

Jonathan Gratch, Ruth Aylett, Daniel Ballin, Jonathan Matthew Gratch, Takeo Kanade, Patrick Olivier, Michael Young, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Social Impact of IVAs
Why Fat Interface Characters Are Better e-Health Advisors / Henriette C. van Vugt ; Elly A. Konijn ; Johan F. Hoorn ; Jolanda Veldhuis
Virtual Rapport / Jonathan Gratch ; Anna Okhmatovskaia ; Francois Lamothe ; Stacy C. Marsella ; Mathieu Morales ; Rick J. van der Werf ; Louis-Philippe Morency
IVAs Recognizing Human Behavior
Imitation Learning and Response Facilitation in Embodied Agents / Stefan Kopp ; Olaf Graeser
Robust Recognition of Emotion from Speech / Mohammed E. Hoque ; Mohammed Yeasin ; Max M. Louwerse
Affect Detection from Human-Computer Dialogue with an Intelligent Tutoring System / Sidney D'Mello ; Art Graesser
Exploitation in Affect Detection in Improvisational E-Drama / Li Zhang ; John A. Barnden ; Robert J. Hendley ; Alan M. Wallington
Human Interpretation of IVA Behavior
An Exploration of Delsarte's Structural Acting System / Sharon Marie Carnicke ; Albert Rizzo
Perception of Blended Emotions: From Video Corpus to Expressive Agent / Stephanie Buisine ; Sarkis Abrilian ; Radoslaw Niewiadomski ; Jean-Claude Martin ; Laurence Devillers ; Catherine Pelachaud
Perceiving Visual Emotions with Speech / Zhigang Deng ; Jeremy Bailenson ; J. P. Lewis ; Ulrich Neumann
Embodied Conversational Agents
Dealing with Out of Domain Questions in Virtual Characters / Ronakkumar Patel ; Anton Leuski ; David Traum
MIKI: A Speech Enabled Intelligent Kiosk / Lee McCauley
Architecture of a Framework for Generic Assisting Conversational Agents / Jean-Paul Sansonnet ; David Leray
A Comprehensive Context Model for Multi-party Interactions with Virtual Characters / Norbert Pfleger ; Markus Lockelt
"What Would You Like to Talk About?" An Evaluation of Social Conversations with a Virtual Receptionist / Sabarish Babu ; Stephen Schmugge ; Tiffany Barnes ; Larry F. Hodges
Characteristics of Nonverbal Behavior
Gesture Expressivity Modulations in an ECA Application / Nicolas Ech Chafai ; Danielle Pele ; Gaspard Breton
Visual Attention and Eye Gaze During Multiparty Conversations with Distractions / Erdan Gu ; Norman L Badler
Behavior Representation Languages
Towards a Common Framework for Multimodal Generation: The Behavior Markup Language / Brigitte Krenn ; Andrew N. Marshall ; Hannes Pirker ; Kristinn R. Thorisson ; Hannes Vilhjalmsson
MPML3D: A Reactive Framework for the Multimodal Presentation Markup Language / Michael Nischt ; Helmut Prendinger ; Elisabeth Andre ; Mitsuru Ishizuka
Generation of Nonverbal Behavior with Speech
Creativity Meets Automation: Combining Nonverbal Action Authoring with Rules and Machine Learning / Michael Kipp
Nonverbal Behavior Generator for Embodied Conversational Agents / Jina Lee
[HUGE]: Universal Architecture for Statistically Based HUman GEsturing / Karlo Smid ; Goranka Zoric ; Igor S. Pandzic
A Story About Gesticulation Expression / Celso de Melo ; Ana Paiva
IVAs in Serious Games
Introducing EVG: An Emotion Evoking Game / Ning Wang
Towards a Reactive Virtual Trainer / Zsofia Ruttkay ; Job Zwiers ; Herwin van Welbergen ; Dennis Reidsma
Making It Up as You Go Along - Improvising Stories for Pedagogical Purposes / Ruth Aylett ; Rui Figueiredo ; Sandy Louchart ; Joao Dias
Cognition and Emotion I
A Neurobiologically Inspired Model of Personality in an Intelligent Agent / Stephen J. Read ; Lynn C. Miller ; Brian Monroe ; Aaron Brownstein ; Wayne Zachary ; Jean-Christophe LeMentec ; Vassil Iordanov
Feeling Ambivalent: A Model of Mixed Emotions for Virtual Agents / Benny Ping-Han Lee ; Edward Chao-Chun Kao ; Von-Wun Soo
Are Computer-Generated Emotions and Moods Plausible to Humans? / Patrick Gebhard ; Kerstin H. Kipp
Creating Adaptive and Individual Personalities in Many Characters Without Hand-Crafting Behaviors / Jennifer Sandercock ; Lin Padgham ; Fabio Zambetta
Cognition and Emotion II
Thespian: Modeling Socially Normative Behavior in a Decision-Theoretic Framework / Mei Si ; David V. Pynadath
Autobiographic Knowledge for Believable Virtual Characters / Wan Ching Ho ; Scott Watson
Teachable Characters: User Studies, Design Principles, and Learning Performance / Andrea L. Thomaz ; Cynthia Breazeal
Applications of IVAs
FearNot's Appearance: Reflecting Children's Expectations and Perspectives / Lynne Hall ; Marco Vala ; Marc Hall ; Marc Webster ; Sarah Woods ; Adrian Gordon
Populating Reconstructed Archaeological Sites with Autonomous Virtual Humans / Wei Shao ; Demetri Terzopoulos
Evaluating the Tangible Interface and Virtual Characters in the Interactive Cohibit Exhibit / Alassane Ndiaye
Invited Talks
Rule Systems and Video Games / Rod Humble
Facade: Architecture and Authorial Idioms for Believable Agents in Interactive Drama / Michael Mateas ; Andrew Stern
Social Effects of Emotion: Two Modes of Relation Alignment / Brian Parkinson
Computer Model of Emotional Agents / Dilyana Budakova ; Lyudmil Dakovski
Affective Robots as Mediators in Smart Environments / Gianni Cozzolongo ; Berardina De Carolis
Expression of Emotion in Body and Face / Elizabeth A. Crane ; M. Melissa Gross ; Barbara L. Fredrickson
Towards Primate-Like Synthetic Sociability / Pablo Lucas dos Anjos
Here Be Dragons: Integrating Agent Behaviors with Procedural Emergent Landscapes and Structures / Todd Furmanski
Virtual Pedagogical Agents: Naturalism vs. Stylization / Agneta Gulz ; Magnus Haake
The Role of Social Norm in User-Engagement and Appreciation of the Web Interface Agent Bonzi Buddy / Johan F. Room
Countering Adversarial Strategies in Multi-agent Virtual Scenarios / Yu-Cheng Hsu ; Paul Hsueh-Min Chang
Avatar's Gaze Control to Facilitate Conversational Turn-Taking in Virtual-Space Multi-user Voice Chat System / Ryo Ishii ; Toshimitsu Miyajima ; Kinya Fujita ; Yukiko Nakano
The Role of Discourse Structure and Response Time in Multimodal Communication / Patrick Jeuniaux ; Xiangen Hu
The PAC Cognitive Architecture / Andrew Rosoff ; James Eilbert
Control of Avatar's Facial Expression Using Fundamental Frequency in Multi-user Voice Chat System
Modeling Cognition with a Human Memory Inspired Advanced Neural Controller / David Panzoli ; Herve Luga ; Yves Duthen
Storytelling - The Difference Between Fantasy and Reality / Guilherme Raimundo ; Joao Cabral ; Celso Melo ; Luis C. Oliveira
A Plug-and-Play Framework for Theories of Social Group Dynamics / Matthias Rehm ; Birgit Endrass
Learning Classifier Systems and Behavioural Animation of Virtual Characters / Stephane Sanchez
Using Intelligent Agents to Facilitate Game Based Cultural Familiarization Training / Thomas Santarelli ; Charles Barba ; Floyd A. Glenn ; Daphne Bogert
Mind the Body: Filling the Gap Between Minds and Bodies in Synthetic Characters
CAB: A Tool for Interoperation Among Cognitive Architectures
Author Index
Social Impact of IVAs
Why Fat Interface Characters Are Better e-Health Advisors / Henriette C. van Vugt ; Elly A. Konijn ; Johan F. Hoorn ; Jolanda Veldhuis
Virtual Rapport / Jonathan Gratch ; Anna Okhmatovskaia ; Francois Lamothe ; Stacy C. Marsella ; Mathieu Morales ; Rick J. van der Werf ; Louis-Philippe Morency


Maarten Steen, Michi Henning, Takeo Kanade, Maarten van Steen, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
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Oscar Nierstrasz, David Harel, Takeo Kanade, Oscar Marius Nierstrasz, Gianna Reggio, Jon Whittle, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
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目次情報: 続きを見る
A Software Modeling Odyssey: Designing Evolutionary Architecture-Centric Real-Time Systems and Product Lines / Hassan GomaaKeynote 1:
Evaluating UML
Uses and Abuses of the Stereotype Mechanism in UML 1.x and 2.0 / Brian Henderson-Sellers ; Cesar Gonzalez-Perez
An Experimental Investigation of UML Modeling Conventions / Christian F.J. Lange ; Bart Du Bois ; Michel R.V. Chaudron ; Serge Demeyer
Improving the Definition of UML / Greg O'Keefe
MDA in Software Development
Adopting Model Driven Software Development in Industry - A Case Study at Two Companies / Miroslaw Staron
Use Case Driven Iterative Development: Hurdles and Solutions / Santiago Ceria ; Juan Jose Cukier
Model-Driven Development with SDL - Process, Tools, and Experiences / Thomas Kuhn ; Reinhard Gotzhein ; Christian Webel
Concrete Syntax
Model-Driven Analysis and Synthesis of Concrete Syntax / Pierre-Alain Muller ; Franck Fleurey ; Frederic Fondement ; Michel Hassenforder ; Rend Schneckenburger ; Sebastien Gerard ; Jean-Marc Jezequel
Correctly Defined Concrete Syntax for Visual Modeling Languages / Thomas Baar
Applying UML to Interaction and Coordination
Compositional MDA / Louis van Gool ; Teade Punter ; Marc Hamilton ; Remco van Engelen
CUP 2.0: High-Level Modeling of Context-Sensitive Interactive Applications / Jan Van den Bergh ; Karin Coninx
Domain Models Are NOT Aspect Free / Awais Rashid ; Ana Moreira
A Slice of MDE with AOP: Transforming High-Level Business Rules to Aspects / Maria Agustina Cibran ; Maja D'Hondt
Model Intergration
Package Merge in UML 2: Practice vs. Theory? / Alanna Zito ; Zinovy Diskin ; Juergen Dingel
Detecting and Resolving Model Inconsistencies Using Transformation Dependency Analysis / Tom Mens ; Ragnhild Van Der Straeten
Merging Models with the Epsilon Merging Language (EML) / Dimitrios S. Kolovos ; Richard F. Paige ; Fiona A.C. Polack
Formal Semantics of UML
Mappings, Maps and Tables: Towards Formal Semantics for Associations in UML2
Semantic Variations Among UML StateMachines / Ali Taleghani ; Joanne M. Atlee
Facilitating the Definition of General Constraints in UML / Dolors Costal ; Cristina Gomez ; Anna Queralt ; Ruth Raventos ; Ernest Teniente
Towards a MOF/QVT-Based Domain Architecture for Model Driven Security / Michael Hafner ; Muhammad Alam ; Ruth Breu
MDA-Based Re-engineering with Object-Z / Jorn Guy Suss ; Tim McComb ; Soon-Kyeong Kim ; Luke Wildman ; Geoffrey Watson
A Model Transformation Semantics and Analysis Methodology for SecureUML / Achim D. Brucker ; Jurgen Doser ; Burkhart Wolff
Model Transformation Tools and Implementation
Incremental Model Transformation for the Evolution of Model-Driven Systems / David Hearnden ; Michael Lawley ; Kerry Raymond
A Plugin-Based Language to Experiment with Model Transformation / Jesus Sanchez Cuadrado ; Jesus Garcia Molina
SiTra: Simple Transformations in Java / David H. Akehurst ; Behzad Bordbar ; Michael J. Evans ; W. Gareth J. Howells ; Klaus D. McDonald-Maier
Analyzing Dynamic Models
Analysis and Visualization of Behavioral Dependencies Among Distributed Objects Based on UML Models / Vahid Garousi ; Lionel C. Briand ; Yuan Labiche
Model Extraction Using Context Information / Lucio Mauro Duarte ; Jeff Kramer ; Sebastian Uchitel
Dynamic and Generic Manipulation of Models: From Introspection to Scripting / Christophe Tombelle ; Gilles Vanwormhoudt
Specifying Transformations
Model Transformation by Example / Daniel Varro
Graphical Definition of In-Place Transformations in the Eclipse Modeling Framework / Enrico Biermann ; Karsten Ehrig ; Christian Kohler ; Gunter Kuhns ; Gabriele Taentzer ; Eduard Weiss
Model Transformations? Transformation Models! / Jean Bezivin ; Fabian Buttner ; Martin Gogolla ; Frederic Jouault ; Ivan Kurtev ; Arne Lindow
A Mapping Language from Models to DI Diagrams / Marcus Alanen ; Torbjorn Lundkvist ; Ivan Porres
Basic Operations over Models Containing Subset and Union Properties
A Metamodeling Approach to Pattern Specification / Maged Elaasar ; Yvan Labiche
Immune System Computation and the Immunological Homunculus / Irun R. CohenKeynote 2:
Bridging Models
Building Abstractions in Class Models: Formal Concept Analysis in a Model-Driven Approach / Gabriela Arevalo ; Jean-Remi Falleri ; Marianne Huchard ; Clementine Nebut
Lifting Metamodels to Ontologies: A Step to the Semantic Integration of Modeling Languages / Gerti Kappel ; Elisabeth Kapsammer ; Horst Kargl ; Gerhard Kramler ; Thomas Reiter ; Werner Retschitzegger ; Wieland Schwinger ; Manuel Wimmer
Incremental Model Synchronization with Triple Graph Grammars / Holger Giese ; Robert Wagner
Risk, Trust and Dependability
Model-Driven Assessment of Use Cases for Dependable Systems / Sadaf Mustafiz ; Ximeng Sun ; Jorg Kienzle ; Hans Vangheluwe
A Graphical Approach to Risk Identification, Motivated by Empirical Investigations / Ida Hogganvik ; Ketil Stolen
Reusable MDA Components: A Testing-for-Trust Approach / Jean-Marie Mottu ; Benoit Baudry ; Yves Le Traon
Tool Environments
Using Smalltalk as a Reflective Executable Meta-language / Stephane Ducasse ; Tudor Girba
UML Model Interchange in Heterogeneous Tool Environments: An Analysis of Adoptions of XMI 2 / Bjorn Lundell ; Brian Lings ; Anna Persson ; Anders Mattsson
Applying Model Fragment Copy-Restore to Build an Open and Distributed MDA Environment / Prawee Sriplakich ; Xavier Blanc ; Marie-Pierre Gervais
An OCL-Based Technique for Specifying and Verifying Refinement-Oriented Transformations in MDE / Claudia Pons ; Diego Garcia
An OCL Semantics Specified with QVT / Slavisa Markovic
Specification of Invariability in OCL / Piotr Kosiuczenko
Roundtrip Engineering
Framework-Specific Modeling Languages with Round-Trip Engineering / Michal Antkiewicz ; Krzysztof Czarnecki
A Visualization Framework for the Modeling and Formal Analysis of High Assurance Systems / Heather Goldsby ; Betty H. C. Cheng ; Sascha Konrad ; Stephane Kamdoum
Layered Class Diagrams: Supporting the Design Process / Scott Hendrickson ; Bryan Jett ; Andre van der Hoek
Real Time and Embedded Systems
Using UML Activities for System-on-Chip Design and Synthesis / Tim Schattkowsky ; Jan Hendrik Hausmann ; Gregor Engels
Modeling and Early Performance Estimation for Network Processor Applications / Antonia Bertolino ; Alvise Bonivento ; Guglielmo De Angelis ; Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
A Formal Semantics of UML-RT / Michael von der Beeck
Workshops, Tutorials and Panels
Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2006 / Thomas Kuhne
Tutorials at MoDELS 2006 / Egidio Astesiano
Panels at MoDELS 2006 / Douglas C. Schmidt
Author Index
A Software Modeling Odyssey: Designing Evolutionary Architecture-Centric Real-Time Systems and Product Lines / Hassan GomaaKeynote 1:
Evaluating UML
Uses and Abuses of the Stereotype Mechanism in UML 1.x and 2.0 / Brian Henderson-Sellers ; Cesar Gonzalez-Perez


Lu?s Miguel Pinho, Michael Gonzaalez Harbour, Michael Gonz?lez Harbour, Takeo Kanade, Luais Miguel Pinho, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
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Alexander Keller, Takeo Kanade, Jean-Philippe Martin-Flatin, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
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Paul Dourish, Adrian Friday, Adrian John Friday, Takeo Kanade, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
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Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.; ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation., Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , IEEE, 2006
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Barbara Horner-Miller, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , ACM, 2006
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Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.; ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence., Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , IEEE, 2006
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Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.; ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence., Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , IEEE, 2006
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