

ウンベルト・エーコ [ほか著] ; 池上嘉彦, 唐須教光訳
出版情報: 東京 : 岩波書店, 1987.5  vii, 298p, 図版[2]p ; 19cm
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喜劇的「自由」のフレーム / ウンベルト・エーコ著
二項対立の反転としてのカーニバルの記号論的考察 / V. V. イワーノフ著 ; R. リーダー, J. ロスティンスキー共訳
カーニバルのコードとメッセージ : エスコラ・デ・サンバの場合 / モニカ・レクトール著
喜劇的「自由」のフレーム / ウンベルト・エーコ著
二項対立の反転としてのカーニバルの記号論的考察 / V. V. イワーノフ著 ; R. リーダー, J. ロスティンスキー共訳
カーニバルのコードとメッセージ : エスコラ・デ・サンバの場合 / モニカ・レクトール著


ウンベルト・エーコ作 ; 堤康徳訳
出版情報: 東京 : 岩波書店, 2017.4  2冊 ; 15cm
シリーズ名: 岩波文庫 ; 赤(32)-718-2, 赤(32)-718-3
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概要: 時は中世、十字軍の時代—。神聖ローマ皇帝フリードリヒ・バルバロッサに気に入られて養子となった農民の子バウドリーノが語りだす数奇な生涯とは...。言語の才に恵まれ、語る嘘がことごとく真実となってしまうバウドリーノの、西洋と東洋をまたにかけた大 冒険がはじまる。<br />今こそ聖杯グラダーレを返還するため司祭ヨハネの王国への道を切り開くのだ!—皇帝ひきいる軍勢とともにバウドリーノは、いよいよ東方への旅に乗りだすが、待ち受けていたのは思いもかけない運命だった。史実・伝説・ファンタジーを織りまぜて描きだす破天荒なピカレスク・ロマン。 続きを見る


ウンベルト・エーコ著 ; 上村忠男, 廣石正和訳
出版情報: 東京 : 平凡社, 1995.1  531p ; 20cm
シリーズ名: 叢書ヨーロッパ
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ウンベルト・エーコ著 ; 藤村昌昭訳
出版情報: 東京 : 文藝春秋, 1993.3  2冊 ; 20cm
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ウンベルト・エコ著 ; 谷口勇訳
出版情報: 東京 : 而立書房, 1991.2  xv, 274p ; 20cm
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ウンベルト・エコ [ほか] 著 ; 谷口伊兵衛編訳
出版情報: 東京 : 而立書房, 1999.3  318p ; 20cm
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ウンベルト・エーコ [著] ; 和田忠彦訳
出版情報: 東京 : 新潮社, 2000.9  215p ; 16cm
シリーズ名: 新潮文庫 ; エ-6-1
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ウンベルト・エーコ著 ; 藤村昌昭訳
出版情報: 東京 : 文藝春秋, 1999.6  541p ; 20cm
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Umberto Eco
出版情報: Paris : J.C. Bailly, c1990  48, 12 p., [12] leaves of plates ; 22 cm
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Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver
出版情報: San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1989  641 p. ; 24 cm
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目次情報: 続きを見る
When the light of the infinite / 1.:
Wee haue divers curious Clocks / 2.:
In hanc utilitatem clementes angeli / 3.:
He who attempts to penetrate into the Rose Garden / 4.:
And begin by combining this name / 5.:
Juda Leon se dio a permutaciones / 6.:
Do not expect too much of the end of the world / 7.:
Having come from the light and from the gods / 8.:
In his right hand he held a golden trumpet / 9.:
And finally nothing is cabalistically inferred / 10.:
His sterility was infinite / 11.:
Sub umbra alarum tuarum / 12.:
Li frere, li mestre du Temple / 13.:
He, if asked, would also confess to killing Our Lord / 14.:
I will go and fetch you help from the Comte D'Anjou / 15.:
He had been in the order only nine months / 16.:
And thus did the knights of the Temple vanish / 17.:
A mass terrifyingly riddled with fissures and caverns / 18.:
The order has never ceased to exist, not for a moment / 19.:
Invisible center, the sovereign who must reawaken / 20.:
The Graal ... is a weight so heavy / 21.:
The knights wanted to face no further questions / 22.:
The analogy of opposites / 23.:
Sauvez la faible Aischa / 24.:
These mysterious initiates / 25.:
All the traditions of the earth / 26.:
One day, saying that he had known Pontius Pilate / 27.:
There is a body that enfolds the whole of the world / 28.:
Simply because they change and hide their names / 29.:
And the famous confraternity of the Rosy Cross / 30.:
The majority were in reality only Rosicrucians / 31.:
Valentiniani per ambiguitates bilingues / 32.:
The visions are white, blue, white, pale red / 33.:
Beydelus, Demeyes, Adulex / 34.:
I' mi son Lia / 35.:
Yet one caution let me give / 36.:
Whoever reflects on four things / 37.:
Prince of Babylon, Knight of the Black Cross / 38.:
Doctor of the Planispheres, Hermetic Philosopher / 39.:
Cowards die many times before their deaths / 40.:
Daath is situated at the point where the abyss / 41.:
We are all in agreement, whatever we say / 42.:
People who meet on the street / 43.:
Invoke the forces / 44.:
And from this springs the extraordinary question / 45.:
You will approach the frog several times / 46.:
The sense alert and the memory clear / 47.:
The volume of the Great Pyramid in cubic inches / 48.:
A spiritual knighthood of initiates / 49.:
For I am the first and the last / 50.:
When therefore a Great Cabalist / 51.:
A colossal chessboard that extends beneath the earth / 52.:
Unable to control destinies on earth openly / 53.:
The prince of darkness / 54.:
I call a theatre / 55.:
He began playing his shining trumpet / 56.:
On every third tree a lantern / 57.:
Alchemy, however, is a chaste prostitute / 58.:
And if such monsters are generated / 59.:
Poor idiot! / 60.:
The Golden Fleece is guarded / 61.:
We consider societies druidic if / 62.:
What does the fish remind you of? / 63.:
To dream of living in an unknown city / 64.:
The frame was twenty foot square / 65.:
If our hypothesis is correct / 66.:
Da Rosa, nada digamos agora / 67.:
Let your garments be white / 68.:
Elles deviennent le Diable / 69.:
Let us remember the secret references / 70.:
We do not even know with certainty / 71.:
Nos inuisibles pretendus / 72.:
Another curious case / 73.:
Though his will be good / 74.:
The initiates are at the edge of that path / 75.:
Dilletantism / 76.:
This herb is called Devilbane / 77.:
Surely this monstrous hybrid / 78.:
He opened his coffer / 79.:
When White arrives / 80.:
They could explode the whole surface of our planet / 81.:
The earth is a magnetic body / 82.:
A map is not the territory / 83.:
Following the plans of Verulam / 84.:
Phileas Fogg. A name that is also a signature / 85.:
It was to them that Eiffel turned / 86.:
It is a remarkable coincidence / 87.:
Templarism is Jesuitism / 88.:
In the bosom of the deepest darkness / 89.:
All the outrages attributed to the Templars / 90.:
How well you have unmasked those infernal sects / 91.:
With all the power and terror of Satan / 92.:
Whereas we stay in the wings / 93.:
En avoit-il le moindre soupcon? / 94.:
Namely the Jewish Cabalists / 95.:
A cover is always necessary / 96.:
I am that I am / 97.:
Its racist gnosis, its rites and initiations / 98.:
Guenonism plus armored divisions / 99.:
I declare the earth is hollow / 100.:
Qui operatur in Cabala / 101.:
A very thick and high wall / 102.:
Your secret name shall have 36 letters / 103.:
These texts are not addressed to common mortals / 104.:
Delirat lingua, labat mens / 105.:
List No. 5 / 106.:
Dost thou see you black dog? / 107.:
Are there several Powers at work? / 108.:
Saint-Germain ... very polished and witty / 109.:
They mistook the movements and walked backward / 110.:
C'est une lecon par la suite / 111.:
Four our Ordinances and Rites / 112.:
Our cause is a secret / 113.:
The ideal pendulum / 114.:
If the eye could see the demons / 115.:
Je voudrais etre la tour / 116.:
Madness has an enormous pavilion / 117.:
The conspiracy theory of society / 118.:
The garland of the trumpet was set afire / 119.:
They hold for certain that they are in the light / 120.:
When the light of the infinite / 1.:
Wee haue divers curious Clocks / 2.: