

Adrian Tanasa
出版情報: [Oxford] : Oxford University Press, [20--]  1 online resource
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Introduction / 1:
Graphs, ribbon graphs, and polynomials / 2:
Graph theory: The Tutte polynomial / 2.1:
Ribbon graphs; the Bollobás-Riordan polynomial / 2.2:
Selected further reading / 2.3:
Quantum field theory (QFT)-built-in combinatorics / 3:
Definition of the scalar ¿4 model / 3.1:
Perturbative expansion-Feynman graphs and their combinatorial weights / 3.2:
Fourier transform-the momentum space / 3.3:
Parametric representation of Feynman integrands / 3.4:
The propagator and the heat kernel / 3.5:
A glimpse of perturbative renormalization / 3.6:
The power counting theorem / 3.6.1:
Locality / 3.6.2:
Multi-scale analysis / 3.6.3:
The subtraction operator for a general Feynman graph / 3.6.4:
Dimensional renormalization / 3.6.5:
Dyson-Schwinger equation / 3.7:
Combinatorial (or 0-dimensional) QFT and the intermediate field method / 3.8:
Combinatorial (or 0-dimensionai) QFT / 3.8.1:
The intermediate field method / 3.8.2:
Tree weights and renormalization in QFT / 3.9:
Preliminary results / 4.1:
Partition tree weights / 4.2:
Combinatorial QFT and the Jacobian Conjecture / 4.3:
The Jacobian Conjecture as combinatorial QFT model (the Abdesselam-Rivasseau model) / 5.1:
The intermediate field method for the Abdesselam-Rivasseau model / 5.2:
Fermionic QFT, Grassmann calculus, and combinatorics / 5.3:
Grassmann algebras and Grassmann calculus / 6.1:
The Grassmann algebra / 6.1.1:
Grassmann calculus; Pfaffians as Grassmann integrals / 6.1.2:
On Grassmann Gaussian measures / 6.2:
Lingström-Gessel-Viennot (LGV) formula for graphs with cycles / 6.3:
Stembridge's formulas for graphs with cycles / 6.4:
A generalization / 6.5:
Tutte polynomial and the parametric representation in QFT / 6.6:
Analytic combinatorics and QFT / 6.7:
The Mellin transform technique / 7.1:
The saddle point method / 7.2:
Algebraic combinatorics and QFT / 7.3:
Algebraic reminder; Combinatorial Hopf Algebras (CHAs) / 8.1:
The Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra of Feynman graphs / 8.2:
The B+ operator, Hochschild cohomology of the Connes-Kreimer algebra / 8.3:
Multi-scale renormaiizarion, CHA description / 8.4:
QFT on the non-commutative Moyal space and combinatorics / 8.5:
Mathematical setting: Renormalizability / 9.1:
The Mehler kernel and the Grosse-Wulkenhaar model / 9.2:
Parametric representation of Grosse-Wulkenhaar-like models / 9.3:
The Mellin transform and the Grosse-Wulkenhaar model / 9.4:
Dimensional renormalization for the Grosse-Wulkenhaar model / 9.5:
A heat kernel-based renormalizable model / 9.6:
Parametric representation and the Bollobás-Riordan polynomial / 9.7:
Parametric representation / 9.7.1:
Relation between the multi-variate Bollobás-Riordan and the polynomials of the parametric representation / 9.7.2:
Combinatorial Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra and its Hochschild cohomology / 9.8:
Combinatorial Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra / 9.8.1:
Hochschild cohomology and the combinatorial DSE / 9.8.2:
Quantum gravity, group field theory (GFT), and combinatorics / 9.9:
Quantum gravity / 10.1:
Main candidates for a theory of quantum gravity: The holographic principle / 10.2:
GFT models: the Boulatov and the colourable models / 10.3:
The multi-orientable GFT model / 10.4:
Tadpoles and generalized tadpoles / 10.4.1:
Tadfaces / 10.4.2:
Saddle point method for GFT Feynman integrals / 10.5:
Algebraic combinatorics and tensorial GFT / 10.6:
The Ben Geloun-Rivasseau (BGR) model / 10.6.1:
Cones-Kreimer Hopf algebraic description of the combinatorics of the renormalizability of the BGR model / 10.6.2:
Hochschild cohomology and the combinatorial DSE for tensorial GFT / 10.6.3:
From random matrices to random tensors / 10.7:
The large N limit / 11.1:
The double-scaling limit / 11.2:
From matrices to tensors / 11.3:
Tensor graph polynomials-a generalization of the Bollobás-Riordan polynomial / 11.4:
Random tensor models-the U(N)D-invariant model / 11.5:
Definition of the model and its DSE / 12.1:
U(N)D-invariant bubble interactions / 12.1.1:
Bubble observables / 12.1.2:
The DSE for the model / 12.1.3:
Navigating the following sections of the chapter / 12.1.4:
The DSE beyond the large N limit / 12.2:
The LO / 12.2.1:
Moments and Cumulants / 12.2.2:
Gaussian and non-Gaussian contributions / 12.2.3:
The DSE at NLO / 12.2.4:
The order 1/ND in the quartic model / 12.2.5:
Double-scaling limit in the DSE / 12.3:
From the quartic model to a generic model / 12.3.2:
Random tensor models-the multi-orientable (MO) model / 12.4:
Definition of the model / 13.1:
The 1/N expansion and the large N limit / 13.2:
Feynman amplitudes; the 1/N expansion / 13.2.1:
The large N limit-the LO (melonic graphs) / 13.2.2:
The large TV limit-the NLO / 13.2.3:
Leading and NLO series / 13.2.4:
Combinatorial analysis of the general term of the large N expansion / 13.3:
Dipoles, chains, schemes, and all that / 13.3.1:
Generating functions, asymptotic enumeration, and dominant schemes / 13.3.2:
The two-point function / 13.4:
The four-point function / 13.4.2:
The 2r-point function / 13.4.3:
Random tensor models-the O(N)3-invariant model / 13.5:
General model and large N expansion / 14.1:
Quartic model, large N expansion / 14.2:
Large N expansion: LO / 14.2.1:
NLO / 14.2.2:
General quartic model: Critical behaviour / 14.3:
Explicit counting of melonic graphs / 14.3.1:
Diagrammatic equations, LO and NLO / 14.3.2:
Singularity analysis / 14.3.3:
Critical exponents / 14.3.4:
The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) holographic model / 14.4:
Definition of the SYK model: Its Feynman graphs / 15.1:
Diagrammatic proof of the large N melonic dominance / 15.2:
The coloured SYK model / 15.3:
Definition of the model, real, and complex versions / 15.3.1:
Diagrammatics of the real and complex model / 15.3.2:
More on the coloured SYK Feynman graphs / 15.3.3:
Non-Gaussian disorder average in the complex model / 15.3.4:
SYK-like tensor models / 15.4:
The Gurau-Witten model and its diagrammatics / 16.1:
Two-point functions: LO, NLO, and so on / 16.1.1:
Four-point function: LO, NLO, and so on / 16.1.2:
The O(N)3-invariant SYK-Uke tensor model / 16.2:
The MO SYK-like tensor model / 16.3:
Relating MO graphs to O(N)3-invariant graphs / 16.4:
Diagrammatic techniques for O(N)3-invariant graphs / 16.5:
Two-edge-cuts / 16.5.1:
Dipole removals / 16.5.2:
Dipole insertions / 16.5.3:
Chains of dipoles / 16.5.4:
Face length / 16.5.5:
The strategy / 16.5.6:
Degree 1 graphs of the O(N)3-invariant SYK-like tensor model / 16.6:
2PI, dipole-free graph of degree one / 16.6.1:
The graphs of degree 1 / 16.6.2:
Degree 3/2 graphs of the O(N)3-invariant SYK-like tensor model / 16.7:
Examples of tree weights / A:
Symmetric weights-complete partition / A.1:
One singleton partition-rooted graph / A.2:
Two singleton partition-multi-rooted graph / A.3:
Renormalization of the Grosse-Wulkenhaar model, one-loop examples / B:
The B+ operator in Moyal QFT, two-loop examples / C:
One-loop analysis / C.1:
Two-loop analysis / C.2:
Explicit examples of GFT tensor Feynman integral computations / D:
A non-colourable, MO tensor graph integral / D.1:
A colourable, multi-orientable tensor graph integral / D.2:
A non-colourable, non-multi-orientable tensor graph integral / D.3:
Coherent states of SU(2) / E:
Proof of the double-scaling limit of the U(N)D-invariant tensor model / F:
Proof of Theorem 15.3.2 / G:
Bijection with constellations / G.1:
Bijection in the bipartite case / G.1.1:
The non-bipartite case / G.1.2:
Enumeration of coloured graphs of fixed order / G.2:
Exact enumeration / G.2.1:
The connectivity condition and SYK graphs / G.2.2:
Preliminary conditions / G.3.1:
The case q > 3 / G.3.2:
The case q = 3 / G.3.3:
Proof of Theorem 16.1.1 / G.3.4:
Summary of results on the diagrammatics of the coloured SYK model and of the Gurau-Witten model / I:
Introduction / 1:
Graphs, ribbon graphs, and polynomials / 2:
Graph theory: The Tutte polynomial / 2.1:


Jochen Rau
出版情報: [Oxford] : Oxford University Press, [20--]  1 online resource
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Suman Seth
出版情報: [Ann Arbor, Mich.] : ProQuest Ebook Central, [20--]  1 online resource (viii, 378 p.)
シリーズ名: Transformations : studies in the history of science and technology
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目次情報: 続きを見る
The Physics of Problems / I:
Elements of the Sommerfeld Style, 1890-1910
Pedagogical Economies / 2:
The "Sommerfeld School" and the Problems of Teaching
The Kaiser's Physicists / 3:
The Sommerfeld School Goes to War
The Practice of Principles / II:
Planck, Experiment, and the "Thermodynamic Method"
The Dynamical and the Statistical / 5:
Sommerfeld, Planck, and the Quantum Hypothesis
Prinzipienfuchser and Virtuosen / III:
Theoretical Physics after World War I
Crafting the Quantum / 7:
Sommerfeld, Bohr, and the Older Quantum Theory
The Physics of Problems / I: