

Rob Huddleston
出版情報: Wiley Online Library - AutoHoldings Books , Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2010
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Quick Start: Dive Into Flash Catalyst CS5
Rich Internet Applications and the Flash Platform / Part I:
Understanding Rich Internet Applications / Chapter 1:
Introducing Flash Catalyst / Chapter 2:
Working with Other Applications / Chapter 3:
Designing the Application / Part II:
Wireframing an Application in Flash Catalyst / Chapter 4:
Creating an Application Comp in Illustrator / Chapter 5:
Creating Assets in Photoshop / Chapter 6:
Using Fireworks with Flash Catalyst / Chapter 7:
Creating the Application in Catalyst / Part III:
Converting Illustrator and Photoshop Artwork into Catalyst Projects / Chapter 8:
Converting Artwork to Components / Chapter 9:
Creating View States / Chapter 10:
Adding Animation / Chapter 11:
Working with Design-time Data / Chapter 12:
Adding Multimedia / Chapter 13:
Exporting Projects into Flash Builder 4 / Part IV:
Flash Builder 4 and the Flex Framework / Chapter 14:
Export a Flash Catalyst Project to Flash Builder / Chapter 15:
Returning a Project to Flash Catalyst / Chapter 16:
Exporting Catalyst Projects Directly to Flash Player / Chapter 17:
Creating a Project for AIR / Chapter 18:
Build a Complete Project / Part V:
Creating a Design Comp in Illustrator / Chapter 19:
Importing the Design into Catalyst / Chapter 20:
Importing Additional Artwork from Illustrator and Photoshop / Chapter 21:
Converting Artwork to Components in Your Project / Chapter 22:
Creating View States in Your Project / Chapter 23:
Adding Data Lists / Chapter 24:
Importing Your Project into Flash Builder / Chapter 25:
Connecting Your Project to Live Data / Chapter 26:
Appendixes / Part VI:
Keyboard Shortcuts / Appendix A:
Best Practices / Appendix B:
What's on the Book's Web Site / Appendix C:


Rob Huddleston
出版情報: Wiley Online Library - AutoHoldings Books , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
How to Use this Visual Blueprint Book
Introducing Actionscript / 1:
Introducing Flash
Understanding Flash Player 10
Introducing ActionScript 3.0
Create a New Flash Movie
Using the Actions Panel
Introducing the Basic Syntax of Actionscript / 2:
Understanding Object-Oriented Programming
Understanding ActionScript Syntax Rules
Create a Variable
Understanding Data Types
Test Your Flash Movie
Concatenate Strings
Trace Variables
Create an Array
Add and Remove Elements from an Array
Create an Array in an Array
Create a Generic Object
Add Constants
Add Comments to Your Code
Understanding Coding Best Practices
Controlling Objects on the Stage / 3:
Draw Shapes in Flash
Introducing Symbols
Create a Symbol
Insert and Name an Instance
Set Instance Properties Using the Properties Panel
Set Instance Properties in Code
Working With Nonvisual Classes / 4:
Perform Simple Mathematical Operations
Perform Complex Mathematical Operations with the Math Class
Generate Random Numbers
Create Instances of the Date Class
Perform Math on Dates
Writing Functions / 5:
Write a Function
Call a Function
Pass Data to Functions
Return a Value from a Function
Creating Custom Classes / 6:
Create a Package
Create a New ActionScript File
Create a Custom Class Skeleton
Define Properties of the Class
Create a Constructor
Define a Method
Extend a Class
Using a Custom Class
Define a Document Class
Get and Set Class Properties
Add a Static Property to a Class
Using Events / 7:
Create an Event Handler
Call an Event from a Button
Define Events in a Custom Class
Remove Event Listeners
Using the Target Property
Controlling the Timeline in Code / 8:
Stop a Movie
Go to a Specific Frame in a Movie
Add Code to a MovieClip's Timeline
Control a MovieClip from the Main Timeline
Work with the Stage in Code
Add MovieClips to the Stage through Code
Remove Elements from the Stage
Working with Text / 9:
Create a Dynamic Text Field Visually
Create a Dynamic Text Field in Code
Create an Input Text Field Visually
Create an Input Text Field in Code
Work with TextField Events
Find Characters within Strings
Manipulate Strings
Get Pieces of Strings
Convert Data Types
Formatting Text / 10:
Understanding the TextFormat Class
Apply Formatting to a Text Field
Using HTML Text
Making Decisions in Code / 11:
Write an If Statement
Using Else and Else If Clauses
Test Multiple Conditions
Replace If/Else Clauses with a Switch Statement
Looping Over Code / 12:
Write a For Loop
Write a While Loop
Loop over an Array
Animating in Code / 13:
Using the EnterFrame Event
Animate MovieClips That Scale and Fade
Change the Speed of Animation
Using the Timer Class
Create Tweens in Script
Ease Tweened Animation
Allow Users to Drag and Drop Objects
Animate in 3D
Adding Keyboard Controls / 14:
React to a Key Press
Using Keyboard Constants
Working With Sound / 15:
Understanding Sound in Flash
Add a Sound to the Library and Play It
Load and Play an External Sound
Avoid Errors Due to Loading Delays
Pause and Resume Sounds
Control Sound Volume
Display Information about Sound Files
Working With Video / 16:
Convert Video to Flash Video
Using the FLVPlayback Component Visually
Using the FLVPlayback Component in Code
Go Full Screen
Add Closed Captioning
Style Closed Captions
Working With Data / 17:
Understanding XML and E4X
Embed XML in ActionScript
Read XML
Filter XML
Write XML
Load XML at Runtime
Exchanging Data With a Server / 18:
Download the Apache Web Server
Install the Apache Server
Download Adobe ColdFusion
Install ColdFusion
Download PHP
Install PHP
Send Data to the Server
Create XML with ColdFusion
Create XML with PHP
Read Data from the Server
Drawing Vectors in Code / 19:
Draw Lines in Code
Draw Curves in Code
Draw Shapes in Code
Create Fills
Transform Visual Objects
Add Filters through Code
Cache Vectors As Bitmaps
Draw a Bitmap
Add an Image to the Library and Create a Bitmap from It
Working With Air / 20:
Understanding AIR
Create a New AIR Application
Digitally Sign Your Application
Detect User Inactivity
Allow Users to Save Data
Actionscript Class Reference / Appendix A:
Actionscript Operators Reference / Appendix B:
Supported HTML Tags / Appendix C:
How to Use this Visual Blueprint Book
Introducing Actionscript / 1:
Introducing Flash