

R. Badii, A. Politi
出版情報: Cambridge University Press, 2009  1 online resource (xiii, 318 p.)
シリーズ名: Cambridge nonlinear science series ; 6
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Phenomenology and Models / Part I:
Introduction / 1:
Examples of complex behaviour / 2:
Mathematical models / 3:
Symbolic representations of physical systems / Part II:
Probability, ergodic theory, and information / 5:
Thermodynamic formalism / 6:
Formal Characterization of Complexity / Part III:
Physical and computational analysis of symbolic signals / 7:
Algorithmic and grammatical complexities / 8:
Hierarchical scaling complexities / 9:
Summary and perspectives / 10:
Phenomenology and Models / Part I:
Introduction / 1:
Examples of complex behaviour / 2:


Minoru Takahashi
出版情報: Cambridge University Press, 2009  1 online resource (xiii, 252 p.)
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Thermodynamics of Non-Interacting Systems and Ground States on Interacting Systems / Part I:
Free energy and correlation functions of XY models / 1:
Systems with delta-function potential / 2:
Isotropic Heisenberg model / 3:
XXZ model / 4:
XYZ and eight-vertex models / 5:
Hubbard model / 6:
Finite Temperature Integral Equations for Un-Nested Systems / Part II:
Repulsive delta-function bosons / 7:
Thermodynamics of the XXX chain / 8:
Thermodynamics of the XXZ model / 9:
Thermodynamics of the XYZ model / 10:
Low-temperature thermodynamics / 11:
Finite Temperature Integral Equations for Nested Systems / Part III:
S=1/2 fermions with repulsive potential in the continuum / 12:
S=1/2 fermions with an attractive potential / 13:
Thermodynamics of the Hubbard model / 14:
Quantum Transfer Matrix and Recent Developments / Part IV:
Transfer matrix and correlation length / 15:
The spin 1/2 XXZ model in a magnetic field / 16:
The XYZ model with no magnetic field / 17:
Recent developments and related topics / 18:
Thermodynamics of Non-Interacting Systems and Ground States on Interacting Systems / Part I:
Free energy and correlation functions of XY models / 1:
Systems with delta-function potential / 2: