximate Bayesian Computation / 11:
Afterwords / 12:
Ofer Zeitouni: Random Walks in Random Environment Contents / Part II:
RWRE - d=1
RWRE - d > 1
List of Participants
List of Short Lectures
Simon Tavare: Ancestral Inference in Population Genetics Contents / Part I:
Introduction / 1:
The Wright-Fisher model / 2:


Harry Kesten (editor)
出版情報: Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer, c2004  vi, 351 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences / editor-in-chief, R.V. Gamkrelidze ; v. 110 . Probability theory ; 1
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目次情報: 続きを見る
The Random-Cluster Model / Geoffrey Grimmett
Models of First-Passage Percolation / C. Douglas Howard
Relaxation Times of Markov Chains in Statistical Mechanics and Combinatorial Structures / Fabio Martinelli
Random Walks on Finite Groups / Laurent Saloff-Coste
Introduction / 1:
A Motivating Example: the Assignment Problem / 1.1:
A Stalking Horse: the Partial Matching Problem / 1.2:
Organization of the Survey / 1.3:
Geometric Graphs and Local Weak Convergence / 2:
Geometric Graphs / 2.1:
<$>{\cal G}^\ast<$> as a Metric Space / 2.2:
Local Weak Convergence / 2.3:
The Standard Construction / 2.4:
A Prototype: The Limit of Uniform Random Trees / 2.5:
Maximal Weight Partial Matching on Random Trees / 3:
Weighted Matchings of Graphs in General / 3.1:
Our Case: Random Trees with Random Edge Weights / 3.2:
Two Obvious Guesses: One Right, One Wrong / 3.3:
Not Your Grandfather's Recursion / 3.4:
A Direct and Intuitive Plan / 3.5:
Characterization of the Limit of <$>B(T_n^{small})<$> / 3.6:
Characterization of the Limit of <$>B(T_n^{big})<$> / 3.7:
The Limit Theorem for Maximum Weight Partial Matchings / 3.8:
Closing the Loop: Another Probabilistic Solution of a Fixed-Point Equation / 3.9:
From Coupling to Stability - Thence to Convergence / 3.10:
Looking Back: Perspective on a Case Study / 3.11:
The Mean-Field Model of Distance / 4:
From Poisson Points in <$>{\op R}^{d}<$> to a Simple Distance Model / 4.1:
The Poisson Weighted Infinite Tree - or, the PWIT / 4.2:
The Cut-off Components of a Weighted Graph and a PWIT / 4.3:
The Minimum Spanning Forests of an Infinite Graph / 4.4:
The Average Length Per Vertex of the MSF of a PWIT / 4.5:
The Connection to Frieze's ζ(3) Theorem / 4.6:
Minimal Cost Perfect Matchings / 5:
A Natural Heuristic - Which Fails for a Good Reason / 5.1:
Involution Invariance and the Standard Construction / 5.2:
Involution Invariance and the Convergence of MSTs / 5.3:
A Heuristic That Works by Focusing on the Unknown / 5.4:
A Distributional Identity with a Logistic Solution / 5.5:
A Stochastic Process that Constructs a Matching / 5.6:
Calculation of a Limiting Constant: <$>\pi^{2}/6<$> / 5.7:
Passage from a PWIT Matching to a Kn Matching / 5.8:
Finally - Living Beyond One's Means / 5.9:
Problems in Euclidean Space / 6:
A Motivating Problem / 6.1:
Far Away Places and Their Influence / 6.2:
Euclidean Methods and Some Observations in Passing / 6.3:
Recurrence of Random Walks in Limits of Planar Graphs / 6.4:
Limitations, Challenges, and Perspectives / 7:
Potts and random-cluster processes
Random-cluster measures
Ising and Potts models
Random-cluster and Ising-Potts coupled
The limit as <$>q \downarrow 0<$>
Rank-generating functions
Infinite-volume random-cluster measures
Stochastic ordering
A differential formula
Conditional probabilities
Infinite-volume weak limits
Random-cluster measures on infinite graphs
The case q < 1
Phase transition, the big picture
Infinite open clusters
First- and second-order phase transition
General results in d (≥ 2) dimensions
The subcritical phase, p < pc(q)
The supercritical phase, p > pc(q)
Near the critical point, p ≃ pc(q)
In two dimensions
Graphical duality
Value of the critical point
First-order phase transition
SLE limit when q ≤ 4
On complete graphs and trees
On complete graphs / 7.1:
On trees and non-amenable graphs / 7.2:
Time-evolutions of random-cluster models / 8:
Reversible dynamics / 8.1:
Coupling from the past / 8.2:
Swendsen-Wang dynamics / 8.3:
The Basic Model and Some Fundamental Questions
The Time Constant
The Fundamental Processes of Hammersley and Welsh
About μ
Minimizing Paths
Asymptotic Shape and Shape Fluctuations
Shape Theorems for Standard FPP
About the Asymptotic Shape for Lattice FPP
FPP Based on Poisson Point Processes
Upper Bounds on Shape Fluctuations
Some Related Longitudinal Fluctuation Exponents
Transversal Fluctuations and the Divergence of Shape Fluctuations
Transversal Fluctuation Exponents
Upper Bounds on <$>\xi<$>
Lower Bounds on <$>\chi<$>
Lower Bounds on <$>\xi<$>
Fluctuations for Other Related Models
Infinite Geodesics and Spanning Trees
Semi-Infinite Geodesics and Spanning Trees
Coalescence and Another Spanning Tree in 2 Dimensions
Doubly-Infinite Geodesics
Summary of Some Open Problems
Mixing times for reversible, continuous-time Markov chains
Analytic methods
Tensorization of the Poincaré and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities
Geometric tools
Comparison methods
Coupling methods and block dynamics
Statistical mechanics models in <$>{\op Z}^d<$>
Grand canonical Gibbs measures
Mixing conditions and absence of long-range order
Canonical Gibbs measures for lattice gases
The ferromagnetic Ising and Potts models
FK representation of Potts models
Antiferromagnetic models on an arbitrary graph: Potts and hard-core models
Model with random interactions
Unbounded spin systems
Ground states of certain quantum Heisenberg models as classical Gibbs measures
Glauber dynamics in <$>{\op Z}^d<$>
The dynamics in a finite volume
The dynamics in an infinite volume
Graphical construction
Uniform ergodicity and logarithmic Sobolev constant
Mixing property versus logarithmic Sobolev constant in <$>{\op Z}^d<$>
The auxiliary chain and sweeping out relations method
The renormalization group approach
The martingale method
The recursive analysis
Rapid mixing for unbounded spin systems
Torpid mixing in the phase coexistence region
Torpid mixing for the Ising model in <$>\Lambda \subset {\op Z}^{d}<$> with free boundary conditions
Interface driven mixing inside one phase
Torpid mixing for Potts model in <$>{\op Z}^d<$>
Glauber dynamics for certain random systems in <$>{\op Z}^d<$>
Combination of torpid and rapid mixing: the dilute Ising model
Relaxation to equilibrium for spin glasses
Glauber dynamics for more general structures
Glauber dynamics on trees and hyperbolic graphs
Glauber dynamics for the hard-core model
Cluster algorithms: the Swendsen-Wang dynamics for Potts models
Mixing time for conservative dynamics / 9:
Random transposition, Bernoulli-Laplace and symmetric simple exclusion / 9.1:
The asymmetric simple exclusion / 9.2:
The Kac model for the Boltzmann equation / 9.3:
Adsorbing staircase walks / 9.4:
Kawasaki dynamics for lattice gases / 10:
Diffusive scaling of the mixing time in the one-phase region / 10.1:
Background and Notation / 10.2:
Finite Markov Chains
Invariant Markov Chains on Finite Groups
Shuffling Cards and the Cut-off Phenomenon
Three Examples of Card Shuffling
Exact Computations
The Cut-off Phenomenon
Probabilistic Methods
Strong Stationary Times
Spectrum and Singular Values
General Finite Markov Chains
The Random Walk Case
Lower Bounds
Eigenvalue Bounds Using Paths
Cayley Graphs
The Second Largest Eigenvalue
The Lowest Eigenvalue
Diameter Bounds, Isoperimetry and Expanders
Results Involving Volume Growth Conditions
Moderate Growth
Nilpotent Groups
Nilpotent Groups with many Generators / 7.3:
Representation Theory for Finite Groups
The General Set-up
Abelian Examples
Random Random Walks
Central Measures and Bi-invariant Walks
Characters and Bi-invariance
Random Transposition on the Symmetric Group
Walks Based on Conjugacy Classes of the Symmetric Group
Finite Classical Groups
Fourier Analysis for Non-central Measures / 9.5:
Comparison Techniques
The min-max Characterization of Eigenvalues
Comparing Dirichlet Forms Using Paths
Comparison for Non-symmetric Walks / 10.3:
The Random-Cluster Model / Geoffrey Grimmett
Models of First-Passage Percolation / C. Douglas Howard
Relaxation Times of Markov Chains in Statistical Mechanics and Combinatorial Structures / Fabio Martinelli


Burak Ozbagci, András I. Stipsicz
出版情報: Berlin : Springer , Budapest : János Bolyai Mathematical Society, c2004  281 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Bolyai Society mathematical studies ; 13
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Topological Surgeries
Symplectic 4-Manifolds
Contact 3-Manifolds
Convex Surfaces in Contact 3-Manifolds
Spinc Structures on 3- and 4-Manifolds
Symplectic Surgery
Stein Manifolds
Open Books and Contact Structures
Lefschetz Fibrations on 4-Manifolds
Contact Dehn Surgery
Fillings of Contact 3-Manifolds
Appendix: Seiberg-Witten Invariants
Appendix: Heegaard Floer Theory
Appendix: Mapping Class Groups
Topological Surgeries


B.J. Gardner, R. Wiegandt
出版情報: New York : Marcel Dekker, c2004  xii, 387 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Monographs and textbooks in pure and applied mathematics ; 261
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Interdependence Chart
General Fundamentals / Chapter I.:
Rudiments / 1.1:
Some elementary ring theory / 1.2:
Skew polynomial rings / 1.3:
The General Theory of Radicals / Chapter II.:
Radical classes / 2.1:
Radical constructions / 2.2:
Semisimple classes / 2.3:
Radical Theory for Associative Rings / Chapter III.:
Semisimple classes of associative rings / 3.1:
Hereditary radicals and their semisimple classes / 3.2:
Lower radical constructions / 3.3:
The termination of the Kurosh radical construction / 3.4:
The Sulinski-Anderson-Divinsky problem / 3.5:
Supernilpotent radicals and their semisimple classes / 3.6:
Supernilpotent radicals and weakly special classes / 3.7:
Special radicals / 3.8:
Supplementing and dual radicals / 3.9:
Subidempotent radicals / 3.10:
Hypernilpotent and hypoidempotent radicals / 3.11:
Partition of simple rings, unequivocal rings / 3.12:
Minimally embeddable rings / 3.13:
Modules and radicals / 3.14:
Radicals defined by means of elements / 3.15:
One-sided hereditary radicals and stable radicals / 3.16:
Strong radicals and strict radicals / 3.17:
Normal radicals / 3.18:
A-radicals / 3.19:
Radical semisimple classes / 3.20:
Concrete Radicals and Structure Theorems / Chapter IV.:
The principal nil radicals / 4.1:
Separation of the nil radicals / 4.2:
Coincidence of the nil radicals / 4.3:
The Jacobson radical / 4.4:
Structure theorems for Jacobson semisimple rings / 4.5:
One-sided primitivity and idempotent simple quasi-regular rings / 4.6:
Weakly primitive rings / 4.7:
The Brown-McCoy radical / 4.8:
Radicals of matrices and polynomials / 4.9:
Radicals on artinian rings / 4.10:
Concrete hypernilpotent radicals / 4.11:
Concrete hypoidempotent radicals / 4.12:
Special Features of the General Radical Theory / Chapter V.:
Degeneracy and pathology of nonassociative radical theory / 5.1:
Sufficient condition for a well-behaved radical theory: Terlikowska-Oslowska's approach / 5.2:
Sufficient condition for a well-behaved radical theory: Beidar's approach / 5.3:
On the radical theory of associative rings with involution / 5.4:
On the radical theory of near-rings / 5.5:
List of Symbols
List of Standard Conditions
Author Index
Subject Index
Interdependence Chart
General Fundamentals / Chapter I.:


Fritz Keinert
出版情報: Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, c2004  xii, 275 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Studies in advanced mathematics
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Goro Shimura
出版情報: Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2004  ix, 275 p. ; 27 cm
シリーズ名: Mathematical surveys and monographs ; v. 109
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James Lepowsky, Haisheng Li
出版情報: Boston : Birkhäuser, c2004  xi, 318 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Progress in mathematics ; v. 227
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Formal Calculus
Vertex Operator Algebras: The Axiomatic Basics
Vertex Algebras
Families of Vertex Operator Algebras
Formal Calculus