

Ray Bradbury ; introduction by Neil Gaiman
出版情報: New York : Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2013  xvi, 249 p. ; 22 cm
シリーズ名: Simon & Schuster paperbacks
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Albert Low ; foreword by Monique Dumont ; Illustrations by Jeffrey Frith
出版情報: Tokyo : Tuttle Publishing, c2013  222 p. ; 21 cm
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Stephen J. Clarson, editor ... [et al.] ; sponsored by the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry
出版情報: Washington, DC : American Chemical Society , [Oxford] : Distributed in print by Oxford University Press, c2013  xi, 196 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: ACS symposium series ; 1154
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Vivi Nastase ... [et al.]
出版情報: [San Rafael, Calif] : Morgan & Claypool, c2013  xii, 107 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Synthesis lectures on human language technologies ; 19
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出版情報: さいたま : 知玄舎 , 東京 : 星雲社 (発売), 2013.12-  冊 ; 19cm
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Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Sarhan M. Musa, Charles K. Alexander
出版情報: New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013  xi, 581, 105, 4p. ; 26 cm
シリーズ名: McGraw-Hill international editions
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目次情報: 続きを見る
DC Circuits / Part 1:
Basic Concepts / Chapter 1:
Resistance / Chapter 2:
Power and Energy / Chapter 3:
Series Circuits / Chapter 4:
Parallel Circuits / Chapter 5:
Series-Parallel Circuits / Chapter 6:
Methods of Analysis / Chapter 7:
DC Circuit Theorems / Chapter 8:
Capacitors / Chapter 9:
Inductors / Chapter 10:
AC Circuits / Part 2:
AC Voltage and Current / Chapter 11:
Phasors and Impedance / Chapter 12:
Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis / Chapter 13:
Power / Chapter 14:
Resonance / Chapter 15:
Filters and Bode Plots / Chapter 16:
Three-Phase Circuits / Chapter 17:
Transformers and Coupled Circuits / Chapter 18:
Two-Port Networks / Chapter 19:
Simultaneous Equations and Matrix Inversion / Appendix A:
Complex Numbers / Appendix B:
PSpice for Windows / Appendix C:
MutliSim / Appendix D:
TI-86 Calculators / Appendix F:
Answers to odd-numbered Problems / Appendix G:
DC Circuits / Part 1:
Basic Concepts / Chapter 1:
Resistance / Chapter 2:


George Fitzgerald, Niranjan Govind, editors ; sponsored by the ACS Division of Computers in Chemistry
出版情報: Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2013 , [New York] : Distributed in print by Oxford University Press, c2013  xi, 245 p., 10 p. of colored plates ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: ACS symposium series ; 1133
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Molecular dynamics simulation of free energy of desorption of cellohexaose from a cellulose crystal surface
Ionic liquids for carbon capture : solubility computation using an implicit solvent model
Density functional simulations as a tool to probe molecular interactions in wet supercritical CO2
Characterization of CO2 behavior on rutile TiO2 (110) surface
Periodic trends in 3d metal mediated CO2 activation
Bio-inspired molecular catalysts for hydrogen oxidation and hydrogen production
Molecular modeling aspects of exploring silica properties
Understanding electrocatalytic activity enhancement of bimetallic particles to ethanol electro-oxidation : ethanol adsorption and decomposition on PtnM (n=6 and 9; M=Pt, Ru, and Sn)
Combining vibrational spectroscopies with quantum chemical calculations for molecular-level understanding of reaction mechanisms on catalytic surfaces
Challenges and development of a multi-scale computational model for photosystem I decoupled energy conversion
Computational studies of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II and biomimetic oxomanganese complexes for renewable energy applications
Atomic-level modeling of organic electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries
Molecular dynamics simulation of free energy of desorption of cellohexaose from a cellulose crystal surface
Ionic liquids for carbon capture : solubility computation using an implicit solvent model
Density functional simulations as a tool to probe molecular interactions in wet supercritical CO2


Takeo Ohsaka ... [et al.] editors
出版情報: New York : Nova Science Publishers, c2013  ix, 399 p. ; 26 cm
シリーズ名: Chemistry research and applications
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出版情報: 東京 : 朝倉書店, 2013-  冊 ; 21cm
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by James Dauray
出版情報: New York : Alpha, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc., c2013  xvii, 334 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Idiot's guides : as easy as it gets!
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出版情報: 東京 : ムイスリ出版, 2013.9  vii, 180p ; 26cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
1章 : 確率
2章 : データの分布
3章 : 確率分布
4章 : 母集団と標本
5章 : 統計的推測
6章 : 統計的仮説検定
7章 : 母平均の差の検定・推定
8章 : 母比率の比較
9章 : ノンパラメトリック法
10章 : 相関と回帰
11章 : 研究デザイン
1章 : 確率
2章 : データの分布
3章 : 確率分布


出版情報: 東京 : 秀和システム, 2013.11  246p ; 21cm
シリーズ名: 図解入門 ; . メディカルサイエンスシリーズ||メディカル サイエンス シリーズ
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目次情報: 続きを見る
1 : 微生物の誕生と微生物学の基礎
2 : 真正細菌
3 : 古細菌
4 : 真菌
5 : ウイルス
6 : 抗生物質
1 : 微生物の誕生と微生物学の基礎
2 : 真正細菌
3 : 古細菌
概要: なぜ食中毒になるんだろう?微生物と感染症との関係は?細菌やウイルスの生態がわかる微生物学を楽しく学べる入門書。


小林文人, 伊藤長和, 李正連編著
出版情報: 岡山 : 大学教育出版, 2013.10  xi, 274p ; 21cm
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出版情報: 東京 : 新潮社, 2013.11  730p ; 16cm
シリーズ名: 新潮文庫 ; 9817, ぬ-1-3
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概要: 身に覚えのない上司殺しの罪で刑に服した江木雅史。事件は彼から家族や恋人、日常生活の全てを奪った。出所後、江木は7年前に自分を冤罪に陥れた者たちへの復讐を決意する。次々と殺される刑事、検事、弁護士。次の標的は誰か。江木が殺人という罪を犯してま で求めたものは何か。復讐は決して許されざる罪なのか。愛を奪われた者の孤独と絶望を描き、人間の深淵を抉る長編ミステリー。 続きを見る


出版情報: 東京 : 日経BP社 , [東京] : [日経BPマーケティング] (発売), 2013.8  222p ; 28cm
シリーズ名: 分解大全 ; 2
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シルヴィア・ナサー [著] ; 塩川優訳
出版情報: 東京 : 新潮社, 2013.11  953p ; 16cm
シリーズ名: 新潮文庫 ; 9813, シ-38-6
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1部 ビューティフル・マインド : ブルーフィールド / 一九二八〜四五年
カーネギー工科大学(一九四五年六月〜四八年六月) : ほか
第2部 離れゆく生 : 特異点
特殊な関係(サンタモニカ、一九五二年夏) ほか
第3部 ゆるゆると燃え出す火 : オルデンレーンとワシントン広場 / 一九五六〜五七年
原爆製造工場 : ほか
第4部 失われた歳月 : 世界市民 / パリおよびジュネーブ、一九五九〜六〇年
絶対零度(プリンストン大学、一九六〇年) : ほか
第5部 もっとも価値ある存在 : 寛解
ノーベル賞 ほか
第1部 ビューティフル・マインド : ブルーフィールド / 一九二八〜四五年
カーネギー工科大学(一九四五年六月〜四八年六月) : ほか
第2部 離れゆく生 : 特異点
概要: 恐るべき早熟な頭脳を持ち、21歳のときに経済学に革命的推歩をもたらすゲーム理論を打ち立てながら、統合失調症を発病。入退院を繰り返して30年以上の闘病生活を送った後に、奇跡的な回復を遂げてノーベル経済学賞に輝いた数学者ジョン・ナッシュ。綿密な 取材をもとに、心を病んだ天才の劇的な人生に光をあて、人間存在の深淵と生きることの美しさを描いた感動のノンフィクション。 続きを見る


出版情報: 東京 : 経済産業調査会, 2013.10  iii, 153p ; 21cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1章 科学技術イノベーション立国を目指して : 科学技術イノベーション総合戦略の策定
第2章 科学技術イノベーションが取り組むべき課題 : クリーンで経済的なエネルギーシステムの実現
第3章 科学技術イノベーションに適した環境創出
第4章 総合科学技術会議の司令塔機能の強化
第1章 科学技術イノベーション立国を目指して : 科学技術イノベーション総合戦略の策定
第2章 科学技術イノベーションが取り組むべき課題 : クリーンで経済的なエネルギーシステムの実現


藤原大, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT著
出版情報: 東京 : トゥルーリング, 2013.9  88p ; 22cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
概要: 鋭い視点でデザインを実践する藤原大。彼が生み出した「カラーハンティング」は、絵具を片手に屋外へ飛び出し、色を採取する新しいデザインのアプローチだ。この手法が、ものづくりとデザインに発想の転換をもたらしている。展覧会で紹介された19のプロジェ クトを通して、企業が、研究者が、デザイナーが、職人がつくり出した「いまだかつてない」デザインの数々。デザイン教育へのヒントも満載! 続きを見る


出版情報: [東京] : 海鳴社, 2013.10  349p ; 22cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1章 : 電荷とクーロンの法則
第2章 : 電位と電気力線
第3章 : ガウスの法則
第4章 : 導体
第5章 : コンデンサ
第6章 : 誘電体
第7章 : 電流
第8章 : 静磁場
第9章 : 磁性体
第10章 : 磁場と電流
第11章 : 電磁場とベクトル解析
第12章 : 変動する電磁場
第13章 : 電磁波
第1章 : 電荷とクーロンの法則
第2章 : 電位と電気力線
第3章 : ガウスの法則
概要: 本書では、電荷間に働くクーロンの法則から出発し、電場と磁場の基礎と、これらの類似点と相違点を明らかにする。電場と磁場の相互作用を学ぶなかで、マックスウェル方程式の意味が理解できるような構成をとった。自由空間、すなわち真空中におけるマックスウ ェルの方程式を解くことで、電磁波(光)が、電場と磁場が交互に振動しながら進行していく波であるという本質についても、理解がえられるようにした。 続きを見る


出版情報: 東京 : 六耀社, 2013.10  319p ; 21cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
序章 : 編曲—価値を高める
第1章 : 調律—出会いを印象づける
第2章 : 旋律—空気をつくる
第3章 : 律動—象徴を展開する
第4章 : 和声—賑わいを増殖する
第5章 : 調性—気分を変える
第6章 : 旋法—行動を促す
第7章 : 高揚—情熱を加速する
序章 : 編曲—価値を高める
第1章 : 調律—出会いを印象づける
第2章 : 旋律—空気をつくる


金子務, 鈴木貞美編
出版情報: 東京 : 作品社, 2013.10  298p ; 22cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1部 科学技術の基本問題から : エネルギー論の形成と風土—学の融合と拡散としての結節概念と学派の役割
第2部 生命とエネルギーの観点 : 一九世紀末の物理科学的世界観と生命論—Vitalismとは何であったか
第3部 文化史・学問論の立場から : エネルギーの文化史へ—概念変容をめぐる覚書
第1部 科学技術の基本問題から : エネルギー論の形成と風土—学の融合と拡散としての結節概念と学派の役割
概要: 地球環境問題が問われる現代に人類の生活にとってエネルギーとは何か。日本のエネルギー政策、それを推進してきた産官学の体制、また科学技術の在り方そのものを斯界の第一人者たちが根源的・多角的に検討する。


出版情報: 東京 : 中経出版, 2013.4  254p ; 18cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1章 : 表現を豊かにしようとすると落とし穴が待っている—似ているけれど間違っている用例をチェックする
第2章 : 生半可な知識は恥のもと。まぎらわしい表現の正解はこれ!—正しい意味を知れば正しい表現に行き着く
第3章 : 文字面にだまされやすい表現の本当の意味を知る—ときには逆の意味になる怖い言葉
第4章 : 教養の程度が測られる漢字の読み方—この問題は声を出して読んでみよう
第5章 : 書き間違いで試されるあなたの漢字力—「まさか!」「ホント?」の森の中に入るかも
第6章 : 正しい敬語と正しそうな敬語—誤用するとあなたの品格が疑われる
第1章 : 表現を豊かにしようとすると落とし穴が待っている—似ているけれど間違っている用例をチェックする
第2章 : 生半可な知識は恥のもと。まぎらわしい表現の正解はこれ!—正しい意味を知れば正しい表現に行き着く
第3章 : 文字面にだまされやすい表現の本当の意味を知る—ときには逆の意味になる怖い言葉
概要: 実例にあわせた2択の問題を数多く取り揃えました。慣用句だけでなく、四字熟語や漢字の読み・書き、目上の人に対する敬語や電話での言葉づかいなど、日常の言葉をまとめてチェックできます。


Institute of Nuclear Materials Management. Meeting ; Institute of Nuclear Materials Management
出版情報: Deerfield, IL : Institute of Nuclear Materials Management , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2013, c2012  5 v. (3664 p.) ; 27 cm
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鈴木憲治 [ほか] 著
出版情報: [東京] : 翔泳社, 2013.10  xx, 874p ; 21cm
シリーズ名: Programmer's recipe
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目次情報: 続きを見る
概要: 本当に必要な知識と技が詰まった、すべてのPHPユーザー必携の一冊!困ったときにすぐ引ける!実践で即役立つテクニックと開発ノウハウ、つまづきやすい・ハマりやすいポイントを徹底解説。


出版情報: 東京 : 河出書房新社, 2013.10  427p ; 20cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
概要: 名著新生。文学と歴史の「失われた環」が、そこに残っている。漱石が、植民地「満洲」で果たしていた、知られざる使命。鴎外が、「うた」に隠した、戦場での真実と良心の疼き。異国語としての「日本語」を生き、抗った、数多くの作家たち。あくなき資料検証と 、深い思索がひらいた、未踏の日本語文学史。 続きを見る


出版情報: 東京 : 丸善プラネット , 東京 : 丸善出版 (発売), 2013.10  x, 386p ; 21cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1章 : 哺乳類
第2章 : 爬虫類・両生類
第3章 : 魚介類
第4章 : 鳥類
第5章 : 虫類
第6章 : 架空の動物
第1章 : 哺乳類
第2章 : 爬虫類・両生類
第3章 : 魚介類
概要: 動物のみに焦点を当て、関連する諺と慣用句を含めた広義の比喩表現を集め、日英語の両面から分析、比較した本邦初の本である。「犬猿の仲」は英語では「猫と犬の仲」、「猫に小判」は「豚に真珠」、「猫の額」は「郵便切手」という。なぜか?本書でこれらの疑 問はたちまち氷解する。比喩を通して、英語と英米文化に接すると日英両語に強くなる。学校、図書館、職場、家庭に座右の書として是非備えておきたい。 続きを見る


editor, J. Parker . editor, M. Mandal
出版情報: Anaheim, Calif. : ACTA Press, c2013  483 p. ; 28 cm
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出版情報: 東京 : 古今書院, 2013.11  ix, 217p, 図版 [4]p ; 26cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1部 QGISの基本操作 : QGISを使ってみよう
QGISの各種機能 ほか
第2部 QGISの機能拡張とプラグイン : 機能拡張とプラグインの管理
第3部 QGISによる空間情報解析事例 : 栃木県日光におけるニホンザルの行動圏と環境選択
バングラデシュにおける管区毎の基本統計とデータの視覚化 ほか
第4部 付録 : QGISのインストール
QGISの環境設定 ほか
第1部 QGISの基本操作 : QGISを使ってみよう
QGISの各種機能 ほか
第2部 QGISの機能拡張とプラグイン : 機能拡張とプラグインの管理


出版情報: 名古屋 : 名古屋大学出版会, 2013.11  x, 377, 91p ; 22cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1部 国境を越える抵抗と革命—ヒズブッラーの誕生と発展 : 抵抗と革命を結ぶもの—ヒズブッラーの誕生
第2部 多元社会のなかのイスラーム主義—レバノン化するヒズブッラー : 「テロ組織」が政党になるとき—ヒズブッラーのレバノン化
第3部 今日の中東政治の結節点—ヒズブッラー化するレバノン : 「新しい戦争」としての二〇〇六年レバノン紛争—均衡はなぜ崩れたのか
第1部 国境を越える抵抗と革命—ヒズブッラーの誕生と発展 : 抵抗と革命を結ぶもの—ヒズブッラーの誕生
概要: 暴力と平和、過激と穏健—真実はどこにあるのか。「自爆テロ」から民主政治まで多様な貌をもつイスラーム主義組織「ヒズボラ」。その知られざる実像を通して、レバノン政治・中東政治・国際政治のダイナミクスを描き出す。


出版情報: 東京 : 彩流社, 2013.10  254p ; 21cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1部 アナドル・セルジューク建築の旅 : コンヤ
スルタンハヌ ほか
第2部 初期オスマン建築の旅 : ブルサ
第3部 盛期と晩期のオスマン建築の旅—イスタンブル : アヤ・ソフィア博物館
シェフザーデ・キュッリエシ ほか
第1部 アナドル・セルジューク建築の旅 : コンヤ
スルタンハヌ ほか
概要: トルコ・イスラム建築として主要な建物について、多数の写真を使用し、その魅力のポイントを余すとこなく、かつ簡潔に紹介。第1部でアナドル・セルジューク建築をアナトリア高原の諸都市ごとに、第2部で初期オスマン建築をイスタンブルの近郊都市ごとに、第 3部で主にイスタンブルの盛期と晩期のオスマン建築を案内する。 続きを見る


出版情報: [東京] : 日経BP社 , 東京 : 日経BPマーケティング (発売), 2013.10  224p ; 28cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1章 : 老朽化が招く重大事故
第2章 : 老朽化事故の傾向と対策
第3章 : 繰り返される補修トラブル
第4章 : インフラ再生に向けて
第5章 : ストック時代の社会資本
第6章 : インフラ老朽化の将来
第1章 : 老朽化が招く重大事故
第2章 : 老朽化事故の傾向と対策
第3章 : 繰り返される補修トラブル
概要: 全国各地で発生しているインフラ老朽化事故。笹子トンネルを含む最近の事故例を分析し、さらなる惨事を防ぐための知恵と方策を探る。


八巻淳, 森島義博著
出版情報: 東京 : 東洋経済新報社, 2013.10  246p ; 21cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1部 土壌汚染地の調査と対策 : 土地の保有・売買とその対応
第2部 土壌汚染地と鑑定評価・土地取引 : 土壌汚染地の鑑定評価
第1部 土壌汚染地の調査と対策 : 土地の保有・売買とその対応
概要: 「改正土壌汚染対策法」に完全対応!土壌汚染地の保有と対応の実態から、汚染調査・対策の仕方、調査の概算費用とその内訳、ケース別売買契約条文例の作成まで—実務に必要な最新知識と実践手法を、具体的かつわかりやすく解説!


Annual Convention of the Gas Processors Association ; Gas Processors Association
出版情報: Tulsa, Okla. : Gas Processors Association , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2013  631 p. ; 27 cm
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出版情報: 東京 : 現代人文社 , [東京] : 大学図書 (発売), 2013.11  214p ; 21cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
裁判員は語る : 傍観者にはなりたくない
先例なき裁判 ほか
裁判員「同期」対談 / 同じ釜の飯を食った仲
専門家に聴く : 杉田宗久さん
ダニエル・H・フットさん ほか
裁判員は語る : 傍観者にはなりたくない
先例なき裁判 ほか
概要: 大学生、バーテンダー、会社員、主婦など多様な14人14色の「裁判員物語」。「人を裁く」ことの重さと、人生に与えた豊かさの数々が浮かび上がる。


薩摩順吉, 大石進一, 杉原正顯編
出版情報: 東京 : 朝倉書店, 2013.10  xiii, 685p ; 27cm
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出版情報: 京都 : ミネルヴァ書房, 2013.10  vi, 284p ; 21cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
第1章 : 社会のダイナミズム
第2章 : 個人の行為
第3章 : 集合体としての行為
第4章 : 社会の拡散
第5章 : 社会の選択
第6章 : 社会の合意と集合知
第7章 : 社会のリスク
第8章 : 社会の最適化
第1章 : 社会のダイナミズム
第2章 : 個人の行為
第3章 : 集合体としての行為
概要: 複雑な社会現象のメカニズムをモデリング・シミュレーションで読み解く。他者から影響を受けた個人の選択の集約が、どのような社会現象を生み、一方で社会のダイナミズムは個人に対してどのような影響をもたらすのかモデルを構成し、シミュレーションによる解 析を進めるという分析過程を、丁寧にわかりやすく説明した。 続きを見る


Karl-Ernst Biebler, Michael Wodny
出版情報: Singapore : World Scientific, c2013  xiii, 334 p. ; 24 cm
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出版情報: 東京 : 光文社, 2013.10  226p ; 20cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
概要: 妻の妊娠中、逃げるように浮気をする男。パート先のアルバイト学生に焦がれる中年の主婦。不釣り合いな美しい女と結婚したサラリーマン。幼なじみの少女の死を引きずり続ける中学教師。まだ小さな息子とふたりで生きることを決めた女。満たされない思い。逃げ 出したくなるような現実。殺伐としたこの日常を生きるすべての人に—。いまエンタメ界最注目の著者が描く、ヒリヒリするほど生々しい五人の物語。 続きを見る


editors, Erik Ydstie, Denis Dochain, Bernhard Maschke
出版情報: Oxford, UK : Elsevier , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2013  113 p. ; 27 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


editors, Fouad Giri, Vincent Assche
出版情報: Oxford, UK : Elsevier , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by Curran Associates, 2013  180 p. ; 27 cm
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出版情報: 東京 : 思潮社, 2013.8  111p ; 19cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
あたしは天啓を浴びたのだ : 狐女子高生
曲線を描くために ほか
余白を孵す : なみだ銃
大きくなったら、なれますように ほか
私たち、密生する : きれいな窓
流星の愛で方 ほか
寄り添いながら、間違え合うこと : 摩擦熱
水脈の手 ほか
骨の呼吸 : 神魚
骨の呼吸 ほか
あたしは天啓を浴びたのだ : 狐女子高生
曲線を描くために ほか
余白を孵す : なみだ銃
概要: 詩は紙の上に在るのではなく、日常の中で心に芽生えるもの、目撃してしまう一つの現象だと思う。詩が好きだからこそ、変わっていくことを恐れずにいたい。そう語る著者の、『適切な世界の適切ならざる私』に続く第2詩集。


sponsored by IA-CONCREEP ... [et al.] ; edited by Franz-Josef Ulm, Hamlin M. Jennings, Roland Pellenq
出版情報: Reston, Va. : American Society of Civil Engineers, c2013  xv, 498 p. ; 22 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


sponsored by the Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers ; edited by Adjo A. Amekudzi ... [et al.]
出版情報: Reston, Va. : American Society of Civil Engineers, c2013  x, 450 p. ; 22 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


山根浩二監修 = supervisor: Koji Yamane
出版情報: 東京 : シーエムシー 出版, 2013.11  iv, 254p ; 26cm
シリーズ名: エレクトロニクスシリーズ
所蔵情報: loading…


edited by D.A. Chinakhov
出版情報: Durnten-Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2013  ix, 256 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Applied mechanics and materials ; v. 379
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Design of the X-Ray Micro-CT Scanner TOLMI-150-10 and its Perspective Application in Non-Destructive Evaluation / Andrey V. Batranin; Sergey V. Chakhlov; Dmitry V. Grinev; Boris I. Kapranov; Vasily A. Klimenov
Estimation of Torque Variation of Geohod Transmission with Hydraulic Drive / Vladimir V. Aksenov; Mikhail Yu. Blaschuk; Mikhail V. Dubrovskii
The Influence of Relative Distance between Ledges on the Stress-Strain State of the Rock at a Face / Vladimir V. Aksenov; A.B. Efremenkov; V.Yu. Begljakov
Justification of Creation of an External Propulsor for Multipurpose Shield-Type Heading Machine - GEO-WALKER / Vladimir V. Aksenov; A.A. Khoreshok; V.Yu. Begljakov
Method of Making Preforms for Composite Reversible Cutting Plates / O.Y. Retyunski
Forecasting Residual and Operating Stress in Soldering Cutting Tools with Tungsten-Free Hard Alloy Inserts / A.V. Valentov; V.V. Konovodov; #1045;.V. Agafonova
Wear Factors of Tillage Machines Working Tools / A.V. Eremeev
Reliability of the Steering Gear of Truck Vehicles / R.V. Chernukhin
Nonlinear Involution Application in Mining / Ivan F. Borovikov; Elena G. Fisochenko
Method of Evaluation of Quality of Metal-Cutting Tool / M.S. Ostapenko; D.S. Vasilega
Improvement of Surface Layer Formation Technology for Articles Produced by Layer-by-Layer Laser Sintering / N.A. Saprykina; A.A. Saprykin
Solid Phase Synthesis of Coating on the Base under the Electron Beam Surfacing / S.N. Sorokova; A.G. Knyazeva
Characterization of Deformation Pattern Structure Elements Generated in Uniaxial Compression of Nickel Single Crystals / Ekaterina A. Alferova; D.V. Lychagin
Measuring Stress Condition in Hard Faced Work Rolls for Cold Rolling / N.N. Malushin; Denis V. Valuev
Creation of Ceramic Nanocomposite Material on the Basis of ZrO2-Y2O3-Al2O3 with Improved Operational Properties of the Working Surface / T.V. Nekrasova; Alexandr Melnikov; N.V. Martyushev
Bronze Sealing Rings Defects and Ways of its Elimination / N.V. Martyushev; E.N. Pashkov
Tribotechnical Properties Lead Bronzes
Differential Equations of Processes for the Hydropuls Power Mechanism of Drill Machines / E.N. Pashkov; G.R. Zijakaev; M.V. Tsigankova
Calculation of Thermal Residual Stresses in Multilayer Composite Materials / S.I. Petrushin
Effect of Electrolytic-Plasma Carbonitriding on Structure and Microhardness of Low Carbon Steel 18CrNi3Mo / Mazhyn Skakov; Lyaila B. Bayatanova; Michael S#1089;heffler
Nitriding and Carbonitriding Influence on Stainless Steels Surface Layers Changes / #1052;#1072;zhyn Skakov; Sherzod Kurbanbekov; Yerkezhan Tabieva; Erkin Zamanbekuly
Improving the Tribological Properties of Self-Lubricating Al-Sn Alloys by their Severe Plastic Processing / N.M. Rusin; A.L. Skorentsev
Cluster Model of SHS Propagation in Cu/Sn System / A.V. Tsibart; Y.A. Orlova; L.I. Kveglis; V.A. Plotnikov
Microstructure and Microhardness Changes of 40Cr Steel after Treatment in the Electrolytic Plasma / Mazhyn Skakov; Yerzhan Sapatayev
The Effect of Diamond Tool Performance Capability on the Quality of Processed Surface / P.V. Arkhipov; A.S. Yanyushkin; D.V. Lobanov; S.I. Petrushin
Improving Durability of Cermets for Metal Cutting by Generation of Subsurface Multilevel Structures / Vladimir E. Ovcharenko; A.A. Mokhovikov; A.S. Ignatiev
Constructing a Model of the Equivalent Wedge Oblique Cutting Edge / A.V. Filippov
Technology of Laser Cladding of Powder Mixtures on Steel Substrate and Tribotechnical Characterization of Obtained Materials / S.N. Namazov; E.D. Rzaev; V.F. Dzhivishov
Distribution of Alloying Elements in #947;- and #947;#8242;-Phases of Heat-Resistant Alloy PWA 1480 / D.V. Lychagin; G. Gershtein; S.N. Fedoseyev; E.A. Alferova
On a Mechanizm of an Electric Field Influence on Physicotecnical Specifications of Materials / A.P. Rodzevich; E.G. Gazenaur; V.I. Krasheninin
Electrolyte Plasma Nitriding of High-Speed Steel / Mazhyn Skakov; Bauyrzhan Rakhadilov; Michael S#1089;heffler; Gaukhar Karipbayeva; Merey Rakhadilov
The Optimization Problem of the Ventilation System for Metallurgical Plant / Maria Butenko; Yury Shafran; Sergej Khoperskov; Vitalij Kholodkov; Alexander Khoperskov
Application of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis and Mechanoactivating Treatment for Producing Multi-Component Composite Alloying Materials / Alexey Sobachkin; A.V. Sobachkin; A.A. Sitnikov
The Influence of Magnetic Fields by a Melting Rate of Wire for Arc Surfacing under Flux / D.G. Nosov; V.V. Maltsev
Modeling Impulse Wire Feed Welding in Controlled Gas Shielding / N.V. Pavlov; A.V. Kryukov; E.A. Zernin; V.A. Polischuk
Calculation of Gas-Dynamic Impact of the Active Shielding Gas on the Electrode Metal Drop in Gas Jet Shielded Welding / D.A. Chinakhov
Mechanical Properties of Welded Joints in Welding with Pulsed Arcs / A.G. Krampit; N.Yu Krampit; M.A. Krampit
Application of Nanostructured Powders to Control Characteristics of Electrode Metal Transfer and the Process of Weld Structurization / M.A. Kuznetsov; E.A. Zernin; V.I. Danilov; D.S. #1050;arzev
Fuzzy Swot Analysis for Selection of Bankruptcy Risk Factors / Alexandra A. Zakharova
Competencies of a Corporate Knowledge Manager / A.V. Maslov
Preliminary Risk Assessment in it Projects / T.Yu. Chernysheva
Local Economic Policy: Principal Stages of Development, Basic Types, Tools and Strategies / A.N. Lisachev
Current Graphical Password Systems. Implementation Algorithms by Digital Watermarking / A.V. Shokarev
Assessing Efficiency of Cloud-Based Services by the Method of Linear Programming / S.V. Razumnikov
Organizing Automated Ted Dialogue on the Competitiveness of Science-Intensive Products / G.O. Tashchiyan
Developing Criterion and Optimization of PAL System / F.G. Amirov
Design of the X-Ray Micro-CT Scanner TOLMI-150-10 and its Perspective Application in Non-Destructive Evaluation / Andrey V. Batranin; Sergey V. Chakhlov; Dmitry V. Grinev; Boris I. Kapranov; Vasily A. Klimenov
Estimation of Torque Variation of Geohod Transmission with Hydraulic Drive / Vladimir V. Aksenov; Mikhail Yu. Blaschuk; Mikhail V. Dubrovskii
The Influence of Relative Distance between Ledges on the Stress-Strain State of the Rock at a Face / Vladimir V. Aksenov; A.B. Efremenkov; V.Yu. Begljakov


edited by Helen Zhang, David Jin and X.J. Zhao
出版情報: Durnten-Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2013  xi, 385 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Applied mechanics and materials ; v. 387
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Fluorite Flotation of a Fluorite-Bearing Pb-Zn Tailings / Si Qing Liu; Xiu Juan Li; Min Zhang; Wan Ping Wang
Flotation of a Lead Sulphide Ore in Sichuan, China / Si Qing Liu; Xiu Juan Li; Wan Ping Wang; Min Zhang
Beneficiation of a Low Grade Lead Ore by Gravity Pre-Concentration and Flotation / Si Qing Liu; Xiu Juan Li; Yang Zhao; Ting Ting Li
Research of Environmental Materials with Sewage Marine Discharge Diffusion Effect in YangKou Port / Hang Yu; Jing Feng Bai; Xin Hai Wang; Hong Xin Zhao
Study on Energy Materials with an Important Source of China's Energy - Kazakhstan Crude Oil Pipeline Transportation / Guo Ming Liu; Lei Zhang
Potato Starch Processing Wastewater Physical Property Estimation Based on Material Properties / Zhi Qiang Gao; Wen Jie Ding; Jing Xu
Determination of Clenbuterol and Florfenicol in Milk Using Miniaturized Solid-Phase Extraction Based on Hybrid Material / Hui Wang; Ye Hong Han; Xue Mei Cai
Preparation and Properties of Ni-TiB2-Gd2O3 Composite Coatings by Electrodepositon / Xiao Zhen Liu; Wei Wei Qu; Ling Ling Song; Xiao Dong Yu; Ting Rao
Application of Nanomaterial in Sports and its Safety Research / Ya Li Meng; Jun Quan Zhu
The Sintering Characteristics of Industrial Solid Waste Incinerator / Wen Yan Li; Li Tan; Yan Kong
Simulation and Research of Multiple Degree Freedom Vibration System Based on MapleSim / Zhen Wang; Tao Wu
Research on Fluid Mechanics with Slip Flow of Viscoelastic Fluid in the Micro Channel / Zheng Liu; Jing Zhu; Lian Cun Zheng
Experimental Design and Mechanics Study on Brain Injury Tolerance under Sagittal Angular Acceleration Based on Shearing Strain Equivalent Coupling Method / Sheng Xiong Liu; Zhi Yong Yin; Kui Li; Dai Qin Tao; Ya Fang Luo; Cui Lian Ye; Chen Xu; Qin Jiang; Shu Ying Li; Yuan Sun
Effect of Drive Location on Vibro-Acoustic Characteristics of Submerged Double Cylindrical Shells with Damping Layers / Chao Zhang; De Jiang Shang; Qi Li
Prediction for Strength of 3D Braided Composites Based on Helix Geometry Model / Li Li Jiang; Xi Bin Wei; Xun Liu; Tao Zeng
Earthquake Mechanics Study with Health Check for a Seismic-Damaged Tunnel Suffered from the Wenchuan Earthquake / Jia Xin Zhang
Experimental and Application Study of a New Type High Strength Repairing Mortar for Hydraulic Concrete / Fei Wu; Chao Hua Jiang; Ying Di Liao; Li Jun Hou
Study on Hydromechanics with Critical Instability Flowrate of Two Ends Supported Pipe Conveying Fluid / Ri Dong Bao
The Dispersion Estimation Method for Assembly Stress of Silicone Rubber Foam Pad Based on Extreme Value Distribution / Fei Wang; Fang Mei Wan
The Research Nonlinear Mechanics for Non-Backlash Output Mechanism of Precision Ball Planetary Drive / Zi Jun An; Zuo Mei Yang; Li Ying Duan
Force and Simulation Analysis of Thrust Rod on Heavy Commercial Vehicle Balanced Suspension / Zan Li; Wen Ku Shi; Qian Wang; Jun Ke; Teng Teng; Yu Fei Zhou; Tian Yun Liu; Zhi Yong Wu; Yong Wei Dong
Simplified Analysis of Different Types of Slope Reinforcements in a Rigid Grid-Pile Composite Foundation / Wen Feng Huang; Hai Hong Mo; Ying Guang Fang
Waste Fiber Recycled Concrete Performance Based on Fracture Mechanics Research / Jing Hai Zhou; Lin Cheng; Wei Dong
The Study of Winding Performance in Key Stage on a Parallel Grooved Drum / Qing Zhang; Jing Feng Zheng; Ying Yue Xiao; Xian Rong Qin; Yuan Tao Sun; Li Dong Zhang
Strength Analysis of Parallel Grooved Drum / Qing Zhang; Kun Zhao; Ying Yue Xiao; Xian Rong Qin; Yuan Tao Sun; Li Dong Zhang
Research on Tensioning Scheme of Spatial Steel Arch Bridge / Hai Xin Huang; Shou Shan Cheng; Ying Zhang; Pei Chen
Simulation and Experimental Verification of Typical Aircraft Panel Structure Using Piezoelectric Effect for Vibration and Noise Reduction / Li Zhang; Xia Sheng Sun; Kai Xiang Li
Effect of Crack Statically Growing on Stress and Strain at Crack Tip for Power Hardening Materials / He Xue; Min Qiao; Zhen Wen Wang; Xiao Yan Gong
Experiment Research on Dynamic Characteristics of Ground Fissure Belt Loess in Xi 'an Area / Ya Hong Deng; Huan Dong Mu; Jian Bing Peng; Yan Qiu Leng; Zhen Feng Sun; Jie Xue
Dynamic Modeling on Smart Flexible Beam with Large Overall Planar Motion / Juan Zhang; Ya Feng Shu; Bin Bai
An Early-Warning Method for Agglomeration Detection in Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed Based on Hydromechanics / Meng Guo; Wei Guo Lin; Hai Yan Wu; Zhong Zhao; Jin Wei Liu
Three Dimensional Dynamic Analyses on Stroller Wheel with Shock Absorber / Yi Chern Hsieh; Minh Hai Doan; Chen Tai Chang
The Shear Failure Modes and Anisotropy Based on the Shear Strength Theory in Classical Solid Mechanics / Shao Hua Guo
Degradation Characteristics of Combined Rotor for Turbine Considering Stress Relaxation of Rod / Yong Lei Su; Ai Lun Wang; Xue Peng Li
The Research on a General Dynamic Model for Torsional Vibration for Disc-Type Rod Fastening Rotor Systems / Si Xiao Gao; Ai Lun Wang; Yong Lei Su
Analysis on Additional Pressure of Tube Sidewall of Immersed Tube Tunnel in Sinking Process of Tube Segment / Ya Dong Li; Hai Hong Mo; Jun Shen Chen
Failure Analysis of CCF300/5428 Laminates under Low Velocity Impact Based on Properties of Advanced Composite Material / Jian Yu Zhang; Ming Li; Li Bin Zhao; Bin Jun Fei
Numerical Simulation of Compressive Experiment of Coal Seam in Deep Underground for Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide / Feng Shan Han; Xin Li Wu
Extended Kalman Filtering and its Application to Intelligent Missile Formation Flight Mechanics / Xu Zhang; Nai Gang Cui; Xiao Gang Wang
Analysis of Nonlinear Local Buckling of Crane Telescopic Boom / Xin Lei Huang; Ai Min Ji
Loading Behavior Investigation of Composite Single Lap Adhesive Joints / Hai Xiao Hu; Yun Dong Ji; Ai Qing Ni; Ji Hui Wang
Experiment Research of Environment Effect on Mechanical Properties of PMMA / Jia Ying Wang; Jian Yu Zhang; Xin Hong Shi
Study of Fatigue Properties of PMMA with Typical Damage
FEM and Experimental Modal Analysis of a Large-Scale Quayside Container Crane / Xian Rong Qin; Ying Hua Liu; Yuan Yuan Liu; Qing Zhang; Yuan Tao Sun
Fatigue Damage Research on Rod-Fastening Rotor of Gas Turbine Considering Start-Up Stage / Xue Peng Li; Ai Lun Wang; Si Xiao Gao
The Abrasive Resistance Study about the Cutting Picker 40Cr of Coal Cutter / Ning Zhang; Shu Chen Wang; Na Shi; Hao Chen
Study on Microstructure and Properties of Plasma Arc Surfacing Layer for Cutting Pick / Ning Zhang; Li Yang; Feng Yang; Min He; Ming Shi
Design and Development of Folded Table Bicycle Based on Solid Edge and ANSYS / Xu Liu; Tao Wu; Zhi Qiang Xiang; Wen Qi Jia
Fluid Structure Interaction Simulation on the Bionic Airfoil of the Small Unmanned Plane / Zeng Qiang Qiao; Yong Bo Yang
The Civil Airports Machinery and Equipment Innovative Design Preferred / Zheng Yu Xue; Xiao Qing Yu; Mao Lin; Na Wei
Design of the Sled Motor Based on the Bionics / Qiu Lei Du; Li Ai Pan
Study on Direct Current Controlled Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator with Mechanical Properties Used for Improvement of Voltage Quality / Qun Feng Zhu; Lei Huang; Deng Xiang Yang; Guang Yao Zhu
The Track-Controlling System for Mobile Greenhouse Robots / Lei Huang; Deng Xiang Yang; Qun Feng Zhu
Comparative Analysis of Rotor Position Detection Technology in the SFC Soft Starting of Pump Storage Motor / Lian Tao Ji; De Shun Wang; Bo Yang; Guan Jun Li
Study on Mechanical Automation With Intelligent Control System in Tea Crank / Chun Bo Shao; Jian Zhang; Yi Wan
Summary of the Developing Status of Greenhouse Tray Seeder and Seed Metering Device / Hui Ping Si; Liang Sun; Chen Jie; Jun Hui Wu; Kai Yan Lin
Study on Mechanical Automation with Airborne Guiding Ammunition Automatic Testing Equipment Development / Ning Zhang; Li Chen; Tao Li
The Fuzzy Decoupling Control of the Electric Vehicle Steering and Speed Systems / Guo Li; Yan Sun
The Optimum Adaptive Cooperative Control of the Vehicle Steering and Anti-Lock Braking System / Guo Li; Huan Liu
The Application of Multi-Model Control on Vehicle Chassis Coordination Control / Guo Li; Wen Zheng Zhang; Yan Jie Hou
The Study of Mechanical Seal Leakage Detection System / Ze Gang Sun; Chang Niu Yang; Lei Chen
Simulation Research on Asynchronous Motor Vector Control System / Chun Juan Han; Fa Cheng Rui
Affecting Study on Flow Regeneration Noise from Muffler Element with Perforated Plate / Hai Jun Zhao; Guo Hua Wang
Steady Motions Performance of an Underwater Glider with Pump on the Vertical Plane / Qi Jie Li; Jian Nong Gu; Zhi Hong Zhang; Chong Wang; Bao Ren Li; Lei Gao
Deflecting Features of Gas from Double-Faced Deflector and Structure Optimization of Deflector / Shao Yan Shi; Yi Jiang; Xiao Tong Dong
Design and Application of the Butt Auxiliary Device for the Erection of Steel Tower Using Helicopter / Yong Jun Xia; Qian Miao; Ke Xin Huang
Effect Factors of Flow Regenerated Noise from Muffler Unit with Simple Expansion / Hai Jun Zhao; Xing Guo Zhao; Guo Hua Wang
The Herringbone Gear Box Modal Analysis and Experimental Study / Feng Wang; Zong De Fang
Common Problem Analysis in Electromechanical Equipments of Highway External Field / Yu Xin Liu; Xu Jia
Study on Simulation and Performance of Open-Type Screw Discharging Structure / You Xiang Li; Shu Guang Gong; Hai Shan Lu
Anti-Collision Risk Assessment Method Based on Relevance Vector Machine / Hao Lin Cui; Xu Sheng Gan; Ya Rong Wu; Hai Long Gao
Study of Turbulence Characteristics in Different Advanced Vortex Combustor Structure / Zhang Jun Wang; Zhuo Xiong Zeng; Guo Hui Tu
Optimal Design of Compensatory Cam for Precision Corn Planting Device of Furrow Seeder with Vertical Dropping with Whole Plastic-Film Mulching on Double Ridges / Wu Yun Zhao; Xue Peng Tang; Fei Dai; Zheng Yang
Study on Mechanical and Electrical Automation with System Design of Frequency Meter Based on EDA Technology / Lin Jin; Qiang Liu
Air-Gap Magnetic Field Optimization to Reduce Losses in High Speed Bearingless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor / Tao Zhang; Hong Yun Jia; Hui Ping Zhang; Jian Xiang Ji
Induction Motor Direct Torque Control Method of Fuzzy Adaptive / Cong Fan; Guo Zhang; Yu Ping Liu
Design and Performance Analysis of Digital Pressure Relief Valve of Water-Based Hydraulic / Tian Chi Jia; Zhang Yong Wu; Juan Wang; Ru Guang Feng; Yan Jin Qin
Energy-Saving Switch - Boost Converter
Fluorite Flotation of a Fluorite-Bearing Pb-Zn Tailings / Si Qing Liu; Xiu Juan Li; Min Zhang; Wan Ping Wang
Flotation of a Lead Sulphide Ore in Sichuan, China / Si Qing Liu; Xiu Juan Li; Wan Ping Wang; Min Zhang
Beneficiation of a Low Grade Lead Ore by Gravity Pre-Concentration and Flotation / Si Qing Liu; Xiu Juan Li; Yang Zhao; Ting Ting Li


edited by Mazlan A. Wahid ... [et al.]
出版情報: Durnten-Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2013  x, 318 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Applied mechanics and materials ; v. 388
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Numerical Analysis of Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication with Non-Newtonian Lubricant / Dedi Rosa Putra Cupu; Adli Bahari; Kahar Osman; Jamaluddin Md Sheriff
Investigation of the Velocity Profiles in a Ninety-Degree Curved Standing Wave Resonator with Particle Image Velocimetry / Normah Mohd Ghazali; Irfan Abd Rahim; Terry Quenet; Zaki Ab Muin
Simulation of Solar Organic Rankine Cycle System Using Turbocharger with Cycle Tempo and Environmentally Friendly Fluid / Ruli Nutranta; Muhammad Idrus Alhamid; Nasruddin Nasruddin; B. Harinaldi
Pool Boiling of Nanofluids in Vertical Porous Media / Ridho Irwansyah; Nandy Putra
Simulation of Corrected Mass Flow and Non-Adiabatic Efficiency on a Turbocharger / A. Mohd Ibthisham; Srithar Rajoo; Amer Nordin Darus; Mazlan Abdul Wahid; Mohsin Mohd Sies; Aminuddin Saat
Preliminary Study on the Comparable Flow Pattern between Stented and Non-Stented Aneurysm at Hypertension Condition / Ishkrizat Taib; Kahar Osman; Hendra Hermawan; Mohammed Rafiq Abd Kadir
Drag Reduction of Bamboo and Abaca Fiber Suspensions in Circular Pipe / Gunawan Kapal; M. Baqi; S. Fathernas; Yanuar
Performance of Thermoacoustic-Standing Wave as a Power Generator / Adi Surjosatyo; Irawan Sentosa
Wear Behaviour of Palm Olein at Different Operating Temperature / Samion Syahrullail; Tiong Chiong Ing
Performance of Thermoelectrics and Heat Pipes Refrigerator / Ali A. Sungkar; Firman Ikhsan; M. Afin Faisol; Nandy Putra
Analysis of Small Bubble Characteristics in Alum Solution / Warjito; Nurrohman
The Influence of Temperature in Wear Resistance Characteristic of Palm Fatty Acid Distillate / Samion Syahrullail; Muhammad Amirul Abdul Rahman
Investigation of Various Mixtures of HC290/HC600 Refrigerants in Adiabatic Capillary Tube Used in Split-Type Air-Conditioner / Shodiya Sulaimon; Azhar Abdul Aziz; Nasution Henry; Amer Nordin Darus
A Study on the Kinetics of Propane-Activated Carbon: Theory and Experiments / Azhar Ismail; Wai Soong Loh; Kyaw Thu; Kim Choon Ng
Transient Modeling of a Lithium Bromide - Water Absorption Chiller / Ang Li; Wai Soong Loh; Kim Choon Ng
Retrofitting R-22 Split Type Air Conditioning with Hydrocarbon (HCR-22) Refrigerant / Henry Nasution; Abdul Latiff Zulkarnain; Azhar Abdul Aziz; Mohd Rozi Mohd Perang
Experimental of Cascade Refrigeration System Using Natural Refrigerant Mixture Ethane and Carbon Dioxide at Low Temperature Circuit and Natural Refrigerant Propane at High Temperature Circuit / Nasruddin Nasruddin; M. Idrus Alhamid; Darwin R.B. Syaka; Arnas
Numerical Study of Ejector as an Expansion Device in Split-Type Air Conditioner / K. Sumeru; Nasution Henry; Farid Nasir Ani
A Study on the Effect of Exhaust Gases on the Indoor Air Quality Onboard Ships / Hayati Abdullah; Arman Ariffin
Experimental Study on the Replacement of HFC-R134a by Hydrocarbons in Automotive Air Conditioning System / Mohd Rozi Mohd Perang; Henry Nasution; Abdul Latiff Zulkarnain; Azhar Abdul Aziz; Afiq Aiman Dahlan
Thermophysical Properties of Novel Zeolite Materials for Sorption Cycles / Kyaw Thu; Young Deuk Kim; Bao Juan Xi; Azhar Ismail; Kim Choon Ng
Characteristics of Sea-Water Ice Slurry for Cooling of Fish / Agus Sunjarianto Pamitran; Helmi Dadang Ardiansyah; Mach Novviali
A Review Paper of Sea-Water Ice Slurry Generator and its Application on Indonesian Traditional Fishing
Solar Air-Conditioning System Using Single-Double Effect Combined Absorption Chiller / Hajime Yabase; Akira Hirai
Effect of Hot Air Reservoir and Insulator Tray in the Development of Vacuum Freeze Drying / Muhammad Idrus Alhamid; Nasruddin Nasruddin; Engkos A. Kosasih; Muhamad Yulianto
Numerical Study of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Enhancement of Nanofluids over Tube Bank / Mazlan Abdul Wahid; Ahmad Ali Gholami; H.A. Mohammed
Natural Convection in a Differentially Heated Cavity Using Splitting Method / Selamat Ubaidullah; Kahar Osman
Numerical Study on Heat Transfer of Turbulent Flow in a Channel with Composite Arrangement Obstacles / Mohammad Parsazadeh; Farshid Fathinia; Amirhossein Heshmati; Mazlan Abdul Wahid; Mohsin Mohd Sies
Effect of Vertical Baffle Installation on Forced Convective Heat Transfer in Channel Having a Backward Facing Step / Amirhossein Heshmati; Hussein A. Mohammed; Mohammad Parsazadeh; Farshid Fathinia; Mazlan A. Wahid; Mohsin M. Sies; Aminuddin Saat
Effect of Inclination Angle on Three-Dimensional Combined Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids in Rectangular Channels / Hussein A. Mohammed; Nur Irmawati Om; Mazlan A. Wahid
Combined Convection Heat Transfer of Nanofluids Flow over Forward Facing Step in a Channel Having a Blockage / Hussein A. Mohammed; Mohsen Golieskardi; K.M. Munisamy; Mazlan A. Wahid
The Influence of Various Inlet Geometries on Mixed Convection Flow of Ethylene Glycol in a Backward Facing Step / Farshid Fathinia; Amirhossein Heshmati; Mohammad Parsazadeh; Mazlan A. Wahid; Mohsin M. Sies
Controlled Auto-Ignition Combustion in a Two-Stroke Cycle Engine Using Hot Burned Gases / Amin Mahmoudzadeh Andwari; Azhar Abdul Aziz; Muhamad Said Mohd Farid; Abdul Latiff Zulkarnain
Effects of Firing Mode on the Performance of Flameless Combustion: A Review Paper / Ali Abuelnuor Abdeen Abuelnuor; Mazlan Abdul Wahid; Aminuddin Saat; Mohsin M. Sies; Mohamed Osman Abdalla; Seyed Ehsan Hosseini; Amer Nordin Darus; H.A. Mohammed; Ahmed G. Dairobi
Effects of External Hard Particles on Brake Noise of Disc Braking System / M.A. Nasaruddin; Mohd Kameil Abdul Hamid; Ahmad Razimi Mat Lazim; Abd Rahim Abu Bakar
Factors Affecting Performance of Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engines / Mohamed Mustafa Ali; Sabir Mohamed Salih
Early Flame Development in the Combustion of Droplet and Vapour Mixtures / Aminuddin Saat; Mazlan Abdul Wahid; Muhamad Said Mohd Farid
Design of a Four-Stroke Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine / Mohd Rozi Mohd Perang; Abdul Latiff Zulkarnain; Azhar Abdul Aziz; Mohamad Azzad Mokhri
Review of Numerical Studies on NOx Emission in the Flameless Combustion / Ali Abuelnuor Abdeen Abuelnuor; Mazlan Abdul Wahid; Aminuddin Saat; Mohsin M. Sies; M. Kabashi Elbasheer; Seyed Ehsan Hosseini; Ahmed G. Dairobi; H.A. Mohammed; A.N. Darus
Characterization of Diesel Engine Generator Operating at Different Compression Ratio Fuelled with Palm Oil Biodiesel / Belyamin Belyamin; Alias Mohd. Noor; Mohanad Hamzah Hussein; Mazlan Said
Investigation of Vortex Reacting Flows in Asymmetric Meso Scale Combustor / Mostafa Khaleghi; Mazlan A. Wahid; Mohsin M. Seis; Aminuddin Saat
Effects of CO2 Dilution on the Premixed Combustion of CH4 in Microcombustor / Ghobad Bagheri; Ehsan Hamidi; Mazlan A. Wahid; Aminuddin Saat; Mohsin M. Sies
Feasibility Study of Pulse Detonation Engine Fueled by Biogas / Ahmed G. Dairobi; Mazlan A. Wahid; I.M. Inuwa
The Role of Exhaust Gas Recirculation in Flameless Combustion / Seyed Ehsan Hosseini; Mazlan A. Wahid; Abuelnuor Abdeen Ali Abuelnuor
Evaluation of Palm Oil Combustion Characteristics by Using the Chemical Equilibrium with Application (CEA) Software / Seyed Ehsan Hosseini; Mazlan Abdul Wahid; Saber Salehirad; Mohsin M. Seis
Biogas Flameless Combustion: A Review
Entropy Generation in Turbulent Swirl-Stabilized Flame: Effect of Hydrogen Enrichment / Khalid M. Saqr; Mazlan A. Wahid
Pulse Detonation Engine Research Development at High Speed Reacting Flow Laboratory - HiREF, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia / Mazlan A. Wahid; Ahmed G. Dairobi; Aminuddin Saat; Mohsin Mohd Sies; Hussein A. Mohammed; Amer Nordin Darus; H. Mohd Faizal; A. Mohd Ibthisham; M.Y. Fairus
Environmental Protection and Fuel Consumption Reduction by Flameless Combustion Technology: A Review / Seyed Ehsan Hosseini; Mazlan A. Wahid; Saber Salehirad
The Effect of Fuel Additives on Gasoline Heating Value and Spark Ignition Engine Performance: Case Study / Zulkarnain Abdul Latiff; Azhar Abdul Aziz; Mohd Rozi Mohd Perang; N. Abdullah
Main Steam Temperature Modeling Based on Levenberg-Marquardt Learning Algorithm / Nor Azizi Mazalan; A.A. Malek; Mazlan A. Wahid; Musa Mailah; Aminuddin Saat; Mohsin M. Sies
Numerical Analysis of Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication with Non-Newtonian Lubricant / Dedi Rosa Putra Cupu; Adli Bahari; Kahar Osman; Jamaluddin Md Sheriff
Investigation of the Velocity Profiles in a Ninety-Degree Curved Standing Wave Resonator with Particle Image Velocimetry / Normah Mohd Ghazali; Irfan Abd Rahim; Terry Quenet; Zaki Ab Muin
Simulation of Solar Organic Rankine Cycle System Using Turbocharger with Cycle Tempo and Environmentally Friendly Fluid / Ruli Nutranta; Muhammad Idrus Alhamid; Nasruddin Nasruddin; B. Harinaldi


edited by Shengli Li, Weijuan Li and Jiguang Li
出版情報: Durnten-Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2013  2 v. (1270 p.) ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Applied mechanics and materials ; v. 395-396
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Study on Compressive Properties of SiC Particle Reinforced ZAlCu5Mn Composite Foams / Rong Zhen Jin; Nian Suo Xie; Jiao Jiao Li; Jing Che
Research on Nong'an Oil Shale Hydraulic Breaking / Jian She Mao; You Hong Sun; Ji Wei Wen; Chen Chen
Research on Metallurgical Reactivity Performance of Coke / Xin Yu Wang
Fabrication of PLGA/MWNTs/HA Scaffolds for Biomedical Application / Wei Hong Li
Optical Properties of Fe-Doped TiO2 Thin Film Prepared by Sol-Gel / Jun Wang; Long Huang
Numerical Simulation of UHMWPE Laminated Fiber Plate Resisted Projectile / Li Jun Wang; Ting Tang; Jin Bo Ma
Fabrication and Dielectric Characterization of a Novel Polyimide / Jia Qi Lin; Pan Pan Zhang; Wen Long Yang
Raman Spectral of Ce/Mn Co-Doped LiNbO3 Crystal / Miao Wang; Yun Long Wang; Rui Wang
Preparation and Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of a New Kind of Electromagnetic Shielding Composite Coatings / Deng Gao Guan; Yao Sun; Guan Li Xu; Chuan Min Sun; Hua Wei Li; Wen Jun Xu; Wen Xin Zhou
The Influence of Work Parameters on a Hydrogen PEM Fuel Cell Efficiency / Przemyslaw Bukowski; Stanislav Honus; Dagmar Juchelková
Influences of Environment-Friendly Additives on Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Anode Materials in 4 Mol/L KOH Solution / Zu Xiao Yu; Shi Xiong Hao; Qing Shan Fu
The Preparation and Electrochromism Property of Vanadium Pentoxide / Yi Xin Wang; Feng Ling Bian; Sheng Nan Sun; He Wang; Feng Xu; Lei Chen; Chun Peng Zhang; Hai Ning Cui
Failure Analysis of a Composite Frangible Cover Based on Transient Dynamics / Wei Zeng; Yi Jiang
Optimization of Bubble Amount in Resin Mineral Composite Based Vacuum Pouring Procedure / Tao Wang; Jian Hua Zhang; Yi Zhang; Xiu Hua Ren
Experimental Research on the Effects of Dimension on the Impact Damage of CFRP Laminates / A Ying Zhang; Zhi Jun Zhang; Zhen Jia; Ye Zhang; Dong Xing Zhang
Threshold of Impact Energy on the Medium Leakage of CFRP Laminates
Synthesis and Mesomorphism of Novel Star-Shaped Liquid Crystals Containing Donor-Acceptor Groups / Dan Shu Yao; Jun He; Guo Hua Li; Qian Xu; Ying Gang Jia; Fan Bao Meng
Buckling Analysis of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics Cylinders under Axial Compression / Da Huang; Cheng Hong Duan
Chemical Composition of Cerium and Manganese Co-Doped Lithium Niobate Single Crystal
Modulations and Core-Shell Effect on Positive Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 Ceramics by Electrically Heterogeneous (LiCe) Phases / Zheng Fa Li; Yu Ting Fu; Yong Xiang Li; Qun Xi Zhang
The Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Effectiveness of Carbonized Bacterial Cellulose Coated with Nickel by Electroless Plating / Pei Zhu; Bo Dai; Yong Ren; Liu Yang Xu
Stable Electrophosphorescent Emission of Fluorenyltrifluoromethyl-Pyridine Iridium 2-Picolinic Acid at High Concentration / Wen Guan Zhang; Xiao Lan Shao; Xue Zhen Xie; Sheng Min Zhao
Study on Dispersion Behavior of Al2O3/ZrO2 Composite Powder / Jing Xu; Min Chen
Theoretical Studies on Structures and Properties of Pentazine,1,2,4,5-Tetrazine and s-Triazine Derivatives with Nitrogen - Containing Substitutents / Xiao Qin Liang; Yan Zheng; Bi Qin Wang; Xue Mei Pu
Studies on the Aging Resistance of Polypropylene Composites Filled with Mica in High Content / Yu Jiao Wu; Chun Ping Yang; Chang Gui Liu
Fabrication and Ultraviolet Characterization of Potassium Sodium Niobate/Polyimide Hybrid Films
Study on Microlens Photonic Crystal Fabricated on Organic Light-Emitting Diode Substrate / Yang Li; Wei Xu
Effect of Content and Layer Thickness on the Corona-Resistance of PI/TiO2 Nanocomposite Films / Xing Zhao; Jin Hua Yin; Rong Jin; Jin Yu Dong
Electrospun Ketoprofen Sustained Release Nanofibers Prepared Using Coaxial Electrospinning / Deng Guang Yu; Min Hao Hu; Wen Zhou; Bi Yu Chen; Xia Wang
The Nanocapsulation Research Progress in Food Industry / Zuo Bing Xiao; Wei Li; Guang Yong Zhu; Ru Jun Zhou; Yun Wei Niu
The Preparation and Tribological Property Investigation of Chrysotile Nanotubes on the Grease / Kai Ji He; Jia Liu; Hao Lv; Shu Min Zheng; Kai Ming Wang
Electroless Plating of Cu on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes / Rong Rong Dai; Xin Min Huang; Zhang Ping Fei
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles through the Soft Template Method and their Applications to Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering / Yu Dong Lu; Xia Xia Chen; Li Hui Chen
Simulation of the Effect of Nano Phase Size on Microstructure Evolution in Nanocomposite Ceramic Tool Materials / Hong Mei Cheng; Chuan Zhen Huang
Synthesis and Characterization of N-Doped Meso/Macroporous Carbon / Chao Liu; Ai Bing Chen; Yong Qi Hu; Yi Feng Yu
Investigation on the Photovoltaic Performance of ZnO Nanoarrays Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition and Hydrothermal Method / Zonghu Xiao; Wei Zhong; Shun Jian Xu; Yong Ping Luo; Juan Xiu Wu
Preparation of Ni-ZrO2-CeO2 Nanocomposite Coatings by Pulse Electrodeposition / Yang Yang Xu; Yu Jun Xue; Fang Yang; Chun Yang Liu; Ji Shun Li
A Straight Nanopore Drilling by Transmission Electron Microscope / Tsan Chu Lin; Y.C. Wang; Zhen Wang; Shou Yang Wang; Dau Chung Wang
The Source of Ore-Forming Material in Barite-Fluorite Deposits, Southeast Sichuan in China: Sr Isotope Evidence / Hao Zou; Yi Fang; Zhan Zhang Xu
Electrical Erosion Characteristics of Pt-Ir-Zr Alloy Contact under DC Load / Sai Bei Wang; Song Wang; Ming Xie; Ji Ming Zhang; You Cai Yang; Yong Tai Chen; Man Men Liu; Jie Qiong Hu
Study on the Behavior of Internal Oxidation of Ag-Cu-Zn Alloy / Yong Tai Chen; Ming Xie; You Cai Yang; Ji Ming Zhang; Man Men Liu; Sai Bei Wang; Song Wang; Jie Qiong Hu
Effect of the Ratio of Zn/Y on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of As-Cast Mg-4Zn-xY Alloys / Feng Wang; Ji Bao Li; Ping Li Mao; Zheng Liu
Effect of the Linear Electromagnetic Stirring on Microstructure and Properties of Cu-10%Nb Alloys / Lin Zhang; En Gang Wang; Xiao Wei Zuo; Wen Bin Wang; Ji Cheng He
Study on Molten Zone in Twin-Roll Casting of Magnesium Alloy Strip / Zhi Pu Pei; Hong Yang Zhao; Xiao Dong Hu; Dong Ying Ju
The Study about Property of Corrosion Resistance of AlCoCrTiNiCu_x High-Entropy Alloys / Chun Wei Wang; Yan Fang Mo; Zhuo Qiang Mo; Jian Jiang Tang; He Yu Wei
Influnce of Grain Size on Dynamic Recrystallization of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Rolling Sheet / Chen Yang Xu; Fu Xiang Chu; Xiao Ling Xu; Hao Chen; Fang Gao
Coal Quality Characteristics and Inflaming Retarding Mode of Indonesia Coal in the Large Power Statdion / Gang Chen; Jian Lu; Wei Su; Hong Liang Zhang
Methods for Determining the Physical Property Cutoffs of the Effective Reservoirs of the Yaoyi Formation in Cha 48 Zone / Qing Guo Zhang; Lu Lu Sun; Xi Chen
Cyclic Hardening Behavior of Extruded AZ31B Magnesium Alloy during Low Cycle Fatigue Process / Guo Sheng Duan; Bao Lin Wu; Xiang Zhao; Gang Zhao
Comparison of Oxidation Behavior of Binary Co-10X (x=Al, Si, Cr) Alloys at 973 and 1073K / Hong Hua Zhang; Jun Huai Xiang; Xian Chao Xu; Chu Wang
Effect of Hydrogen as a Temporary Alloying Element on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy / Li Zhou; Duo Liu; Hui Jie Liu; Lin Zhi Wu
Boron Influence on Structures and Properties in Nickel-Based Alloys / Chuan Hui Chen; Yang Bai; Wei Chen; Xu Chu Ye
The Influence of Ti on d-Electron Occupancy of Fe in Fe-1.7%Ti Alloy / Wei Guo Yang; De Hui Li; Hong Jin Cai; Xin Cai; Huan Chen; Hong Fu Xiang
Simulation of the Effect of Sintering Pressure on Microstructure Evolution in Nanocomposite Ceramic Tool Materials
The Application of Magnesium Alloy in Automotive Seat Design / Shu Fen Wang; Wen Wen Hu; Zhen Hai Gao; Tian Peng Zhao
Effect of Cooling Rate on Oxidation Behaviour of Microalloyed Steel / Xiang Long Yu; Zheng Yi Jiang; Jing Wei Zhao; Dong Bin Wei; Cun Long Zhou
Effect of Intercritical Quenching on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Oil Casing Steel N80 / Min Huang; Yu Wang; Ya Ni Zhang; Yue Wei Xie; Shuo Feng Li
Effects of Aging Precipitates on the Mechanical and Corrosion Resistance Properties of 18Cr-18Mn-2Mo-0.96N Super High Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel / Zu Rui Zhang; Zhen Ye Zhao; Chun Zhi Li; Zhou Hua Jiang; Hua Bing Li
Effect of Nano CaO and MgO Addition on the Inclusions Composition in the Cast Microstructure of X80 Pipeline Steel / Yan Liu; Chun Lin He; Qian He Ma; Yang Liu
Effect of Magnesium Addition on the Cast Microstructure of a Kind of HSLA Steel / Yan Liu; Jian Ming Wang; Yang Liu; Chun Lin He
Investigation on Microstructure, Texture and Tensile Properties of Hot Rolled Strip Casting Grain-Oriented Silicon Steel / Hong Yu Song; Hui Hu Lu; Hai Tao Liu; Guo Dong Wang
Experimental Study on Optimization of Slag Splashing Modifiers with Magnesite Tailings / Fang Qing Ma; Jing Li
Research on the Optimization of Heat Treatment Process and the Abrasive Impact Wear Mechanism of 70Mn Steel / Peng Deng; Ren Bo Song; Ting Sun; Xu Wang
Effect of the Continuous Annealing Process on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of DP590 Steel / Hong Bin Wang; Rui Xing; Yi Yao Yu; Ji Guang Li; Ji Hong Yang; Ping Long
The Influence of the Electromagnetic Field Power on the Solidification of the Casting / Ji Guang Li; An Hong Li; Chang Jun Xu; Xing Xing Sheng; Xing Long Sun; Lin Hu
Study of Precipitation in Continuously Casting Slabs of Microalloyed Steels / Guang Xu; Hai Jiang Hu; Tao Xiong; Zhang Wei Hu
Experimental Study on the Oxide Scale of Steel Slab under Oxygen-Enrichment Combustion / Li Ying Qi; Da Qiang Cang; Liu Hong
Energy Balance Analysis of No.1 Sinter Machine at Baosteel / Zhi Gang Guan; Zhi Jun He
Electron Microscopic Analysis of 30CrMnSi Steel Surface Layers after Hot Deformation / #1052;azhyn Skakov; Gulzhaz Uazyrkhanova; Natalya Popova
Microstructure Evolution in Nb-Ti Micro-Alloyed Steel during Hot Compression and Hot Rolling Simulation / Bin Shen; Song He Zhu; Heng Hua Zhang
The Study on the Synthesis of Polyfluoroacrylate / Qin Huan Yang
Detection of Phthalate Esters from Plastic Packaging Materials into Edible Oil by Gas Chromatography-Mass / Lin Li; Qiu Ju Sun; Shi Gang Xin; Long Yu; Zhong Li Jiang
Effects of Emulsifier Concentration on Nucleation Mode of Emulsion Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate / Xiao Qin Xiao; Hong Wang; Li Bao Mei; Yan Lin Sun
Preparation and Characterization of Hyperbranched Silicone Oil by Hydrosilylation Reaction / Zhu Liu; Hua Shi Liu; Rui Fang Guan; Chuan Jian Zhou
Study on Acrylic Emulsion Adhesive Modified by Double Siloxane / Cai Hua Gao; Wen Lu Guo; Zhi Ming Jin
Effect of Barium Stearate on the Thermal Stability of Polyvinyl Chloride / Yi Heng Lu; Wei Long Liu; Feng Wei; Shuang Chun Ma
Effects of the Water Absorbability of Superabsorbent Prepared by Graft Copolymerization of Acrylic Acid onto Milk Proteins / Meng Wei; Yu Feng Sui; Yu Hua Zhao; Quan Liang Chen; Bo Gao; Ting Xi Li
Research of Arylic-Terminated Hyperbranched Polyester Modified Styrene-Acrylic Emulsion / Rui Mu; Chuang Zhao
Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Aramid Fiber Liquid Crystalline Polymer / Hui Jin; Yi Yong Wang; Cheng Wei Li
Studies on In Vitro Release Performance of Hydrophilic Drugs and Lipophilic Drugs in Amphiphilic SIS-Based Hot-Melt Pressure Sensitive Adhesives / Yong Nan Hu; Qing Wang; Yu Ming Sun; Xiao Hui Li; Xin Yi Che; Hai Hong Zhang
Effects of Emulsifier Concentration on Nucleation Mode of Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene / Li Bao Mei; Xiao Qin Xiao; Yong Li; Yan Lin Sun
Effects of Emulsifier Concentration on Polymer Particle Size in Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene
Study on the Curing Reaction and Rheological Behavior of Bismaleimide Resin / Qiu Ju Sun; Kun Yuan Wang; Shi Wei Wu; Li Dai
Synthesis and Polymerization Kinetics of PMMA in [BMIM]BF6 Imidazolium Ionic Liquids / Pei Wang; Yuan Liu; Wen Su; Lian Liu
Preparation and Research of Polymolybdate/Polymer Composite Membrane by Electrospinning and its Photo-Catalytic Property / Zhi Ming Zhang; Ting Ting Li; Ce Liu
Study on the Poly (ether sulfone) Microfibers / De Hui Wang; Tian Jiao Zhang; Dai Jun Zhang; Jian Wen Bao; Zheng Jie Liu
Study on Synthesis and Properties of Waterborne Polyurethane Modified by Epoxy Resin / Zhi Ming Jin; Wen Lu Guo; Cai Hua Gao
Study of the Parameters of Lightweight Polymer-Cement Repair Mortars Exposed to High Temperatures / Tomás Melichar; Ji#345;í Bydzovský
A Comparative Study on Production of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete by Coal Gangue Fly Ash / Ye Zhang; Peng Xuan Duan; Bao Sheng Jia; Lei Li
Physical Properties of Waste Concrete Recycled Aggregates According to Coating Factor / Young Il Jang; Byung Jae Lee; Jun Young Bae
Analysis Based on FLAC3D of Surface Subsidence Caused by a Double-Tube Parallel Tunnel Excavation / Dong Liang Guo; De Shen Zhao
Application Study of FRTP Materials in the Civil Engineering Products / Shao Ming Wei
Progress of Studies on Durability of FRP Rods Used in Civil Engineering
Diagenesis of Volcanic Rocks and its Effects on Evolution of Reservoir Space of Yingcheng Formation in 2,3 Wellblock of Yaoshen Area / Yan Chun Liu; De Long Xu; Cheng Zhi Liu; Lu Qi Li; Jing Bo Pei
Gulong Oilfield Putaohua Oil Layer in the Gu 83 Block Sequence and Sandstone Characteristics Research / Lu Qi Li; Cheng Zhi Liu; Yan Chun Liu
Influence of Ground Phosphorous Slag Powder on Performance of Cement Mortar / Ye Jiang Wang; Fen Lian Xu; Jing Chen
The Research on Seismic Performance of the Insulation Material on the External Wall of a Building / Zu Xu Zou; Song Ping Mao
Discussions on the Construction Technology of the Vibrating Inserting Rod Long Auger Bored Pile-CFA / Jiu Jun Wang
Analysis of Effects of a Double-Tube Parallel Tunnel Excavation on Underground Pipelines
The Finite Element Analysis of Cross Steel Reinforced Concrete Special-Shaped Columns / Ri Liang Li; Ya Feng Xu; Shou Yan Bai
Analysis on Earth Stress and Fracture Distribution Characteristics with Image Logging / Qing Guo Zhang; Zhi Hua Guo; Yi He Li
Microscopic Mechanism Research on Airport Pavement Ultra-High-early Strength Concrete Patching Material / Wei Guang Li; Zhi Mi Zhou; Chang Yong Ye; Yao Gang Tian; Zhi Ren Tian; Hong Yu Shan; Qing Ye
Study on the Cementitious Proportion of Cemented Mine Tailings / Yun Bing Hou; Bo Peng; Bing Wen Wang; Hui Yu; Xin Jie Kong; Ling Gen Kong
The Status Analysis of Constitutive Relation and Parameters of Soil Dynamics / Cong Cai; Yong Ding Tian; Ling Zhi Cui; Jia Qi Zhang; Chao Chao Ma
Comparison between SPI and Soil Moisture Retrieved from AMSR-E / Jing Wen Xu; Jun Fang Zhao; Yu Peng Wang; Qiong Lian Chen; Li Wei Zeng
Damage Evaluation of Concrete Based on Acoustic Emission b-Value / Zheng Zheng Xu; Yan Wang; Sheng Xing Wu; Yao Wang
Effect of Shape and Size of Concrete Specimens on Test Result of Chloride Migration Coefficient / Jian Chen; Yong Hao Fang; Cheng Hui Zhu
A Numerical Method for the Paving Block Evaluation / Chau Cho Yu; Jun Wei Chang; Su Wei Hao
Correct Direct Discrete-Continual Boundary Element Method of Structural Analysis / Pavel A. Akimov
A Brief Analysis of the Floor Crack
Research on Supporting Theory of Pressure-Bearing Ring and Yield Supporting Technology in Extremely Soft Rock Roadway / Guang Long Qu; Jun Wang; Guo Lei Liu
Application of Reclaimed Ladle Bricks in Magnesium Aluminate Spinel Based Castables / Zhi Hui Li; Dian Li Qu; Jing Li; Lin Wang
Jacking Force Controlling Technique of PC Beam Flexible Piers Based on Multiple Points Pushing Method / Cheng Zhu; Rui Li; Zhi Yun Zhang
Isolation and Polyphasic Investigation of the Carotenoids-Producing Marine Bacterium from Trachurus murphyi Chile Fishery / Xiao Ling Zhang; Qiao Yang; Heng Zhang; Hong Liang Huang
Biodegradation of DCM Vapor in a Biofilter / Hong Tao Sun; Liang Li; Xin Gang Hao
Kinetics and Thermodynamics Studies of Monascus Red Dyeing on Wool / Jia Jia Shen; Xu Ming Chen
Experiment on the Mechanics Properties of Hot-Pepper in the Process of Hot-Air Drying / Xue Bi Zhang; Si Yu Chen; Wen Fu Wu; Ya Qiu Zhang; Chun Shan Liu; Yan Xu
Characteristics of Hydrated Calcium Silicate and Paper Filler / Quan Xiao Liu; Yan Na Yin; Wen Cai Xu
Packaging Mechanical Properties of Composite Paperboard / Quan Xiao Liu; Fei Ma; Jun Yang
The Effect and Mechanism of Apoptosis Induced by Desacetylcinobufotalin (DEBF) in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma HepG2 Cells / Xu Chao; Lin Dang; Min Hui Wei
Adsorption of Cesium from Aqueous Solution by Modified Montmorillonite / Si Man Liu; Yong Zhou Quan
Catalytic Destruction and Removal of Dichloromethane in the Microwave/Fe4O3 System / Ching Hsing Lin; Yung Hsu Hsieh; Chen Yu Chang
Study of Extraction of Total Alkaloids from Caulophyllum Robustum / Jian Lan Suo
Surface Modification of Activated Carbon and its Effects on Methane Adsorption / Shi Xiong Hao; Zu Xiao Yu; Xing Yong Liu
Functionalized Mesporous Silica with Ethylenediamine for Removal of Pb(II) / Li Jun Luo; Ping Bao Ban; Xue Jiao Huang; Jun Hong Li
Degradation of Organics from Laboratory Wastewater by Ultrasonic/Fenton Process / Xiao Lin Bai; Liang Li
A Study of Basic Properties of Cellulose Ether Modified Dry-Mixed Mortar / Peng Xuan Duan; Ye Zhang; Ying Li
The Effect of Water Stress on the Fluorescence Parameters and Growth of Sophora japonica 'Golden Stem' / Fei Yong Liao; Ying Wen; Ying Xie
Sensitive Determination of Eight Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Toxins in Aquatic Products by LC-MS-MS Method / Bing Feng; You Qiong Cai; Xiao Ling Zhang; Hui Juan Yu
Carbon Capture Performance of Amino-Modified MIL-101 at Room Temperature / Yi Yang; Zheng Ping Wang; Ling Meng; Lian Jun Wang
A Comparative Study on Preparation of High Strength Gypsum by Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum and Natural Gypsum / Ji Xiu Zhang; Peng Xuan Duan; Ye Zhang
Research Progress of the Properties and Application of Bamboo Charcoal / Yong Jun Ye; Zhong Feng Zhang
Study on Loading Rate-Dependent Property of Different Layers in Articular Cartilage Based on ABAQUS / Zhi Dong Liu; Li Lan Gao; Bao Shan Xu; Xi Zheng Zhang; Chun Qiu Zhang
The Micro-Mechanical Behavior of Articular Cartilage under Continuous Sliding Load / Peng Peng Xiao; Li Lan Gao; Zhi Dong Liu; Chun Qiu Zhang
Mechanical States of Repaired Full-Thickness Defects of Articular Cartilage by Tissue Engineering under Compression / Yan Bao; Hai Ying Liu; Qing Liu; Li Lan Gao; Chun Qiu Zhang
The Impacts of Heat Treatment on the Material Structure and Properties of Mg-4.0Zn-1.0Ca-0.6Zr Bio-Medical Materials / Xue Fei Zhang; Tian Guo Zhou; Ren Guo Guan; Tong Cui
Application of Melt Extrusion Process for an In Situ Polymers Blend of Cellulose with Polyethylene Glycol in the Presence of Ionic Liquid / Magdi E. Gibril; Xin Da Li; Hai Feng Li; Xuan Zhong; Huan Li; Yue Zhang; Ke Qing Han; Mu Huo Yu
Response Surface Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Extraction Conditions of Anthocyanins from Black Soybean Hull / Yi Hua Jiang; Xin Long Jiang
Impact of DOM in Reclaimed Water on Nitrogen/Phosphate Adsorption in Sediments / Chun Fa Zhou; Zi Gong Ning; Wei Zhao; Yun Kai Li; Ming Chao Liang; Ze Shi; Pei Ling Yang; Zhi Yun Ouyang
Amplification and Bioinformatics Analysis of IGS1 Sequence of Aurcularia Auricular / Yong Xiong; Wan Song Yue; Chun Yan Zhao; Cui Yang
Bioinformatic Analysis of rbcL Gene in Lilium / Yong Xiong; Chun Yan Zhao; Cui Yang
Numerical Simulation of Preparation Process of Selective Absorbing Coating Based on Magnetron Sputtering Technology / Han Wu Liu; Jun Hong Wang; Shao Bo Ping; Lei Huang
Development of Thermal Barrier Coatings on AZ91 Magnesium Alloy Surface / Pei Hu Gao; Jian Ping Li; Zhong Yang; Yong Chun Guo; Yong Xing Wu; Ji Lin Liu; Zhi Lin Yang; Yan Rong Wang
Anti-Corrosion Performance of Four Hot Dip Galvanizing Bolts / Guo Xin Li; Shan Jing Xia; Yi Liang Peng
Effect of Vanadium and Niobium on Abrasive Behaviour of Arc Sprayed 4Cr13 Coatings / Yu Deng; Sheng Fu Yu; Ning Yan; Shu Le Xing; Lin Bing Huang
Investigating the use of Nanoscale Bilayers Assembly on Stainless Steel Plate to Improve Evaporation / Shen Chun Wu; Dawn Wang; Hsih Shing Li; Sin Jie Lin; Chao Tsai Hsu; Yau Ming Chen
Oxidation Protective Barrier Coatings for Austenitic Stainless Steels at 1100°C / Zhong Li Zhang; Pen Yao Wei; Nan Nan Zhang; Qi Shen Wang; Xue Gong
The Experimental Study on Paint Removal from Aluminum Surface Using Ice Jet / De Yu Li; Xiong Duan; Xing Dong
Preparing the Coating of Color Ink-Jet Paper and Investigating its Printing Quality / Yong Gang Yang; Fu Ping Liu; Yang Lu
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photocatalytic Activities of Bi2WO6 with Different Surfactant / Bin Li; Xiao Gang Yang; Fang Lin Du
Investigation of Microstructure and Properties of Surface Nanocrystallization Layer by Rolling Technology / Ming Fu Song; Gui Min Liu; Zhi Hai Cai; Jun Jun Zhao
The Crystal Orientation of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Affected by the Magnetic Fields on Magnesium Alloy / Chen Yang Xu; Xiao Ling Xu; Fang Gao; Fu Xiang Chu; Qi Wang; Qian Nan Guo
Mechanical Milling Prepared Ultrafine Al2O3 Particles Utilized in Brush Plating Ni-P-Al2O3 Coatings and Influence of Heat Treatment to the Performance of the Coatings / Ai Zhi Yu; Lian Wang; Mao Dong Li; Jin Mei Lin; Wen Yu
Preparation and Properties of Photocatalysed Waterborne Styrene-Acrylic Coating / Peng Fei Zhang; Li Huo; Ya Ru Wang
Comparing of Temperatures of Rolling Bearing under the Oil-Air Lubrication to the Spray Lubrication / Qi Guo Sun; Yue Fei Wang; Ying Wang; Hong Bo Lv
Based on the DT-CWT Transformation Methods for 3D-Nanometer Roughness Rating Reference / Zhi Ying Ren; Cheng Hui Gao; Jian Xing Lin; Ding Shen
Experimental Study on Tool Wear in NC Dry Milling Resin Sand Mold Materials / Su Yu Wang; Lin Lin Ma; Wen Jie Yang
Failure Analysis of Tower Axle in the Wet Drawing Machine / Yang Xu; Ren Bo Song; Yi Su Jia; Guo Fu Li; Shuai Huang
Circumference Damage Identification in a Pipe Using Mode Conversion of Longitudinal Guided Wave / Jing Wu; Wei Wei Zhang
Effect of Powder Pretreatment on the Wear of Ultrafine Cemented Carbide Cutting Inserts / Jian Bing Cheng; Si Qin Pang; Xi Bin Wang; Qi Xun Yu
Fracture Analysis of the Double-Circular-Arc Gear Reducer Shaft / Xiang Han
Method to Obtain the Regular Term in Bonded Dissimilar Materials under Thermal Loading / Zhi Xu Gu; Jian Zheng; Wei Peng; Xi Nan Tang
Investigation of Deformation and Damage of Taylor Impact Test / Ying Li; Yu Wang; Xiao Bin Li; Wei Zhang
Calculation of Static Stiffness of Hyperelastic Coating / Hai Qing Zhu; Xie Dong Zhang
Microstructural Characteristics and Wear Properties of NiCr/Cr3C2-WS2 Self-Lubricant Wear-Resistant Composite Coating on Ti6Al4V by Laser Cladding / Hong Mei Fan; Hai Qing Liu; Jia Ren; Xiang Jun Meng; Xiu Bo Liu
Criterion of Ductile Fracture for GCr15 Bearing Steel / Yong Ping Yu; Qiu He Yang
The Montecarlo Method in Application of Fatigue Life Reliability Analysis / Yue Yang; Jia Ping Yao; Xiu Jin Yang; Zhi Bo Yang
Analysis and Models for the Friction Coefficient of a Sliding Bearing / Bao Ming Wang; Jin Xin Xu; Fei Zhu; Zai Xin Wu
Research on Ceramic of Water-Based Component / Juan Wang; Zhang Yong Wu; Xian Wang; Zi Yong Mo
Research on Strength Calculation for Local Area under Pressure / Ping Pang
Research and Analysis about Partical Compression for Individual Anchored Prestressed End Strength
Research on the Approach for the Assessment of Subsurface Rolling Contact Fatigue Damage / Xiao Feng Qin; Da Le Sun; Li Yang Xie
The Experimental Study on the In Situ Stress of SongNan Block / Li Gang Zhang; Hai Bo Wang; Xiao Dong Si; Shi Bin Li
Turbine Rotor Tooth Head and Stress Analysis of Wedge / Li Li Zhao
Optimal Design of Cylindrical Helical Torsional Spring Including Fatigue Reliability / Shi Jian Zhao; Wei Min Cui; Wei Tian
Destruction Analysis of Broadside Multi-Cabin Protective Structure of Warship under Explosion Loading / Long Guang Jiang; Xiao Dong Zhang
Precise Stability Analysis of Stepped Telescopic Booms and Practical Algorithm / Liang Du; Peng Lan; Nian Li Lu
FEM and Experimental Stress Analysis of a Jib Crane / Adem Candas; Eren Kayao#287;lu
Effects of Perforation on the Collapsing Strength of Casing / Yu Guang Cao; Shi Hua Zhang; Xin Ren
Analysis of Heat Treatment Quality of a Spring Clip with Failure / Mei Hua Zhu; Jia Wei Lu; Ying Xi; Jin Sen Zhang; Zhe Chen
Numerical and Experimental Studies of Composites Sandwich Structure with a Rectangular Cut-Out / Zhen Zhang; Jian Guang Zhang; Xiu Zhi Liu; Yong Hai Wen; Shao Bo Gong
Floating Stability Analysis of Steel Boxed Cofferdam of Dongtinghu Long-Span Bridge
Static Analysis and Experimental Research on Frame of the Hedge Spray Car in the Ultimate Torsion Condition / Song Zhu; Hong Miao; Rui Hong Zhang; Wei Ji; Zai Xiang Zheng; Wei Liu
Hot Stamping of Two Different High Strength Steel with Tailored Properties / Zi Jian Wang; Ya Xu; Wen Ting He; Yi Sheng Zhang
Numerical and Experimental Study of Forming Limit Diagrams in Sheet Metal Forming and Seamed Tube Hydroforming / Ren Tao Zhang; Xian Feng Chen; Hai Bo Su; Zhi Yong Chen
Square Head Adjustable Die Device Research on Ship 3D CNC Forming Machine / Shao Juan Su; Yong Hu; Cheng Fang Wang; Bo Liu
Study on Influences Mold Shape Imposes on Bread Heating Distribution / Ze Hua Chen; Shao Bo Gao; Shang Xin Yang; Hai Yang Zhang
Hot Processing Maps and Workability Characteristics of As-Cast 42CrMo Steel during Hot Compression / Fang Cheng Qin; Yong Tang Li; Hui Ping Qi; Shi Wen Du
Thermal Crown Analysis of the Roll Sleeve in Twin-Roll Strip Casting Process / Hai Tao Cui; Guo Dong Wang
Design an Effective Solution for Stretch Forming of Sheet Metal with a Shorter Free Edge / Qi Gang Han; Qiang Zhang; Ming Zhe Li; Shi Zhong Su; Wen Ke Yang; Qing Chu Ban; Ni Yan
End Formation of a Round Tube into a Square Section with Reduced Forming Loads / Chin Joo Tan
The Design of a Five-Axis Machine for Water Jet Incremental Sheet Metal Forming / Hai Long Lu; Kai He; Jiu Hua Li; Shu Guo Wei; Ruxu Du
Finite Element Simulation of Four-Way Tube Hydroforming / Shi Gang Wang; Hong Shuo Yang; Yong Ge Pan
Comparative Analysis of Onestep and Multistep Forming in Automotive I/P Beam Hydroforming Process / Xue Yi Wang; Zai Xiang Zheng; Hui Shen; Wei Wei Zhang
Experimental Research and Numerical Simulation Analysis for Hydroforming of an Instrument Panel Beam / Xue Yi Wang; Zai Xiang Zheng; Wen Shan Wang; Wei Wei Zhang
Study on Surface Properties of Big Tilling Depth Rotary Blade for Laser Shock Peening / Xiao Bo Xi; Hong Miao; De Qing Tao; Li Zhao; Rui Hong Zhang; Zai Xiang Zheng
Reliability Analysis of Alumina-Based Ceramic Cutting Tool's Wear Life by Saddle Point Approximation / Xin Gang Wang; Ya Juan Jin; Yi Min Zhang
Study on an Ultra-Precision Plane Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process by Use of Alternating Magnetic Field / Jin Zhong Wu; Yan Hua Zou
Special Fixture Designed for the Fine Boring of Auto Engine Cylinder / Jing Luo; Tie Zhong Xiao; Wen Jun Gong; Jie Zhan
Experimental Study on Surface Roughness in Quick-Point Grinding Engineering Ceramics / Lian Jie Ma; Ya Dong Gong; Yuan Ji Bao
Study on the Machining Principle and Experiment of Grinding / Qiang Xiao
Research on Force and Temperature in Milling Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy Based on Tool Geometry / Yan Yan Guo; Can Zhao; Tao Xu; Jia Yang
Chatter Prediction Based on NC Physical Simulation in Machining Ti6Al4V Thin-Walled Components / Yu Li; Chao Sun
Study on Precision Grinding Technique for Large Size Optical Aspheric Lens / Xiao Long Ke; Jian Chun Liu; Hai Bin Huang
Study of the Surface Integrity of Powder-Metallurgy High-Speed Steel (S390) Multi-Cut by Wire Electrical Discharge Machining / Xiang Zha; Chuan Liang Cao; Xiang Lin Zhang; Ji Jun Feng
Experimental Study on Cutting Force and Surface Roughness for 7050-T7451 Aluminum Alloy of High Speed Milling / Zhao Lin Zhong; Xing Ai; Zhan Qiang Liu
The Research on Milling Force in High-Speed Milling Nickel-Based Superalloy of Inconel 718 / Can Zhao; Yu Bo Liu
Optimization of Surface Roughness in Dry Turning of Brass / On-Uma Lasunon
Study of Semi-Bond Abrasive in Tiny Grinding Wheel Based on Magnetorheological Effect / Jing Fu Chai; Wen Qing Song; Qiong Zou
Electroplated Diamond Wire Saw Applying Ultrasonic Vibration to Cut Polysilicon Experiment and Simulation Analysis / Liao Yuan Zhang; Shuo Wang; Zhong Qing Shao; Zhong Xiu Lv
Fractal Analysis of Laser Cutting Heavy Plate Surface Topography / Lin Zhao; Yang Zhang; Da Guo Ma; Wei Li
Effect of the Vibration on Machining Gap of WEDM / Peng Sun
Study of Electrode Surface Characteristics under Short Single Pulse in Micro Ed-Milling / Liao Yuan Zhang; Di Yu; Zhong Qing Shao; Shuo Wang; Zhong Xiu Lv
Study on Micro Electrochemical Machining Technology and its Influencing Factors / Xiao Hai Li; Li Ping Zhao; Ying Chun Shi; Li Jie Zhao
The Technique of Ion Beam Etching Polishing / Cheng Jun Guo; Ning Pei; Da Sen Wang; Feng Ming Nie; Guang Ping Zhang; Yu Peng Li
Research of Composite Coating Composed of Mo Wire and High-Cr Cast Iron Made by Laser Cladding Technology / Wei Zhang
Welding Quality Controlling by Describing the Shape of Weld Joint of Pipeline Steel through Computer Software / Ji Dong Zhao
Research on Model of Plastic Flow Heat Transfer during Linear Friction Welding for Low Melting Point Metal / Yong Zhang; Tao Zhang; Guo Dong Wen; Tie Jun Ma
Design of Novel Integrated Heating and Riveting Control System for TB2 Titanium Alloy Rivet / Xiao Yu; De Yin Zhang
The Design of Power Supply with Feed-Forward Control Method for EBW / Shou Qi Wei; Zhi Jie Liu; Si Si Zhu; Zhen Yuan Su; Ming Li; Xu Chen
Application of Six Sigma DMAIC Methodology in Welding Assembly Quality Improvement / Guang Yu Mu; Feng Wang; Xiao Zhen Mi
Experimental Analysis of the Nonlinear Normal Static Stiffness of Bolted Joints / Li Gang Cai; Feng Wang; Tie Neng Guo; Jing Jing Wang; Peng Qiao
Metal Transfer Behavior of Consumable DE-GMAW / Ming Zhu; Ding Fan; Yu Shi; Hai Zhou
Multi-Input Multi-Output Control of Consumable DE-GMAW / Ming Zhu; Yu Shi; Ding Fan; Hai Zhou
Research on Cu-Fe Solid Solution and Plastic Deformation Properties of Explosively Welded T2/DT4C Laminate / Peng Liu; Jian Ping Jiang; Bai Lian Sun
The Numerical Simulation of Superplastic Deformation on Ti-6Al-4V Laser Butt Weld Joint / Dong Hai Cheng; Zhao Fan; Yi Ping Chen; De An Hu
Influence of Scanning Speed on Microstructure and Hardness during Laser Cladding High-Cr Cast Iron
Application of Inverse Heat Conduction Problems in the Slab Solidification Process / Yang Yu; Xiao Chuan Luo; Yuan Wang
Ride Comfort Optimisation of Passenger Car Passive Suspension Systems Using ADAMS/ Insight / Ai Hua Tang
A Method to Predict the Sheet Metal Deformation under Different Locator Layout / Hong Wang Zhao; Cong Lu; Wan Yu Li
Optimum Design and Analysis of Metal Delivery System for Magnesium Alloy Plates with Twin-Roll Casting Process / Qun Yu; Xiao Dong Hu; Long Huan Huang; Yue Lin
Prefabricated Hole Mathematical Model of Flange-Forming of Tee Pipe with Square Branch / Zhong Lei Wang; Zhao Dong Li; Gang Cheng; Xin Kai Zhang
Research on the Fatigue Life of Universal Mill Horizontal Roller Ring Applying Fe-Safe / Yun Feng Liu; Xiao Yong An; Shuang Zhou
Unified Multi-Error Model for Four Types CNC Machining Center / Kai Guo Fan; Jian Guo Yang; Li Yan Yang
A Method of Calculating the Dynamic Characteristics of Rubber Isolator / Xiao Yan Guo; Jin Zhi Zhou; Da Peng Feng; Hou Min Li
Numerical Simulation of Orientation Distribution on Fibers Suspensions in Planar Extensional Field / Pei Fang Luo; Zan Huang
Metallurgical Consideration about Abnormal Events during Slab Continuous Casting Process in the Quality Diagnosis Model / Yi Wen Kong; Ke Feng; Shui Gen Wang; Jian Feng Cao; Zhi Wei Han
Numerical Simulation Analysis of H-Beam Steel Controlled Cooling / Xiao Guang Yu; Xu Hao; Rui Miao
Study on Magnetron Sputtering Process of Stainless Steel Particles Sputtering on Copper Substrate Based on LS-DYNA / Zhi Ping Zhang; Han Wu Liu; Hai Mei Feng; Zhi Jun Liu
Modeling Study of Engineering Ceramics WEDM Based on Fuzzy Logic / Xue Li; He Wang; Qiu Ping Shao
Casting Filling Simulation Technology Based on Component Wise Splitting Method / Hong Kui Mao; Bin Ye Yao; Hong Xu
Optimization Design Method of the Pre-Manufactured Hole of Flanging / Yang Li; Zhong Lei Wang; Xiao Li; Gang Cheng
Numerical Simulation of Filling Process in Large Steel-Ingot / Zhao Hui Zhang; Lu Feng; Fu Cai Zhao
Prediction of CNC Thermal Deformation Based on the Compensation Fuzzy Neural Network / Jin Yu; Cheng Lin Liu; Xiu Feng Zhu; Yu Xiang Shi
Study and Implementation of CNC Lathe Machining Simulation System / Sha Xu; En Qi Wu; Guo Liu
Performance Simulation and Analysis of the Progressive Distributor of the Oil-Air Lubrication by AMEsim / Qi Guo Sun; A Li Cai; Hong Bo Lv; Zheng Hui Zhou
Improvement of Electromagnetic Self-Locking Device for Cylinders in High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor / Bin Wu; Jin Hua Wang; Yue Li; Ji Guo Liu
FEM Simulation of Main Deformation during Cage Roll-Forming Process / Sheng De Hu; Jing Zhang; Li Xin Li; Yong Liu
Design of a Semi-Real Simulation Platform for the Cold Rolling Mill / Gang Zheng; Bin Ma; Zhe Yang; Ding Liu
The Effect of Simulated Domestic Wastewater Treatment by Biofilm and Biological Filter Processing / Xiang Wei Sun; Shan Quan Jiang; Yun Cheng Xie
Study on Compressive Properties of SiC Particle Reinforced ZAlCu5Mn Composite Foams / Rong Zhen Jin; Nian Suo Xie; Jiao Jiao Li; Jing Che
Research on Nong'an Oil Shale Hydraulic Breaking / Jian She Mao; You Hong Sun; Ji Wei Wen; Chen Chen
Research on Metallurgical Reactivity Performance of Coke / Xin Yu Wang


edited by Hongyang Zhao, Kun Liu, Xiaoguang Yu
出版情報: Durnten-Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, c2013  4 v. (2772 p.) ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Applied mechanics and materials ; v. 397-400
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目次情報: 続きを見る
A Density-Based Potential Mission Risk Assessment Approach for Aerospace Products / Mi Kai; Yun Hu
A New Value Stream Mapping Technique Based on Material Flow, Information Flow and Knowledge Flow / Yu Cheng Pan; Di Liang; Xiang Fei Ma; Hua Dong Wang
A Rapid Simulation and Optimization Study of Production Line / Xiang Fei Ma; Di Liang; Yu Cheng Pan; Hua Dong Wang
Research on Trusted Manufacturing / Xiao Mei Hu; Yang Yang Zhang; Lei Zhao; Li Zhao
Software Framework for Advanced Error Troubleshooting in Flexible Manufacturing System / Lehel Csokmai; Ovidiu Moldovan; Ioan Constantin Tarca; Radu Tarca
Application of Cleaning Technology in the Remanufacturing for Loader's Axles and Transmission Box Components / Ru Sheng Lu; Bin Xu; He Ting Huang; Guo Sheng Zhang; Zhi Xin Wu
The Study of Production Process System of New Multi-Feature Continuous Reel Soft Pack Trademarks / Zhi Long Wang; Bang Gui He; Qian Ru Tian
Tabu Search-Based Formation of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Cells / Jing Jun Du; Guo Xin Wang; Yan Yan; Qian Sang
Evaluation of Knowledge Resource Service Ability Based on Robust Projection Pursuit - Principal Component Analysis under Cloud Manufacturing Environment / Nan Zhao; Hong Yu Shao
Formation of High Aspect Ratio Macropore Array on N-Type Silicon / Guo Zheng Wang; Xiao Na Li; Feng Yuan Yu; Yao Zhang; Yong Zhao Liang; Jin Chai; Ji Kai Yang; Qing Duo Duanmu
Dynamic Error Modeling Research of On-Machine Measurement System Based on Bayesian Network / Li Wen Yan; Qi Bao He
Study on a Green Manufacturing Process Design System / Dong Jie Zhong
Technology Research on the Fluidization Treatment of High-Titanium Slag to Manufacture Synthetic Rutile / Liang Li; Lan Hua Zhou
Properties of Process Gas Combustion Products / Stanislav Honus; Przemyslaw Bukowski; Dagmar Juchelková
Parameters Research of Precise Straightening Process in Roller Leveler / Shan Li; Yu Qi Wang; Guan Yu Liu; Yun Hua Zhang
Multi-Directional Squeeze Casting Based on the Uniform Internal Structure of Solidified Body / Cai Ling Xu
Analysis of Multi-Directional Squeeze Casting Liquid Forging of Sewing Machine Oil Chassis
Time-Pressure Switch Control for Fluid Dispensing Process Based on Self-Adaptive Model / Cong Ping Chen; Tao Zhang; Shi Jie Guo
The Design of Double Rotary Double Beam Self-Defense 20t Longmen Crane / Yun Ping Wei; Na Wu
Aspects of Design and Manufacture of a Three-Dimensional Fibre Optic Laser Doppler Probe Head / Noor A. Ahmed
The Shape Optimization Study of the Rolling Wheel of CNC Crushing Machine / De Xin Zhang; Wen Liang Yang; Yang Jie Ou; Li Juan Zhang; Shao Wei Liu; Wei Gao
Determination and Analysis of the External Load Change Characteristic of Loader Steering Cylinder / Li Chao Xu
Design Method of Offsetting Transmission Ratio of 6 Tons Truck Car / Lv Chang
Finite Element Analysis for Thermal Characteristics of High Speed Angular Contact Ball Bearing / Peng Wang; Chun Li Lei; Bao Cheng Zhou; Wei Ping Zhao
A Study of High-Speed Angular Contact Ball Bearing Thermo-Mechanical Coupling Characteristics / Chun Li Lei; Zhi Yuan Rui; Bao Cheng Zhou; Jing Fang Fang
Application of Extenics Theory to Accuracy Evaluation of Machining Center / Chen Liu; Xiang Li Bu
A Primary Design of the General Scheme on Modular Vertical Lathe / Xiao Peng Liu; Yuan Chao Deng
The Research and Experimental Study of Fully Automatic CNC Grooving Machine / Ming Fu Yin; Chao Song
Study on the Design of Cantilever Crane in Wind Turbine / Gui Hong Geng; Sheng Wei Guo; Xu Jin Zhang
The Research and Development of Hydraulic Support Applied for Thin Coal Seam / De Yu Xie; Xue Yi Zhao; An Qi Li
Design and Manufacturing of Cylinder-Beam Integrated Hydraulic Press / Wei Wei Zhang; Xiao Song Wang; Shi Jian Yuan; Zhong Ren Wang
Design and Optimization Based on the Spindle of Automatic Clamping Lathe / Le Ping Liu; Hai Dong Li; Cong Cong Lin; Qun Qun Gao
A New Redundant Device for Monitoring Mechanical Press Slider Second Fall / Xiao Bin Pan; Rong Zhou; Yang Pan; Guo Ping Li
Design on Small Multi-Function Chassis Manipulator Device / Xiao Rong Lv; Xiao Lian Lv; Li Hua Zhang
Design and Manufacture of a Planetary Gearbox Rig / A.O. Bligh; Noor A. Ahmed; Y.Y. Zheng
Optimization Design of Dryer Machinery in Tunnel Washing System / Xiao Rong Wang; Wei Hua Li,; Bao Jun Pan; Shi Jie Su; Chao Gao; Wen Xian Tang
Research on Sewage Treatment by Combined Two-Phase ABR and SBR / Ling Jing; Xin Xia Wang
The Research of the Assembly Precision of CNC Machine Tools Considering the Joint Surface Characteristics / Wan Yu Li; Cong Lu; Zhuo Yang
Investigations of Energy Separation Effect in Vortex Tube for Natural Gases / Wen Chuan Wang; Xiang Jun Fang; Shi Long Liu; Wen Long Sun
Parameter Computation of Equivalent Mechanical Models of Liquid Sloshing in Spacecraft Container / Li Xin Zhang; Zheng Feng Bai; Yang Zhao; Xi Bin Cao
Optimization on the Structure of Ceramic Nozzles by FLUENT Simulation / Ming Wei Ding; Chang Jing Fu; Si Bei Yin
The Hinge Moment Optimization of Rudder Base on CFD Numerical Simulation / Nan Zhang; Yue Zhang
Effects of Parameters Variation of Fractal Flow Path on the Emitter Hydraulic Performance with Path Analysis / Peng Song; Pei Ling Yang; Fei Peng Xu; Chun Fa Zhou
The Numerical Simulation Research on Heat Transfer Enhancement of the Interpolation-Tubular Air Pre-Heater with Semi-Elliptic Cylinder Shell Vortex Generator / De Fan Qing; Qing Feng Ai
Study on Flow Distribution Relationship in Hydraulic System / Jun Zhang; Chun Bao Fu; Hong Mei Tang; Xian Hua Li; Cun Ren Tang; Wei Wang
Study on New Energy-Saving Excavator with Synthetic Positive Flow Control System / Hong Ji Zhang; Peng Fei Yu; Jian Zhuo Zhang
Effect of Turbulence Model to Simulation Accuracy of Wind Turbine Blade / A. Hui Yuan; Zhen Zhe Li; Tai Hong Cheng; Yun De Shen
Effect of Fracture Parameters on Desorption Properties of Shales / Kun Kun Fan; Ren Yuan Sun; Zi Chao Ma; Yun Fei Zhang; Yan Wei; Zhao Zhao Zhang
Research the Internal Flow Field of Valve Stem Leakage / Yan Tao An; Ru Jian Ma; Yong Wang
Modeling and Analysis of Full Hydraulic Pressure Drive System of the Wheel Loader Based on AMEsim / Yong Yang; Qian Lin Chen
Numerical Simulation of Laval Nozzle / Yan Dong Wang; Hong Guang Jia
Numerical Simulation of Shock Wave in Air Based on FCT Method / Ying Li; Xiao Bin Li; Yu Wang; Wei Zhang
Numerical Analysis of Aerodynamic Noise in a High Parameter Pressure Reducing Valve / Lin Wei; Ming Zhang; Zhi Jiang Jin; Li Long Chen
Study of SO2 Detecting Using Non-Dispersive Infrared Based on Gas Filter Correlation Technology / Zhi Feng Dong; Lian Shao; Hui Jia Yang; Rong Yao; Xiong Yang
Dynamic Modeling and Motion Simulation for Wave Glider / Zhan Feng Qi; Wen Xia Liu; Li Juan Jia; Yu Feng Qin; Xiu Jun Sun
The Prediction and Analysis of Helicopter Rotor Rotation Noise in Hover / Da Wei Liu; Pei Lin Huang; Jin Zu Ji
Recent Advances in Quasi-Zero-Stiffness Vibration Isolation Systems / Fu Niu; Ling Shuai Meng; Wen Juan Wu; Jing Gong Sun; Wei Hua Su; Guang Meng; Zhu Shi Rao
Research on Modal Simulation and Experiment of a Radar Active Fixing-Board / Shou Wu Hou; Ya Lan Wu
The Dynamic Simulation of Vertical Planetary Wheel Sand Reclamation Equipment Based on ADAMS / Shan Li; Yu Qi Wang; Yun Hua Zhang; Guan Yu Liu
Simulation Analysis of the Impact on Gasoline Engine Power Performance by Optimizing the Structure of Intake Ports / Hai Bo Chen; Shuo Zhang; Hai Zhen Huang; Zhao Cheng Yuan
Analysis & Study on Pneumatic Characteristics of Unidimensional Correction Projectile Based on Resistance Circle / Jie Qin; Ming Yu Zhang
Research on Calculation Method for Polar Moment of Inertia of Spline Shaft / Xi Jun Chai; Bao Min Wang; Ke Sun; Chang Biao Chen
The Dynamic Analyses of the Eccentric Cylinder Moving on the Inclined Plane / Juan Wei; Wen Pu Shi
Research on Vibration Isolation and Noise Attenuation Properties of Periodic Layered Structures / Zi Jian Wang; Zhong Qing Jin; Yan Cong
Dynamic Adjustment Method of Mechanical Press Slide Height Based on Linear Encoder / Xiao Bin Pan; Xiao Mo Shu; Guo Ping Li
The Static Analysis of the Parallel Bars of the Crankshaft of a Mini Air Compressor on ANSYS / Yao Bing Wei; Zhen Zhen Qu
Study on Dynamics Characteristics of SINS Damping System in Shock Environment / Xia Qing Tang; Jun Qiang Gao; Li Bin Guo; Huan Zhang
Nonlinear Study of Rotor-AMB System Subject to Multi-Parametric Excitations / Lin Li; Yong Jie Han; Zheng Yi Ren
Study on Torsion Vibration of Ship's Complex Shaf / Gang Liu
Dynamic Model of Automatic Transmission System of Tracked Vehicle / Jun Yi; Shui Sheng Chen; Da Zhang You
Research on Vibration Responses of Railway Steel Bridge Considering Welding Residual Stress / Jia Liu; Run Chang Zhang; Li Jiang; Zhong Shan He; Dong Mei Tan
Numerical Simulation on Flight Dynamic Characteristics of Elastic Wing Based on Gust Response / Wen Hui Dong; Chun Lei Yang; Yan Hui Li; Hong Guang Jia
Study on Balance Simulation of Milling Tool Handle in High Speed Machining / Yun Na Xue; Li Xue; Guo Sheng Su
Design and Performance Simulation of a Power-Integrated Transmission Mechanism / Chou Mo; Ji Qing Chen; Feng Chong Lan
Vibratory Stress Relief of Central Air-Conditioning Evaporator / Xue Wu Dong; Jian Hui Han; Dai Ren; Kai Mu; Dong Peng Liu; Yao Li Du
Analysis on Coupling Faults Induced Vibration of Hydropower Unit / Xing Liang; De Hui Liu; Jia Zhang Gui; Yun Min Xie; Jin Guang Huang
Simulation of Roll Stability of a Van in Cross-Wind / Yan Wang; Xing Jun Hu
The Modal Analysis with Finite Element Method for the Cutting Arm of EBZ160 Roadheader / Zhi Feng Dong; Tian Hao Wang; Jie Liu; Jian Nong Huang; Li Yu Fang
A Constant Tension Control Device of Mechanical Feedback / Ze Ding Wei; Han Chao Xu; Hui Su
Simulation of Heat Stress and Fatigue on Engine Case / Chang Hui Hou; Hong Li Fan; Qian Sang; Ji Ping Lu
Vibration Analysis of Transmission Shafts Using Solid Models / Xue Shi Yao
Dynamic Performance Analysis of a Smart Base Isolation System Based on Magnetorheological Elastomers / Zhi Qiao; Jian Guo Ding
Analysis on Torsional Stresses in Turbo-Generator Shafts due to Two-Phase Short-Circuit Fault / Yu Jiong Gu; Jing Xu
A Quasi-Green Function Method for Free Vibration of Clamped Orthotropic Parallelogram Thin Plates on Winkler Foundation / Shan Qing Li; Hong Yuan
Load Distribution of Ball Screw with Contact Angle Variation / Sheng Xu; Yao Fei Sun; Hong Shen
A Novel Dynamic Calibration Method for Dynamic Characteristics Testing of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing / Jun Ning Li; Wei Chen
Dynamic Analysis of Less-Teeth Gear Transmission System / Dong Sheng Zhang; Zhang Lai Lv; Jian Jun Zhang
Study on the Global Bifurcation of Quasi-Zero-Stiffness System / Qing Chao Yang; Li Hua Yang; Yan Ping Chen; Hao Kai Lai
Binding Force Analysis of Multiple Pairs of Bars Space RCCR Mechanism without Inertia Force / Sen Zhuang; Chao Cui; Bo Han; Kai Ouyang
Prediction and Control of 32m Z-Propeller Tug Cabins Vibration and Noise / Jun Fang; Hua Bing Wen; Zhen Zhen Liu; Jian Min Dong
The Optimal Design and Simulation Analysis of High-Speed Switching Valve Based on Magnetorheological Fluid / Ru Guang Feng; Zhang Yong Wu; Jing Tao Wei; Yan Jin Qin; Tian Chi Jia
Prediction on the Wear Life of Bearings for Planetary Gears / Jie Zhang; Ying Hua Liao; Bo Huang
Analysis of Propeller Static Thrust Estimation Method / Chun Lei Yang; Ling Zhou; Nan Zhang; Hong Guang Jia
New Wind Turbine High-Speed Shaft Design and Simulation of Hydraulic Shock Absorbers / Li Wen Yan; Cun Jin Ai; Hui Xie
Research of Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam Diaphragm Pump / Hao Cai; Liang Liang Wang; Jing Shi Dong; Yang Yang; Feng Lin
Research and Utilization of Downhole Dynamic Corrosion Test Device / Fei Gao; Fang Peng Li; Qiong Wu; Mei Ting Jiang
Research on Simulation and Optimization of Dynamic Path Error of NC Machine Tools / Lian Yu Li; Jian Dong Li
Analytical Calculation of Slotless Permanent Magnet Motor Based on Soft Ferrite / Xin Yi Zhang; Xing Hua Wang; Ming Hui Li; Xue Qin Zhang
Design and Dynamic Analysis of Magnetorheological Shock Absorber Based on the Piezoelectric Technology / Xiao Hui Wei; Si Jia Yu; Hong Nie; Ming Zhang; Yi Zhou Shao
Study of Modeling and Simulation on Driving Force Power Steering for Electric Vehicle with In-Wheel-Motor-Drive / Chuan Xue Song; Feng Xiao; Li Qiang Jin; Shi Xin Song; Jian Hua Li; Si Lun Peng
Bearing Looseness Fault Characteristics Analysis of Rotor System Based on Incremental Harmonic Balance Method / Guo Liang Xiong; Qin Xiang; Qing Song Cao
Study on the Correct of Oil Temperature in Wet DCT Gearshift / Wei Sun; Zhe Ning; Jin Ma; Guo Qiang Liu
LOS Stabilization and Gyro Configuration Analysis for Roll-Pitch Seeker / Hui Liu; Ming Chao Zhu; Bo Liu; Hong Guang Jia
Design of Midcourse Trajectory for Tactical Ballistic Missile Intercept on the Basis of Zero Effort Miss / Luo Gang Li; Wu Xing Jing; Chang Sheng Gao
Study on Dynamic Simulation of Buffering Mechanism with Liquid Bag / Ming Zhang; Rui Jiang; Chun Yang; Li Cao
Wave Filtering of Ship Dynamic Positioning System Using Particle Filter / Wen Juan Li; Hai Xiang Xu; Hui Feng
Simulation and Study on Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Stretcher Bracket for Aeromedical Evacuation / Jun Lin Wan; Kang Lv; Qin Jian Mao; Yuan Yuan Zhou; Shan Shan Yang
Modal Analysis and Dynamic Test of Steel Slag Vehicle / Kun Li Mao
Finite Element Analysis for the Working Device of Rough Terrain Forklift / Hong Feng Yan; Wei Ping Wang; Xiang Yang Qi; Hui Xian Zhang; Tian Tian; Yue He
Finite Element Analysis of Assembly Body of Conical Pick / Xin Zheng Pu
Modal Analysis and Optimization of Tricycle Vehicles Frame Structure / Hai Hua Xu; Chang Dong Wan
Test Comparison of Damping Effect for Engine Damper Based on Rubber and MR Fluid Damper / Chun Lan Liang; Jian Wei Ma; Fei Zha
The Effect of Vehicles Steering Tilt Angle Impact Human Thorax / Zhi Hua Cai; Feng Chong Lan; Ji Qing Chen
Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of Rolling Bearing Based on Explicit Dynamics / Jing Cui; Hua Qing Wang; Fei Xiao; Zuo Yi Dong
Characteristic Parameters of Cushion in High-Speed Train (CRH) Contribute to Seat Pressure Distribution Analysis / Wen Yu Wu; Cheng Qi Xue; Lin Dong Liu
Low-Wind-Drag Numerical Research on Fenders and Wheels of Car Model / Xing Jun Hu; Yun Yun Zhu
Research on the Simulation Method of the Belt Conveyor Correction Device / Xi Zhang; Yong Li Wang; Jing Bin Wang
Concurrent Engineering in the Application of Automobile Covering Parts Mould Development / Min Fu; Chui You Kong; Bing Bing Wang; Ming Hang Chen
Simulation of Luffing Mechanism of Lemniscate Type Crane with Boom Driving / Ke Qin Li; Cui Xiang Jiang
Method for Lumped Parameter Simulation of Digital Displacement Pumps/Motors Based on CFD / Daniel Beck Roemer; Per Johansen; Henrik C. Pedersen; Torben O. Andersen
The Research on Vibration Analysis of Blow-Down Wind Tunnel Pressure Regulating Valves / Cheng Guo Yu; Ze Bin Yu; Zong Zheng Liu; Huan Lai
The System Design and Parameterized Modeling of Juice Extractor Screw / Yu Qian Zhao; Xiu Feng Tan
Numerical Simulation to the Process of Damage Evolution of Defect Cartilage / Qian Qian Tian; Jin Duo Ye; Xue Li; Xian Kang Wang; Chun Qiu Zhang; Li Min Dong
Finite Element Analysis of the Cylindrical Helical Torsional Spring / Hong Yan Li; Xiu Li Li
Study on the Three Degrees of Freedom Model of Leaf Spring / Ben Ming Duan; Hong Xin Zhang; Jin Zhu Shi; Ming Yang Wang
The Numerical Simulation Research of Three Dimensional Irregular Wave Based on Wave Spectrum / Ying Fei Zan; Zhi Hui Dong; Lei Song; Wei Sun
Research of the Virtual Prototype of the Balanced Elliptical Motion Shale Shaker / Jie Zhang
The Analytical Modeling and Finite Element Analysis of a Bridge-Type Displacement Amplifier / Chuan Liang Shen; Jing Shi Dong; Feng Jun Tian
Based on NX NASTRAN Finite Element Analysis of Rotary Blade Axis / Xiang Li; Hong Liang Wang; Rui Hong Zhang
The Establishing and Structural Analysis for Torque Shaft of the Shearer Based on Inventor and Algor / Jian Zhang; Xiang Xiang Zhang; Xiao Ying Liu
The Green Mining Construction and Management of Daanshan Coal Mine in Western Beijing / Jie Shen; Zhi Cheng Ren; Wei Dong Pan
Evaluation on Methods of Spatial Dependence Test / Tong Xian Ren; Lu Mei Yang
Review of Human Factors in Maritime System / Duan Feng Han; Song Ding
Empirical Research on the Rapid Growth of China's ODI: Based on Multinational Panel Data / Xue Song Gu; Li Yan Han
A Study about Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in Qinghai Based on the Co-Integration Analysis / Sheng Mei Li; Pei Ji Shi; Qiang Zhou
Hazardous Materials Transportation by Road: Fuzzy-Theory-Based Routing Design / Peng Fei Li; Mao Xiang Lang
Researching on the Mode of Selecting Key Village in Administrative Villages / Guang Rong Hong; Bi Feng Chen
Selecting Key Village by Quantitative and Qualitative Methods / Guang Rong Hong; You Fa Wu
"Embedding" Updating Strategy Research of Urban Historic District -- Taking South Historical District of Nanjing as Example / Yi Shi; Xin Yu Hu; Jun Yan Yang
Construction Research on the Green Hydropower of Houziyan Hydropower Station / Sheng Guang Wu; Ming Tao Zhou; Feng Chen; Huan Hu
The Quantitative Analysis about the Impact on Transport Demands by the Industrial Structure / Huan Huan Qin; Xiu Shan Jiang; Zheng Ying Nie
Tail Dependence Structure between Carbon Emission Allowances Returns Based on Copulas / De Dong Zhuang
Feasibility Analysis of and Recommendations for Establishment of a Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting System on China's Industrial Enterprises / Jian Hua Chen; Wei Bao; Liang Chen
A Research on the Systematic Structure of Green Manufacturing and some Major Problems in its Implementation / Qi Wang
Optimization Scheme Selection on Bamboo-Wood Pallet Technological Process / Yan Pang; Zhao Peng Zhu
Intrinsically 3-Linked Graph with Knotted Components / Qiu Ping Ren; Guang Hui Wang
The New Method Exploration and Research on Product Carbon Footprint Calculation / Xiao Dong Dong
Performance Evaluation of Vehicle Electronic Stability Program Based on Psychological Method / Zhen Hai Gao; Zhang Yong Guo; Shui Hui Zhou; Kai Ma; Hui Zhao
Equivalence of Transducer / Wei Gong; Jian Shi
Theoretical Analysis of a Acoupled Fiber Ring Resonator / Xiao Min Zhang; Yan Ke Ci; Jin Li Yao; Jing Li Wang
Bionics Design of Stubble Blade Based on the Digging Claw of Mole Cricket / Wei Guo Zhu; Chao Chen
Orthogonal Testing Optimum Design in Radial Electrodynamic Magnetic Bearings / Shuang Qing Tang; Dong Ya Yang; Qiong Qiong Bai
A Conceptual Model of Flapping-Wing Mechanism Inspired from the Results of Numerical Study / Xing Wei Zhang; Chao Wang; Hang Liu
Research on Modern Product Design Method and Procedure Based on the Concept of Full Life Cycle / Xiao Wen Guo; Pai Guan; Qing Sen Xie
Research on Product Design Based on the Effect Factor of Product Whole Life Cycle / Xiao Yun Xu; Pai Guan; Xiao Wen Guo
A Product Concept Method for Industrial Design Based on Basic-Element Model / Ling Ling Liu; Cheng Qi Xue
Research on the Parametric Design of Simple Sofa with RhinoScript / Lei Wei; Sha Liu; Yue Yuan; Yun Qi Wang
The Design of Finite Element Application Framework Based Design Patterns / Ming Wei He
Visual Perceptions of Materials in Emotional User Experience Design / Hui Chao Xia; San Yuan Zhang
Optimal Design of Gears by Means of Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network / Yong Gang Li,; Yong Mei Ma
A Designing Method of Variable Topology-Transformable Spacecraft / Xin Ning; Xiao Kui Yue
Research on Formulation Method of Urban Modal Driving Cycles of Regenerative Braking / Shu Pei Zhang; Xuan Huang; Guo Lin Wang
Self-Adapting Function Principle and Creative Design of BFT Type / Huai Lin Luo; Ling Yu Zhang; Quan Yuan
Design of Porous Restriction Aerostatic Guideway for Form Measuring Instrument / Zhi Qiang Li; He Chun Yu; Hui Ying Zhao; Guo Qing Zhang; Huan Huan Li
An Evaluation System of Maintainability of the Civil Aircraft Based on Virtual Reality / Xu Dong Wu; Hu Liu; Song Mo; Zhe Wu
New Methods of Reliability Engineering / Yu Lian Cui; Cheng Ming He; Jun Wei Wang
Modeling Present Worth of Product Quality Loss of STB Characteristic Based on Service Life Distribution / Yan Ming Zhao; De Shun Liu; Ze Jun Wen; Ting Liu
Exploration on the Packaging Designs Idea of Motion in Quiescence / Yong Gang Yang; Wen Cai Xu
The Life Cycle Management and Evaluation of Equipment Maintenance Quality / Zhen Zhang; Jun Chen; Bin Peng; Yong Gang Zuo
Artistic Techniques for Developing Creativity in Design / Furat J. Hassan; Xiang Yang Bian
Research on Multiple Environment over Stress Testing / Yu Lian Cui; Shi Xin Zhang; Cheng Ming He
A New Piezoelectric Generator Based on Stairs / Zhao Wei Jiang; Zhen Yin; Hua Li; Jun Zhang
Sustainable Innovation Design for Buckle Ring Machine of Button Battery / Hui Jin; Hai Xia Guo; Guo Zhong Cao; Saina Wei
An Analysis of Product Design Based on Traditional Chinese Culture / Li Li Liu; Kai Chang
Digital Design of Automotive Wire-Harness / Yong Liu; Sheng Rui Yuan; Na Zhou; Xun Yi Dang
Innovative Design of Injection Mold Based on Design around Patent / Hao Lun Wang
Study on the Application of the Unisex Design Element in Menswear Design / Shu Cong Chen; Yong Wei Wu
Strategies for the Design of Ice and Snow Landscape of Urban Residential District in the Cold Regions / Zhi Xiong Yang; Ting Ma; Jie Huang
Higher Dimension Modules Incurred Mechanism Structure Variation / Li Ping Zhang; Gui Bing Pang; Mao Jun Zhou; Fan Ling Bu
Study on the Design of Outdoor Furniture Made of Recombinant Bamboo / Xin Liu; Zhong Feng Zhang
Study on the Relationships between New Paper Surface Efficiency and Printing Quality Parameters / Yong Gang Yang; Fu Ping Liu; Qiao Zhuo Gao
Working Principle and Mechanics Analysis of Circular Bundling Machine
A Design of Ginkgo Cleaner / Li Hua Zhang; Tao Tao Liu; Guang Hui Li
The Reformation Design of the Qidashan Semi-Mobile Crusher Station / Xin Yu Wang; Xiao Guang Yu
Research on Technologies of Green Design and Manufactuirng for Toys Design / Pai Guan; Xiao Yun Xu; Xiao Wen Guo
Design of Single Star Simulator Based on LED Light Source / Xin Ji Gan; Xing Hua Gao; Yan Chen; Jing Li
Design of pH Meter Based on msp430 / Jian Jun Ding; Jun Wang; Chao Sun; Yan Qun Liu; Jia Yan Shao; Jing Li Xue
Research on Methodology of Module Division in Fractionated Spacecraft / Xin Ning; Yi Fei Li; Xiao Kui Yue
Simulation with Aspen Plus and Performance Analysis of LT-MED Seawater Desalination System / Zhao Qin Ma; Shu Hao Huo; Min Su
Structural Design and Parameters Optimization of Rice Seed-Metering Device / Jing Ma; Xiao Long Lei; Rong Chao Ma
Product Module Division Method Based Degree of Modularity / Yan Hui Chen; Yue Ping Chen
Manufacture of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Advanced Project Design Using 3D Printing Technology / Noor A. Ahmed; J.R. Page
A Novel RFID-Based Thermal Convection Type Inclinometer with Non-Floating Structure and Hemi-Cylindrical Chamber / Jium Ming Lin; Cheng Hung Lin
Transmission Ratio Optimization of Electric Vehicle Powertrain / Yu Ming Wang; Chang Qing Du; Xia Nan Li; Fu Wu Yan
Measurement Technique Based on the Three-Dimensional White-Light Scanner / Xue Dong Xie; Xin Kuan Liu; Jun Ting Cheng
Motor Shell Temperature Prediction Based on ARIMA / Meng Tao Huang; Xing Mei Gao
Research on Enable Advanced Technologies for Swarm Construction / Yue Yang; Yuan An; Yong An Yang
ADACD-Based Novel Optimal Model Identification Scheme for MIMO Discrete Nonlinear Systems / Mian Xin Liang
The Study of Induction Setter Based on Low Density Parity Check Coding Method / Fu Xiang Liu; Liu Min Wang; Feng Zhang; Xiao Mei Xu
Correction of the Asymmetrical Projection for Accurate Camera Calibration Using Co-Planar Circular Feature / Xiang Lin Meng; Wan Tao He; Xiang Qian Che; Can Zhao
Enhanced Two-Point Exponential Approximation for Structural Optimization / Tien Tung Chung; Qi Hong Jiang; Jia Rong Zhu
Hardware Design of the Agricultural Greenhouse Internet of Things Monitor Terminal / Lei Wu; Xun Yan Jiang; Yu Xie
Research on Genetic Algorithm in Mold Optimization Design / Xi Chen; Bao Sheng Zhao
Optimization Design Study of Loader Working Mechanism Based on MATLAB Complex Method / Hua Lin Yang; Tong Qiang Zhang; Gong Ru Gao
Prediction of the Metro Section Passenger Flow Based on Time-Space Characteristic / Jun Jin; Yan Hui Wang; Man Li
The Optimization of Piston Groove Diameter Based on ABAQUS / Sheng Guan Qu; Wen Long Li; Bin Li
Research on Object-Oriented System Model Based on Feature / Ke Wang Li; Qiang Li; Xing Hua Niu
Analysis on Knowledge Sharing Risks in Knowledge Chain Based on Matter-Element / Cui Lan Yang
Quantitative Analysis of the Defect Dimension for Fracture Surface of Fracture Splitting Connecting Rod / Shu Qing Kou; Hong Yu Yang; Shen Hua Yang; Bao Jun Lin
Boiler Combustion Control System Optimization Strategy / Yong Zhang; Yuan Yao; Ting Luan
Research on the Discretization of STL Model in the CNC Incremental Forming / Hu Zhu; Jin Ju; Wei Zhang
Research on Assembly Optimization of Hull Section Based on the Genetic Algorithms / Wei Jun Xu; Long Kan Wang; Zhi Fan Zhang
Risk Analysis on Grain Quality in the Drying Process / Xin Yin Wu; Yao Fu; Yan Xu
Highly Anti-Noise and Adaptive B-Spline Curve Reconstruction Based on ICT Slice Images / Guang Shuai Liu; Bai Lin Li
Application of Reverse Design in Wine Packaging Container Design / Ling Yu Zhang; Huai Lin Luo; Gang Xu; Yang Zhou
B-Spline Curve Approximation Using Feature Points / Xian Guo Cheng
The Research of Adaptive Robust Predictive Current Control Algorithm of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors / Lian Dong Lin; Xue Bing Han
Load Prediction of RBF Neural Network Considering Weather Factors / Ren Ran Wei; Zhen Zhu Wei; Hai Bo Yang; Jian Dong Jiang
Several Non-Rearranged Dynamic Multicast Routing Algorithms / Yin Fei Dai; Nian Feng Li
Reactive Power Compensation of Oilfield Distribution Systems Based on Tabu Search Algorithm / Xiao Meng Wu; Wang Hao Fei; Xiao Mei Xiang; Wen Juan Wang
Parallel Ant Colony Algorithm Based on Award-Punishment Mechanism and its Application on Wireless Sensor Network Routing / Hai Yang
Research on Re-Use Reverse Logistics Network of Disused Electric Appliances Based on Election Campaign Algorithm / Qing Hua Xie; Xiang Wei Zhang; Wen Ge Lv; Si Yuan Cheng; Hao Xiang Huang; Si Da Cai
Optimal Design of CNC Crushing Machine Steady Based on Genetic Algorithm / De Xin Zhang; Ming Jian Han; Yang Jie Ou; Guo Qing Wang; Guo Qing Hao; Jin Fu Huang
Study on Common Fault of Wind Turbine / Cun Fu Yan; Rui Hua Hu
Application of an Improved Internal Model Controller Based on the Particle Swarm Optimization in Network Control System / Wei Chen; Wen Bin Wang; Zhi Kai Zhao; Zhi Yuan Yan
Fault Knowledge Acquisition of Electronic Equipment / Feng Hua Zou; Hong Zhang; Lu Wang; Dan Li
A Nearly Optimal Peak Reduction Tone Set Selection Algorithm / Jin Quan Zheng; Ya Jun Wang
Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of the Linear Drive System / Wei Bing Wang
Adaptive Control for Aircraft Anti-Skid Braking System / Feng Yu Li; Zong Xia Jiao
Research on Intelligent Control System of High Speed and High Precision Filling Disc Machine / Ye Kuan Duan; Jun Fang Ni
Study of Topology and Control Strategy of the Bidirectional Energy Storage Converter Based on Three-Level / Hong Wei Tang; Xi Kun Chen; Yan Xia Gao
Testing System of Needle Selectors for Jacquard Knitting Machines / Jie Ma; Xiao Feng Zha; Hai Bin Tao; Jun Fang Ni
Study of Topology and Control Strategy of the Novel Bi-Directional Lithium Battery Charger / Xi Kun Chen; Hui Feng Zhu
Drive Control of a Class of Scan Systems / Cai Xia Wang; Ming Hua Liu; Ning Cai
Research on Reliability of Electromechanical System Based on the Competition Mode / Wei Han; Shi Ju Sun; Yong Liu; Qiang Liu
Developing and Research on Open Motion Controller Based on PC / Guo Wei Cui; Rui Li Chang; Jun Han
Systematic Design of Electronic Steering Wheel in Steer-by-Wire of Engineering Vehicle / An Min Wang; Ming Tang
Developing and Research on Liquid Level Control System of Double-Tank / Rui Li Chang; Jun Han; Guo Wei Cui
Rapid Prototyping Design for In-Wheel Motor Controller / Chuan Xue Song; Si Lun Peng; Li Qiang Jin; Jian Hua Li; Shi Xin Song; Zhu'an Zheng
The Influence of Pole-Slot Match on Magnetomotive Force with Concentrated Fractional-Slot Winding / Meng Si; Ying Li Yang
Research on Integrated Control System of the Gas Pressure in Coke Oven / Xia Bai; Da Lu Guan; Chen Rui
Progress in Research for Pipe Inner Diameter Detection Technology Based on Laser / Jian Shu Cao; Kui Long Li; Rui Qing Li; Yi Di Wei; Gui Jun Li; Lei Zhang
Step Motor Control Based on FPGA / Juan Zhu; Yue Chen
Research on the New Type of 12kV Inflatable Vacuum Circuit Breaker / Hong Yan Wang; En Yuan Dong; Guang Xiao Yin; Mei Wei Liu; Xiao Ping Zeng
Research on Fuzzy Control in Vacuum Heat Treatment Furnace Temperature Control System / Xiao Yan Wang; Zhi Wen Zhou
Modeling and Simulation of Vector Control System for Asynchronous Motor / Jun Rong; Yue Jiao Ding; Xi Chen
Optimization of the Hydraulic Control System Utilizing BP Neural Network Control Strategy Based on Genetic Algorithm / Ying Ying Feng; Nan Mu Hui; Zong An Luo; Dian Hua Zhang
Design and Implementation of Vehicle Attitude Detection and 3D Dynamic Display System / Lei Zhang; Qi Sheng Wu; Rong Gao
Electromechanical Actuator Control System Development Using Rapid Prototyping Method / Jia Bao Zhang
Study on Temperature Control System of Film Laminating Machine / Li Ming Guan; Jia Xing Tian; Chen Lu; We Zhang
Automation Control System of Pharmaceutical Factory Based on Wireless Sensor Network / Qiu Feng Shang; Lin Zhang
Synchronization of a New Fractional Order Hyperchaotic System with Activation Feedback Control / Wei Wei Zhang; Ding Yuan Chen
Bearing Condition Recognition Based on Kernel Principal Component Analysis and Genetic Programming / Wen Bin Liu; Yu Xin He; Hua Qing Wang; Jian Feng Yang
Design and Simulation of the Self-Tune Fuzzy Logic PID Controller for VAV Air Condition System / Gui Chen Zhang
Design of Intelligent Home Control System Based on a Variety of Network / Dong Hong Chen; Shuang Ke; Ji Quan Chen; Xiai Chen
The Optimization of the PID Controller Using the Least Squares Method and the Improved Lbest PSO Algorithm / Chuan Gui Yang; Zhao Jun Yang; Fei Chen; Yan Zhu; Ying Nan Kan; Zhi Tong Zheng
Research on Fuzzy PID Control for Power-Train MR Mount System / Dao Yuan Pan; Xiang Gao; Chang Gao Xia; Hao Cai
Adaptive Levitation Control Based on Feedback Linearization / Li Xin Li; Zhong Qing Jin
The Design for the Hardware of Analog Controlling Module / Hua Dai; Lu Tie Xu; Wen Ping Chang
Design of Temperature Control System in Incubator / Shu Wang Chen
A Simple SOM Neural Network Based Fault Detection Model for Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearings / Zhi Chun Li
Study on Optimization Control Method of the Pickling Process / Da Kuo He; Wei Qin; Tong Shan Liu; Qing Yun Yuan
Data-Based Research on Predictive Control of Multiple Mismatched Model Parameters / Da Kuo He; Jun Qi Xin; Wen Long Yuan; Qing Yun Yuan
The Study of Fuzzy Control Algorithm in a Duct Active Noise Control System / Xian Jie Meng; Juan Wang; Yu Cheng Wang
Output Feedback Control for a Class of Uncertain Fuzzy System by Controller Switching / Huan Huan Lü; Hong Yang
Finite-Time Chaos Control of Lorenz Chaotic System Based on the Passive Control Teachnique / Feng Liu
Vehicle Stability Analyse with Electronic Power Steering Based on Yaw Rate Feedback / Hai Feng Song; Wei Wei Yang
Strapdown Optical Seeker Guidance Instructions Extraction and System Stability / Yue Zhang
A New PLS and Bayesian Classification Based On-Line Outlier Detection Method / Tie Bin Wu; Yun Cheng; Zhi Kun Hu; Wen Ping Xie; Yun Lian Liu
Path Following Control of a Mobile Robot Using Contractive Model Predictive Control / Kiattisin Kanjanawanishkul
Model Free Control of the Refrigeration System Based on Minimum Stable Superheat / Bao Hua Cheng; Ai Guo Wu; Yu Wen You
Research on Pantograph Active Control Strategy for Reducing the Pantograph-Catenary Wear / Chuan Xi Li; Lin Dong
Analysis of DAS and ATWS Mitigation System in Nuclear Power Plant / Wan Ye Yao; Jin Bai
The Parameter of Fuzzy Self-Tuning PID Controller Realized Based on VHDL / Qiong Wu; Shao Hua Ma; Zhi Yuan Cai
The Research of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Predictive Current Control Algorithm / Lian Dong Lin; Pei Jia Ren
Control Strategy of PMSG in Variable Speed Wind Power System / Hai Long Li
The Study of Detection System of Two-Wire Flowmeter Based on Virtual Instrument Technology / Fu Xiang Liu; Liu Min Wang; Li Xin Deng
Study on Mechanical Braking System Development Method and Validation for Electric Vehicles / Xiao Ming Huang; Guo Bao Ning
Real-Time Auto-Light System for High-Speed Camera / Hua Yang; Min Hua Liang
A Power-Control-Based WSN Boundary Detection Algorithm for Agricultural Environment Mornitoring / Xu Min Xu; Guo Fu Feng; Ming Chen; Yun Zhang
Modeling and Control with Hysteresis of Piezoelectric Smart Materials Actuators / Yan Mei Liu; Zhen Chen; Xue Zheng Zhuang; Zhao Hui Liu
An Energy-Saving Control System to Street Lamp Based on Sensor Networks / Xiao Guang Li; Ping Ping Xiao; Juan Zhu
Fault-Tolerant Control System Design of UAV Based on Dissimilar Redundancy / Zhen Duan; Dong Hai Qiu; Jiu Zhou Gao
Intelligent Control of a Cart and Pole System / Hong Li Jia; Qiang Liu; Feng Du
Design Higher Order Sliding Mode Controller for a Class of SISO Uncertain Nonlinear System / Jin Liu; Gang Ding; Zhan Shan Zhao
Design and Implementation of Fall Detection System Based on ZigBee / Yi Zhang; Gang Tan; Yuan Luo; Yang Li
A Method of Line Structured Light Vision System Calibration Based on Stereo Vision / Yu Bao Liu; Bin Liu; Jun Yi Lin
Steps and Stairs-Climbing Capability Analysis of Six-Tracks Robot with Four Swing Arms / Yun Wang Li; Shi Rong Ge; Xue Wang; Hai Bin Wang
Design of Automatic Tracking System Based on FPGA and Binocular Vision / Wei Song; Yan Xiao Chen; Long Ji Zhang; Shu Yuan Qin
The Design of the Intelligent EOD Manipulator with Five DOF / Dong Dong Liang
Robust Adaptive Control for Robotic Manipulators Based on RBFNN / Bang Sheng Xing; Wen Hui Zhang
Development of Quality Detecting System for Micro Holes by ECM Based on Machine Vision Technology / Yong Liu; Lin Sen Zhu; Qiu Ju Xiong
Robotic Curve-Shaped Seam Tracking System Using Vision Sensor / Feng Xin Gao
Fuzzy Control for Underactuated Manipulator / Qi Xiao Xia; Yue Qing Yu; Qing Bo Liu
A Novel Texture Spectrum Descriptor / Shen Hai Yan; Xian Tong Huang; Yang Liu
True Color Image Enhanced by Wavelet Illumination-Reflection Model / Jie Xiong; Lei Lu
An Algorithm to Transform Tolerance-Control Solutions of Interval Linear Equations / Li Tian; Wei Li
Design of Multi-Stage Optimal Arbitrary Time-Delay Filter / Ke Ping Liu; Jian Peng Zeng; Min Yang; Chang Hong Jiang
Forward Position Analysis and Error Modeling of the 2UPS-RPU Parallel Manipulator / Ya Wen Niu; Shu Hong Wen; Zhi You Feng
Application of Image Processing Technology in Welds Ultrasonic Testing / Jian He; Lian Cheng Zhu; Ke Cheng Wang
A New Automatic Focusing Algorithm and its Application on Vision Measuring Machine / Hua Dong Zou; Hao Xiang Wang
Adjacency Matrix Based Analysis on a Novel Metamorphic Manual Operation Sugarcane Loader / De Zhong Gao; Gan Wei Cai; Hui Shi; Yu Chen Pan
Design and Topological Analysis of a New Manual Operation Sugarcane Loader with Metamorphic Function
Desalinization Water Treatment Control System Design Based on Mitsubishi PLC / Ling Yu; Jian Rong Ning; Xiang Li
Design and Analysis of a Micro-Motion Platform Based on Flexible Mechanism / Yue Min Yu
Binocular Stereo Vision Calibration System Implementation of Grid Strain Measurement in Sheet Forming / Hui Yu Xiang; Bao An Han; Zhe Li; Jia Jun Huang
Modelling and Simulation of Forward Kinematics for Planar 3-DOF Parallel Robot Based on Simulink / Xiao Zheng Dang; Liang Sheng Zhou; Ling Ping Liao; Dong Liang
Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Parallel Robot with 2-DOF / Mei Yu Chen; Hong Bing Xin; Quan Lai Li; Yue Fei Xin; Deng Qi Cui; Long Liu; Tan Wang
Build for Motion Control System of Planar Five-Bar Parallel Mechanism / Dong Yang Zhao; Hong Bing Xin; Quan Lai Li; Deng Qi Cui; Yue Fei Xin; Long Liu; Tan Wang
The Structural Design and Kinematic Analysis of Palletizing Robot / Yu Gang Zhao; Hao Sun; Tian Ci Cai
The Control of Fuel System for Combustion Piston Type Hopping Robot / Saifullah Samo; Ma Shu Yuan; Bdran Sameh
Obstacle Performance of Track Robot with Passive Rocker Based on Recurdyn / Man Lu Liu; Jing Zhang; Kuan Li
The Design of Stereo Vision Autonomic Navigation Robot Based on SOC / Hai Feng Wang; Xu Ming Long; Xiao Lu Cui
Ferrying Performance Analysis of a New Type All-Terrain Tracked Water Carrier / Cong Qi Xu; Tian Mei Li; Gui Zhi Jia; Rui Lin Gao
Neural Network Aided GPS/INS Integration for UAV Navigation / Qing Ji Meng
Research on Precise Positioning Technology of Mine Locomotive Unmanned Systems / Bin Ge; Shao Xin Zhang
An Improved Adaptive Algorithm for INS/GPS System / Li Dong Wang; Ying Zhao; Ni Zhang
An Optimizing Evaluation of Estimation Algorithm about the Fault Detection and Exclusion in the WAAS / Rui Bin Zhao; Rui Li; Zhi Gang Huang; Bo Shao
Design and Analysis of a New Electrode for Micro-Structure Gas Sensor / Chang Bai Liu; Ke Bi; Xiao Bo Zhang
The Model Used to Pretect Wetlands Based on Zigbee Technology / Jun Sheng Xiao; Yu Gang Dai; Tao Xu
Design and Analysis of a Low-Range Torque Sensor / Liang Liang Wang; Jin Ju Sun; Qin Mei; Hao Cai; Qing Cai Liu; Jing Shi Dong
Design of the Angular Displacement Sensor Based on Magnetoresistive Technology / Yun Lou; Xiang Yang Zhao
Design of Large-Stroke Linear Displacement Sensor with High-Precision Based on SS495A1 Technology
Research on Modulation Multiplexing System and Technique Employing Tilted Grating / Hui Bo Wang; Zhi Quan Li
Design of Multiple Bus Configuration Monitoring System Based on OPC Technology / Ling Yu; Jian Ming Wang
Study on Monitoring and Control System of Vehicle-Mounted Rig Based on CAN Bus / Dong Fan; Yin Sheng Weng; Hong Liang Tian
A Size-Shifting Measuring Method for Multi-Diameter Shaft Grinding / Peng Zheng; Lin Na Zhang; Zhi Yong Zhang
The Research on Overpass Water Depth Monitoring Sandbox Based on Internet of Things / Heng Hua Shi; Tao Chen; Guo Dong Wang; Yong Liu
Development and Application of Die Swell Data Gathering System Based on Multi-Function and all-Electric Rheometer / Xiang Gang Li; Yue Jun Liu; Fang Zhao; Yu Gang Huang; Yi Chen; Wen Yong Liu
Design and Implementation of Large Computer Room Environment Intelligent Monitoring System Based on Zigbee / Xing Chen Zhao; Jin Qiang Li; Jian Liu; Quan Shi; Ling Sun
Research on the Measurement Error of Portable Braking Performance Tester / Chao Wei; Miao Xin Nie
Evaluation of Equipment Comfort in Data Centers by Fuzzy Logic / Chang Geng Yu; Gui Xiong Liu
Measuring Method for the Signal Distortion of Axial Thrust and Mechanical Vibration Platform / Shang Sheng Wu; Xiao Meng Lin; Zhen Wei Lu
An Improved Algorithm Based on Incremental Insertion in Delaunay Triangulation / Jian Hui Xi; Shan Chao Zuo
The Calibration of Binocular Stereo Measurement System Based on a Coded Model / Hong Ming Chen; Hui Zhang
Development of Motor and Controller's Engineering Measurement System / Xu Guang Ding; Shao Fen Lin; Zi Kai Chen
Research on Highway Early Age Freezing Information Collection System / Li Xie; Bao Lin Zhu; Tong Wang; Li Bian
A Depth Measurement Method Using Two Structured Light Binary Patterns / Wan Zhen Zhang; Peng Cheng Yang; Zi Ming Guo; Guo Hao Ju; Bin Lin
The Principle and Calibration of the Third Gear Flow-Meter / Jun Zhang; Meng Meng Niu; Hong Mei Tang; Xian Hua Li; Cun Ren Tang
Design on Monitoring System of Fire Disaster Based on Zigbee CC2530 / Bo Chang; Xin Rong Zhang; Li Hong Li
Sensing Characteristics of Sampled Fiber Bragg Grating about Temperature and Strain / Dan Dan Zhu; Yi Ping Wang; Wei Liu; Dan Rui Meng; Xiu Zhen Hu; Jian Song
A Novel Integrated Portable Elasticity Measurement System / Hsing Cheng Chang; Chung Chien Chiang; San Shan Hung; Shyan Lung Lin; Shu Chun Liao; Chang Hsiung Chen
An Optical Centrifugal-and-Pneumatic Controlled Microfluidic System for Sensing Real-Time Biochemical Reactions / Hsing Cheng Chang; Ya Hui Chen; Shyan Lung Lin; San Shan Hung
A Novel Alignment Method for Collimator Based on Laser Differential Confocal Technique / Fei Li; Lin Li; Bao Yu Hong; Wen Li Liu
Design and Implementation of Gas Detector Position Computer System Based on ARM / Liang Shi; Heng Zhao; Hao Cai
Measuring Routine Parameters of Wine by ATR-MIR Spectroscopy / Zhong Hai He; Xue Rong Duan; Zhen He Ma
The Design and Implementation of Monitoring System of Flue-Cured Tobacco Barn Based on ARM7 / Jin Hao Liu; Yong Tai He; Yue Hong Peng
Development of Timing Component for Angular Distortion Measurement System / Ming Hui Zhang; Yao Yu Zhang
Application of Multithreading Technology in the Real-Time Measurement System
Thermal Characteristics of High-Power LED Packages with Dissipation Film / Cheng Yi Hsu; Yu Li Lin
A STEP-NC Compatible on-Machine Measurement System with Automated Correlation of Inspection Data / Pei Lei; Lian Yu Zheng
Research of Bearing Raceway Ultra-Lapping Unmanned Manufacturing System Based on Embedded Technology / Zong Xiang Huang; Chun Guang Li; Bin Li; Hao Luo
Design of Remote Control Equipment Based on Industrial Ethernet / Yong Hui Yang; Bao Yin Zhang; Ni Zhang; Chuang Gao
New Bank Electronic Combination Lock System / Feng Jun Chang; Chen Wang
Characteristics Analysis and Simulation Testing on Modular Multilevel Converter VSC-HVDC Based on RTDS / Jian Guo Chen; Cang Bi Yu; Ting Ting Sun; Kai Jian Ou
Three Carrier PWM Control of Improved Z-Source Inverter / Hai Gang Zhang; Wei Wei An; Xiao Bin Li; Jun Jun Li
Research on Dual PWM Converter for VSCF Brushless Doubly-Fed Wind Power Generator / Lian Cheng Zhu; Jian He; Yu Jie Yang; Xiao Ying Su; Fu Yun Li
Development of Back-to-Back Flexible HVDC Prototype Based on MMC / Cheng Feng; Da Li Wang; Jin Li
A Review of Applying Customer Power Technology to Improve Transient Power Quality / Huang Xia Shi; Ying He; Li Zhao
Design and Application of High-Power LED Drive and Control Circuits / Chen Wu Li; Jian Zhang; Hao Yuan Ou
Study on AES and its Efficient Implementation on STM32F103 Processor / Xin He Zhang; Guan Nan Liu
Design of Remote Control System for Smart Home Based on Z-Wave / Chuang Gao; Meng Yi Jiang; Ni Zhang; Fu Lin Huang; Yan Lin Li
Random Yield Model in Integrated Circuit Design / Xiao Ming Chen; Wen Qi Wu; Song Song Li
Design of a K Band MEMS Switch with CPW Defected Ground Structure / Zhong Liang Deng; Cai Hu Chen; Sen Fan; Hua Gong; Xiao Fei Sun
Design of Sampled Fiber Bragg Grating Comb Filter / Dan Dan Zhu; Jian Song; Xiu Zhen Hu; Yuan Yuan Zhang
A New Microprocessor Protection Scheme Based on Digital Signal Processor / Jin Hua Lian
Modeling and Simulation of the Auxiliary Power System in Extended Range Electric Vehicle / Ling Shan Chen; Xiao Le Wang; Xiang Er Huang; Pin Gan; Wei Cheng
Research on Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Generation System Based on Novel MPPT / Hong Mei Wu; Chu Cao
Study of a Multi Objective Reactive Power Compensation Device Considering Fault Current Limiting / Hong Mei Wu; Wen Ting Hui
Evaluation of Silicon Nitride MIM Capacitors for MMIC Applications / Wu Shiung Feng; Yi Jung Chen
A Novel Pilot Protection for HVDC Transmission Lines Based on Model Error Function / Dong Li; Xing Fu Jin
The Optimization of Power Smoothing Control Strategy for Wind Farm Based on Flywheel Energy Storage Device / Yu Huang; Yu Hao Yuan; Guang Ming Zhang
Compact DC-DC Power Design in Half-Bridge IGBT Driver / Qiu Yan Wang; Yan Liu; Ping Xu; Da Cheng Luo
ATP Simulation Hybrid Electrode Capacitor Self-Healing Circuit / Zhong Hua Kong; Li Gang Wu; Zai Fei Luo
Research on Smart Meter BOA and System Design / Jian Yang Zhao; Jing Mei Cheng; Wei Hong Ding
The Simulation of APF Based on Three-Phase VSI / Yu Feng Wang; Guang Ye Liu; Xiao Guo Lv; Zhong Chu Wang
The Research and Application of Reactive Compensation Technology for Oilfield 10kV Lines / Xiao Meng Wu; Yuan Feng; Xiao Mei Xiang
Design of GTAW Wire Feeder Control System Based on Nios II / Fu Yang; Shu Zhang; Wen Ming Zhang
Ultralow-Repetition-Rate High-Energy Square Wave Pulse Amplification System for the Brillouin Optical Fiber Sensing System / Hang Tian; Cheng Qun Yin; An Qiang Lv; Yong Qian Li
Application of Wireless Communication in Multi-Channel Temperature Control System / Li Mei Wen
Investigating the Impact of Hybrid Energy Storage System on Isolated Power System / Xin Zhi Wang; Li Xia; Chao Zhang
AC Excitation and Speed Governing Coordination Control of Impulse Hydroelectric Generating Unit and its Simulation / Xiao Qian Hu; Wei Liu; Lian Zhang
The Influence of Exciting Inrush Current of Transformer Differential Protection / Yan Hong Wang
GSEP: an E-Mail Protocol Based on Generalized Signcryption / Ya Li Si
Low-Rate Application-Layer DDoS Attacks Detection by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) through User Browsing Behavior / Xiao Qiang Di; Hua Min Yang; Hui Qi
A Dynamic Trust Evaluation Model for Internet Computing / Feng Li; Ya Li Si
A Dynamic Cell Range Expansion for LTE-Advanced Heterogeneous Networks / Meng Fan Dai; Qing Yang Song; Zhao Long Ning
Dynamic Output Feedback H#8734; Controller Design in Multiple-Packet Transmission with Limited Communication / Dan Li Wen; Huai Yong Deng
Stabilization for Networked Control Systems with Limited Communication / Ying Ying Liu; Yun Kai Chu
The Design of Dual Band Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna for Civilian GPS Applications / Guo Xing Jiang
An Adaptive Web Information Extraction Approach Based on STU-DOM Tree / Song Pu Wu; Qing Wang
Enhanced Power Allocation and Relay Selection Scheme in Two-Way Relaying Cognitive Radio Networks / Dong Chen; Xiang Li; Li Ping Su; Jin Liang
Performance Analysis of Uniform Fiber Bragg Grating / Li Li Wang; Xiang Yan Qiu; Qiu Ming Ma
A New Measurement Method of Conducted EMI on the Power-Line Communications Channel / Wei Long Fu; Ya Lin Guan; Yang Lu
Traffic Prediction Based on Grey Model Optimized by Buffer Operator and PSO in Communication Network for Electric Power / Run Ze Wu; Ying He; Liang Rui Tang
Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Strong Designated-Verifier Proxy Signature Scheme / Li Guo Yang; Fu Na Ou; Jing Zhao
Research on the Technology of Low-Voltage Power Line Carrier-Current Communication Based on OFDM / Wen Yan Ding; Zhi Ning Sun; Xiang Long Wang
The Discussion on Communication Simulation Methods / Hong Wen Pei; Jie Pan; Zheng Pei; Meng Xu
Improved Binary Tree Search Anti-Collision Algorithm / Chao Li; Hai Ling Xiong
Research on Digital I/O Modules Based on Bluetooth Communication / Cun Feng Kang; Chun Zang
FPGA Implementation of a Novel Multi-Rate QC-LDPC Encoder for DTMB Standard / Fei Wang; Peng Zhang; Chang Yin Liu
All-Optical Wavelength Conversion Based on XPM in HNLF
A Secret Sharing Algorithm Based on Regenerating Codes / Shu Zhen Zhang; Hai Long Song
A Mental Clustering Algorithm Based on the Embedded Agent in Wireless Sensor Network / Yu Mei Jian; Ming Chen; Guo Fu Feng
A Polling Control Protocol with Energy-Saving for Wireless Sensor Network / Min He; Li Yong Bao; Lei Deng
RSSI Based Monte-Carlo Localization Boxed Algorithm / Qiang Qu; Yong Xia; Yan Jiang; Xue Bo Chen
The Design of MMS and SMS Student Service System Based on PC / Guo Xin Li
Design and Actualization of Intrinsically Safe Voice Warning System for Mine / Li Li Gao; Zhao Xue Luan; Yan Fang Liu
Research of Selective and Incremental Information Fusion Method Based on Bayesian Network / Li Wei Zhang; Jing Zhang; Yan Sun
Investigation of the Impact of BIM&IPD on Change Orders Using Bayesian Network Method / Mei Liu
Study on the Deposition Methods of Institutional Repositories Based on Sword Protocol / Xiao Shan Wang
Active Queue Management Based on State Variable Feedback Control / Qi Jing; Ming Ming Gu
Synchronization of Two Different Complex Dynamical Networks with Interconnection / Xin Lian Zhou
The Research and Application of Simulation Learning Tool / An Hong Tian; Cheng Biao Fu; Li Mei Cui
The Design and Research of Virtualization Platform / An Hong Tian; Cheng Biao Fu
Study of Selective Video Encryption for the H.264 Standard / Qiu Hua Wang; Xing Jun Wang
Gear Incipient Diagnosing Based on EEMD and Genetic-Support Vector Machine / Cheng Yong Xiao; Bo Qiang Shi; Zhi Jun Hao; Shuang Ming Zhu
Partial Discharge Identification Using Multiple Features Fusion Based on Evidence Theory and Support Vector Machine / Yuan Xu
An Application of the Frequency-Domain Experience Mode Decomposition to Enhance Deconvolution Results / Ya Nan Zhang; Yong Shou Dai; Jin Jie Ding; Man Man Zhang; Rong Rong Wang
A New Algorithm of Weld Seam Detection Based on Mathematical Morphology / Bao Juan Zou; Na Fang; Ren Xian Zeng
Random Phase Weak Sine Signal Detection Based on Autocorrelation and Chaos Theory / Feng Qin Cheng; Yao Wu Shi
Non-Invasive Image Processing Method for Detecting Seed Vigor / Ming Jian Li; Jia Han Guo; Zheng Yu; Lei Yan; Ning Han
A Data Recorder with Optimized Recording Algorithm Used in UAV / Si Yuan Gao
Improved Elastic Model Matching Algorithm for Facial Expression Recognition / Wen Dong Zhao; Jie Zhang; You Dong Zhang
Tunnel Face Image Segmentation Optimization / Cheng Du; Biao Leng
A Research Review of Hilbert-Huang Transform Used for Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis / Qi Li; Hui Wang
Method to Estimate and Promote SNR of Covariance Matrix in Array Signal Processing / Yi Ran Shi; Yan Tao Tian; Hong Wei Shi; Lan Xiang Zhu
Analysis of Pipeline Dynamic Flow Signal Coupling in Hydraulic System / Jun Zhang; Wei Wang; Hong Mei Tang; Xian Hua Li; Chun Bao Fu
Compressed Sensing with Generalized Hebbian Algorithm in Video Frame Prediction / Ming Ming Gu; Qi Jing
Underwater Image Transition Region Extraction and Segmentation Based on SVM / Cong Ping Chen; Lei Zou; Wei Wang
Research on Data Processing Method for Continuously-Varying Dynamic Pressure Flutter Test / Hong Tao Guo; Bin Bin Lv; Li Yu; Yu Yan; Xi Ping Kou
The Frequency-Domain Analysis of the Rheological Data Acquired with Multi-Function and All-Electric Rheometer / Xiang Gang Li; Du Xin Li; Yue Jun Liu; Pei Yong Feng; Chun Yan Du; Fang Zhao
P300 Oddball Task and Classification Based on Support Vector Machine for BCI System / Gao Chao Cui; Jian Ting Cao
The Methodology Analysis of Traffic Volume Data Processing of Regional Road Network Based on Bi-Level Programming Models / Xiao Li Meng; Da Wei Chen
Image Acquisition Method Based on TMS320DM642 / Li Liu; Qing Hong Wu
Design and Implementation of a New Type of Underwater Acoustic Target Simulator / Tong Xu Li; Xiao Min Zhang; Yu Chen
A New Method of Fundus Image Enhancement Based on Rough Set and Wavelet Transform / Wen Dong Zhao; You Dong Zhang; Chun Xia Jin
Research on Sound Source Localization System Based on Time Delay Estimation / Chuan Yi Zhang; Chang Wei Mi; Pei Yang Yao
Ultrasonic Testing Signal Denoising Based on Matching Pursuits / Xiu Li Du; Ying Hua Jiang
Analysis about Coordinate of Cepstrum and its Application in Gearbox Fault Diagnosis / Yan Jun Guo; Jie Han
An Overview of Moving Target Abnormity Behavior Identity Technology in Video Sequence / Yue Cong Song; Bo Liu; Min Li
Freeway Traffic Congestion Identification Based on Fuzzy Logic Inference / Ming Long Peng; Xin Rong Liang; Chao Jun Dong; Yan Yan Liu
Real-Time Boundary Detection of Fast Moving Object in Dark Surrounds / Peng Miao; Shi Han Feng; Qi Zhang; Yuan Yuan Ji
Image Denoising in Frequency Domain Based on Analogical Basis Deconstruction / Feng Qin Liu; Zhen Chao; Yuan Yuan Ji; Qi Zhang; Peng Miao
Speech Stream Detection for Noisy Environments Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition / Qiang Tang; De Xiang Zhang; Qing Yan
Web-Based Media Asset Management System Design / Lei Lei Deng
Defective 2D Barcode Image Mosaic Method for Rotary Scanning Serial Image / Jia Jing Wang; Shu Sheng Zhang; Wei Ping He
Image Pro-Correction for Defocus Blur Image Based on Wiener Filtering / Qiong Li; Yong Hang Tai; Zai Qing Chen; Qiu Yue Yang; Bin Zhuo
A Signal Detection Method for Harmonic Signal Submerged in Complex Noise Background / Ai Juan Quan; Xiao Dong Sun; Lan Xiang Zhu
Research of the Disguise Identity Based on EEG / Xue Min Zhang; Zeng Gang Xiong; Zhen Dong Mu
The MATLAB Realization of Toning up Digital Image Based on Wavelet Transform / Xu Cao; Hua Xun Zhang; Yan Nan Xie
The Research on Data Acquisition Subsystem for Aluminum Reduction Cells under Reconstruction / Mei Liu; Qin Wei Li
Improvement Hardware Design of High Power and Ultra-Low Frequency Signal Source in Cased Hole Resitivity Logging / Cheng Fang Gao; Xiao Meng Wu; Jia Tian Zhang
Simulation Analysis Based on Finite-Difference Time-Domain Algorithm for GIS Partial Discharge Detection / Qiu Ping Liu; Xu Hong Wang
A PAPR Reduction Method for Hexagonal Constellation-Based OFDM Signals
Based on k-Medoids and c5.0 Joint Constraint of the Drug Information Mining Algorithm / Hui Zhang
Research on Asset Recognition Algorithm of Information Security Product Based on Decision Tree Algorithm / Fei Shuai; Jun Quan Li
A Dynamic Sliding Window Based on Otsu Method for Binary License Plate and Character Recognition / Rui Jian; Jun Zhao
Extraction Research about Parallelization of Named Entity Based on Hadoop Platform / Quan Shi; Zhen Dong Yang; Lu Xu
Trademark Recognition Based on Hu Modified Invariant Moments / Min Huang; Ya Qiong Ma; Hua Zhong Shu; Qiu Ping Gong
Fast Tone Mapping Based on Sorting / Feng Qin Liu; Yi Guang Zhang; Zhen Chao; Peng Miao
Research on Online Visual Inspection System for Multi-Feature Trademark Defect / Bo Yang; Bang Gui He; Yu Chen
The Analysis and Data Mining of Students' Online Data Based on Digital Campus / Quan Shi; Yuan Qian; Yan Gong; Xiao Min Zhu; Jun Qiang Yan
Cyclic Relation Method for DOA and Polarization Parameters Estimation of Arbitrary Polarized Array / Yi Ran Shi; Yan Tao Tian; Lan Xiang Zhu; Li Fei Deng
Research on Maize Varieties Recognition System Based on Image Processing / Li Miao Deng; Tao Luan; Wen Jie Ma
Medical Bottle Tightness Detection Based on Digital Image Processing / Bao Jun Wang; Guang Yan Yang
The Data Manipulation Platform of Well-Logging Information Based on Agent / Li Ping Yang; Wei Wang
Research and Realization of the Software Requirements Management Integration Platform / Pei Tian; Yi Fei Zhang; Wei Li; Tie Jun Li
Research on the Embedded Software Reliability Evaluation Model Based on Influence Factors / Pei Tian; Li Na Gong; Wei Li; Wen Tao Tian
An Access Control Model for XML Repositories / Hao Zhong
Application of Weight Adjustment Technique in the Deep Web Data Source Classification / Xiao Qing Zhou; Jia Xiu Sun; Shu Bin Wang
Research for College Counselors' Work Auxiliary System Based on B/S Architecture / Hong Jiang Wang; Kai Tao
Applying MPC08SP Motion Control Card to the Development of Open CNC System of Grooving Machines / Chao Song; Ming Fu Yin
Research and Application of Music Digitalization Based on MATLAB / Meng Chen; Cheng Long Wang; Qing Tian Zeng; Hai Zhong Zhang
Integration of Systematic RBAC Security Model and UML Model / Bao De Fan
Research on the Digital Earth Based on OpenGL / Hong Wei Wang; Ji Cheng Quan; De Jun Li; Jun Xie
Research on Feature Based IC Process Modeling and Clustering / Jin Feng Feng; Jin Ma; Jie Hu; Ying Hong Peng
Optimal Route Retrieval Model Based on Assignment Strategy / Fang Zong; Hai Ling Xiong
U Nong Shu Cai Tong System - The Agricultural Expert System Based on U Disk / Guang Da Li; Jun Feng Zhang; Huai Guo Zheng; Cui Ping Tan
The Construction of Psychology Lessons Planning Platform Based on the SSH / Ying Wang
A Simple Three-Dimensional Terrain Modeling Method for Complex Terrain Wind Environment Simulation / Shi Ling Chen; Jun Lu; Wei Wei Yu; Shao Liang Zhang
Analysis of the Data Mining Application Based on Cloud Computing / Xiao Hui Li; Wei Liu; Le Le Wang
The Design of Universities Resource-Sharing Network Teaching System Based on Cloud Computing / Qiu Yan Guo
Early-Warning Model for TECC Based on Gray Neural Network - Taking Laolongtou Scenic Area as an Example / Xiu Ping Yang; Er Chao Li
The Research on Vehicle Routing Problem Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm / Zheng Qiang Jiang; Yue Wu
Digital Earth and Exploration of Military Application / Hong Wei Wang; Ming Quan Yang; Xiao Rui Sun; Jun Xie
Finding the Good in Health Care System Based on Iteration Model / Tai Fa Zhang; Ming Juan Song; Hong Yan Zhang
Research on Spatial Cognition Training Based on the Digital Earth / Hong Wei Wang; Jun Xie; Xiao Juan Wang; He Nan Wu
Effectiveness Calculation of Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact Shooting Method Based on Monte Carlo Method / Xin Jun Hu; Hang Yu Wang
Detection for Approximately Duplicate Records Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation / Li Juan Zhou; Zhe Xiao
Research on Cooperation Mechanism of Multi-Agent Grinding Control System Based on Blackboard Model / Hong Wei Zhao; Yi Ming Qi; Dong Zhao; Shi Hui Pei
Research of the Integration Model of Coal Heterogeneous Systems / Hua Ping Zhou; Ke Lei Sun
Minimum Normal Cone for Continuous Collision Detection / Yong Shui; Jin Jin Zheng; Hong Jun Zhou
A Design of Ubiquitous Learning Environment with the Support of Pervasive Computing / Jing Zhang; Li Wei Zhang; Bing Liu
Transformation Formulas between Be#769;zier Curve and Partial said-Ball Curve / Wei Xue; Ping Xi; Yi Duo Wang
Research on General Data Publish/Subscribe Model Based on DDS / Xue Jun Ma; Shu Fen Liu
A Research on Sports Training Auxiliary System Based on Cloud Computing / Hong Jiang Wu; Xin Kui Li; Hai Yan Zhao
The Service Platform for Barrier-Free Special Education Based on Cloud Computing / Li Ping Yang; Wei Wang; Chun Lian Li
Construction of Drought Indices from Passive Microwave Remote Sensing AMSR-E Data in Huaihe River Basin / Rui Wang; Jing Wen Xu; Dan Wang; Xing Mei Xie; Peng Wang
Quantitative Assessment of Expert's Lifting-Thrusting Manipulation in Acupuncture Based on Haptic Device / Peng Miao; Qi Zhang; Yuan Yuan Ji; Jun Jiang; Hai Dong Guo; Fu Bo Wang; Zhen Guo Yan
Emergency Scheduling Model of Urban Rail Transit Based on Genetic Algorithm / Yi Jun Li; Yu Fang
The Application of Decision Tree in Security Audit / Dan Shao; Yan Bai Wang
Some New Generalized Nonlinear Difference Inequalities and their Application / Wu Sheng Wang; Yuan Hua Lin; Xue Liang Gao
Minimum Spanning Tree Dynamic Demonstration System Implementation / Bang Ze Chen; Xiao Bo Yang
Calculation of Slope Safety Coefficient Based on Newton's Iteration / Qing Zhang; Yan Jun Zhang; Zi Wang Yu
Analysis and Improvement of BLP Model for Multi-Level Security Database / Hai Yan Zhao; Xiang Yang Liu; Jing Zhao
A Constellation Graph Based Approach for Ontology Construction / Yi Li Liu; Yang Yang
Integrating Modular Units into the Production Line and MRO in Career Apparel Industry / Jian Hua Yang; Yang Song; Zhi Chao Ma
The Limit Price Strategy Analysis of Integrated Medicine Supply Chain Based on Government Regulation / Liang Shen; Yu Yan Wang
Research on Network Learning Mechanism of Enterprise Network Resource Coordination / Yong Gui Shi; Yan Tao Song; Shi Meng Ma; Jian Fen Yan
Developing the Coal and Power Pool Project, Structuring Large-Scale Coal Enterprises / Mei Song; Cong Zhang
The Establishment of Production Capacity Evaluation Indicator System Based on R-Cluster and Coefficient of Variation / Li Yan Tao; Zu Da Li; Man Zhang
An Ant Colony Algorithm for Integrating Assembly Sequence Planning and Assembly Line Balancing / Zhuo Yang; Cong Lu; Hong Wang Zhao
The Economics and Feasibility of Traceability in Agri-Food Supply Chain: Analysis with Game Theory between Double Oligarchs / Jin Chao Wu; Chen Xi Wu; Yan Ping Liu
Study the on Time Delivery Based on Product Lifecycle Management in Supply Chain / Hong Chen
The Study of Buffer Allocation with Travel Time in Stochastic Production Flow Line / Xiao Yong Pan; Jiang Wu; Quan Wei Zhang; Dong Lai; Xin Fu; Chen Zhang
The Effects of Demand Randomness in Newsvendor Model / Zhi Bing Lin
Study on Multi-Objective Optimizing Model of Cigarette Production Line / Jing Yin; Wei Ling Wang; Huan Zhi Zhu
A Study on Malaysian Food and Beverage Manufacturing SMEs Practices of Pre-Development Process / Noor Hidayah Abu; Baba Md Deros; Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman; Mohd Fitri Mansor
Design and Application of Project Management System for Project-Driven Equipment Manufacturing Enterprise / Yan Xia Chen; Shun Sheng Guo; Bai Gang Du; Li Bo Sun
Study on the Intra-Ship Material Handling System / Feng Li; Duan Feng Han
Logistics Simulation and Optimization Design of One Production Line Based on Flexsim / Xiu Ying Tang; Jie Shi; Li Chang Chen; Lin Lin Yang; Xue Mei Leng
Key Factor Extraction of Supply Chain Performance Based on Heterogeneous Selective Ensemble PCA / Cong Hui Zhang; Nan Zhao; Hong Yu Shao
The Optimization Research on the Green Supply Chain Network / Yan Jun Fang; Meng Na Wu
Study and Application of Supplier Performance Evaluation System Based on the Triple-A Supply Chain / Hai Dong; Shuang Dong
A Cross-Layer Congestion Control Algorithm Based on Traffic Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks / Yi Sun; Min Li; Peng Xu
Research on the Feasibility of Express Freight Transport on High-Speed Railway in China / Yuan Ke Zhang; Si Ping Qin
Research on Separating Mode of Business and Logistics / Yong Gui Shi; Hai Xia Li; Wan Jie Song; Jian Fen Yan
Research on Mining of E-Procurement Model Parameters Based on Decision Tree / Ping Wu; Yun Fei Huang; Qian Qian Cao; Feng Xiong
Agile Supply Chain Performance Evaluation of Automobile Manufacturing Based on Regression Analysis / Hai Dong; Chun Ling Li
The Entropy Weight Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Green Logistics Cost Management / Hai Dong; Sheng Nv Wang
Model Innovation of Exhibition Logistic Supply Chain / Xiao Ming Wang
Study on the Development Strategy of Lean Logistics for Automobile Enterprises under Green Supply Chain Environment / Dong Liang; Huan Wang
Customer Satisfaction Evaluation of Ceramic E-Commerce Platform / Fu Bao He; Yi Lai Zhang; Tong Jun Guo; Hong Chen
Commodity Coding Research and Application of Ceramic E-Commerce Platform
Study on Railway Materials Procurement Online / Lei Sun; Hong Mei Xing; Ying Zhang
Study on Railway Passenger Service Based on Customer Perception / Chen Zheng; Bao Min Hu; Li Bei
Study on Virtual Reality Techniques Used in German Teaching / Yu Jia
Research and Practice on Data Analysis Evaluation Technique of Intelligent Teaching-Management Based on D-M Theory / Shu Feng Jiang; Ying Yu Cui
Research on Group Decision Making Model of Low-Speed Pure Electric Vehicle's Technology Integrated Innovation / Cheng Qiang Liu; Guo Ping Cheng
Creation and Practice of Teaching System on Engineering Training for Training Distinguished Engineers / Xian Wen Miao; Gen Fu Yuan; Yuan Qiang Gu
Social Impact Assessment of AMT Project Based on the Information Entroy Theory / Guo Hong Wang
"Forgettingness" Parameter as a Criterion for Assessing the Quality of Teaching Physics to Future Engineers / Tatyana N. Gnitetskaya; Elena B. Ivanova
Research on E-Commerce Teaching System / Xiang Ren; Bin Liu; Huan Jun Jiang
Analysis of Development of Real Estate Industry Based on FA and CA / Xiao Chun Shi; Deng Ying Jiang
Open Experimental Teaching in Fluid Mechanics / Bin Zheng; Yong Qi Liu; Rui Xiang Liu; Jian Meng; Ming Ming Mao
Teaching Reform and Thinking of the Course Electro-Mechanical Systems Dynamics Based on Higher Engineering Education Mode / Qiao Yi Wang; Juan Chen
A Density-Based Potential Mission Risk Assessment Approach for Aerospace Products / Mi Kai; Yun Hu
A New Value Stream Mapping Technique Based on Material Flow, Information Flow and Knowledge Flow / Yu Cheng Pan; Di Liang; Xiang Fei Ma; Hua Dong Wang
A Rapid Simulation and Optimization Study of Production Line / Xiang Fei Ma; Di Liang; Yu Cheng Pan; Hua Dong Wang


sponsored by the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers ; edited by James L. Withiam, Kok-Kwang Phoon, Mohamad H. Hussein
出版情報: Reston, Va. : American Society of Civil Engineers, c2013  lii, 731 p. ; 28 cm
シリーズ名: Geotechnical special publication ; no. 229
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sponsored by the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers ; edited by Armin W. Stuedlein, Barry R. Christopher
出版情報: Reston, Va. : American Society of Civil Engineers, c2013  xxxii, 592 p. ; 28 cm
シリーズ名: Geotechnical special publication ; no. 230
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sponsored by the International Association of Chinese Geotechnical Engineers, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Division of Civil, Hydraulic, and Architecture Engineering, the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers ; edited by Jianping Hu ... [et al.]
出版情報: Reston, Va. : American Society of Civil Engineers, c2013  xvi, 803 p. ; 22 cm
シリーズ名: Geotechnical special publication ; no. 232
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 日刊工業新聞社, 2013.4-  冊 ; 21cm
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出版情報: 東京 : 日本機械学会, 2013.4  390p ; 30cm
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出版情報: 東京 : 日本機械学会, 2013.4  84p ; 30cm
所蔵情報: loading…


edited by Kálmán Liptai, Ferenc Mátyás, Tibor Juhász
出版情報: Eger : EKF Líceum Kiadó, 2013  274 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Annales mathematicae et informaticae ; v. 41
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sponsored by Transportation and Development Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers ; edited by Steven L. Jones, Jr.
出版情報: Reston, Va. : American Society of Civil Engineers, c2013  x, 461 p. ; 22 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: [出版地不明] : [吉村寿次], 2013.12  156p ; 27cm
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editors, Christopher Meehan ... [et al.]
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed by Curran Associates, 2013  799 p. ; 28 cm
シリーズ名: Geotechnical special publication ; no. 231
所蔵情報: loading…


editors, Christopher Meehan ... [et al.]
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed by Curran Associates, 2013  p. 800-1611 ; 28 cm
シリーズ名: Geotechnical special publication ; no. 231
所蔵情報: loading…


editors, Christopher Meehan ... [et al.]
出版情報: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers , Red Hook, NY : Printed by Curran Associates, 2013  p. 1612-2418 ; 28 cm
シリーズ名: Geotechnical special publication ; no. 231
所蔵情報: loading…


editors, Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte ... [et al.]
出版情報: Alexandria, Va. : American Rock Mechanics Association , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by: Curran Associates, 2013  773 p. ; 27 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


editors, Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte ... [et al.]
出版情報: Alexandria, Va. : American Rock Mechanics Association , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by: Curran Associates, 2013  p. 774-1559 ; 27 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


editors, Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte ... [et al.]
出版情報: Alexandria, Va. : American Rock Mechanics Association , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by: Curran Associates, 2013  p. 1560-2337 ; 27 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


editors, Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte ... [et al.]
出版情報: Alexandria, Va. : American Rock Mechanics Association , Red Hook, NY : Printed from e-media with permission by: Curran Associates, 2013  p. 2338-3116 ; 27 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 環境コミュニケーションズ, 2013.4-2013.7  4冊 ; 30cm
巻次年月次: 49巻5号 (2013.4)-49巻8号 (2013.7) = 通巻672号 (2013.4)-通巻675号 (2013.7)
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新日鐵住金 [編]
出版情報: 東京 : 新日鐵住金技術開発本部技術開発企画部, 2013.3-2018.8  冊 ; 30cm
巻次年月次: 395号 (2013)-411号 (2018)
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電子情報通信学会 [編] = the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
出版情報: 東京 : 電子情報通信学会, 2013-  冊 ; 30cm
巻次年月次: SRW2013-1-SRW2013-11 (2013.4)-
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電子情報通信学会 [編] = the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
出版情報: 東京 : 電子情報通信学会, 2013.5-  冊 ; 30cm
巻次年月次: MoNA2013-1-MoNA2013-12 (2013.5.23〜24)-
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電子情報通信学会 [編] = the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
出版情報: 東京 : 電子情報通信学会, 2013.5-  冊 ; 30cm
巻次年月次: ASN2013-1-ASN2013-46 (2013.5.16〜17)-
所蔵情報: loading…


American Chemical Society. Division of Polymer Chemistry
出版情報: [Washington, D.C.] : ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry, [2013]-  CD-ROMs ; 4 3/4 in
巻次年月次: Apr. 7-11, 2013 (Apr. 7-11, 2013)-
所蔵情報: loading…


Turbomachinery, Pump Symposia
出版情報: College Station, Tex. : Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, the Texas A&M University System, 2013-  computer optical discs ; 4 3/4 in
巻次年月次: 29th (2013)-
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 高松 : 四国電力株式会社総合技術開発研究所, -[2013.6] , 冊 ; 30cm
巻次年月次: 37号 (昭55.3)-100号 (平25.6)
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Matti; Gelder, Allen Jarvisalo
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
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Kensaku; Sakuma, Ichiro; Sato, Yoshinobu; Barillot, Christian ; Navab, Nassir Mori
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
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Anthony; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Pralat, Pawel Bonato
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
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Mark; Cordy, James; Kealey, Ryan; Ng, Joanna Chignell
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
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James C.; Joshi, Sarang; Pohl, Kilian M.; Wells, William M. ; Zollei, Lilla Gee
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
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David; Kanade, Takeo; Kittler, Josef; Gunes, Hatice Hutchison
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
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David; Kanade, Takeo; Kittler, Josef Hutchison
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
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David; Kanade, Takeo; Kittler, Josef Hutchison
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
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David; Kanade, Takeo; Kittler, Josef; Huang, Heng Hutchison
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
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David; Kanade, Takeo; Kittler, Josef; Yan, Pingkun ; Suzuki, Kenji ; Wang, Fei Hutchison
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
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David; Kanade, Takeo; Kittler, Josef Hutchison
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
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Cesar; Liborio, Andria; Rusu, Cristian Collazos
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
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David; Kanade, Takeo; Kittler, Josef Hutchison
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
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David; Kanade, Takeo; Kittler, Josef Hutchison
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
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David; Kanade, Takeo; Kittler, Josef Hutchison
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
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David; Kanade, Takeo; Kittler, Josef Hutchison
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
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David; Kanade, Takeo; Kittler, Josef; Peleg, Mor ; Teije, Annette ten Hutchison
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
所蔵情報: loading…


David; Kanade, Takeo; Kittler, Josef Hutchison
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer International Publishing, 2013
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Adam Herout, Mark?ta Dubsk?, Mark?eta Dubsk?a, Ji?r?i Havel
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer London, 2013
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, James H. Laros, James H. Laros III, James H. Laros III, Kevin Pedretti
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer London, 2013
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Betsy George, Sangho Kim
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer New York, 2013
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Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, Eui-Nam Huh
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer New York, 2013
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Yan Qiao, Shigang Chen
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer New York, 2013
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Heng Yin, Dawn Song
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer New York, 2013
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Qing Zhou, Long Gao
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer New York, 2013
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Weidong Huang, Leila Alem, Weidong Huang, Mark Alan Livingston
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer New York, 2013
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A. Udaya Shankar
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer New York, 2013
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