

Dorin Andrica, Titu Andreescu, Noam Elkies
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Birkhäuser Boston, 2009
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Fundamentals / I:
Divisibility / 1:
Prime Numbers / 1.1:
The Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple / 1.3:
Odd and Even / 1.4:
Modular Arithmetic / 1.5:
Chinese Remainder Theorem / 1.6:
Numerical Systems / 1.7:
Representation of Integers in an Arbitrary Base / 1.7.1:
Divisibility Criteria in the Decimal System / 1.7.2:
Powers of Integers / 2:
Perfect Squares / 2.1:
Perfect Cubes / 2.2:
kth Powers of Integers, k at least 4 / 2.3:
Floor Function and Fractional Part / 3:
General Problems / 3.1:
Floor Function and Integer Points / 3.2:
A Useful Result / 3.3:
Digits of Numbers / 4:
The Last Digits of a Number / 4.1:
The Sum of the Digits of a Number / 4.2:
Other Problems Involving Digits / 4.3:
Basic Principles in Number Theory / 5:
Two Simple Principles / 5.1:
Extremal Arguments / 5.1.1:
The Pigeonhole Principle / 5.1.2:
Mathematical Induction / 5.2:
Infinite Descent / 5.3:
Inclusion-Exclusion / 5.4:
Arithmetic Functions / 6:
Multiplicative Functions / 6.1:
Number of Divisors / 6.2:
Sum of Divisors / 6.3:
Euler's Totient Function / 6.4:
Exponent of a Prime and Legendre's Formula / 6.5:
More on Divisibility / 7:
Congruences Modulo a Prime: Fermat's Little Theorem / 7.1:
Euler's Theorem / 7.2:
The Order of an Element / 7.3:
Wilson's Theorem / 7.4:
Diophantine Equations / 8:
Linear Diophantine Equations / 8.1:
Quadratic Diophantine Equations / 8.2:
The Pythagorean Equation / 8.2.1:
Pell's Equation / 8.2.2:
Other Quadratic Equations / 8.2.3:
Nonstandard Diophantine Equations / 8.3:
Cubic Equations / 8.3.1:
High-Order Polynomial Equations / 8.3.2:
Exponential Diophantine Equations / 8.3.3:
Some Special Problems in Number Theory / 9:
Quadratic Residues; the Legendre Symbol / 9.1:
Special Numbers / 9.2:
Fermat Numbers / 9.2.1:
Mersenne Numbers / 9.2.2:
Perfect Numbers / 9.2.3:
Sequences of Integers / 9.3:
Fibonacci and Lucas Sequences / 9.3.1:
Problems Involving Linear Recursive Relations / 9.3.2:
Nonstandard Sequences of Integers / 9.3.3:
Problems Involving Binomial Coefficients / 10:
Binomial Coefficients / 10.1:
Lucas's and Kummer's Theorems / 10.2:
Miscellaneous Problems / 11:
Solutions to Additional Problems / II:
Pythagorean Equations
Index of Authors
Subject Index


Teodora-Liliana Radulescu, Titu Andreescu, Vicentiu D. Radulescu
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer New York, 2009
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Abbreviations and Notation
Sequences, Series, and Limits / Part I:
Sequences / 1:
Main Definitions and Basic Results / 1.1:
Introductory Problems / 1.2:
Recurrent Sequences / 1.3:
Qualitative Results / 1.4:
Hardy's and Carleman's Inequalities / 1.5:
Independent Study Problems / 1.6:
Series / 2:
Elementary Problems / 2.1:
Convergent and Divergent Series / 2.3:
Infinite Products / 2.4:
Limits of Functions / 2.5:
Computing Limits / 3.1:
Qualitative Properties of Continuous and Differentiable Functions / 3.3:
Continuity / 4:
The Concept of Continuity and Basic Properties / 4.1:
The Intermediate Value Property / 4.2:
Types of Discontinuities / 4.4:
Fixed Points / 4.5:
Functional Equations and Inequalities / 4.6:
Qualitative Properties of Continuous Functions / 4.7:
Differentiability / 4.8:
The Concept of Derivative and Basic Properties / 5.1:
The Main Theorems / 5.2:
The Maximum Principle / 5.4:
Differential Equations and Inequalities / 5.5:
Applications to Convex Functions and Optimization / 5.6:
Convex Functions / 6:
Basic Properties of Convex Functions and Applications / 6.1:
Convexity versus Continuity and Differentiability / 6.3:
Inequalities and Extremum Problems / 6.4:
Basic Tools / 7.1:
Elementary Examples / 7.2:
Jensen, Young, Hölder, Minkowski, and Beyond / 7.3:
Optimization Problems / 7.4:
Antiderivatives, Riemann Integrability, and Applications / 7.5:
Antiderivatives / 8:
Main Definitions and Properties / 8.1:
Existence or Nonexistence of Antiderivatives / 8.2:
Riemann Integrability / 8.4:
Classes of Riemann Integrable Functions / 9.1:
Basic Rules for Computing Integrals / 9.4:
Riemann Iintegrals and Limits / 9.5:
Applications of the Integral Calculus / 9.6:
Overview / 10.1:
Integral Inequalities / 10.2:
Improper Integrals / 10.3:
Integrals and Series / 10.4:
Applications to Geometry / 10.5:
Appendix / 10.6:
Basic Elements of Set Theory / A:
Direct and Inverse Image of a Set / A.1:
Finite, Countable, and Uncountable Sets / A.2:
Topology of the Real Line / B:
Open and Closed Sets / B.1:
Some Distinguished Points / B.2: