

廣津和郎原作; 小津安二郎監督 ; 野田高梧, 小津安二郎脚本
出版情報: [東京] : 松竹(発売・販売), [2005]  ビデオディスク1枚 (1時間48分)
シリーズ名: SHV松竹ホームビデオ ; Shochiku DVD super select
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上野健爾 [ほか] 著
出版情報: 東京 : 岩波書店, 2005.5-2005.11  2冊 ; 22cm
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高田浩年, 相原了著
出版情報: 東京 : 日刊工業新聞社, 2005.2  190p ; 21cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
まえがき 1
第Ⅰ部 寿命と信頼性の基礎
第1章 寿命・信頼性の基礎
   1.1 寿命・信頼性の数学的基礎
   1.1.1 「ばらつき」と統計的取扱い 11
   1.1.2 統計データのいろいろな指標 12
   1.1.3 確率密度分布と累積確率分布 14
   1.1.4 いろいろな確率分布 15
   1.2 寿命・信頼性データ解析の基礎
   1.2.1 データ解析上の留意点 21
   1.2.2 ヒストグラムと累積度数分布図 22
   1.2.3 確率紙 23
   1.2.4 ワイブル確率紙 23
   1.2.5 確率紙へのプロット法 26
   1.2.6 メディアンランク 27
   1.2.7 不完全データの取扱い 28
   1.2.8 相関 31
   1.2.9 回帰 31
   1.2.10 推定と検定 33
第2章 機器の寿命・信頼性設計
   2.1 機器の寿命・信頼性設計の基礎
   2.1.1 機器の寿命 37
   2.1.2 寿命のばらつき 38
   2.1.3 寿命の分布 40
   2.1.4 機器の寿命と部品の寿命 41
   2.1.5 信頼性と信頼度 41
   2.1.6 故障率 42
   2.1.7 機器の修理 44
   2.1.8 系の信頼度 45
   2.1.9 保全性と保全度 47
   2.1.10 アベイラビリティ 48
   2.1.11 信頼性試験 49
   2.2 ファンモータの寿命・信頼性
   2.2.1 ファンモーターの寿命 50
   2.2.2 ファンモータの部品の寿命 51
   2.2.3 ファンモータの信頼性と信頼性試験 52
   2.3 荷重の小さいモータ用玉軸受の寿命・信頼性(ファンモータ用玉軸受の寿命・信頼性)
   2.3.1 ファンモータ用玉軸受 54
   2.3.2 ファンモータ用玉軸受の寿命 55
   2.3.3 密封玉軸受のグリース寿命 56
   2.3.4 モータ用密封玉軸受のグリース寿命の例 58
   2.3.5 ファンモータ用玉軸受のグリース寿命延長策 58
   2.4 荷重の大きいモータ用玉軸受の寿命・信頼性
   2.4.1 玉軸受の転がり疲れ寿命 60
   2.4.2 玉軸受の(転がり疲れ)寿命の計算 61
   2.4.3 玉軸受の寿命計算における荷重 62
第Ⅱ部 転がり軸受の寿命・信頼性
第3章 転がり軸受概論
   3.1 軸受の基礎
   3.1.1 軸受とは 67
   3.1.2 軸受とトライボロジーの歴史 69
   3.1.3 滑り軸受と転がり軸受の得失 70
   3.2 転がり軸受の基礎
   3.2.1 転がり軸受の構造と特長 72
   3.2.2 転がり軸受の形式と特徴 74
   3.2.3 転がり軸受の主要寸法 79
   3.2.4 転がり軸受の呼び番号 81
   3.3 転がり軸受の特性
   3.3.1 転がり軸受の精度 84
   3.3.2 転がり軸受の内部すきま 84
   3.3.3 転がり軸受のはめあい 88
   3.3.4 転がり軸受の許容回転数 92
   3.3.5 転がり軸受の許容荷重 94
   3.3.6 転がり軸受の潤滑 94
   3.3.7 転がり軸受の予圧 96
   3.3.8 転がり軸受の配列 98
   3.3.9 転がり受軸の材料 101
第4章 転がり軸受の寿命
   4.1 転がり軸受の故障と寿命
   4.1.1 転がり軸受の故障 103
   4.1.2 転がり軸受の寿命 104
   4.2 転がり軸受の潤滑寿命
   4.2.1 グリースとグリース寿命 105
   4.2.2 グリース寿命への対応 106
   4.2.3 油潤滑の場合の潤滑寿命 109
   4.3 転がり軸受のフレーキング寿命の性質
   4.3.1 フレーキング寿命の突発性とばらつきの大きさ 109
   4.3.2 フレーキング寿命に関係する因子 111
   4.3.3 フレーキング寿命因子からみた長寿命化の留意点 116
   4.4 転がり軸受のフレーキング寿命の機構と理論
   4.4.1 内部起点フレーキングと表面起点フレーキング 117
   4.4.2 Lundberg-Palmgrenの寿命理論 118
   4.5 転がり軸受のフレーキング寿命の計算式
   4.5.1 基本定格寿命 122
   4.5.2 転がり軸受の寿命計算式と基本動定格荷重の計算式 123
   4.5.3 転がり軸受の補正寿命計算式 125
   4.5.4 寿命計算式における軸受荷重 128
   4.6 転がり軸受の許容荷重
   4.6.1 転がり軸受の許容荷重の変遷 132
   4.6.2 転がり軸受の基本静定格荷重の計算式 133
   4.6.3 静等価荷重と静許容荷重係数 134
   4.7 転がり軸受の故障診断と保守
   4.7.1 転がり軸受の損傷(故障・寿命)診断の意義 136
   4.7.2 転がり軸受の損傷(故障・寿命)とその原因・対策 136
   4.7.3 転がり軸受の点検・保守 137
第5章 転がり軸受の最近の動向
   5.1 転がり軸受のトライボロジー技術の発展
   5.1.1 弾性流体潤滑(elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication : EHL) 145
   5.1.2 流体潤滑理論(hydrodynamic lubrication : HL) 146
   5.1.3 HLからEHLまでの歩み 147
   5.1.4 EHLの誕生 149
   5.1.5 EHLのその後の展開 159
   5.2 転がり軸受の性能向上
   5.2.1 転がり軸受の材料高度化 164
   5.2.2 転がり軸受の設計高度化 166
   5.2.3 転がり軸受の潤滑技術高度化 168
   5.2.4 特殊環境用転がり軸受 168
   5.3 最近の転がり軸受寿命計算式の動向
   5.3.1 転がり軸受寿命理論の発展 170
   5.3.2 転がり軸受の新寿命計算式の提案 175
   5.3.3 転がり軸受の新寿命計算方式の規格化の動向 180
   5.4 地球環境対応と転がり軸受
   5.4.1 転がり軸受と省エネルギー 182
   5.4.2 転がり軸受と省資源 182
   5.4.3 転がり軸受と快適性向上 183
   5.4.4 転がり軸受とリサイクル 183
   5.4.5 転がり軸受のLCA 184
索引 187
まえがき 1
第Ⅰ部 寿命と信頼性の基礎
第1章 寿命・信頼性の基礎


石川統, 黒岩常祥, 永田和宏編集
出版情報: 東京 : 朝倉書店, 2005.2  x, 464p ; 22cm
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Associate Professor Helen McGregor, Mr. Paul Maloney
出版情報: Sydney : Faculty of Engineering, University of Technology, Sydney[UTS], 2005  153 p. ; 30 cm
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ポール・ヴァレリー著 ; 東宏治, 松田浩則編訳
出版情報: 東京 : 平凡社, 2005.2  301p. ; 16cm
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ジョン・フォード監督 ; ジョン・スタインベック原作
出版情報: [東京] : 20世紀フォックスホームエンターテイメントジャパン (発売), c2005  ビデオディスク1枚 (130分) ; 12cm
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マイケル・カコヤニス監督/製作/脚色 ; ニコス・カザンザキス原作
出版情報: [東京] : 20世紀フォックスホームエンターテイメントジャパン (発売), c2005  ビデオディスク1枚 (143分) ; 12cm
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International Symposium on Electronics Materials and Packaging ; 岸本, 喜久雄
出版情報: Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, c2005  vi, 301 p. ; 30 cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
   The Story Behind the Red Phosphorus Mold Compound Device Failures / prof.Michael Pecht,University of Maryland,USA 1
   Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Packaging Technology Challenges-Next Five Years / Dr. Mario A. Bolanos, Texas Instruments Inc., USA 6
   Gbps Signal Transmission on Si CMOS ULSI / Prof.Kazuya Masu, Tokyo Institute of Technology,Japan 10
   A Study of Hygro-Thermal Deformations and Stresses in FCPBGA / Prof.Sung Yi, Portland State University,USA 15
Quality & Reliability(1)
   Development of an Automated X-Ray Inspection Method for Microsolder Bumps / Atsushi Teramoto (Nagoya Electric Works Co., Ltd.),Takayuki Murakoshi, Masatoshi Tsuzaka (Nagoya University) and Hiroshi Fujita (Gifu University) 21
   Reliability Assessment of BGA Solder Joints under Cyclic Bending Loads / Ilho Kim(KAIST, Korea) and Soon-Bok Lee 27
   Case Studies of Reliability Analysis by Stochastic Methodology in BGA Creep Analysis / Shoji Sasaki(MSV,Software Ltd.) Motoharu Tateishi, Isamu Ishikawa and Paul Vanderwalt(MSC.Software Corporation,USA) 33
   Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis for Micro Solder Joints with Void / Takeshi Terasaki(Hitachi,Ltd) and Hisashi Tanie 37
Quality &Reliability(2)
   Reliability Analysis of Embedded Chip Technique with Design of Experiment Methods / Xiuzhen Lu(Shanghai University,China), Liu Chen(Chalmers University of Technology,Sweden) Zhaonian Cheng and Johan Liu(Shanghai University,China/Chaimers University of Technology,Sweden) 43
   A Role of Ti-Sn Diffusion Layer Formed at the Interface between Pb Free Solder and TiNiAu Multi-Layer / Kimiharu Kayukawa(Denso Corporation) and Akira Tanahashi 50
   In Situ Observation of Interfacial Fracture in Low-Dimensional Nano Structures / Yoshimasa Takahashi(Kyoto University),Hiroyuki Hirakata and Takayuki Kitamura 55
   Effect of Frequency of Fatigue Crace Growth along Interface between Copper Film and Silicon Substrate / Do Van Truong(Kyoto University),Hiroyuki Hirakata and Takayuki Kitamura 61
Quality & Reliability(3)
   Effect of Lead and Cadmium Free Glasses on Reliability of the Siver End Termination for MLCC Application / Masyood Akhtar(LORD Corporation,USA) 67
   The Study of Silicon Die Stress In Stacked Die Packages / Eiichi Yamada(Texas Instruments Japan Limited),Kenji Abe,Yutaka Suzuki and Masazumi Amagai 74
   A Multifunctional Test Chip for Microelectronic Packaging and Its Application on RF Property Measurements / Kun-Fu Tseng(Chin-Min Institute of Technology,Taiwan),Yi-Hsun Hsion,Ben-Je Lwo and Chin-Hsing Kao(National Defense University,Taiwan) 78
   Strain Measurement in the Microstructure of Advanced Electronic Packages Using Digital Image Correlation / Nobuyuki Shishido(Kyoto University),Toru Ikeda and Noriyuki Miyazaki 83
   Effect of Au and Ni Layer Thicknesses on the Reliability of BGA Solder Joints / M.O.Alam(City University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong), Y.C.Chan and L.Rufer(TIMA Lab,France) 88
   Interconnection Technologies Studies on Double-Layered Metal Bumps for Fine Pitch Flip Chip Applications / Ho-Young Son(KAIST,Korea),Yong-Woon Yeo(Nepes Corperation,Korea), Gi-Jo Jung,Jun-Kyu Lee,Joon-Young Choi,Chang-Joon Park(Hynix Semiconductor,Korea), Min-Suk Suh, Soon-Jin Cho(Samsung Electro-Mechanics,Korea),and Kyung-Wook Paik(KAIST,Korea) 95
   Dynamic Characterization Study of Flip Chip Ball Grid Array(FCBGA) on Periphearl Component Interconnect(PCI) Board Application / Wong Shaw Fong(Intel Technology,Malaysia), Loh Wei Keat, Lee Yung Hsiang, Yap Eng Hooi(Intel Product,Malaysia),Wong Siang Woen,Hin Tze Yang(Intel Technology,Malaysia) and Martin Tay Tiong We 101
   Stability of Ni3p and Its Effect on the Interfacial Reaction between Electroless Ni-P and Molten Tin / K.Chen(Loughborough University,UK),C.Liu, D.C. Whalley and D.A. Hutt 107
   Investigation of void-free Electroplating Method on Copper Column based Solder Bump for Flip-Chip Interconnections / Hiroshi Yamada(Toshiba Corporation) 112
   Characterization of Au-Sn Eutectic Die Attach Process for Optoelectronics Device / Thang Tak-Seng(Lumileds Lighting(M)Sdn Bhd,Malaysia),Decai Sun,Huck-Khim Koay, Mohd-Fezley Sabudin,Jim Thompson,Paul Martin, Pradeep Rajkomar and Shatil Haque 118
   Propagation Loss Evaluation of Optical Transmission/Interconnect System with Grating Structure / Akiya Kimura(Osaka University),Kiyokazu Yasuda,Michiya Matsushima and Kozo Fujimoto 125
   A New Method of Birefringence Measurement to Obtain Stress Field Using Photoclasticity / Kenji Gomi(Tokyo Denki University),Kengo Shimizu,Hayato Suzuki, Shinichi Gohira,Yasushi Niitsu and Kensuke Ichinose 129
   Optimization of Epoxy Flow for Passive Alignment of Optical Fiber Arrays / Jeffery C.C.Lo(Hong Kong University of Science & Technology,Hong kong), Chung Yeung Li, Chung Leung Tai and S.W.Ricky Lee 132
Polymer Materials
   Study on Long Life Large-Deflective Hinges in Molded Pantograph Mechanisms based on Cyclic Load-Bending Fatigue Test / Mikio Horie(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Yudai Okabe, Masahiro Yamamoto and Daiki Kamiya 137
   Warpages of ACF-bonded COG Packages Induced from Manufacturing and Thermal Cycling / M.Y.Tsai(Chang Gung University,Taiwan), C.Y.Huang,C.Y.Chiang, W.C.Chen(ERSO/ITRI,Taiwan) and S.S. Yang 143
   Simulation of Tensile Deformation Behavior of Polymer by Chain Network Model / Akira Shinozaki(Tokyo Institute of Technology),Kikuo Kishimoto and Hirotsugu Inoue 150
   Effects of the Functional Groups of Non-Conductive Films(NCFs) on Materials Properties and Reliability of NCF Flip-Chip-On-Organic Boards / Chany-kyu Chung(KAIST,Korer),Woon-Seong Kwon,Jin-Hyoung Park, Soon-Bok Lee and Kyung-Wook Paik 156
   Effects of Low-modulus Die Attach Adhesive on Warpage and Damage of BGA / Sung Yi(Portland State University,USA), Paresh D.Daharwal(Intel Corporation,USA), Yeong.J.Lee(Motorola,USA)and Brian R.Harkness(Dow Corning,USA) 162
Thick & Thin Film Materials
   Hardness and Elastic Modulus of ZnO Deposited materials by PLD Method / Han-Ki Yoon(Dong-Eui University,Korea) and Yun-Sik Yu 169
   Mechanical properties of ITO/PET Thin Film Deposited by DC MG Method / Do-Hyoung Kim(Dong-Eui University,Korea),Han-ki Yoon, Do-Hoon Shin(University of Tokushima) and Riichi Murakami 174
   Formation and Characterization of Sputtered Thin Film for Optimizing Multilayered Interconnection Structure / Wataru Sashida(Kogakuin University) and Yuji Kimura 179
   Development of The Embedded LST Technology in PALAP / H.Kamiya(DENSO Corportion),T.Miyake, H.Kobasyashi, and K,Kondo 183
   Wafer-Scale BCB Resist-Processing Technologies for High density Intergration and Electronic Packaging / Rainer Pelzer(EV Group,Austria),Viorel Dragoi,Bart Swinnen(IMEC,Belgium),Philippe Soussan and Thorsten Matthias(EV Group,Austria) 187
   Microscale Magnetic Components for the Application of DC-DC Converters Operating in the 1-10 MHz Range / David Flynn(Heriot-Watt University,UK),Anthony Toon and Marc Desmulliez 192
   Low-Cost Active-Allignment of Single-Mode Fiber-Arrays / D. Weiland(Heriot Watt Universtity,UK), M.Luetzelschwab, M.P.Y.Desmulliez, A.Missoffe and C.Beck(TWI Ltd,UK) 199
   SAW Chemical Sensors based on AlGan/GaN Piezoelectric Material System: Acoustic Design and Packaging Considerations / L.Rufer(TIMA Lab,France), A.Torres, S.Mir, M.O.Alam(City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong),T.Lalinsky(Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Republic) and Y.C.Chan(City University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong) 204
   Evaluation of Thermal Deformation Behavior in Electronic Package using UV Moire Interferometry / Jin-Hyoung Park(KAIST,Korea)and Soon-Bok Lee 209
   Evaluation of Fatigue Strength for Solder Joints after Thermal Aging / Takeshi Miyazaki(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Masaki Omiya,Hirotsugu Inoue, Kikuo Kishimoto and Masazumi Amagai(Texas Instruments) 215
   Local Thermal Deformation and Residual Stress of a Thin Si Chip Mounted on a Substrate Using An Area-Arrayed Flip Chip Structure / Hideo Miura(Tohoku University),Nobuki Ueta and Yuhki Sato 220
   The Novel Flip Chip Ball Grid Array Design and Challenges to Enable Higher Routing Density and Power Requirement / Chee Wai Wong(Intel Technology,Malaysia),Chee Kheong Yoon and Seng Hooi Ong 226
   Fatigue Crack Growth in Lead-free Solder Joints / Masaki Omiya(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Kikuo Kishimoto and Masazumi Amagai(Texas Instrument) 232
Modeling & Simulation(1)
   A Study of Hot Spot in Silicon Device for Stacked Die Packages / Jotaro Akiyama(Texas Instruments Japan Limited),Masanobu Naeshiro and Masazumi Amagagai 238
   Modeling the Lamination Process for Ruggedised Displays / Yek Bing Lee(University of Greenwich, UK), Chris Bailey, Hua lu, Steve Riches,Martin Bartholomew and Nigel Tebbit 243
   Modeling and Simulation of a Fluid-driven Microturbine / Chanwut Sriphung(Heriot-Watt University,UK) and Resh Dhariwal 247
Modeling & Simulation(2)
   Stress Intensity Factors of Interface Corners / Chyanbin Hwu(National Cheng Kung University,Taiwan) and T.L.Kuo 252
   The Impact of Capacitors Selection and Placement to the ESL and ESR / Huang Jimmy Huat Since(Intel Microelectronic,Malaysia), Sijher Taninder S and Beh Jiun Kai 258
   Evaluation of Drop Impact Load for Portable Electronic Components / Takahiro Omori(Toshiba Corporation), Hirotsugu Inoue(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Noriyasu Kawamura(Toshiba Corporation), Minoru Mukai,Kikuo Kishimoto(Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Takashi Kawakami(Toshiba Corporation) 262
   Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior of Thin PCB Board for Solder Joint Reliability Study under Shock Loading / Loh Wei Keat(Intel Technology,Malaysia), Lee Yung Hsiang. Ajay A/I Murugayah and Tay,Tiong We 268
Thermal Management
   Turbulence Modelling for Electronic Cooling: A Review / K.Dhinsa(University of Greenwich,UK), C.Bailey and K.Pericleous 275
   Heat Conduction in Composites of Thermally Dissimilar Materials-A Methodology to Economize Numerical Heat Transfer Analysis of Electronic Components / Wataru Nakayama(ThermTech International) 282
   Critical Appraisal of Thermo-Mechanical Reliability of Medium-Power Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors for Base Station and Military Applications Mounted in SOIC-8 Leadframe Based Plastic Overmold Packages with Conductive Silver Epoxy / Satbir Madra(WJ Communications,Inc,USA) 288
   A Study in Establishing Flip-Chip Ball Grid Array(FCBGA) Second Level Interconnect(SLI)Reliability Requirement by CFD Simulation / Lee Eng Kwong(Intel Technology, Malaysia) and Tan wool Aun 292
   Electro-Themal Analysis of Device Interactions in Si CMOS Structure / Tomoyuki Hatakeyama(Tokyo institute of Technology), Kazuyoshi Fushinobu and Ken 296
   The Story Behind the Red Phosphorus Mold Compound Device Failures / prof.Michael Pecht,University of Maryland,USA 1
   Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Packaging Technology Challenges-Next Five Years / Dr. Mario A. Bolanos, Texas Instruments Inc., USA 6


ビクター・フレミング監督 ; マービン・ルロイ製作 ; L・フランク・ボーム原作
出版情報: [東京] : ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ, [2005]  ビデオディスク1枚 (102分+映像特典39分) ; DVD, 片面2層ディスク, モノクロ ・カラー混合, MPEG-2 ; 12cm
シリーズ名: Warner Home Video
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