

Rhiannon Mason, Alistair Robinson, Emma Coffield
出版情報: Abingdon ; New York : Routledge, c2018  x, 236 p. ; 20 cm
シリーズ名: The basics
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目次情報: 続きを見る
List of illustrations
First principles / 1:
Collecting and collections / 2:
Visitors and audiences / 3:
The business of culture / 4:
Display, interpretation and learning / 5:
Looking forward / 6:
List of illustrations


Jörg Schröder, Doru C. Lupascu, editors
出版情報: Cham : Springer, c2018  vii, 285 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: CISM courses and lectures ; 581
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Sudhangshu Bose
出版情報: Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, c2018  xviii, 398 p. ; 25 cm
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Leonid A. Bulavin, Alexander V. Chalyi, editors
出版情報: Cham : Springer, c2018  xiv, 374 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Springer proceedings in physics ; v. 197
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edited by Marios Soutsos and Peter Domone
出版情報: Boca Raton : CRC press, c2018  xliv, 820 p. ; 26-27 cm
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editors, C.A. Brebbia, J.J. Sendra
出版情報: Southampton : WIT Press, c2018  594 p. ; 27 cm
シリーズ名: WIT transactions on ecology and the environment ; v. 223
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editors, C.A. Brebbia, J.J. Sendra
出版情報: Southampton : WIT Press, c2018  572 p. ; 27 cm
シリーズ名: WIT transactions on ecology and the environment ; v. 224
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出版情報: 東京 : IBCパブリッシング, 2018.1  ix, 117p ; 18cm
シリーズ名: 洋販ラダーシリーズ ; Level 5
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Nicolae Herisanu, Vasile Marinca, editors
出版情報: Cham : Springer, c2018  xiii, 420 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Springer proceedings in physics ; v. 198
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森田正康, カン・アンドリュー・ハシモト著
出版情報: 東京 : クロスメディア・ランゲージ , 東京 : インプレス (発売), 2018.2  237p ; 19cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
1 : 日本のこんなところがおかしい?交通や街並みに関する疑問
2 : 信じられない!?素晴らしすぎるよ日本・日本人
3 What does Itadakimasu : mean?食事に関わる質問
4 : 日本のコレ、英語で説明できますか?
5 日本で働く外国人から聞かれる : ビジネス関連の質問
6 : 日本の情勢や一般常識に関する疑問
7 : ここが変だよ日本人!日本人のこんなところがユニークです
8 : 普段僕らが普通にしていること、彼らにとっては疑問です
9 : 日本語でも説明できないかも?日本の伝統文化
10 どこで知ったか、意外に聞かれます : 日本の迷信・慣習・ルール・マナー
11 : 日本に来て困ったこと
1 : 日本のこんなところがおかしい?交通や街並みに関する疑問
2 : 信じられない!?素晴らしすぎるよ日本・日本人
3 What does Itadakimasu : mean?食事に関わる質問
概要: 外国人と話していると、日本について思いがけないことを尋ねられて返事に詰まってしまうことがよくあります。「なぜマスクをしている人が多いの?」「どうして電車の中で眠っている人が多いの?」など、ふだん日本人同士では話題にする機会のなかったトピック を投げかけられて、うまく答えられず口ごもって会話終了...。たとえ英語が得意な方でも、想定外の質問に対しては慌ててしまいます。本書では、ボランティアガイドが実際に外国人から日本についてよく聞かれる200の質問を紹介。それに対する答え方の例も4つ示します。さあ、あなたなら、なんと答えますか? 続きを見る


清水知子, 大場理恵子, 棚橋明美, 渡邉亜子共著
出版情報: 東京 : Jリサーチ出版, 2018.1  147p ; 26cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
1 入門レベルのカタカナ語をしっかりマスターしよう!N5 : 80語
2 初級レベルのカタカナ語をしっかりマスターしよう!N4 : 130語
3 カテゴリー別で基本カタカナ語をどんどん覚えよう!N3 : 450語
4 試験に出る基本カタカナ語を完全にマスターしよう!N3〜N5 : 660語
実戦問題 : 語彙/情報検索
1 入門レベルのカタカナ語をしっかりマスターしよう!N5 : 80語
2 初級レベルのカタカナ語をしっかりマスターしよう!N4 : 130語
3 カテゴリー別で基本カタカナ語をどんどん覚えよう!N3 : 450語
概要: N3〜N5の試験に出るカタカナ語をマスター。英・中・韓・ベトナム語の部分訳付き。


Kurt Faber
出版情報: Cham : Springer, c2018  xi, 434 p. ; 25 cm
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Guillaume Baffou
出版情報: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018  xv, 291 p. ; 26 cm
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[国際連合編] ; GHS関係省庁連絡会議仮訳
出版情報: 東京 : 化学工業日報社, 2018.1  xiii, 965p ; 26cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1部 序 : GHSの目的、範囲および適用
定義および略語 ほか
第2部 物理化学的危険性 : 爆発物
可燃性ガス ほか
第3部 健康に対する有害性 : 急性毒性
皮膚腐食性/刺激性 ほか
第4部 環境に対する有害性 : 水生環境有害性
第1部 序 : GHSの目的、範囲および適用
定義および略語 ほか
第2部 物理化学的危険性 : 爆発物


Niccolò Guicciardini
出版情報: London : Reaktion Books, 2018  268 p. ; 23 cm
シリーズ名: Renaissance lives / series editor, François Quiviger
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Stephenson Conference Research for Railways ; Institution of Mechanical Engineers
出版情報: London : Institution of Mechanical Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018, c2015  852 p. ; 28 cm
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Vehicle Thermal Management Systems Conference ; Institution of Mechanical Engineers
出版情報: London : Institution of Mechanical Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018, c2015  531 p. ; 28 cm
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International Conference on Turbocharging and Turbochargers ; 三菱重工業株式会社 ; Institution of Mechanical Engineers
出版情報: London : Institution of Mechanical Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018, c2016  446 p ; 28 cm
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International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology ; BHR Group, the Fluid Engineering Centre ; BHR Group Limited
出版情報: Bedfordshire : BHR Group, the Fluid Engineering Centre , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018, c2017  594 p. ; 24 cm
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International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants ; 日本原子力学会
出版情報: Tokyo : Atomic Energy Society of Japan , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018, c2017  3 v. (2513 p.) ; 28 cm
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Kenji Suzuki, Yisong Chen, editors
出版情報: Cham : Springer, c2018  xxi, 387 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Intelligent systems reference library ; v. 140
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高橋基治著 ; 竹内絢香挿絵
出版情報: 東京 : コスモピア, 2018.2  175p ; 19cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
1 あいさつの定番表現 : 初対面のあいさつ—I’mやIt’sが入るとフォーマルになる!
調子をたずねる—相手・状況次第でHow are you?も問題なし! ほか
2 返答で使われる表現 : 質問に答えられないとき—I don’t know.はぶっきらぼうで冷たい!
話の内容が理解できないとき—「わかりません」のバリエーション持ってますか? ほか
3 相手に何かをたずねるときの表現 : 電話での受け答え—電話の「どちら様ですか?」はWho are you?じゃない!
相手の名前を聞く—いきなりWhat’s your name?は避けたい! ほか
4 自分の意見・感想を伝えるための表現 : できない旨を伝える—difficult「難しい」は日本語と逆!
意気込みを語る—I’ll do my best.は「全力を尽くします」じゃない! ほか
1 あいさつの定番表現 : 初対面のあいさつ—I’mやIt’sが入るとフォーマルになる!
調子をたずねる—相手・状況次第でHow are you?も問題なし! ほか
2 返答で使われる表現 : 質問に答えられないとき—I don’t know.はぶっきらぼうで冷たい!
概要: 取り上げている決まり文句や表現は全部で180!各表現について、「フォーマル度」と「親密度」の2つの軸で表したチャートを掲載!いつ、誰に対して、どんなふうに言えばいい表現なのかがひと目でわかる!


Jaybee Choi著
出版情報: 東京 : IBCパブリッシング, 2018.2  207p ; 19cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1章 英語克服の第一歩:原理を理解する : 悟りに至るための根本的な問い
日本語と英語の語順は、なぜ違うのか? ほか
第2章 主要文型を通して“アロー・イングリッシュ”を応用する : 私は存在する、ゆえに私の後にbe動詞がある
対象よりもまずは主語の動作 ほか
第3章 英語学習への本当の近道 : 1)(英語の関節、機能語をとらえよ!
前置詞は両側を連結させる“つなぎ役” ほか
第4章 英語勉強への本当の近道 : 2)—円滑な文章拡張法(関係詞を利用した文章拡張法
接続詞を利用した文章拡張法 ほか
第5章 アロー・イングリッシュを完成させよう! : 英語は主語から順次に描く映像だ
写真記事で英語の体質を変える ほか
第1章 英語克服の第一歩:原理を理解する : 悟りに至るための根本的な問い
日本語と英語の語順は、なぜ違うのか? ほか
第2章 主要文型を通して“アロー・イングリッシュ”を応用する : 私は存在する、ゆえに私の後にbe動詞がある
概要: 主語から順に狙いをつけろ!頭から順番通りに理解する力が英会話の的を射る!


J.E. House
出版情報: London : Academic Press, c2018  x, 362 p. ; 23 cm
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editors, Dunwei Wang, Guozhong Cao
出版情報: London : World Scientific, c2018  xiii, 821 p. ; 24 cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
About the Editors
The Principle of Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting / Peiyan Ma ; Dunwei WangChapter 1:
Semiconducting Photocatalysis for Solar Hydrogen Conversion / Shaohua Shen ; Jie ChenChapter 2:
Visible-Tight-Driven Photocatalysis / Qingzhe Zhang ; Yanlong Liu ; Zhenhe Xu ; Yue Zhao ; Mohamed Choker ; Dongling MaChapter 3:
Metal Nitride Nanostructures: Emerging Catalysts for Artificial Photosynthesis / Md Golarn Kibria ; Bandar AlOtaibi ; Zetian MiChapter 4:
Surface Engineering of Semiconductors for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting / Gongming Wang ; Yi Yang ; Yat LiChapter 5:
Photoanodic and Photocathodic Materials Applied for Free-Running Solar Water Splitting Devices / Miao Zhong ; Hiroyuki Kaneko ; Taro Yamada ; Kazunari DomenChapter 6:
Electrocatalytic Processes in Energy Technologies / Yang Huang ; Min Zeng ; Qiufang Gong ; Yanguang LiChapter 7:
Soft X-ray Spectroscopy on Photocatalysis / Yi-Sheng Liu ; Cheng-Hao Chuang ; Jinghua GuoChapter 8:
Photoelectrochemical Tools for the Assessment of Energy Conversion Devices / Isaac Herraiz-Cardona ; Sixto GimenezChapter 9:
Fundamentals of Rechargeable Batteries and Electrochemical Potentials of Electrode Materials / Chaofeng Liu ; Guozhong CaoChapter 10:
Revitalized Interest in Vanadium Pentoxide as Cathode Material for Alkali-Ion Batteries / Yanwei Li ; Jinhuan Yao ; Robert C. Massé ; Evan UchakerChapter 11:
Tin-Based Compounds as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Storage / Ming ZhangChapter 12:
Beyond Li Ion: Electrode Materials for Sodium- and Magnesium-Ion Batteries / Robert MasséChapter 13:
Nanomaterials and Nanostructures for Regulating Ions and Electron Transport in Advanced Energy Storage Devices / Yu Wang ; Wei-Hong ZhongChapter 14:
About the Editors
The Principle of Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting / Peiyan Ma ; Dunwei WangChapter 1:


Flavio L Souza, Edson R Leite, editors
出版情報: Cham : Springer, 2018  xii, 330 p. ; 25 cm
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Matthew Walker
出版情報: [London] : Penguin, 2018, c2017  viii, 360 p. ; 20 cm
シリーズ名: Penguin books ; . Penguin health/science
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editors, Mark Agranovsky ... [et al]
出版情報: [Cham] : Birkhäuser, c2018  viii, 372 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Trends in mathematics
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edited by Ketut Suastika and Teguh Putranto
出版情報: Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2018  xi, 232 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Applied mechanics and materials ; v. 874
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
A Review on Indonesian Fishermen Prosperity in the Coastal Area / Danang Cahyagi; Raja Oloan Saut Gurning
Sustainability Analysis of Coastal Management in the Madura Strait / Zainul Hidayah; Daniel M. Rosyid; Haryo Dwito Armono
Implementation of Life Cycle Assessment Method (LCA) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Determine the Development of Recycling Unit of Waste Water in Grati CCPP PT Indonesia Power up Perak Grati / Mila Tartiarini; Udisubakti Ciptomulyono
Structure Analysis on Artificial Reefs / Sapto P. Kertorahardjo; Harold Vincent; Putranta H. Duta
Marine Current Technology Design to Support the Poteran Island Economy Based on Fisheries / Aries Sulisetyono; Lalu Muhammad Jaelani; Eddy Setyo
An Analytical Approach to Modeling of Motion-Response of Floating Structure for Ocean Renewable Energy Conversion System / Sony Junianto; Rudi Walujo Prastianto; Mukhtasor
Analysis on the Critical Conditions of Side-by-Side Offloading Operation between SSP Type-FPSO and Shuttle Tanker / Murdjito; Maria Putri Rosari; Eko Budi Djatmiko
Heading Analysis of Weathervaning Turret Moored Units / Fahmy Ardhiansyah; Aries Sulisetyono; Wasis Dwi Aryawan
On Offshore Engineering Rules for Designing Floating Structure of Tidal Current Energy Conversion System / Mukhtasor; Sony Junianto; Rudi Walujo Prastianto
Calculation of Temperature Gradient in Manual Fuel Change-Over Operation / Bintan Yoga Wiratama; Taufik Fajar Nugroho; Wolfgang Busse
Design HMI (Human Machine Interface) for Process Control System of Main Diesel Engine Fuel System / Danang Cahyagi; Indra Ranu Kusuma; Adi Kurniawan
Parameter Estimation of Maneuvering Variables of SIGMA-Extended War Ship Using Kalman Filter / Aulia Siti Aisjah; Agoes Ahmad Masroeri; Nathanael Leon Gozali; Ridho Akbar; Devina Permata Sari; Ii Munadhif
Preliminary Study on Stability Parameters of Semi-Displacement Ships / Wolter R. Hetharia
Benchmark Study of Ship Model Resistance Test / Dian Purnamasari; I Ketut Aria Pria Utama; Ketut Suastika
Collapse Analysis on VLCC Subjected to Longitudinal Bending with Damages / Muhammad Zubair Muis Alie; Wahyuddin; Syamsul Asri; Farianto Fachruddin Lage; Juswan; Taufiqur Rachman
Experimental Analysis on Sinking Time of Littoral Submarine in Various Trim Angle / Luhut Tumpal Parulian Sinaga
Finite Element Analysis of Ship Deck Sandwich Panel / S.H. Sujiatanti; Achmad Zubaydi; A. Budipriyanto
Fatigue Life Prediction for Warship Operation in Indonesian Water / Aries Sulisetyono; Muammar Kadhafi
Strength Analysis and Sea-Fastening Design of Container Crane Structure for Heavy Lifting Sea Transportation / Wisnu Wardhana; Yoyok Setyo Hadiwidodo; Faisal Siswanto
Analysis of the Adhesiveness and Glue Type Selection in Manufacturing of Bamboo Laminate Composite for Fishing Boat Building Material / Heri Supomo; Eko Budi Djatmiko; Achmad Zubaydi; Imam Baihaqi
Computer-Based Android Application for Vessel's Condition Survey by Owner Surveyor / Paul Stevan; Triwilaswandio Wuruk Pribadi; Sufian Imam Wahidi
Production Capacity Analysis of National Shipyard in Indonesia to Build Sea Toll Ships / Imam Baihaqi; Sri Rejeki Wahyu Pribadi; Heri Supomo
Network as an Intangible Resource: An Evolutionary Approach within Indonesian Shipbuilding Industry / Amore Minayora; John Bryson; Yu Feng Zhang
Technical and Economic Analysis of Conversion Landing Craft Tank (LCT) into RO-RO Ferry for Route of Ketapang-Gilimanuk / Febriani Rohmadhana; Hesty Anita Kurniawati
Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique for Reducing the Number of Marine Accidents in Indonesia / Ludfi Pratiwi Bowo; Masao Furusho
Vessel Selection to Support Coal-Fired Power Plant Supply Using Multi Criteria Analysis / I Gusti Ngurah Sumanta Buana; Firmanto Hadi; Takeshi Shinoda
The Improvement of Yacht Entry and Exit Ports as a Marina in Indonesia / Achmadi Bambang Sulistiyono; Wanginingastuti Mutmainnah; Masao Furusho
Causative Chains that Leads to Ship Collisions in Japanese Maritime Traffic System (MTS) as Final Outcome of MOP Model / Wanginingastuti Mutmainnah; Ludfi Pratiwi Bowo; Achmadi Bambang Sulistiyono; Masao Furusho
A Review on Indonesian Fishermen Prosperity in the Coastal Area / Danang Cahyagi; Raja Oloan Saut Gurning
Sustainability Analysis of Coastal Management in the Madura Strait / Zainul Hidayah; Daniel M. Rosyid; Haryo Dwito Armono
Implementation of Life Cycle Assessment Method (LCA) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Determine the Development of Recycling Unit of Waste Water in Grati CCPP PT Indonesia Power up Perak Grati / Mila Tartiarini; Udisubakti Ciptomulyono


edited by Mosbeh Kaloop
出版情報: Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2018  xi, 194 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Applied mechanics and materials ; v. 875
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Modelling and Analysis of Piezolaminated Functionally Graded Polymer Composite Structures Reinforced with Graphene Nanoplatelets under Strong Electroelastic Fields / Narasimha Rao Mekala; Rüdiger Schmidt; Kai Uwe Schröder
Hybrid Adhesives Filled with Functionalized and Non Functionalized Silica Nanoparticles / José de Jesús Figueroa-Lara; Miguel Torres-Rodríguez; Mirella Gutiérrez-Arzaluz
Chemical Etching of TiO2 Nanorods Greatly Improves Current Generation of S. loihica PV-4 on a Carbon Paper Electrode / Li Dong; Tao Yin; Lin Su; De Gang Fu
New Developments in Scanning Microelectrochemical Techniques: A Highly Sensitive Route to Evaluate Degradation Reactions and Protection Methods with Chemical Selectivity / Ricardo M. Souto; Dániel Filotás; Bibiana M. Fernández-Pérez; Lívia Nagy; Géza Nagy
Finite Element Simulation of Deep Drawing Processes for Shell Bar RR Impact RH/LH / Aekkapon Sunanta; Surasak Suranuntchai
Finite Element Simulation of Hot Forging Process for KVBM Gear / Sethapong Wangchaichune; Surasak Suranuntchai
Influence of Water Vapor on Oxide Scale Morphology of Incoloy800HT at 850°C / Anusara Srisrual; Kasidet Pitaksakorn; Piyorose Promdirek
Study on Mechanical Alloying of TiB2 Particulate Reinforced Titanium Matrix Composites / Yue Ying Li; Fu Wen Zhu; Zhen Liang Qiao
Hydrogen Influence on Microstructure, Corrosion Resistance and Mechanical Properties of Low Alloy Steel and Explosively Cladded Steel Used for Hydrogen Storage Salt Caverns / Micha#322; Gloc; Maciej Szwed; Andrzej Zagórski; Jaroslaw Mizera
Comparative Tribological and Mechanical Property Analysis of Nano-Silica and Nano-Rubber Reinforced Epoxy Composites / Abdulaziz Kurdi; Li Chang
Growth and Characteristics of High Quality (200) and (111) Orientations Cubic Structure MgZnO Thin Films by Pulse Laser Deposition (PLD) Method / Shun Han; Sai Peng; Pei Jiang Cao; Wen Jun Liu; Yu Xiang Zeng; Fang Jia; De Liang Zhu; You Ming Lu
Designing of Outriggers for the Needs of the Vehicles Stability Testing / Victor Kryaskov; Andrey Vashurin; Anton Tumasov; Alexey Vasiliev
Design Study of Trapezoid-Shaped Magnetic Flux Concentrator for Axial Amplification Characteristics / Yu Bi; Xiao Ming Zhang; Wan Jun Wang
Modeling and Calibration of the Orthogonality Deviation between the "X" and "Y" Axes of Coordinate Measuring Machines / César Augusto Galvão de Morais; Marilia da Silva Bertolini; Benedito di Giacomo
Numerical Study of NACA 0012 Aeroacoustics Response for Normal and Icing Conditions / Edison H. Caicedo; Muhammad S. Virk
Wind Resource Assessment in Cold Regions - A Numerical Case Study / Jia Yi Jin; Pavlo Sokolov; Muhammad S. Virk
A Finite Element Analysis on Metal Ball Effect on Dynamics of a Ball Bearing / Bo Wun Huang; Jia Sheng Chen; Zhi Yin Huang; Nan Wen Lin
Optimal Design Parameters of Cab's Isolation System for Vibratory Roller Using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm / Van Quynh Le; Khac Tuan Nguyen
Analysis of the Characteristics on Dielectric Barrier Discharges Depending on the Relative Permittivity and Frequency / Don Kyu Lee
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Characteristics of the Tire and its Model Used in MSC.ADAMS/Car / Danila Butin; Alexey Vasiliev; Anton Tumasov; Sergey Bagichev
Optimization of Design Parameters for Materials Consumption for Reinforcing Metal Framework of Industrial Buildings / Tatyana Zolina; Pavel Sadchikov
Aerosol Systems of Supply Ventilation, as Means of Air Quality Improvement of Working Zones / Artem V. Azarov; Natalia S. Zhukova; I.V. Stefanenko; M.A. Nikolenko
On the Calculation Model of Fine Dispersed Dust Pollution of Kabul's Atmosphere for Ventilation Design / I.V. Stefanenko; T.V. Solovyeva; Valery N. Azarov; Mohammad Haroon Nasimi
Air Flow Straighteners' Application to Reduce the Power Consumption of Exhaust Ventilation Schemes / Valery N. Azarov; Natalia M. Sergina; I.V. Stefanenko
Fundamentals of Methodology of Development of the Technical Theory of Natural and Technical Systems in Use of Water Resources / I.V. Stefanenko; E.A. Semenova; O.V. Klimenko; V.A. Bondarenko
Applying Absorption in Environmental Mechanics' Decreasing of Aspiration Emissions of Gas Station / Sergey A. Koshkarev; Valery N. Azarov; I.V. Stefanenko; E.V. Sokolova
Research on Lateral Nonlinear Vibration Behavior of Composite Shaft-Disk Rotor System / Chun Jin Zhang; Yong Sheng Ren; Shu Juan Ji
Influence of Pore Structure on Chloride Distribution in Surface Layer of Cement Paste under Cyclic Wet-Dry Condition / Hong Lei Chang; Song Mu; Ya Ya Du; Li Yang
Mechanical Properties of Fiber Reinforced Concrete / Bhawat Chaichannawatik; Athasit Sirisonthi; Qudeer Hussain; Panuwat Joyklad
Modelling of Dust Dispersion of Emissions from Expanded Clay Manufacturing in the Atmosphere / N.V. Menzelintseva; Natalia Yurevna Karapuzova; O.S. Vlasova; Awadh Redhwan
Research of Air Flows Dynamics at Construction Works in the Condition of Urban Built-Up Areas / I.V. Stefanenko; Valery N. Azarov; Katerina A. Trokhimchuk; Marina V. Trokhimchuk
On the Regularities of the Concentration Profile of Asbestos-Cement Dust, its Particle Size Distribution Depending on the Height of Working Room and the Methods of Air Exchange Organization / Valery N. Azarov; I.V. Stefanenko; Renata Burkhanova
Modelling and Analysis of Piezolaminated Functionally Graded Polymer Composite Structures Reinforced with Graphene Nanoplatelets under Strong Electroelastic Fields / Narasimha Rao Mekala; Rüdiger Schmidt; Kai Uwe Schröder
Hybrid Adhesives Filled with Functionalized and Non Functionalized Silica Nanoparticles / José de Jesús Figueroa-Lara; Miguel Torres-Rodríguez; Mirella Gutiérrez-Arzaluz
Chemical Etching of TiO2 Nanorods Greatly Improves Current Generation of S. loihica PV-4 on a Carbon Paper Electrode / Li Dong; Tao Yin; Lin Su; De Gang Fu


edited by Daniel J. McKaughan and Holly VandeWall
出版情報: London : Bloomsbury, 2018  xxiii, 1073 p. ; 25 cm
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Saikat Biswas, Supriya Das, Sanjay Kumar Ghosh, editors
出版情報: Singapore : Springer, c2018  xvii, 232 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Springer proceedings in physics ; v. 201
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Tetsuya Kawachi ... [et al.], editors
出版情報: Cham : Springer, c2018  xxxv, 421 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Springer proceedings in physics ; v. 202
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西澤丞著 = Joe Nishizawa
出版情報: 東京 : みすず書房, 2018.3  115p ; 21×30cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
2011.03‐2014.06 : 事故発生から本書の撮影開始まで
2011.03‐2014.06 : 事故発生から本書の撮影開始まで
概要: 記録を残す。できることはそれだけだった。今も数千人が働く廃炉の現場を捉えた、唯一無二の記録写真集。150点以上の写真を収録。和英併記。


H. Angus Macleod
出版情報: Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2018  xxxi, 664 p. ; 27 cm
シリーズ名: Series in optics and optoelectronics
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出版情報: 東京 : 開拓社, 2018.3  xiii, 151p ; 21cm
シリーズ名: 龍谷叢書 ; 42
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目次情報: 続きを見る
1 基礎編 : 翻訳とはなにか
2 ケーススタディー : 翻訳とことわざ
1 基礎編 : 翻訳とはなにか
概要: 本書はSperber and Wilson(1995)による関連性理論を用いて、翻訳も推論を用いた一般の言葉によるコミュニケーションの1つと考え、翻訳の諸現象を説明したものである。『ザサエさん』などマンガの翻訳、英語ジョークの翻訳、日英語こ とわざの翻訳、ことば遊びの翻訳、外行語の翻訳、仏教用語の翻訳などを扱ったものである。 続きを見る


editors Zeev Valy Vardeny, Markus Wohlgenannt
出版情報: Singapore : World Scientific, c2018  xiv, 286 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: World scientific series in materials and energy / series editor, Leonard C. Feldman ; v. 10 . World scientific reference on spin in organics ; 1
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editors Zeev Valy Vardeny, Markus Wohlgenannt
出版情報: Singapore : World Scientific, c2018  xiv, 228 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: World scientific series in materials and energy / series editor, Leonard C. Feldman ; v. 10 . World scientific reference on spin in organics ; 2
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editors Zeev Valy Vardeny, Markus Wohlgenannt
出版情報: Singapore : World Scientific, c2018  xviii, 428 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: World scientific series in materials and energy / series editor, Leonard C. Feldman ; v. 10 . World scientific reference on spin in organics ; 3
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editors Zeev Valy Vardeny, Markus Wohlgenannt
出版情報: Singapore : World Scientific, c2018  xvi, 352 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: World scientific series in materials and energy / series editor, Leonard C. Feldman ; v. 10 . World scientific reference on spin in organics ; 4
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edited by Dongyan Shi
出版情報: Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2018  ix, 196 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Applied mechanics and materials ; v. 876
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Sub-Microcrystalline Carbon Steel Produced by Severe Plastic Deformation / Hirotaka Kato; Kouhei Yamashita; Eisuke Sentoku; Yoshikazu Todaka
Production of Biodiesel from Palm Stearin Using Solid Catalyst Assisted with Co-Solvent / Weerasak Songoen; Vittaya Punsuvon; Wallop Arirop; Athitan Timyamprasert
The Synthesis and Photocatalytic Performance of Samarium Doped Mesoporous Titania / Jian Wen Shi; Dan Dan Ma; Ya Jun Zou
The Effect of Shot-Peening on Thermal Residual Stress around the Singular Point of Cu-Low Alloy Rail Steel in Welded Joints / Attaporn Wisessint; Sastawut Boonrod; Kanoknart Chaiprasert
Characterization of Dental Metal-Ceramic Interfaces of Heat Pressed Ceramics on Co-Cr Frameworks Obtained with Different Technologies / Liliana Porojan; Mihaela Bîrdeanu; Cristina Savencu; Sorin Porojan
Synthesis of Supplement Based on Calcium Hydrosilicate for Dry Mixes / Valentina Loganina; Irina Sergeevna Pyshkina; Georgiy Victorovich Martyashin
Heat Treatment, Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of T-Joint Steel Arc Welded / Yustiasih Purwaningrum; Dwi Darmawan; Panji Lukman Tirta Kusuma
Constitutive Model for Densification Kinetics of Copper Powder / Yo Han Kang; Seok Jae Lee
Removal of Cu2+ from Aqueous Water by Adsorption onto the Efficient and Recyclable Durian Shell-Derived Activated Carbon / Long Giang Bach; Dai Viet N. Vo; Trinh Duy Nguyen; Van Thi Thanh Ho; Van Thuan Tran
High Photocatalytic Activity of Oliver-Like BiVO4 for Rhodamine B Degradation under Visible Light Irradiation / Huu Vinh Nguyen; Tran Van Thuan; Do Trung Sy; Trinh Duy Nguyen; Dai Viet N. Vo; Long Giang Bach
Preparation and Characterization of Advanced PtRu/Ti0.7Mo0.7O2 Catalysts for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells / Van Thi Thanh Ho; Long Giang Bach; Dai Viet N. Vo
Synthesis the New Nanostructure Ti0.7Ir0.3O2 via Low Temperature Hydrothermal Process / Tai Thien Huynh; At Van Nguyen; Hau Quoc Pham; Long Giang Bach; Van Thi Thanh Ho
A Novel Benzo[d,e]Chromene for Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) / Benjawan Somchob; Somboon Sahasitthiwat; Rukkiat Jitchati
Analysis of the Structures and Thermal Properties of Hexanediamine Adipate and Pentanediamine Adipate / Xiao Wan Yang; Xin Min Hao; Jian Ming Wang; Yan Bin Liu; Hong Liang Kang
Synthesis the New Nanostructure Ti0.7W0.3O2 via Low Temperature Solvothermal Process / Tai Thien Huynh; Hau Quoc Pham; At Van Nguyen; Long Giang Bach; Son Truong Nguyen; Van Thi Thanh Ho
The Comparison of Surface Modification Methods of the Heavy Metals Adsorption of Activated Carbon from Rice Husk / Hoa Thai Ma; Van Thi Thanh Ho; Nguyen Bao Pham; Long Giang Bach; Dinh Tuan Phan
Antibacterial Properties, Shore Hardness and Chemical Resistance of Epoxy Coatings Containing Finely Ground Secondary Raw Materials for Hygienic Plants / Jakub Hodul; Jana Hodná; Rostislav Drochytka
Design of a 2.4GHz-Microstrip Line Filter Using the Semicircle Defected Ground Structure / Ping Cheng Chen; Chung Long Pan; T.Y. Lai; T.U. Lin
The Problems of Measuring Profile and Roughness of Turbine Blades / Sergey Egorov; Alexey Kapitanov; Dmitriy Loktev; Sergey Fedorov; Tatiana Egorova
Ubiquitous Materials for the Logistic Information System / Sang Young Lee
Issues about the Determination of a Mechanical Model for Masonry Analysis / Concetta Cusano; Claudia Cennamo
A New Framework for Myocardium Constitutive Parameters Estimation / Yi Qiang Li; Zhi Qiang Huang
Design of an Ideal Low Pass Microstrip Line Filter Using the Defected Ground Structure / Ping Cheng Chen; Chung Long Pan; J.D. Huang; S.H. Hong
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Dental Implant Threads / Aswin Yodrux; Nantakrit Yodpijit; Manutchanok Jongprasithporn
Controlling Chaotic Dual-Ring Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser by Modulating or Shifting the Loss / Sen Lin Yan
An Efficient Optoelectronic System for Remote Salinity Water Sensing / Leopoldo René Villarreal Jiménez; Adolfo Josué Rodríguez Rodríguez; Sarmach Ulianov Enríquez Sías; Cesar Elizondo González; Héctor Gilberto Barrón González; María José Erro Betrán; Wenceslao Eduardo Rodríguez Rodríguez; René Fernando Domínguez Cruz
Analysis of Primary Short Circuited Melted Mark Evidence Identification in Electrical Fire Case / En Xia Li; Na Xu; Nan Li; Hong Ma; Jun Bo Shi; Mei Zhao
Dynamic Behavior of a Cracked Woven Composite Beam under Compression / Ismail Demirci; Mehmet Yetmez
Research on Highway Intelligent Monitoring and Warning System Based on Wireless Sensor Network / Zhi Guang Guan; Qiu Hua Miao; Wen Hui Si; Jing Lu; Jie Liang
Design of Highway Intelligent Vehicle Guidance System / Jie Liang; Qiu Hua Miao; Wen Hui Si; Jing Lu
Study of Sand Production Using Geomechanical and Hydro-Mechanical Models / Son Tung Pham
Using Micro-Simulation VISSIM to Study the Effectiveness of Left-Turn Waiting Area Implementation / Da Zhi Sun
Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Sub-Microcrystalline Carbon Steel Produced by Severe Plastic Deformation / Hirotaka Kato; Kouhei Yamashita; Eisuke Sentoku; Yoshikazu Todaka
Production of Biodiesel from Palm Stearin Using Solid Catalyst Assisted with Co-Solvent / Weerasak Songoen; Vittaya Punsuvon; Wallop Arirop; Athitan Timyamprasert
The Synthesis and Photocatalytic Performance of Samarium Doped Mesoporous Titania / Jian Wen Shi; Dan Dan Ma; Ya Jun Zou


edited by P. Nageswara Rao, R. Kotaiah and D. Venkateswarlu
出版情報: Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2018  xv, 470 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Applied mechanics and materials ; v. 877
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Microtexture Study: Effect of Different Irradiation Sources on Zirconium and its Alloys / Ajay Kumar Revelly
Biosorption of Basic Textile Dye from Aqueous Solution Using Pongamia pinnata as Adsorbent / Bhargavi Gunturu; Geethalakshmi Ramakrishnan; Renganathan Sahadevan
Effect of FSP on Strength and Fracture Toughness of Aluminium Alloy 7000 / P.K. Mandal
Equilibrium and Isotherm Studies on the Removal of Basic Textile Dye from Aqueous Solutions Using Kigelia africana Biosorbent
Mesoporous Iron-Manganese Magnetic Bimetal Oxide for Efficient Removal of Cr(VI) from Synthetic Aqueous Solution / Kartick Lal Bhowmik; M. Kanmani; Akash Deb; Animesh Debnath; Ranendu Kumar Nath; Biswajit Saha
Studies on Notch Tensile Properties of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn ELI at Cryogenic Temperature for Hydrogen Embrittlement Effect / T. Antony Prabhu; N. Murugesan; S. Ingersol; D.P. Sudhakar; P.V. Venkitakrishnan
Application of Composites in Orthotic Calipers and its Experimental Validations / Nisha Kumari; Kaushik Kumar
Study on Mechanical Property of Aluminium 6061 with E Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite / Vinayashree; R. Shobha
Development of Mathematical Modeling and its Exploration Based on Genetic Algorithm for Blanking Die Design Parameters Optimization / R.C. Mohan Kumar; C. Velmurugan
Effect of Cast Geometries on Particle Dispersion in Metal Matrix Composites / Vishal Mehta; Roma Patel; Mayur Sutaria
Predicting the Deposition Efficiency of Plasma Sprayed Alumina Coatings on AZ31B Magnesium Alloy by Response Surface Methodology / D. Thirumalaikumarasamy; V. Balasubramanian; S. Sree Sabari; R. Rajesh; Medha R. Elayidom
Characterisation of Micro Channels Machined with ECDM for Fluidic Applications / Lijo Paul; Bibin P. George; Ashwin Varghese
FEM of ECDM Process on Semi Conducting Materials / Lijo Paul; P.V. Pradeep; Donald Antony
An Analysis on Bilayer Tube Flaring / Chetan P. Nikhare
Effect of Welding Speed on Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded AA 6082-T6 Al Alloy / DHANANJAYULU AVULA; D.K. Dwivedi
Development & Characterization of Alumina Coating by Atmospheric Plasma Spraying / Jobin Sebastian; Abyson Scaria; Don George Kurian
Optimization of MRR and Surface Roughness of AlMg3 (AA5754) Alloy in CNC Lathe Machine by Using Taguchi Method / Poornesh Kumar Chaturvedi; Harendra Kumar Narang; Atul Kumar Sahu
Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Titanium Metal Powder Filled Aluminum Alloy Composites for Gear Application / ashiwani kumar; Amar Patnaik; I.K. Bhat
Effect of Pre-Ageing on the Age Hardening Response of Cryorolled Al-Mg-Si Alloy / Maruff Hussain; P. Nageswara Rao; Dharmendra Singh; R. Jayaganthan
Experimental Investigation of EDM Parameters on Al-LM6/SiC/B4C Hybrid Composites / Manish Shukla; Pankaj Agarwal; Mohan Kumar Pradhan; S.K. Dhakad
Improving Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Material Friction Welds / Muralimohan Cheepu; V. Muthupandi; Woo Seong Che
Influence of Water Cooling and Post-Weld Ageing on Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of the Friction-Stir Welded 6061 Aluminium Alloy Joints / Devuri Venkateswarulu; Muralimohan Cheepu; Devireddy Krishnaja; S. Muthukumaran
Investigations of Milling Parameters on Hemp Fiber Reinforced Composite Using ANOVA and Regression / Kundan Patel; Keval Patel; Piyush Gohil; Vijaykumar Chaudhary
Fabrication and Analysis of Accumulative Roll Bonding Process between Magnesium and Aluminum Multi-Layers / Muralimohan Cheepu; Sangathoti Haribabu; T. Ramachandraiah; B. Srinivas; Devuri Venkateswarulu; Sivaji Karna; Suresh Alapati; Woo Seong Che
Effects of Alkaline Solution on the Properties of Slag Based Geopolymer / Suman Saha; C. Rajasekaran
Evaluation of Deformation Modulus for the Jointed Rock Masses Using Equivalent Continuum Approach / Rahul Khanna; Imran Sayeed; Rajendra Kr. Dubey
Horizontal Pullout Capacity of a Group of Two Vertical Square Anchors Embedded in Medium Dense Sand / K V S B RAJU; B.S. Pankaja
The Behaviour and Performance of Geo-Textiles with Reference to CBR Value on Clay Soil / R. Sandhya Rani; A Hyma; K. Ravi Shekar; P. Pradeep Kumar
Geotechnical Evaluation of Traditional 'Bunds' - Earthen Levees - From Goa / Leonardo Roque do Carmo Souza; Sumitra S. Kandolkar
Effect of Increasing Sasobit on Permanent Deformation and Moisture Damage of Asphalt Mixes / Fazal Haq; Arshad Hussain; Kamran Mushtaq
Suitability of Quarry Dust as a Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Self Compacting Concrete / Thete Swapnil Tanajirao; D. Arpitha; Suman Saha; C. Rajasekaran
Structural Behavior of Hybrid Reinforced Concrete Exterior Beam Column Joint / S. Kamakshi; S.K. Vinu
Influence of Geotextile and Geogrid Reinforcement on Strength Behaviour of Soft Silty Soil / Ayush Mittal; Shalinee Shukla
Incorporation of Axial Aging Effects of Pile Foundations into Pushover Analysis of Offshore Jacket Platforms / Jerin M. George; V. John Kurian; M.M.A. Wahab
Seismic Response of Multistoried Building with Different Foundations Considering Interaction Effects / Shreya Shetgaonkar; Dr. Purnanand Savoikar
Application of Principles of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics for Concrete Structures: A Numerical Study / Darshan R. Chauhan; Hridyesh R. Tewani; J.S. Kalyana Rama
Geotechnical Characterization of Dredged Material and Effect of Lime Stabilisation on its Strength Characteristics / Sabreena Mohammad; Wasim Akram; Shakeel A. Mirza
Effect of Nano Clay on Mechanical Behavior of Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites / Kundan Patel; Jay Patel; Piyush Gohil; Vijaykumar Chaudhary
Evaluation of Performance Point of Structure Using Capacity Spectrum Method / S. Swathi; Katta Venkataramana; C. Rajasekaran
Dynamic Analysis of Sandwich Plate Structure by Finite Element Method / Amit Paul; Sreyashi Das Nee Pal; Arup Guha Niyogi
Turbulent Natural Convection in Partitioned Square Cavities with Different Lengths and Positions / A. Nouri-Borujerdi; F. Sepahi
Thermo Structural Analysis of Carbon-Carbon Nozzle Exit Cone for Rocket Cryo Engines / G. Vinod; S. Renjith; V. Thaddeus Basker
Optimisation of Header of a Compact Radiator / SUBHADIP ROY; C.S. Vamsi Krishna; N. Ganesh; A. Kumarasamy
Integrated Thermal Structural Analysis of Advanced Composite Plates and Shells / Kari Thangaratnam; Divya; Evangeline Kumar
Nonlinear Analysis of Composite Plates and Shells Subjected to In-Plane Loading / Kari Thangaratnam; R. Sanjana
Mixed Culture Microalgae-Based Coconut Biodiesel as Fuel to Improve DI CI Engine Performance, Emission Characteristics / Ganesh Babu Katam; A. Veeresh Babu; K. Madhu Murthy; M. Kiran Kumar
Margin of Safety Estimation of Tongue and Groove Joint of Rocket Motors with Discontinuous End Ring / G. Vinod; Manashkumar Bhadra; K.S. Narayanan; V. Thaddeus Basker
Levelized Cost of Electricity and Plant Load Factor of 7.5 MW Grid Connected Biomass Power Plant / Rashmi Sharma; Bharat Kumar Saxena; K.V.S. Rao
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Transient Natural Convection in a Staggered Cavity with Four Vertically Heated Walls / Bidyut B. Gogoi
Investigation on Application of Semiloof Shell Element for Isotropic, Composite and Functionally Graded Material / Kari Thangaratnam; Evangeline Kumar
Effect of Skin Friction Coefficient on Power Developed by Flettner Rotor System for Ship Propulsion / Akshay Lele; K.V.S. Rao
Design and Analysis of Powered Ankle-Foot Mechanism Using Hydraulic System / Sanghamitra Debta; Kaushik Kumar
Design Optimization of Squeeze Mode Magnetorheological Damper / Jitenkumar D. Patel; Dipal Patel
Experimental Investigation of Performance and Emissions Characteristics of a Diesel Engine with Pongamia Biodiesel and Diesel Blends / R. Thirunavukkarasu; R. Tamilselvan; T. Karthickmunisamy; M. Veeramanikandan; Dhandapani Sathish
Design Optimization of Flow Mode Magnetorheological Damper / Nileshkumar D. Chauhan; Dipal Patel
Experimental Investigation on Shallow Solar Pond Using CuO Nano Particles / Dhandapani Sathish; R. Thirunavukkarasu; S. Jegadeeswaran; S. Periyasamy
A Review on Methods of Productivity Improvement in Solar Desalination / R. Dhivagar; S. Sundararaj
Thermal Performance on Portable Mini Solar Pond Using NaCl and Coal Cinder / Dhandapani Sathish; M. Veeramanikandan; R. Thirunavukkarasu; R. Tamilselvan; T. Karthickmunisamy
Characterization of Exponential Cohesive Zone Model for Fracture Assessment of De-Bonded Composite Panels / J. Muthupandian; Koovaparambil Ramunny Pradeep
Study on the Stress Concentration in GFRP Composite Plates with Multiple Cut-Outs Subjected to Shear Loading / R.S. Aleena; R.S. Priyadarsini
Influence of Crack on the Instability of GFRP Composite Cylindrical Shells under Combined Loading / B. Angelina Catherine; R.S. Priyadarsini
CFD Analysis of the Effect of Surface Contour of Nose Cone of a Space Vehicle on the Thermal Field during Re-Entry / K.V. Sreenivas Rao; P. Sujan; H.S. Sachin
Microtexture Study: Effect of Different Irradiation Sources on Zirconium and its Alloys / Ajay Kumar Revelly
Biosorption of Basic Textile Dye from Aqueous Solution Using Pongamia pinnata as Adsorbent / Bhargavi Gunturu; Geethalakshmi Ramakrishnan; Renganathan Sahadevan
Effect of FSP on Strength and Fracture Toughness of Aluminium Alloy 7000 / P.K. Mandal


edited by Dong Keon Kim
出版情報: Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2018  x, 328 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Applied mechanics and materials ; v. 878
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Interaction of a Circular Cylindrical Shell with an Elastic Foundation / Vladimir I. Andreev; Andrey N. Leontiev
Research on Separation Reliability and Shock Response of a Non-Fracture Super-Zip Separation Device / Fei Peng; Zhi Guang Yang; Li Peng Wang; Jing Sun
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Wood-Framed Buildings / Jaroslaw Malesza; Czeslaw Miedzia#322;owski
Theoretical Analysis of Reinforced Beams of UHTCC / Hua Qiang Yu
Experiment Study on Degradation Laws of Sulfuric Acid Corrosion Reinforcements / Ming Qiang Lin; Feng Juan Dai; Jia Tao Li
Evaluation of Fresh Properties of Controlled Low-Strength Material Produced from Water Treatment Sludge-Fly Ash-Slag Mixture Using Alkaline Activation / Chao Lung Hwang; Chi-Hung CHIANG; Trong Phuoc Huynh; Bo Jyun Jhang
Research on Attenuation of Shock Induced Stress Wave in Multi-Layered Thin Cylindrical Rods / Fei Peng; Zhi Guang Yang; Li Peng Wang
Potential External Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beam Using Natural Fiber Composite Plate / Siew Choo Chin; Foo Sheng Tong; Shu Ing Doh; Jolius Gimbun; Yuen Kei Foo; Januar Parlaungan Siregar
Skew Reduction Factors for Moment in NEXT Beam Bridges with Integral Abutments / Jian Wei Huang; Jonathan Davis
Nonlinear Behavior of Circular Concrete Storage Tanks: History Pushover and Dynamic Loadings by Providing an Innovative Technique to Reduce the Seismic Response of Semi-Buried Tanks / Omid Reza Baghchesaraei; H.H. Lavasani; Alireza Baghchesaraei
Energy Absorption Capability of Composite Hexagonal Array Systems: Numerical Analysis / Farah Alkhatib; Elsadig Mahdi
The Wind Flow Characteristics Measuring Simulations of Soundproof Tunnels on Expressways / Jang Youl You; Sun Young Paek; Doo Kie Kim; Ki Pyo You
Analysis on the Wind Flow Measuring of Surrounding Areas in Accordance with Installation of Road Facilities / Jang Youl You; Byung Hee Nam; Hyeon Ku Park; Ki Pyo You
Application of Cast Steel Joint in Steel Structure Project of Big-Span Space / Er Lei Wang
Construction Monitoring on Steel Truss Bridge's Maintenance and Reinforcement
Numerical Study of Oil Storage Tanks during Planar Settlement / Joko Wisnugroho; Sutomo
Application Experience of Bored Micropiles in the Conditions of Permafrost Soil / Galina D. Fedorova; O.I. Matveeva; Rivas B. Prokopiev
The Effect of Wave Propagation on Seismic Response at Transmitting Boundary of Discrete System / Sang Hun Lee; Takao Endo; Ryutaro Kawana
Using of Plastic Hinges in the Calculation of Buildings against Progressive Collapse under Fire Exposure / Levon A. Avetisyan
Structural Performance of a Precast Beam to Column Connection Strengthened with FRP under Monotonic Loading / Charles K.S. Moy
On Deformation Charting for Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns Concrete Core and Steel Shell / A.L. Krishan; Elvira P. Chernyshova; Rustam R. Sabirov
Transformation of Dom-Ino Structures from the Architect's Point of View / Yu Chen Han; Fang Chen You
The Interpretation and Inheritance of Green Local Building Material System in Modern Architecture - Case Study of Century Fishing Village Eelgrass Cottage Resort in Dayu Island, Shidao Bay, Jiaodong Peninsula / Ying Ding; Hong Zhang
The Consecrated Sohpetbneng Peak (Navel of Heaven) - The Meaning and the Need for Protection, Preservation and Conservation / Banbhalang Swer
The Influence of Sunspaces on the Design of Thermal Envelopes in Energy Demand in Southern Chile / Manuel Carpio; Jorge Hubner; Emil Osorio
The Analysis of the Slow-Traffic and Lingering Space System of the Bridges and both Banks - Taking the Estuary Area of Suzhou Creek in Shanghai as an Example / Chun Xia Yang; Yu Liang; Hui Zhi Geng
Study on Urban Bridge Layout Oriented by Slow-Traffic and Lingering Space - Taking Shanghai Suzhou Creek as an Example / Chun Xia Yang; Cheng Zhe Lyu; Hui Zhi Geng
Thermal Comfort of the Elderly in Public Health Service Buildings of Thailand / Chorpech Panraluk; Atch Sreshthaputra
Optimization of Multi-Layer Dome Structures for Enhanced Performance and Comfort of Protector Pads / Chul Ho Yang; Young Chang; Dong Chan Lee; Jun Young Park
The Study on the Relationship between Spatial Network Structure of Teaching Architecture and Students' Flow Behavior Based on Complex Network Analysis / Ke Xie; Fang Wu; Jia Li Wu; Sheng Li; Jia Hui Wang; Yi Feng Wu; Zi Yang Bao; Ling Xue Bao; Yun Dao Chen
Application on the Contingent Valuation Method for Accounting of Social Benefits of Environmental Education Based on the Cultural Landscape at the Miaoli County, Taiwan / Kuei Yang Wu; Shih Chung Lu
The Green Building Environment of the Gymnasium / Feng Qian; Li Yang
Cooperative Innovation Evolutionary Game Analysis of Industrialized Building Supply Chain / Yan Yan Wang; Hong Ren; Fan Rong Ji
The Overview of Technical State of Unfinished Building Made of Large Panel Elements / Czeslaw Miedzia#322;owski; Micha#322; Basze#324;
Material and Cost Solutions Used for Construction of Upper Layers of the Road Pavement Structures / Ewa O#322;dakowska
A Holistic Energy Pattern in Green Building / Yang Lu Xi Li
General Green Building Energy Efficiency / Li Yang; Feng Qian
Ensuring the Radiation-Related Ecological Safety of Buildings / Igor Stefanenko; O.P. Sidelnikova
Research of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Asbestos-Cement Dust in the Ventilation Emissions to the Atmosphere / V.N. Azarov; Igor Stefanenko; Renata Burkhanova
Fine Dust Concentration #1056;#1052;10 in the Atmosphere of the City of Kabul, Afghanistan, in Spring Months / Igor Stefanenko; T.V. Solovyeva; Mohammad Haroon Nasimi; V.N. Azarov
The Impact of Dust Particles on Cultural Heritage Objects in the Field of Environmental Mechanics / A.A. Kuzmichev; V.N. Azarov; Igor Stefanenko
Dust Dispersion Modeling of the Urban Environment Air nearby the Potash Production / G.V. Seimova; Igor Stefanenko; M.S. Kalashnikova
Dust Collecting System for the Cleaning of Atmospheric Ventilation Emissions / Igor Stefanenko; V.N. Azarov; Natalia M. Sergina
Development of Epoxy Grout Containing Fine Waste from Production of Mineral Wool Board Insulation / Jakub Hodul; Tomás Zlebek; Rostislav Drochytka
Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of the Rubber Stopper Filled with ZnO Nanograins / Rudeerat Suntako
Rapid Detection of Ara h2 Using Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Based Biosensor for Peanut Allergen Control / Abdus Sobhan; Jun Hyun Oh; Jin Young Lee
New Identification Method for Power Transformer and Phase in Distribution Systems / Hee Jung Byun; Yan Pung Zheng; Sang Jun Choi; Su Goog Shon
Quadrilateral Shape Rib Forming by Roll Forming Process / Dong Won Jung
Finite Element Analysis for the Roll Forming Process of Rib
New Type Multi-Footed Wheel Machinery Design and Analysis / Chuan Kai Xi; Dong Zhao; Dong Mei Cai; Zhuang Zhuang Fan; Yan Zhou; Li Xiang Qin
Influence of Salts on the Spinnability of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) / Tobias Blomberg; Nicole Borgmeier; Lars Torben Kramer; Pascal Witzke; Timo Grothe; Andrea Ehrmann
Research on Calculation and Analysis of Clamping Force of Power Cut Self-Locking Device
Interaction of a Circular Cylindrical Shell with an Elastic Foundation / Vladimir I. Andreev; Andrey N. Leontiev
Research on Separation Reliability and Shock Response of a Non-Fracture Super-Zip Separation Device / Fei Peng; Zhi Guang Yang; Li Peng Wang; Jing Sun
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Wood-Framed Buildings / Jaroslaw Malesza; Czeslaw Miedzia#322;owski


Paul Rubinson
出版情報: New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2018  xviii, 163 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: American social and political movements of the twentieth century
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Editor's Series Introduction
Making and Questioning the Bomb, 1933 to 1945 / 1:
The Cold War and Challenges to the Bomb, 1945 to 1949 / 2:
A Bigger Bomb and a Bigger Movement, 1950 to 1960 / 3:
Women Transform the Movement, 1960 to 1963 / 4:
Antinuclear Evolution and Diffusion, 1963 to 1980 / 5:
The Antinuclear Uprising, 1980 to 1985 / 6:
The End of the Cold War and the Fate of Nuclear Protest, 1985 to the Present / 7:
Further Reading
Editor's Series Introduction


出版情報: 東京 : 文眞堂, 2018.3  vi, 187p ; 21cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
第1章 アメリカの法システム / U.S. Legal System
第2章 契約とは何か? / What is a Contract?
Mutual Assent : —申込 / Offer
Mutual Assent : —承諾 / Acceptance
第5章 約因 / Consideration
第6章 抗弁 / Defense
第7章 契約の解釈と契約条項 / Contract Construction and Clause
第8章 履行及び不履行 / Performance and Non‐performance
第9章 違反 / Breach
第10章 救済 / Remedy
第11章 契約における第三者の権利と義務 / Rights and Duties of Third Parties to Contract
第1章 アメリカの法システム / U.S. Legal System
第2章 契約とは何か? / What is a Contract?
Mutual Assent : —申込 / Offer
概要: アメリカ契約法に関する基本的なルール・考え方を解説した初学者のための入門書。読者対象は大学の学部生・大学院生のみならず海外取引に携わることの多い企業法務、これからアメリカの弁護士資格を取得する人などを想定。そのため多くの簡単な事例と代表的な 判例を取り上げ、アメリカ契約法の基本的な法理をわかりやすく解説します。 続きを見る


出版情報: 東京 : 育鵬社 , 東京 : 扶桑社 (発売), 2018.2  254p ; 19cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
基本データ編 : (Geography / 地理
Climate:Rich in the Four Seasons Due to a Variety of Terrains / 気候—起伏に富んだ地形で四季に富む
Population:Japan Ranks Tenth in Population Worldwide(人口—世界10位の人口) : ほか
歴史編 : (Ancient Times / 古代
Middle Ages / 中世
Early Modern Period(近世) : ほか
日本の特色 : (Kawabata Yasunari and“Japan,the Beautiful,and Myself” / 川端康成と「美しい日本の私」
The Origins of the National AnthemKimigayo(国歌—君が代の由来) : ほか
付録 : 日本の世界文化遺産
基本データ編 : (Geography / 地理
Climate:Rich in the Four Seasons Due to a Variety of Terrains / 気候—起伏に富んだ地形で四季に富む
Population:Japan Ranks Tenth in Population Worldwide(人口—世界10位の人口) : ほか
概要: 英語がスラスラ読める!日本史通にもなれる!やさしく、分かりやすい英語でわが国の歴史と文化を一挙紹介。草の根交流でも役立つ必携の書。


出版情報: 東京 : 語研, 2018.1  241p ; 19cm
所蔵情報: loading…


Arno Kwade, Jan Diekmann, editors
出版情報: Cham : Springer, c2018  xxxiii, 288 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Sustainable production, life cycle engineering and management
所蔵情報: loading…


Janice Gorzynski Smith and Erin R. Smith
出版情報: New York : McGraw-Hill Education , 東京 : 化学同人 (発売), 2018, c2017  1 v. ; 26 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


Giovanni Landi, Alessandro Zampini
出版情報: [Cham] : Springer, c2018  xii, 345 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Undergraduate lecture notes in physics
所蔵情報: loading…


Bartłomiej Błaszczyszyn ... [et al.]
出版情報: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018  xiv, 192 p. ; 26 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


edited by Mosbeh Kaloop
出版情報: Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2018  52 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Advanced materials research ; v. 1147
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Properties of Polysiylate Binders for Sol-Silicate Pains / Valentina Loganina; Svetlana Nikolaevna Kislitsyna; Yerkebulan B. Mazhitov
Composite Materials Monitoring by Fiber Optic Sensors / Mikhail E. Efimov; Sergey A. Volkovskiy; Andrei V. Kulikov; Vladimir E. Strigalev
Monte Carlo Simulation of Photon-Skeletal Muscle Interaction in Human Tissue Model / Gamoltip Kaewboonrueng; Yi#287;iter Özmen; Sarai Lekchaum; Kitsakorn Locharoenrat
Fresh and Hardened Properties of Concrete Produced with Different Particle Sizes of Coarse Aggregate / Trong Phuoc Huynh; Si Huy Ngo; Chao Lung Hwang
Comparison of Simplified and Advanced Design of Steel Structures in Fire / Jerneja Kolsek; Andrej Rebec
Comparison of Simplified and Advanced Simulation of a Fire in a Factory of XPS Panels / Jerneja Kolsek
Concretes Using Modified Mineral Extenders / Valentina V. Yadykina; Evgeny A. Lukash; Anatoly M. Gridchin
Effect of Variation of Injection Moulding Parameters on Static and Dynamic Material Characteristics of Filled Polymer Materials / Vaclav Contos
The Influence of «DORLUK» Impregnation on Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Asphalt Pavements / Valentina V. Yadykina; Anna Trautvain; Andrey Akimov; Evgeniy A. Yakovlev
Properties of Polysiylate Binders for Sol-Silicate Pains / Valentina Loganina; Svetlana Nikolaevna Kislitsyna; Yerkebulan B. Mazhitov
Composite Materials Monitoring by Fiber Optic Sensors / Mikhail E. Efimov; Sergey A. Volkovskiy; Andrei V. Kulikov; Vladimir E. Strigalev
Monte Carlo Simulation of Photon-Skeletal Muscle Interaction in Human Tissue Model / Gamoltip Kaewboonrueng; Yi#287;iter Özmen; Sarai Lekchaum; Kitsakorn Locharoenrat


Richard P. Stanley
出版情報: Cham : Springer, c2018  xvi, 263 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Undergraduate texts in mathematics
所蔵情報: loading…


Jean-Pierre Antoine, Fabio Bagarello, Jean-Pierre Gazeau, editors
出版情報: Cham : Springer, c2018  xii, 347 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Springer proceedings in physics ; v. 205
所蔵情報: loading…


edited by Teofilo F. Gonzalez
出版情報: Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2018  xvii, 798 p. ; 26 cm
シリーズ名: Chapman & Hall/CRC computer and information science series / series editor, Sartaj Sahni ; . Handbook of approximation algorithms and metaheuristics ; v. 1
所蔵情報: loading…


edited by Teofilo F. Gonzalez
出版情報: Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2018  xvi, 780 p. ; 26 cm
シリーズ名: Chapman & Hall/CRC computer and information science series / series editor, Sartaj Sahni ; . Handbook of approximation algorithms and metaheuristics ; v. 2
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 大阪 : 創元社, 2018.5  110p ; 20cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
暮らしの断片 : 暮らしの中の幸せは
地上で天国がみつからないなら ほか
愛するものたち : おぼえていましょう
生きているだけでは ほか
草花と大地と空と : 草むらの草花は、どうやって
大地を丁重に扱いましょう ほか
生きるって何? : 生きていくことは
もし私がひとつの心がこわれるのを ほか
目に見ないもの : 細い枝に一瞬とまって
知識ではなく、智恵 ほか
暮らしの断片 : 暮らしの中の幸せは
地上で天国がみつからないなら ほか
愛するものたち : おぼえていましょう
概要: 一つひとつのことばに絵本の世界が広がっていて、惹きこまれていきます。詩や名言、言い伝え、物語などから世界の美しいことばを50個セレクト。英語と対訳に、心が温かくなる絵が添えられています。


田代ひとみ, 宮田聖子, 荒巻朋子, 坂本まり子著
出版情報: 東京 : スリーエーネットワーク, 2018.5  xvii, 108p ; 26cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
実力養成編 : 読む力をつけよう
実力養成編 : 読む力をつけよう


Fred Pearce
出版情報: London : Portobello Books, c2018  viii, 255 p. ; 24 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 技術評論社, 2018.7  198p ; 21cm
所蔵情報: loading…


Michael Creutz
出版情報: New Jersey : World Scientific, c2018  x, 205 p. ; 24 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


Gourab Majumdar, Ikunori Takata
出版情報: Singapore : Pan Stanford Publishing, c2018  viii, 336 p. ; 24 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


Gary L. Prost, Benjamin P. Prost
出版情報: Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2018  xvii, 469 p. ; 26 cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Introduction / 1:
Geology Matters
Reading the Rocks
Hypothesis and Theory
Taking Notes
Tools of the Trade
"Rules of the Road" for Collecting
Why This Book?
Minerals / 2:
All about Crystals
Mineral Properties
Specific Gravity
Mineral Identification
Special Powers of Crystals
Common Minerals
Mineral Collecting: Knowing Where to Look
A Sampling of Mineral Collecting Field Guides
Rocks / 3:
Sedimentary Rock
Igneous Rock
Volcanic (Extrusive) Rocks
Plutonic (Intrusive) Rocks
Plutonic Structures
Metamorphic Rock
Metamorphic Rock Types
What Rocks Tell You
A Sampling of Geologic Guidebooks
Geologic Principles / 4:
Principle of Original Horizontality
Principle of Superposition
Types of Unconformities
Principle of Stratigraphic Correlation and Lateral Continuity
Principle of Faunal Succession
Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships
Principle of Inclusions
Principle of Uniformitarianism
Deep Time / 5:
The Concept of Deep Time
How to Tell the Age of Rocks: Relative and Absolute Dating
Age of the Earth and the Solar System (and How Long Earth Will Last)
Earth History / 6:
The Geologic Time Scale
Key Events of the Precambrian Eon
The Hadean: Formation of the Earth, Moon, and Atmosphere
The Archaean: Beginning of Life and the Oldest Rocks
The Proterozoic: Photosynthesis, the Great Oxygenation Event, and Snowball Earth
Key Events of the Paleozoic Era
An Explosion of Life
First Land Plants
First Land Animals
The Great Extinction
Key Events of the Mesozoic Era
Birth of the Atlantic Ocean
Flowering Plants
End of the Dinosaurs
Key Developments of the Cenozoic Era
Ice Ages
The Earth We Know
What the Future Holds
References and General Reading
Fossils / 7:
Seashells on Mountain Tops-The Development of Paleontology
How Fossils Are Formed and Preserved
The Fossil's Tale
Major Categories of Life
Fossil Hunting
Evolution / 8:
The Concept of Evolution
Lamarckian Genetics
Darwin and Wallace
Mendel and Inheritance of Traits
The Tree of Life
The Large Size of Some Animals
Ongoing Evolution of Humans
Origin of Life
The Changing Face of the Earth-Structure of the Earth, Plate Tectonics, and Mountain Building / 9:
Structure of the Earth
Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift
Mountain Building
Rock Deformation
Brittle Deformation: Faults, Joints, and Earthquakes
Ductile Deformation and Folding
Erosional Highlands
The Changing Face of the Earth-Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition / 10:
Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition
Erosional and Depositional Landscapes
Soil and Agriculture
Types of Geological Maps / 11:
Standard Geological Maps
Geological Hazards Maps
Seismic Hazard Maps
Paleogeographic Maps
Soil Maps
Groundwater or Potentiometric Surface Maps
Structure Contour Maps
Mineral Alteration Maps
Isopach Maps and Overburden Thickness Maps
A Resource Guide-Where to Find Maps and Imagery
Acts of God? Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Other Natural Disasters / 12:
Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Where Do They Happen?
Man-Made Earthquakes
Living in Earthquake Country
Sources of Earthquake and Tsunami Information
Landslides and Downslope Mass Movements
Living in Landslide Country
Sources of Landslide Information
Living in Volcano Country
Some "Dormant" Volcanoes Aren't
Sources of Volcano Hazard and Safety Information
Living in Flood Country
Sources of Flood Information
Subsidence, Sinkholes, and Expanding Soils
Living in Subsidence Country
Sources of Subsidence, Sinkhole, and Swelling Soil Information
Natural Pollution
Sources of Information on Natural Pollution
It Came from Outer Space!
Sources of Information on Impacts
Groundwater / 13:
The Hydrologic Cycle
Finding Groundwater
Groundwater Ownership
Groundwater Mining and Sustainability
Groundwater Contamination
Frac'ing and Groundwater
Hot Springs and Geothermal Energy
Oceans / 14:
In the Beginning
How Deep Are They?
What's Down There? The Ocean Floor
The Continental Shelf
The Deep Seafloor
Mid-Ocean Ridges
Mineral Resources / 15:
Exploring for Mineral Deposits
Energy Minerals
Nuclear Waste Repositories
Nonmetallic Economic Minerals
Rare Earth Minerals
Calcium Carbonate
Sand, Gravel, and Rock
Building Stone (Dimension Stone)
Black Gold (Texas Tea) / 16:
How Is Oil Formed?
Source Rocks
Generation, Migration, and Entrapment
Preservation and Destruction of Hydrocarbons
Exploring for Hydrocarbons
What about the Oil Sands?
Production, Consumption, and the Price of Oil
Remaining Reserves and Peak Oil
Climate Change / 17:
What We Know
A Word about Models
Lots of Moving Parts
Role of the Sun
The Atmosphere, Aerosols, and Greenhouse Gases
Carbon Dioxide
Water Vapor
Complex Interactions
Role of the Oceans
The Ocean-Atmosphere Linked System
Ocean Models
The Land Surface
Ice Sheets
The Biosphere
To Summarize
The Worst-Case Scenario?
So You Want to Be a Geologist / 18:
What Does a Geologist Do?
Resource Geology
Environmental Geology
Geological Engineering
Marine Geology
Geological Surveys and Government Agencies
Other Geologic Specialties
Education Requirements
High School
Undergraduate School
Field Camp
Graduate School
Professional Geologist Certification
Starting Your Career
Sources of Information


Ben Rhodes
出版情報: London : Bodley Head, 2018  xx, 450 p., [8] p. of plates ; 24 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


Ettore Vitali, Mario Motta, Davide Emilio Galli
出版情報: Cham : Springer, c2018  xiii, 235 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Unitext for physics
所蔵情報: loading…


Olena Fesenko, Leonid Yatsenko, editors
出版情報: Cham : Springer, c2018  xv, 356 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名: Springer proceedings in physics ; v. 210
所蔵情報: loading…


edited by Trevor M. Letcher, Vasilis M. Fthenakis
出版情報: London : Academic Press, c2018  xxi, 517 p. ; 24 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


Alessandro De Angelis, Mário Pimenta
出版情報: [Cham] : Springer, c2018  xxx, 733 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Undergraduate lecture notes in physics
所蔵情報: loading…


James W. Hardin, Joseph M. Hilbe
出版情報: College Station, Tex. : Stata Press, 2018  xxx, 598 p. ; 24 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


Richard J. Brown
出版情報: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018  xvi, 408 p. ; 24 cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
What Is a Dynamical System? / 1:
Definitions / 1.1:
Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) / 1.1.1:
Maps / 1.1.2:
Symbolic Dynamics / 1.1.3:
Billiards / 1.1.4:
Higher-Order Recursions / 1.1.5:
The Viewpoint / 1.2:
Simple Dynamics / 2:
Preliminaries / 2.1:
A Simple System / 2.1.1:
The Time-t Map / 2.1.2:
Metrics on Sets / 2.1.3:
Lipschitz Continuity / 2.1.4:
The Contraction Principle / 2.2:
Contractions on Intervals / 2.2.1:
Contractions in Several Variables / 2.2.2:
Application: The Newton-Raphson Method / 2.2.3:
Application: Existence and Uniqueness of ODE Solutions / 2.2.4:
Application: Heron of Alexandria / 2.2.5:
Interval Maps / 2.3:
Cobwebbing / 2.3.1:
Fixed-Point Stability / 2.3.2:
Monotonic Maps / 2.3.3:
Homochnic/Heteroclinic Points / 2.3.4:
Bifurcations of Interval Maps / 2.4:
Saddle-Node Bifurcation / 2.4.1:
Transcritical Bifurcation / 2.4.2:
Pitchfork Bifurcation / 2.4.3:
First Return Maps / 2.5:
A Quadratic Interval Map; The Logistic Map / 2.6:
The Objects of Dynamics / 3:
Topology on Sets / 3.1:
More on Metrics / 3.2:
More on Lipschitz Continuity / 3.2.1:
Metric Equivalence / 3.2.2:
Fixed-Point Theorems / 3.2.3:
Some Non-Euclidean Metric Spaces / 3.3:
The n-Sphere / 3.3.1:
The Unit Circle / 3.3.2:
The Cylinder / 3.3.3:
The 2-Torus / 3.3.4:
A Cantor Set / 3.4:
The Koch Curve / 3.4.1:
Sierpinski Carpet / 3.4.2:
The Sponges / 3.4.3:
Flows and Maps of Euclidean Space / 4:
Linear, First-order ODE Systems in the Plane / 4.1:
General Homogeneous, Linear Systems in Euclidean Space / 4.1.1:
Autonomous Linear Systems / 4.1.2:
The Matrix Exponential / 4.1.3:
Two-Dimensional Classification / 4.1.4:
Bifurcations in Linear Planar Systems / 4.2:
Linearized Poincaré-Andronov-Hopf Bifurcation / 4.2.1:
Linear Planar Maps / 4.2.2:
Nodes: Sinks and Sources / 4.3.1:
Star or Proper Nodes / 4.3.2:
Degenerate or Improper Nodes / 4.3.3:
Spirals and Centers / 4.3.4:
Saddle Points / 4.3.5:
Linear Flows versus Linear Maps / 4.4:
Local Linearization and Stability of Equilibria / 4.5:
Isolated Periodic Orbit Stability / 4.6:
The Poincaré-Bendixson Theorem / 4.6.1:
Limit Sets of Flows / 4.6.2:
Flows in the Plane / 4.6.3:
Application: The van der Pol Oscillator / 4.6.4:
The Poincaré-Andronov-Hopf Bifurcation / 4.6.5:
Application: Competing Species / 4.7:
The Fixed Points / 4.7.1:
Type and Stability / 4.7.2:
Recurrence / 5:
Rotations of the circle / 5.1:
Continued Fraction Representation / 5.1.1:
Equidistribution and Weyl's Theorem / 5.2:
Application: Periodic Function Reconstruction via Sampling / 5.2.1:
Linear Flows on the Torus / 5.3:
Application: Lissajous Figures / 5.3.1:
Application: A Polygonal Billiard / 5.3.2:
Toral Translations / 5.4:
Invertible Circle Maps / 5.5:
Phase Volume Preservation / 6:
In compressibility / 6.1:
Newtonian Systems of Classical Mechanics / 6.2:
Generating Flows from Functions: Lagrange / 6.2.1:
Generating Flows from Functions: Hamilton / 6.2.2:
Exact Differential Equations / 6.2.3:
Application: The Planar Pendulum / 6.2.4:
First Integrals / 6.2.5:
Application: The Spherical Pendulum / 6.2.6:
Poincaré Recurrence / 6.3:
Non-Wandering Points / 6.3.1:
The Poincaré Recurrence Theorem / 6.3.2:
Circular Billiards / 6.4:
Elliptic Billiards / 6.4.2:
General Convex Billiards / 6.4.3:
Poincaré's Last Geometric Theorem / 6.4.4:
Application: Pitcher Problems / 6.4.5:
Complicated Orbit Structure / 7:
Counting Periodic Orbits / 7.1:
The Quadratic Map: Beyond 4 / 7.1.1:
Hyperbolic Toral Automorphisms / 7.1.2:
Application: Image Restoration / 7.1.3:
Inverse Limit Spaces / 7.1.4:
Shift Spaces / 7.1.5:
Markov Partitions / 7.1.6:
Application: The Baker's Transformation / 7.1.7:
Two-Dimensional Markov Partitions: Arnol'd's Cat Map / 7.2:
Chaos and Mixing / 7.3:
Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions / 7.4:
Quadratic Maps: The Final interval / 7.5:
Period-Doubling Bifurcation / 7.5.1:
Trie Schwarzian Derivative / 7.5.2:
Sharkovskii's Theorem / 7.5.3:
Two More Examples of Complicated Dynamical Systems / 7.6:
Complex Dynamics / 7.6.1:
Smale Horseshoe / 7.6.2:
Dynamical Invariants / 8:
Topological Conjugacy / 8.1:
Conjugate Maps / 8.1.1:
Conjugate Hows / 8.1.2:
Conjugacy as Classification / 8.1.3:
Topological Entropy / 8.2:
Lyapunov Exponents / 8.2.1:
Capacity / 8.2.2:
Box Dimension / 8.2.3:
Bowen-Dinaburg (Metric) Topological Entropy / 8.2.4:
What Is a Dynamical System? / 1:
Definitions / 1.1:
Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) / 1.1.1:


Bernhard W. Bach Jr.
出版情報: Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press, 2018  v. ; 23-24 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


edited by Steve Butler, Joshua Cooper, Glenn Hurlbert
出版情報: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018  xii, 352 p. ; 24 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


Olena Fesenko, Leonid Yatsenko, editors
出版情報: Cham : Springer, c2018  xviii, 525 p.
シリーズ名: Springer proceedings in physics ; v. 214
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : Jリサーチ出版, 2018.7  159p ; 18cm
所蔵情報: loading…


B. S. Daya Sagar, Qiuming Cheng, Frits Agterberg, editors
出版情報: Cham : Springer Open, c2018  xxviii, 914 p. ; 25 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


Dmitry Zinoviev
出版情報: Raleigh : The Pragmatic Bookshelf, c2018  xvii, 233 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: The pragmatic programmers
所蔵情報: loading…


藤田嗣治著 ; 林洋子編
出版情報: 京都 : ミネルヴァ書房, 2018.8  ix, 312, 18p, 図版 [2] p ; 20cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
第1部 日米開戦前—第二次世界大戦勃発に寄せて : 着物
東京での今の暮らし—藤田嗣治がパブロ・ピカソに宛てた手紙 ほか
第2部 仏印体験 : 仏印画信
仏印と日本美術—仏印巡回展本会派遣使節報告 ほか
第3部 太平洋戦争勃発から南方戦線取材へ : 南方派遣画家は語る
目で見た実戦彩管部隊座談会 ほか
第4部 太平洋戦争後期 : 一路邁進の秋—戦争画への精進 / 上
われらの大使命—戦争画への精進(下) : ほか
第5部 敗戦後の日本へ : 画家の良心
ウナニミテを想ふ ほか
第1部 日米開戦前—第二次世界大戦勃発に寄せて : 着物
東京での今の暮らし—藤田嗣治がパブロ・ピカソに宛てた手紙 ほか
第2部 仏印体験 : 仏印画信
概要: 一九二〇年代のパリで、独自の乳白色による裸婦で名声を確立した画家・藤田嗣治は、戦時下の日本で暮らし、“アッツ島玉砕”や“サイパン島同砲臣節を全うす”などの「作戦記録画」を手がけた。日中戦争から太平洋戦争へと続くこの時期、画作と並行して著作を 新聞や雑誌に寄せている。本書では、戦時下の藤田の主要な著作を初めてまとめて復刻し、論考とあわせ、絵画と文章の相関関係から新たな藤田の戦争画像を浮かび上がらせる。 続きを見る


Céline Scheidt, Lewis Li, Jef Caers, editors
出版情報: Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2018  xi, 279 p.: ill., maps (some col.) ; 29 cm
シリーズ名: Geophysical monograph ; 236
所蔵情報: loading…


International Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems ; Nuclear Institute
出版情報: London, U.K. : Nuclear Institute , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018, c2016  2 v. (1538 p.) ; 28 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


editor, William J. Sproule
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  ix, 184 p. ; 28 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


田中昭三著 ; 蓬生雄司画
出版情報: 東京 : 小学館, 2018.7  125p ; 19cm
シリーズ名: Bilingual guide to Japan
所蔵情報: loading…


editors, Chao Wang ... [et al.]
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  xv, 785 p. ; 28 cm
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editors, Chao Wang ... [et al.]
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  xv, 762 p. ; 28 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


editors, Chao Wang ... [et al.]
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  xv, 779 p. ; 28 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


editors, Chao Wang ... [et al.]
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  xv, 726 p. ; 28 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


editors, Chao Wang ... [et al.]
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  xv, 790 p. ; 28 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


editor: James Gregory Soules
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  viii, 563 p. ; 28 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


editor: James Gregory Soules
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  vii, 412 p. ; 28 cm
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editor: James Gregory Soules
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  vii, 552 p. ; 28 cm
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Institute of Navigation International Technical Meeting ; Institute of Navigation
出版情報: Manassas, VA : Institute of Navigation , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  883 p. ; 28 cm
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Offshore Technology Conference
出版情報: Richardson, Tex. : Offshore Technology Conference , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  6 v. (4633 p.) ; 28 cm
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Ginestra Bianconi
出版情報: Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2018  xiv, 402 p. ; 26 cm
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edited by Djoko Legono ... [et al.]
出版情報: Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2018  x, 166 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Applied mechanics and materials ; v. 881
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Study on Hydraulic Flow in Stratified Pipe Performed by Numerical Simulation / Ani Hairani; Djoko Legono; Adam Pamudji Rahardjo
Simulation of Angular Flow in a Shallow Basin Triggered by a Rotating Vertical Cylinder by SPH Method / Warniyati; Radianta Triatmadja; Nur Yuwono
Groundwater Engineering Computation Methods Based on Forchheimer's Equation / S. Sunjoto
Rain Behaviour at Mt. Merapi Area as Observed by XMPR and ARR / Roby Hambali; Hanggar G. Mawandha; Djoko Legono; Rachmad Jayadi; Satoru Oishi
Development of Batch Photocatalytic Solar Reactor into a Continuous System to Degrade Peat Water into Clean Water / Gusfiyesi; Hendri Sawir; Edo Handika
Microbiological Quality Assessment of Drinking Water in Teros Village, East Lombok District, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia / Baiq Liana Widiyanti; Ig.L. Setyawan Purnama; Adi Heru Sutomo; Setiadi
Universitas Gadjah Mada Drinking Water Supply System (UGM-DWSS) Potential on Supporting Green Campus Program in Universitas Gadjah Mada / Adhi S. Fahrianto; Intan Supraba; Radianta Triatmadja; Budi Kamulyan
Campus Drinking Water Supply System Performance Analysis Universitas Gadjah Mada of Yogyakarta / Teguh Setiawan; Radianta Triatmadja; Intan Supraba; Budi Kamulyan
Policy Analysis of Clean Water Supply System (CWSS) Development (Case Study of Kotamobagu's CWSS) / Ahmad Nithasi Damopolii; Radianta Triatmadja; Intan Supraba
Impact of Sedimentation Counter Measure on the Performance of Flood Control: A Case Study of Wonogiri Reservoir / Rachmad Jayadi; Istiarto; Ansita Gukitapingin Pradipta
Hypocenter Analysis of Aftershocks Data of the Mw 6.3, 27 May 2006 Yogyakarta Earthquake Using Oct-Tree Importance Sampling Method / Asri Wulandari; Ade Anggraini; Wiwit Suryanto
The Damping Mechanism of Steel-Rubber Composite Beam under Flexural Dynamic Excitation / Henricus Priyosulistyo; Fredy Picauly; Bambang Suhendro; Andreas Triwiyono
Modified Chicken Claw (Cakar Ayam Modifikasi) System - A New Concept in Green Pavement Technology over Soft and Swampy Ground / Bambang Suhendro
Numerical Investigation on the Buckling Failure of Slender Tubular Member with Cutout Presence / Miftahul Iman; Bambang Suhendro; Henricus Priyosulistyo; Muslikh
Comparison of Wind Load Analysis Results Based on Indonesia Minimum Design Loads Standard SNI 1727:2013 Inputted Automatically and Manually by Using SAP2000 / Oktaviani Tri Handayani; M. Despriodi Syaher; Inggar Septhia Irawati
Cost Estimation Model for I-Girder Bridge Superstructure Using Multiple Linear Regression and Artificial Neural Network / Inas Winalytra; Arief Setiawan Budi Nugroho; Andreas Triwiyono
Full Height Rectangular Opening Castellated Steel Beam with Diagonal Stiffener / Muhamad A. Rusli; Ali Murtopo; Iman Satyarno; M. Fauzie Siswanto
The Investigation on Setting Time and Strength of High Calcium Fly Ash Based Geopolymer / Remigildus Cornelis; Henricus Priyosulistyo; Iman Satyarno; Rochmadi
Study on Hydraulic Flow in Stratified Pipe Performed by Numerical Simulation / Ani Hairani; Djoko Legono; Adam Pamudji Rahardjo
Simulation of Angular Flow in a Shallow Basin Triggered by a Rotating Vertical Cylinder by SPH Method / Warniyati; Radianta Triatmadja; Nur Yuwono
Groundwater Engineering Computation Methods Based on Forchheimer's Equation / S. Sunjoto


edited by Jörg Franke, Michael Scholz and Annika Höft
出版情報: Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2018  viii, 224 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Applied mechanics and materials ; v. 882
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Self-Learning Energy Management System on the Process Control Level / Elisabeth Zizler; Matthias Wenk; Benedikt Martens
Potentials for Error Detection and Process Visualization in Assembly Lines Using a Parallel Coordinates Plot / Christian Sand; Tobias Lechler; Patricia Schuh; Jörg Franke
Defining Batches under Consideration of Quality-Related Factors for Improved Failure and Scrap Analysis / Lukas Baier; Simon Spindler; Manuel Wacker; Peter Schuderer; Jörg Franke
Combining Use Case Methodology and Architecture Models: A Standardized Description Methodology for Complex Systems / Franziska Schäfer; Lukas Engel; Marlene Kuhn; Heiner Otten
Intersections and Contrasts between Energy Efficiency and Flexibility in Production Machinery Energy - An Analysis Regarding Energy Optimisation / Martin Brugger; Christoph Richter; Gunther Reinhart
Model-Based Computation of Critical Operation Points in Biogas Producing Plants / David Wagner; Wolfgang Schlüter
Towards a Software System Providing Knowledge about Energy and Resource Efficiency Potentials within the Product and Process Development of Electric Drives / Andreas Mayr; Alexander Meyer; Michael Masuch; Andra Braun; Jörg Franke
Sustainability Aspects of Current Market Developments, Different Product Types and Innovative Manufacturing Processes of Electric Motors / Andreas Mayr; Michael Weigelt; Michael Masuch; Martin Adrion; Aljoscha Bauer; Katrin Wirsinger; Jörg Franke
An Information Processing Framework Facilitating the Implementation of Condition Monitoring in Cyber-Physical Systems / Hans Fleischmann; Dominik Kißkalt; Stefan Krusemark; Jörg Franke
Transparent Acquisition and Processing of Energy Data in the Field of Industrial Production - Requirements and Applications / Markus Brandmeier; Norbert Eckl; Daniel Weberling; Jörg Franke
Implementation of an Intralogistics Routing-Service Basing on Decentralized Workspace Digitization / Michael Scholz; Xu Zhang; Jörg Franke
An Artificial Intelligence Approach for Online Optimization of Flexible Manufacturing Systems / Jupiter Bakakeu; Schirin Tolksdorf; Jochen Bauer; Hans-Henning Klos; Jörn Peschke; Adrian Fehrle; Werner Eberlein; Johannes Bürner; Matthias Brossog; Lars Jahn; Jörg Franke
Towards an Energy Efficient Series Production of High Performance Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors by Selective Magnet Assembly / Alexander Meyer; Jörg Franke
Optimization of the Process Reliability of the Ultrasonic Crimping Process by Evaluating the Mounting Conditions for Tubular Cable Lugs / Johannes Seefried; Tobias Gläßel; Raphael Rezler; Jörg Franke
Qualification of Direct Diode Lasers for Laser Beam Welding in Order to Enhance Process Efficiency / Kerstin Schaumberger; Michael Mödl; Vincent Mann; Stephan Roth; Michael Schmidt
Contribution of Additive Manufacturing of Rare Earth Material to the Increase in Performance and Resource Efficiency of Permanent Magnets / Nikolaus Urban; Alexander Meyer; Vitalij Keller; Jörg Franke
Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Based Blasting Technologies as Cryogenic Deburring Method for Titanium Alloy and Stainless Steel / Daniel Gross; Andrea Heinz; Sven Amon; Trixi Meier; Ralf Schmand; Nico Hanenkamp
Measurement Analysis for Increasing Resource Efficiency during Autoclave Processes for the Production of Fiber Composites / Melanie Klein; Leonhard Finsterwald; Kathrin Tonhaeuser; Rolf Steinhilper
Magnetic Gearing as a Functional Principle in Electric Drives / Tobias Gerlach; Rolf Vollmer; Andreas Kremser; Dieter Gerling
Smart Melting: Increasing Efficiency in Non-Ferrous Melting and Die-Casting Plants through Incident Management / Stefan Müller; Wolfgang Schlüter; Jakob Krieg
E|Melt: Simulation-Driven Analysis of Energy Efficiency Measures inside Non-Ferrous Melting and Die-Casting Plants / Andreas Buswell; Wolfgang Schlüter
Electrical Functionalization of Interconnect Devices by Digital Printing - Evaluation of Properties and Long-Term Behaviour / Julian Schirmer; Jewgeni Roudenko; Marcus Reichenberger
Contribution to the Reduction of Annealing Processes in the Manufacturing of Valve Solenoids by Using Inline Measuring Technology in the Caulking Process / Johannes von Lindenfels; Andreas Heyder; Stefan Funk; Stefan Pigler; Jörg Franke
CFD Optimized Test Rig Design for High Precision Energy Efficiency Performance Measurements of Fans for Electronic Cooling / Philipp Epple; Michael Steppert; Michael Steber
Assessment Methodology for Efficiency, CO2-Emissions and Primary Energy Consumption for Refrigeration Technologies in the Industry / Matthias Koppmann; Raphael Lechner; Tom Goßner; Markus Brautsch
Self-Learning Energy Management System on the Process Control Level / Elisabeth Zizler; Matthias Wenk; Benedikt Martens
Potentials for Error Detection and Process Visualization in Assembly Lines Using a Parallel Coordinates Plot / Christian Sand; Tobias Lechler; Patricia Schuh; Jörg Franke
Defining Batches under Consideration of Quality-Related Factors for Improved Failure and Scrap Analysis / Lukas Baier; Simon Spindler; Manuel Wacker; Peter Schuderer; Jörg Franke


edited by Yunn Lin Hwang
出版情報: Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2018  62 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Applied mechanics and materials ; v. 883
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Dynamic Analysis and Control of Hydraulic Machine System and Industrial Robotic Manipulators / Yunn Lin Hwang; Thi Na Ta; Cao Sang Tran
Cyclic Deformation Caused by Repeatedly Contact Loading / Chang Hung Kuo; Siew Fern Lim; Hung Ru Ho
Identification of Orientation-Specific Damage Using Guided Waves and Diagnostic Imaging / Chao Zhou; Chun Liang Zhang; Xia Yue; Hou Yao Zhu
Thermal Displacement Analysis and Verification for Screw in a Vertical Transmission Double Nut Ball-Screw System / Chin Chung Wei; Jui Chi Wang; Yuan Lun Huang
Dynamic Analysis and Control of Industrial Robotic Manipulators / Yunn Lin Hwang; Jung Kuang Cheng; Van Thuan Truong
The Design and Prototype Manufacture of Helical Gear Reducers with Two Gear Pairs / Tzu Hsia Chen; Long Chang Hsieh
Effects of Interlayer on Mechanical Properties of Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings / Sun Hui Yao; Yen Liang Su; Yu Chen Lai; Huang Ming Wu
Effect of Flow Rate of Reactive Gas on Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Carbon Nitride Coatings / Yen Liang Su; Sun Hui Yao; Yi Ru Wu; Cheng Yeh Lin
The Micro-Temperatures of the Peaks and Valleys of Sliding Rough Surfaces / Shin Yuh Chern; Jeng Haur Horng; Cheng Han Tsai; Hung Jung Tsai
Dynamic Analysis and Control of Hydraulic Machine System and Industrial Robotic Manipulators / Yunn Lin Hwang; Thi Na Ta; Cao Sang Tran
Cyclic Deformation Caused by Repeatedly Contact Loading / Chang Hung Kuo; Siew Fern Lim; Hung Ru Ho
Identification of Orientation-Specific Damage Using Guided Waves and Diagnostic Imaging / Chao Zhou; Chun Liang Zhang; Xia Yue; Hou Yao Zhu


edited by Swami Naidu Gurugubelli and K. Siva Prasad
出版情報: Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2018  x, 214 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Advanced materials research ; v. 1148
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Epoxy Based Hybrid Composites Reinforced with Banana-Pineapple Fiber / Jami Madhukiran; Ch. Ramabhadri Raju; S. Madhusudan; R. Umamaheswara Rao
Experimentation and Analysis on Reinforced Basalt and Carbon Fibres Composite Laminate / Vemu Vara Prasad
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of GFRP Composites Reinforced with Single Wall Carbon Nano-Tubes by Immersion in Normal and Sea Water under Hydro-Static Pressure / T. Victor Babu; S. Santosh Kumar; Pala Srinivas Reddy
Effect of Blast Furnace Slag and Red Mud Reinforcements on the Mechanical Properties of AA2024 Hybrid Composites / G. Siva Karuna; S.Venu Gopala Swamy; G. Swami Naidu
A Review on Mechanical and Acoustic Emission Behavior of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Composites / Vemu Vara Prasad; Tanna Eswara Rao
A Review on Acoustic Emission Characterization of Failure Modes of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites / Vemu Vara Prasad; Javisseti Nageswara Rao
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Thermo-Gravimetric Analysis on Chopped Strand Mat Reinforced with Polyester Resin and Graphite Powder / Pala Srinivas Reddy; T. Victor Babu; S. Santosh Kumar
A Review of Recent Developments in Natural Fiber Composites and their Mechanical, Thermal & Machinabilty Properties / V. Joshua Jaya Prasad; Puli Suresh Kumar
TEM Analysis of Precipitates in a Low Alloy Wear Resistant Steel and Correlating with its Corrosion Behaviour / S. Naseema; B. Gaurav; G. Das; V.C. Srivatsava; K. Srinivas Rao; K. Gopala Krishna
Equal Channel Angular Extrusion of AA 5083 / Varadala Ananda Babu; Gurugubelli Swami Naidu; B. Sateesh
A Combination of H3BO3 (nm) and TiO2 (#956;m) Nano/Microparticle as an Additive to the MQL Enhances the Performance of Cutting / P. Shreenivasa Rao; P.V.J. Mohan Rao; Y. Srinivasa Rao
Utilization of Ring Compression Test to Investigate the Mushroom Effect and Adhesive Nature of AA2014 Billets / Ch. Harikrishna; M.J. Davidson; P. Srinivasa Raju; G. Srinivasa Rao
Low Cost Vibration Measurement and Optimization during Turning Process / N.V.S. Shankar; A. Gopi Chand; K. Hanumantha Rao; K. Prem Sai
Evaluation of Process Parameters in Machining of AA6063 Alloy / M. Balaji; C.H. Nagaraju; V.U.S. Vara Prasad; R. Kalyani; B. Avinash
Experimental Investigation on the Performance of Vortex Tube / B.V.S. Raghu Vamsi; Repalle Jithendra Kumar; M.R.C. Sastry; T. Siva Krishna; M. Kamal Tej
Effect of Heat Treatment of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy on the Electroless Ni-P Deposition / Charu Singh; S.K. Tiwari; Raghuvir Singh
Evaluation of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Zirconium by Using Dilatometer & Ansys / Repalle Jithendra Kumar; B.V.S. Raghu Vamsi; T. Siva Krishna; D. Tarun; M. Kamal Tej
Influences of Varying Current by Tungsten Inert Gas Welding and its Process Parameters on Weld Quality of AA 6061 Aluminium Alloy / K.H. Preethi; B.S. Ajay Kumar; N.J. Krishna Prasad; K. Barat
Simulation Studies and Evolution of Mechanical Properties of AA6061 Subjected to RCS / Prabhakar M. Bhovi; Akash R. Naik; Dattatraya Adarsh; C.G. Ranjitkumar; K. Venkateswarlu
Direct Active Soldering of PEO Coated and Uncoated AA6061 Aluminium Alloy / R. Sokkalingam; M.P. Shankar; Anoop K. Unni; Katakam Sivaprasad; Veerappan Muthupandi
Effect of Electrolyte on Micro Arc Oxidation Coating of Al-2014 Alloy / M.P. Shankar; R. Sokkalingam; Katakam Sivaprasad; Veerappan Muthupandi
Studies on Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded Al-4Cu-TiB2 In Situ Composites with Base Alloy / Sangathoti Haribabu; M. Ashfaq; Katakam Sivaprasad; S. Muthukumaran; R. Narayanasamy
Experimental Investigation on Friction Stir Butt Welded Aluminium 6061-T6 Alloy Using Taguchi L9 Experimental Approach / D. Maneaih; K. Prahlada Rao; K. Brahma Raju
Magnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation of Softening of Cold Rolled Low Carbon IF Steel / Siuli Dutta; Ashis Panda; Amitava Mitra; Subrata Chatterjee; K. Roy Rajat
An Experimental Study on Mechanical Behaviour of Pulsed Current Welding on Aluminum Alloy Joints / Ramu Garugubilli; M.L. Sramika; V. Pradeep Kumar
A Feasibility Report on the Comparsion of the Characteristics of Manufacturing a Bearing Cover by the Processes of Sand Casting and Shell Moulding / M.Madhu Vamsi; V. Pradeep Kumar; S.H. Shariff
Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Epoxy Based Hybrid Composites Reinforced with Banana-Pineapple Fiber / Jami Madhukiran; Ch. Ramabhadri Raju; S. Madhusudan; R. Umamaheswara Rao
Experimentation and Analysis on Reinforced Basalt and Carbon Fibres Composite Laminate / Vemu Vara Prasad
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of GFRP Composites Reinforced with Single Wall Carbon Nano-Tubes by Immersion in Normal and Sea Water under Hydro-Static Pressure / T. Victor Babu; S. Santosh Kumar; Pala Srinivas Reddy


editors: Armin W. Stuedlein, Anne Lemnitzer, Muhannad T. Suleiman
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  xv, 480 p. ; 28 cm
シリーズ名: Geotechnical practice publication ; no. 11
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editor, Sri Kamojjala
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  x, 362 p. ; 28 cm
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editor, Sri Kamojjala
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  xi, 479 p. ; 28 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


editor, Sri Kamojjala
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2018  ix, 354 p. ; 28 cm
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