

edited by Hartmut Schmeck, Theo Ungerer, Lars Wolf
出版情報:   XIV, 294 p.
シリーズ名: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 2299
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Invited Program
Keynote Communicating Cars: A Case for Ubiquitous Computing in the Automotive Domain / Ralf Guido Herrtwich
Keynote Microprocessor Architectures for the Mobile Internet Era / Marc Fleischmann
Context-Aware Systems / I:
An Architecture for the Integration of Physical and Informational Spaces / Scott M. Thayer ; Peter Steenkiste
A Context System for a Mobile Service Platform / Fritz Hohl ; Lars Mehrmann ; Amen Hamdan
Detecting Context in Distributed Sensor Networks by Using Smart Context-Aware Packets / Florian Michahelles ; Michael Samulowitz ; Bernt Schiele
System Aspects / II:
A Ubiquitous Control Architecture for Low Power Systems / James ôWezö Weatherall ; Duncan Grisby
Software Architecture-Based Adaptation for Pervasive Systems / Shang-Wen Cheng ; David Garlan ; Bradley Schmerl ; Joao Pedro Sousa ; Bridget Spitznagel ; Ningning Hu
KECho - Event Communication for Distributed Kernel Services / Christian Poellabauer ; Karsten Schwan ; Greg Eisenhauer ; Jiantao Kong
Networking 1 / III:
A Fine-Grained Addressing Concept for GeoCast / Peter Coschurba ; Kurt Rothermel ; Frank Durr
Data Paths in Wearable Communication Networks / Christian Decker ; Michael Beigl
Location and Network Quality Issues in Local Area Wireless Networks / Georgi Tonev ; Vaidy Sunderam ; Roger Loader ; James Pascoe
Processor Architecture / IV:
Design Tradeoffs for Embedded Network Processors / Tilman Wolf ; Mark A. Franklin
Reconfigurable RISC - A New Approach for Space-Efficient Superscalar Microprocessor Architecture / Sascha Wennekers ; Christian Siemers
Cached Two-Level Adaptive Branch Predictors with Multiple Stages / Colin Egan ; Gordon Steven ; Lucian Vintan
Middleware and Verification / V:
On the Combination of Assertions and Virtual Prototyping for the Design of Safety-Critical Systems / Tim Oodes ; Holger Krisp ; Christian Muller-Schloer
Ubiquitous Access to Wide-Area High-Performance Computing / Frank Burchert ; Stephan Gatzka ; Christian Hochberger ; Chang-Kun Lee ; Ulrike Lucke ; Djamshid Tavangarian
Filter Similarities in Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems / Gero Muhl ; Ludger Fiege ; Alejandro Buchmann
Networking 2 / VI:
A Bluetooth Remote Control System / Fridtjof Feldbusch ; Alexander Paar ; Manuel Odendahl ; Ivan Ivanov
Rendezvous Layer Protocols for Bluetooth-Enabled Smart Devices / Frank Siegemund ; Michael Rohs
A Robust Header Compression Simulator & Visualizer / Xiaoyuan Gu ; Hannes Hartenstein ; Stefan Fischer
Author Index
Invited Program
Keynote Communicating Cars: A Case for Ubiquitous Computing in the Automotive Domain / Ralf Guido Herrtwich
Keynote Microprocessor Architectures for the Mobile Internet Era / Marc Fleischmann


edited by Christian Müller-Schloer, Theo Ungerer, Bernhard Bauer
出版情報:   XI, 329 p.
シリーズ名: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 2981
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