

Klaus-Jürgen Evert (editor-in-chief)
出版情報: Berlin : Springer, c2010  2 v. ; 27 cm
シリーズ名: Springer reference
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出版情報: [柏] : 麗澤大学出版会 , 柏 : 廣池学園事業部 (発売), 2010.8  5, vi, 389p ; 22cm
シリーズ名: 伊東俊太郎著作集 / 伊東俊太郎著 ; 第12巻
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目次情報: 続きを見る
The medieval Latin translation of the data of Euclid
Biologische Erkenntnis und moderne Physik
Who are precursors of Galileo in his Pisan dynamics? : a criticism of professor Moody's paper
On the origin of Galileo's "Nuove scienze"
On the medieval Latin translation of the data of Euclid
The introduction of Western cosmology in seventeenth century Japan : the case of Christovão Ferreira (1580-1652)
Nishi Amane (1829-1897) and the modernisation of Japan : the Japanisation of scientific terminology
La transformation de l'épistémologie et la notion du lieu (ba, chôra)
Universality in Japanese thought
A framework for comparative study of civilizations
What is civilization? : a new approach
Toward peaceful coexistence in the twenty-first century : beyond the clash of civilizations
On cross-civilizational spheres
The medieval Latin translation of the data of Euclid
Biologische Erkenntnis und moderne Physik
Who are precursors of Galileo in his Pisan dynamics? : a criticism of professor Moody's paper