

Philipp; Yahyapour, Ramin; Ziegler, Wolfgang Wieder, Philipp Wieder, Ramin Yahyapour, Wolfgang Ziegler
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer US, 2010
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Contributing Authors
Monitoring Service Level Agreements in Grids with support of a Grid Benchmarking Service / Ely de Oliveira ; Franz-Josef Pfreundt
Reactive Monitoring of Service Level Agreements / Dalia Khader ; Julian Padget ; Martijn Warnier
Lessons Learned from Implementing WS-Agreement / Dominic Battré ; Matthias Hovestadt ; Oliver Wäldrich
SLA-aware Resource Management / Yih Leong Sun ; Ron Perrott ; Terence J Harmer ; Christina Cunningham ; Peter Wright ; John Kennedy ; Andy Edmonds ; Victor Bayon ; Jacek Maza ; Gregor Berginc ; Primoz Hadalin
Distributed Trust Management for Validating SLA Choreographies / Irfan Ul Haq ; Rehab Alnemr ; Adrian Paschke ; Erich Schikuta ; Harold Boley ; Christoph Meinel
Evaluation of Service Level Agreement Approaches for Portfolio Management in the Financial Industry / Tobias Pontz ; Manfred Grauer ; Roland Kuebert ; Axel Tenschert ; Bastian Koller
Expressing Intervals in Automated Service Negotiation / Kassidy P. Clark ; Sander van Splunter ; Frances M.T. Brazier
GreenIT Service Level Agreements / Gregor von Laszewski ; Lizhe Wang
Extending WS-Agreement with Multi-round Negotiation Capability / Angela Rumpl ; Wolfgang Ziegler
Enabling Open Cloud Markets Through WS-Agreement Extensions / Marcel Risch ; Jörn Altmann
Service Mediation and Negotiation Bootstrapping as First Achievements Towards Self-adaptable Cloud Services / Ivona Brandic ; Dejan Music ; Schahram Dustdar
SLA Negotiation for VO Formation / Shamimabi Paurobally
From Service Markets to Service Economies - An infrastructure for protocolgeneric SLA negotiations / Sebastian Hudert
Service Level Agreements in BREIN / Henar Munoz Frutos ; Giuseppe Laria
Negotiation and Monitoring of Service Level Agreements / Thomas B. Quillinan ; Omer Rana
Author Index
Contributing Authors


Sergei V. Chekanov
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer London, 2010
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Ernesto; Fox, Maria; Higham, Desmond J.; Oppo, Gian-Luca Estrada, Ernesto Estrada, Maria Fox, Gian-Luca Oppo
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer London, 2010
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Complex Networks: An Invitation / Ernesto Estrada ; Maria Fox ; Desmond J. Higham ; Gian-Luca Oppo1:
Resistance Distance, Information Centrality, Node Vulnerability and Vibrations in Complex Networks / Naomichi Hatano2:
From Topology to Phenotype in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks / Nataša Przulj3:
Networks and Models with Heterogeneous Population Structure in Epidemiology / R.R. Kao4:
NESSIE: Network Example Source Supporting Innovative Experimentation / Alan Taylor5:
Networks in Urban Design. Six Years of Research in Multiple Centrality Assessment / Sergio Porta ; Vito Latora ; Emanuele Strano6:
The Structure of Financial Networks / Stefano Battiston ; James B. Glattfelder ; Diego Garlaschelli ; Fabrizio Lillo ; Guido Caldarelli7:
A Hierarchy of Networks Spanning from Individual Organisms to Ecological Landscapes / Ferenc Jordán ; Gabriella Baranyi ; Federica Ciocchetta8:
Revealing Structure of Complex Biological Systems Using Bayesian Networks / V. Anne Smith9:
Dynamics and Statistics of Extreme Events / Holger Kantz10:
Dynamics of Networks of Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire Neurons / Antonio Politi ; Stefano Luccioli11:
Complex Networks: An Invitation / Ernesto Estrada ; Maria Fox ; Desmond J. Higham ; Gian-Luca Oppo1:
Resistance Distance, Information Centrality, Node Vulnerability and Vibrations in Complex Networks / Naomichi Hatano2:
From Topology to Phenotype in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks / Nataša Przulj3:


Natarajan; Boumerdassi, Selma; Chaki, Nabendu Meghanathan, Selma Boumerdassi, Nabendu Chaki, Natarajan Meghanathan, Dhinaharan Nagamalai
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
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Kai Rannenberg, Vijay Varadharajan, Christian Weber
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Kristian Beckman Award Awardee Keynote
The 5 Waves of Information Security - From Kristian Beckman to the Present / S.H. (Basie) von Solms
Security Management
A Business Continuity Management Simulator / William J. Caelli ; Lam-For Kwok ; Dennis Longley
Mining Business-Relevant RBAC States through Decomposition / Alessandro Colantonio ; Roberto Di Pietro ; Alberto Ocello ; Nino Vincenzo Verde
Group Dynamics in a Security Risk Management Team Context: A Teaching Case Study / Rostyslav Barabanov ; Stewart Kowalski
Security Management & Governance
Using Actor Network Theory to Understand Information Security Management / Karin Hedström ; Gurpreet Dhillon ; Fredrik Karlsson
Information Security Governance: When Compliance Becomes More Important than Security / Terence C.C. Tan ; Anthonie B. Ruighaver ; Atif Ahmad
Network Security & Authentication
Understanding Domain Registration Abuses / Scott E. Coull ; Andrew M. White ; Ting-Fang Yen ; Fabian Monrose ; Michael K. Reiter
Who on Earth Is "Mr. Cypher": Automated Friend Injection Attacks on Social Networking Sites / Markus Huber ; Martin Mulazzani ; Edgar Weippl
Authentic Refinement of Semantically Enhanced Policies in Pervasive Systems / Julian Schütte ; Nicolai Kuntze ; Andreas Fuchs ; Atta Badii
Qualified Mobile Server Signature / Clemens Orthacker ; Martin Centner ; Christian Kittl
Intrusion Detection, Trust Management, and Models
Fraud Detection in ERP Systems Using Scenario Matching / Asadul Khandoker Islam ; Malcom Corney ; George Mohay ; Andrew Clark ; Shane Bracher ; Tobias Raub ; Ulrich Flegel
Use of IP Addresses for High Rate Flooding Attack Detection / Ejaz Ahmed ; Alan Tickle ; Sajal Bhatia
Augmenting Reputation-Based Trust Metrics with Rumor-Like Dissemination of Reputation Information / Sascha Hauke ; Martin Pyka ; Markus Borschbach ; Dominik Heider
Ex-SDF; An Extended Service Dependency Framework for Intrusion Impact Assessment / Nizar Kheir ; Nora Cuppens-Boulahia ; Frédéric Cuppens ; Hervé Debar
Software Security and Assurance
A Dynamic and Ubiquitous Smart Card Security Assurance and Validation Mechanism / Raja Naeem Akram ; Konstantinos Markantonakis ; Keith Mayes
On-the-fly Inlining of Dynamic Security Monitors / Jonas Magazinius ; Alejandro Russo ; Andrei Sabelfeld
A Metric-Based Scheme for Evaluating Tamper Resistant Software Systems / Gideon Mylesc ; Hongxia Jin
Evaluation of the Offensive Approach in Information Security Education / Martin Mink ; Rainer Greifeneder
Research Methodologies in Information Security Research: The Road Ahead / Johan F. van Niekerk ; Rossouw von Solms
Access Control and Privacy
Purpose-Based Access Control Policies and Conflicting Analysis / Hua Wang ; Lili Sun ; Vijay Varadharajan
Delegation in Predicate Encryption Supporting Disjunctive Queries / Dongdong Sun ; Colin Boyd ; Juan Manuel González Nieto
Tagging Disclosures of Personal Data to Third Parties to Preserve Privacy / Sven Wohlgemuth ; Isao Echizen ; Noboru Sonehara ; Günter Müller
k-Shares: A Privacy Preserving Reputation Protocol for Decentralized Environments / Omar Hasan ; Lionel Brunie ; Elisa Bertino
Towards Fair Indictment for Data Collection with Self-Enforcing Privacy / Mark Stegelmann
How to Enhance Privacy and Identity Management for Mobile Communities: Approach and User Driven Concepts of the PICOS Project / Christian Kahl ; Katja Böttcher ; Markus Tschersich ; Stephan Heim ; Kai Rannenberg
Performance Analysis of Accumulator-Based Revocation Mechanisms / Jorn Lapon ; Markulf Kohlweiss ; Bart De Decker ; Vincent Naessens
IFIP Technical Committee 11 Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems / Leon Strous
Author Index
Kristian Beckman Award Awardee Keynote
The 5 Waves of Information Security - From Kristian Beckman to the Present / S.H. (Basie) von Solms
Security Management


Ana Pont, Guy Pujolle, S. V. Raghavan
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
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目次情報: 続きを見る
WCITD 2010
Preface / Ana Pont
Semantic Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks / Atslands Rego da Rocha ; Igor Leão dos Santos ; Luci Pirmez ; Flávia C. Delicato ; Danielo G. Gomes ; José Neuman de Souza
Wireless Mesh Networks for Infrastructure Deficient Areas / Laurie Butgereit ; Reinhardt A. Botha ; Roman Seibel ; Nils-Hendrik Klann ; Tim Waage ; Dieter Hogrefe
Establishing Low Cost Aquatic Monitoring Networks for Developing Countries / Jarrod Trevathan ; Ian Atkinson ; Wayne Read ; Ron Johnstone ; Nigel Bajema ; James McGeachin
Infrastructure and Business Model for Universal Broadband Access in Developing Regions: The Ceara State Digital Belt / Cid F. Gomes ; Fernando C. Gomes ; Marcial P. Fernandez
ICT Driven Knowledge Management in Developing Countries: A Case Study in a Chinese Organisation / Jin Tong ; Siraj A. Shaikh
Technical ICTD-A User Centered Lifecycle / Joerg Doerflinger ; Tom Gross
NF 2010
An Introduction to the Network of the Future / Guy Pujolle ; S. V. Raghavan
Future Internet Is by Ethernet / Marko Luoma ; Raimo Kantola ; Jukka Manner
On the Way to a Theory for Network Architectures / Thi-Mai-Trang Nguyen
Green Network Planning Model for Optical Backbones / Jose Gutierrez ; Tahir Riaz ; Michael Jensen ; Jens M. Pedersen ; Ole B. Madsen
Internet Sensor Grid: Experiences with Passive and Active Instruments / Peter Komisarczuk ; Ian Welch
Data-Driven MAC for Efficient Transmission of Spatially Correlated Data in WSNs / Nahdia Tabassum ; Guojun Lu
Leveraging Trusted Network Connect for Secure Connection of Mobile Devices to Corporate Networks / Kai-Oliver Detken ; Hervais Simo Fhom ; Richard Sethmann ; Günther Diederich
Open Flow and Xen-Based Virtual Network Migration / Pedro S. Pisa ; Natalia C. Fernandes ; Hugo E.T. Carvalho ; Marcelo D.D. Moreira ; Miguel Elias M. Campista ; Luís Henrique M.K. Costa ; Otto Carlos M.B. Duarte
Virtual Network Urbanization / Othmen Braham ; Ahmed Amamou
New Routing Paradigms for the Next Internet / Djame H. Sadok ; Luciana Pereira Oliveira ; Judith Kelner
End-to-End Performance Evaluation of Interconnected Optical Multi-ring Metropolitan Networks / Tülin Atmaca ; Tuan Dung Nguyen
A Relative Bandwidth Allocation Method Enabling Fast Convergence in XCP / Hanh Le Hieu ; Kenji Masui ; Katsuyoshi Iida
On the Interest of Introducing Randomness in Ad-Word Auctions / Patrick Maillé ; Bruno Tuffin
The Role and Future Challenges of Wireless Communication Networks for Cooperative Autonomous City Vehicles / Andrei Furda ; Laurent Bouraoui ; Michel Parent ; Ljubo Vlacic
Performance Analysis of User-Centric Network Selection and Network-Centric Resource Allocation Approaches in Wireless Networks / Sahin Albayrak ; Manzoor A. Khan ; Fikret Sivrikaya ; Ahmet C. Toker ; Cuong Troung
Author Index
WCITD 2010
Preface / Ana Pont
Semantic Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks / Atslands Rego da Rocha ; Igor Leão dos Santos ; Luci Pirmez ; Flávia C. Delicato ; Danielo G. Gomes ; José Neuman de Souza


Jacques Berleur, Magda David Hercheui, Lorenz M. Hilty
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Human Choice and Computers International Conference (HCC9) / Part 1:
What Kind of Information Society? Introduction to the HCC9 Conference Proceedings / Jacques Berleur ; Magda David Hercheui ; Lorenz M. Hilty
Ethics and ICT Governance / Section 1:
The Demographic Factors Affecting University Students' Intention to Pirate Software / Diane Whitehouse ; Philippe Goujon ; Catherine Flick ; Linda Spark
ICT Governance versus Community Empowerment: Grassroots Evidence from Bangladesh / Mizanur Rahman
Exploring Digital Divide in the Maldives / Mohamed Shareef ; Adegboyega Ojo ; Tomasz Janowski
Balancing Public and Private Interests in ICT Standardisation: The Case of AVS in China / Junbin Su ; Vladislav V. Fomin
The European VCD System: Facilitating Public Procurement through Criteria-to-Evidence Mapping / Ansgar Mondorf ; Maria A. Wimmer
Money Laundering and FATF Compliance by the International Community / Ali Alkaabi ; George Mohay ; Adrian McCullagh ; Nicholas Chantler
Ethical Governance for Emerging ICT: Opening Cognitive Framing and Achieving Reflexivity
Virtual Technologies and Social Shaping / Section 2:
Making a Good (Virtual) First Impression: The Use of Visuals in Online Impression Management and Creating Identity Performances / David Kreps ; Erika Pearson
Virtuality Improves the Well Being of Seniors through Increasing Social Interaction / Oliver K. Burmeister
The Tragedy of the Virtual Commons as Manifested in the Death of Blogs / John Lenarcic ; Pradipta Sarkar
How to Measure Public Opinion in the Networked Age: Working in a Googleocracy or a Googlearchy? / Sean J. Westwood
A Multidiscipline Approach to Governing Virtual Property Theft in Virtual Worlds / Nicholas C. Patterson ; Michael Hobbs
Surveillance and Privacy / Section 3:
Trends of Privacy and Surveillance in the Information Society (Extended Abstract) / Yola Georgiadou ; Simone Fischer-Hübner ; Klaus Brunnstein
Civil Society Must Publish Standards Documents / Roger Clarke
Citizen Surveillance of the State: A Mirror for eGovernment? / Jeroen Verplanke ; Javier Martinez ; Gianluca Miscione ; David Coleman ; Abdishakur Awil Hassan
Privacy Enhanced Fraud Resistant Road Pricing (Extended Abstract) / Jaap-Henk Hoepman ; George Huitema
Privacy in Distributed Commercial Applications / Nicolai Kuntze ; Carsten Rudolph
ICT and Sustainable Development / Section 4:
ICT and the Environment in Developing Countries: A Review of Opportunities and Developments / John W. Houghton
A Model and Selected Instances of Green and Sustainable Software / Markus Dick ; Stefan Naumann ; Norbert Kuhn
Managing Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Processes - Implementing Energy Performance in Production Information Technology Systems / Katharina Bunse ; Matthias Vodicka
A Reference Process to Design Information Systems for Sustainable Design Based on LCA, PSS, Social and Economic Aspects / Fabiana Soares Santana ; Claudio Barberato ; Antonio Mauro Saraiva
It Support for Sustainable Development in Organizations / Andreas Moeller ; Arno Rolf
Utilising the Internet to Improve Peasant Artisan Incomes: Evidence from Mexico / John Dobson ; Richard Duncombe ; Brian Nicholson
Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Conference (CIP 2010) / Part 2:
Society - Totally Dependent Upon ICT? Introduction to the CIP 2010 Conference Proceedings / William Caelli
C-SAW: Critical Information Infrastructure Protection through Simplification / Ian Ellefsen ; Sebastiaan von Solms
On Planning of FTTH Access Networks with and without Redundancy / M. Tahir Riaz ; Gustav H. Haraldsson ; Jose G. Lopaz ; Jens M. Pedersen ; Ole B. Madsen
A Distributed Denial of Service Testbed / Desmond Schmidt ; Suriadi Suriadi ; Alan Tickle ; Andrew Clark ; Ejaz Ahmed ; James Mackie
Discrete Event Simulation of Qos of a SCADA System Interconnecting a Power Grid and a Telco Network / Ester Ciancamerla ; Chiara Foglietta ; Davide Lefevre ; Michele Minichino ; Leonid Lev ; Yosi Shneck
Critical Infrastructure Protection Risk Modelling with Games Technology / Martin Masek ; Adrian Boeing ; William Bailey
Wireless Sensor Networks for the Protection of an Electrical Energy Distribution Infrastructure / António Grilo ; Augusto Casaca ; Mário Nunes ; Carlos Fortunato
Risk Modelling the Transition of SCADA System to IPv6 / Jason Smith ; Hasmukh Morarji
Author Index
Human Choice and Computers International Conference (HCC9) / Part 1:
What Kind of Information Society? Introduction to the HCC9 Conference Proceedings / Jacques Berleur ; Magda David Hercheui ; Lorenz M. Hilty
Ethics and ICT Governance / Section 1:


Peter Bernus, Guy Doumeingts, Mark Fox
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Architecting the Firm - Coherency and Consistency in Managing the Enterprise / Patrick Turner ; John Gøtze ; Peter Bernus
Defining Leadership as Process Reference Model: Translating Organizational Goals into Practice Using a Structured Leadership Approach / David Tuffley
Valuation of Procurement Flexibility in the Machinery and Equipment Industry Using the Real Option Approach / Alexander Kleinert ; Volker Stich
Business Capabilities Centric Enterprise Architecture / Thiago Barroero ; Gianmario Motta ; Giovanni Pignatelli
An Enterprise Architecture Approach towards Environmental Management / Ovidiu Noran
A Metamodel for Enterprise Architecture
Communication as a Crucial Element for Enterprise Architecture Management in Virtual Organization / Taivo Kangilaski
Semantic Harmonization for Seamless Networked Supply Chain Planning in the Future of Internet / Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves ; Joao Sarraipa ; Adolfo Steiger-Garcao
Learning Interoperability in Emerging Supply Networks / Georg Weichhart ; Matthias Neubauer ; Christian Stary
Research on Quality of Transaction Standards: The Maturity of a Research Topic / Erwin Folmer ; Wouter Berends ; Paul Oude Luttighuis ; Jos van Hillegersberg ; Rutger Lammers
Digital Business Ecosystem Tools as Interoperability Drivers / Miklós Herdon ; Mária Raffai ; Ádám Péntek ; Tünde Rózsa
XML in Enterprise Systems: Its Roles and Benefits / Jaroslav Pokorný
Software Interoperability Tools: Standardized Capability-Profiling Methodology ISO16100 / Michiko Matsuda ; Qian Wang
Value Added by Interoperable Information Systems in Spread Production Networks / Dirk Oedekoven ; Bojan Stah
Pragmatic Interoperability: A Systematic Review of Published Definitions / Camlon H. Asuncion ; Marten J. van Sinderen
Author Index
Architecting the Firm - Coherency and Consistency in Managing the Enterprise / Patrick Turner ; John Gøtze ; Peter Bernus
Defining Leadership as Process Reference Model: Translating Organizational Goals into Practice Using a Structured Leadership Approach / David Tuffley
Valuation of Procurement Flexibility in the Machinery and Equipment Industry Using the Real Option Approach / Alexander Kleinert ; Volker Stich


Borko Furht, Armando Escalante, Borivoje Furht, Borko Furht
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer US, 2010
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Damith C.; Sheng, Quan Z.; Zeadally, Sherali Ranasinghe, Damith C. Ranasinghe, Quan Z. Sheng, Sherali Zeadally
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Future of RFID / Part I:
The Next Generation of RFID Technology / Peter H. Cole ; Leigh H. Turner ; Zhonghao Hu ; Damith C. Ranasinghe
Breakthrough Towards the Internet of Things / Leonardo W. F. Chaves ; Zoltán Nochta
Threats to Networked RFID Systems / Aikaterini Mitrokotsa ; Michael Beye ; Pedro Peris-Lopez
Data Management / Part II:
Temporal and Location Based RFID Event Data Management and Processing / Fusheng Wang ; Peiya Liu
Event Management of RFID Data Streams: Fast Moving Consumer Goods Supply Chains / John P. T. Mo ; Xue Li
Semantic-Based RFID Data Management / Roberto De Virgilio ; Eugenio Di Sciascio ; Michele Ruta ; Floriano Scioscia ; Riccardo Torlone
RFID Data Cleaning for Shop Floor Applications / Holger Ziekow ; Lenka Ivantysynova ; Oliver Günter
Global Information Architectures and Systems / Part III:
Autonomous Control and the Internet of Things: Increasing Robustness, Scalability and Agility in Logistic Networks / Dieter Uckelmann ; M.-A. Isenberg ; M. Teucke ; H. Halfar ; B. Scholz-Reiter
A Design for Secure Discovery Services in the EPCglobal Architecture / José J. Cantero ; Miguel A. Guijarro ; Antonio Plaza ; Guillermo Arrebola ; Janie Baños
Evaluating Discovery Services Architectures in the Context of the Internet of Things / Elias Polytarchos ; Stelios Eliakis ; Dimitris Bochtis ; Katerina Pramatari
RFID-Enhanced Ubiquitous Knowledge Bases: Framework and Approach
RFID Middleware Systems: A Comparative Analysis / Nova Ahmed ; Umakishore Ramachandran
Innovative Applications / Part IV:
RFID in the Apparel Retail Industry: A Case Study from Galeria Kaufhof / Jasser Al-Kassab ; Philipp Blome ; Gerd Wolfram ; Frédéric Thiesse ; Elgar Fleisch
The Potential of RFID Technology in the Textile and Clothing Industry: Opportunities, Requirements and Challenges / Elena Legnani ; Sergio Cavalieri ; Roberto Pinto ; Stefano Dotti
A New Security Paradigm for Anti-Counterfeiting: Guidelines and an Implementation Roadmap / Mikko Lehtonen
Green Logistics Management / Yoon S. Chang ; Chang H. Oh
Object Oriented Business Process Modelling in RFID Applied Computing Environments / Xiaohui Zhao ; Chengfei Liu ; Tao Lin
Business and Investment / Part V:
Legal Regulation and Consumers: The RFID Industry's Perspective / Daniel Ronzani
Investment Evaluation of RFID Technology Applications: An Evolution Perspective / Andriana Dimakopoulou ; Angeliki Karagiannaki ; George Papadopoulos ; Antonis Paraskevopoulos
An Analysis of the Impact of RFID Technology on Inventory Systems / Yacine Rekik
Future of RFID / Part I:
The Next Generation of RFID Technology / Peter H. Cole ; Leigh H. Turner ; Zhonghao Hu ; Damith C. Ranasinghe
Breakthrough Towards the Internet of Things / Leonardo W. F. Chaves ; Zoltán Nochta