Computer Simulation of Classical Immunology |
Did Germinal Centers Evolve Under Differential Effects of Diversity vs Affinity? / Jose Faro ; Jaime Combadao ; Isabel Gordo |
Modelling the Control of an Immune Response Through Cytokine Signalling / Thiago Guzella ; Tomaz Mota-Santos ; Joaquim Uchoa ; Walmir Caminhas |
Modeling Influenza Viral Dynamics in Tissue / Catherine Beauchemin ; Stephanie Forrest ; Frederick T. Koster |
Cellular Frustration: A New Conceptual Framework for Understanding Cell-Mediated Immune Responses / F. Vistulo de Abreu ; E.N.M. Nolte-'Hoen ; C.R. Almeida ; D.M. Davis |
The Swarming Body: Simulating the Decentralized Defenses of Immunity / Christian Jacob ; Scott Steil ; Karel Bergmann |
Computer Simulation of Idiotypic Network |
Analysis of a Growth Model for Idiotypic Networks / Emma Hart |
Randomly Evolving Idiotypic Networks: Analysis of Building Principles / Holger Schmidtchen ; Ulrich Behn |
The Idiotypic Network with Binary Patterns Matching / Krzysztof Trojanowski ; Marcin Sasin |
Tolerance vs Intolerance: How Affinity Defines Topology in an Idiotypic Network / Hugues Bersini ; Francisco Santos |
ImmunoInformatics Conceptual Papers |
On Permutation Masks in Hamming Negative Selection / Thomas Stibor ; Jonathan Timmis ; Claudia Eckert |
Gene Libraries: Coverage, Efficiency and Diversity / Steve Cayzer ; Jim Smith |
Immune System Modeling: The OO Way |
A Computational Model of Degeneracy in a Lymph Node / Paul S. Andrews ; Jon Timmis |
Structural Properties of Shape-Spaces / Werner Dilger |
Pattern Recognition Type of Application |
Integrating Innate and Adaptive Immunity for Intrusion Detection / Gianni Tedesco ; Jamie Twycross ; Uwe Aickelin |
A Comparative Study on Self-tolerant Strategies for Hardware Immune Systems / Xin Wang ; Wenjian Luo ; Xufa Wang |
On the Use of Hyperspheres in Artificial Immune Systems as Antibody Recognition Regions |
A Heuristic Detector Generation Algorithm for Negative Selection Algorithm with Hamming Distance Partial Matching Rule / Zeming Zhang |
A Novel Approach to Resource Allocation Mechanism in Artificial Immune Recognition System: Fuzzy Resource Allocation Mechanism and Application to Diagnosis of Atherosclerosis Disease / Kemal Polat ; Sadik Kara ; Fatma Latifoglu ; Salih Gunes |
Recognition of Handwritten Indie Script Using Clonal Selection Algorithm / Utpal Garain ; Mangal P. Chakraborty ; Dipankar Dasgupta |
Optimization Type of Application |
Diophantine Benchmarks for the B-Cell Algorithm / P. Bull ; A. Knowles ; G. Tedesco ; A. Hone |
A Population Adaptive Based Immune Algorithm for Solving Multi-objective Optimization Problems / Jun Chen ; Mahdi Mahfouf |
Omni-aiNet: An Immune-Inspired Approach for Omni Optimization / Guilherme P. Coelho ; Fernando J. Von Zuben |
Immune Procedure for Optimal Scheduling of Complex Energy Systems / Enrico Carpaneto ; Claudio Cavallero ; Fabio Freschi ; Maurizio Repetto |
Aligning Multiple Protein Sequences by Hybrid Clonal Selection Algorithm with Insert-Remove-Gaps and BlockShuffling Operators / V. Cutello ; D. Lee ; G. Nicosia ; M. Pavone ; I. Prizzi |
Control and Time-Series Type of Application |
Controlling the Heating System of an Intelligent Home with an Artificial Immune System / Martin Lehmann |
Don't Touch Me, I'm Fine: Robot Autonomy Using an Artificial Innate Immune System / Mark Neal ; Jan Feyereisl ; Rosario Rascuna ; Xiaolei Wang |
Price Trackers Inspired by Immune Memory / William O. Wilson ; Phil Birkin |
Theoretical Basis of Novelty Detection in Time Series Using Negative Selection Algorithms / Rafal Pasek |
Danger Theory Inspired Application |
Danger Is Ubiquitous: Detecting Malicious Activities in Sensor Networks Using the Dendritic Cell Algorithm / Jungwon Kim ; Peter Bentley ; Christian Wallenta ; Mohamed Ahmed ; Stephen Hailes |
Articulation and Clarification of the Dendritic Cell Algorithm / Julie Greensmith |
Text Mining Application |
Immune-Inspired Adaptive Information Filtering / Nikolaos Nanas ; Anne de Roeck ; Victoria Uren |
An Immune Network for Contextual Text Data Clustering / Krzysztof Ciesielski ; Slawomir T. Wierzchon ; Mieczyslaw A. Klopotek |
An Immunological Filter for Spam / George B. Bezerra ; Tiago V. Barra ; Hamilton M. Ferreira ; Helder Knidel ; Leandro Nunes de Castro |
Author Index |
Computer Simulation of Classical Immunology |
Did Germinal Centers Evolve Under Differential Effects of Diversity vs Affinity? / Jose Faro ; Jaime Combadao ; Isabel Gordo |
Modelling the Control of an Immune Response Through Cytokine Signalling / Thiago Guzella ; Tomaz Mota-Santos ; Joaquim Uchoa ; Walmir Caminhas |