

Hugh Richard Slotten, editor in chief
出版情報: [Oxford] : Oxford University Press, 2015  1 online resource
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Richard N. Porter
出版情報: [Singapore] : World Scientific, [202-]  1 online resource (xv, 284 p.)
所蔵情報: loading…


Danny Weyns
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Introduction / 1:
Software Architecture and Middleware / 1.1:
Software Architecture / 1.1.1:
Middleware / 1.1.2:
Agent-Oriented Methodologies / 1.2:
Case Study / 1.3:
Overview of the Book / 1.4:
Overview of Architecture-Based Design of Multi-Agent Systems / 2:
General Overview of the Approach / 2.1:
Architectural Design in the Development Life Cycle / 2.1.1:
Steps of Architecture-Based Design of Multi-Agent Systems / 2.1.2:
Functional and Quality Attribute Requirements / 2.2:
Architectural Design / 2.3:
Architectural Patterns / 2.3.1:
ADD Process / 2.3.2:
Middleware Support for Multi-Agent Systems / 2.4:
Documenting Software Architecture / 2.5:
Architectural Views / 2.5.1:
Architectural Description Languages / 2.5.2:
Evaluating Software Architecture / 2.6:
From Software Architecture to Downstream Design and Implementation / 2.7:
Summary / 2.8:
Capturing Expertise in Multi-Agent System Engineering with Architectural Patterns / 3:
Situated Multi-Agent Systems / 3.1:
Single-Agent Systems / 3.1.1:
Multi-Agent Systems / 3.1.2:
Target Domain of the Pattern Language for Situated Multi-Agent Systems / 3.2:
Overview of the Pattern Language / 3.3:
Pattern Template / 3.4:
Virtual Environment / 3.5:
Primary Presentation / 3.5.1:
Architectural Elements / 3.5.2:
Interface Descriptions / 3.5.3:
Design Rationale / 3.5.4:
Situated Agent / 3.6:
Selective Perception / 3.6.1:
Roles and Situated Commitments / 3.7.1:
Free-Flow Trees Extended with Roles and Situated Commitments / 3.8.1:
Protocol-Based Communication / 3.9:
Architectural Design of Multi-Agent Systems / 3.9.1:
Designing and Documenting Multi-Agent System Architectures / 4.1:
Designing and Documenting Architecture in the Development Life Cycle / 4.1.1:
Inputs and Outputs of ADD / 4.1.2:
Overview of the ADD Activities / 4.1.3:
The Domain of Automated Transportation Systems / 4.2:
Business Case / 4.2.2:
System Requirements / 4.2.3:
General Overview of the Design / 4.3:
Challenges at the Outset / 4.3.1:
The System and Its Environment / 4.3.2:
Design Process / 4.3.3:
High-Level Design / 4.3.4:
Architecture Documentation / 4.4:
Introduction to the Architecture Documentation / 4.4.1:
Deployment View / 4.4.2:
Module Uses View / 4.4.3:
Collaborating Components View / 4.4.4:
Middleware for Distributed Multi-Agent Systems / 4.5:
Middleware Support for Distributed, Decentralized Coordination / 5.1:
Middleware in Distributed Software Systems / 5.1.1:
Middleware in Multi-Agent Systems / 5.1.2:
Scope of the Middleware and Requirements / 5.2:
Objectplaces / 5.2.2:
Views / 5.2.3:
Coordination Roles / 5.2.4:
Middleware Architecture / 5.3:
High-Level Module Decomposition / 5.3.1:
Group Formation / 5.3.2:
View Management / 5.3.3:
Role Activation / 5.3.4:
Collision Avoidance in the AGV Transportation System / 5.4:
Collision Avoidance / 5.4.1:
Collision Avoidance Protocol / 5.4.2:
Software Architecture: Communicating Processes for Collision Avoidance / 5.4.3:
Task Assignment / 5.5:
Schedule-Based Task Assignment / 6.1:
FiTA: Field-Based Task Assignment / 6.2:
Coordination Fields / 6.2.1:
Adaptive Task Assignment / 6.2.2:
Dealing With Local Minima / 6.2.3:
DynCNET Protocol / 6.3:
Monitoring the Area of Interest / 6.3.1:
Convergence / 6.3.3:
Synchronization Issues / 6.3.4:
Evaluation / 6.4:
Test Setting / 6.4.1:
Test Results / 6.4.2:
Tradeoff Analysis / 6.4.3:
Evaluation of Multi-Agent System Architectures / 6.5:
Evaluating Multi-Agent System Architectures with ATAM / 7.1:
Architecture Evaluation in the Development Life Cycle / 7.1.1:
Objectives of a Multi-Agent System Architecture Evaluation / 7.1.2:
Overview of the ATAM Activities / 7.1.3:
AGV Transportation System for a Tea Processing Warehouse / 7.2:
Evaluation Process / 7.2.2:
Quality Attribute Workshop / 7.2.3:
Analysis of Architectural Approaches / 7.2.4:
Reflection on ATAM for Evaluating a Multi-Agent System Architecture / 7.3:
ATAM Follow-Up and Demonstrator / 7.4:
Related Approaches / 7.5:
Architectural Approaches and Multi-Agent Systems / 8.1:
Architectural Styles / 8.1.1:
Reference Models and Architectures for Multi-Agent Systems / 8.1.2:
Middleware for Mobile Systems / 8.2:
Work Related to Views / 8.2.1:
Work Related to Coordination Roles / 8.2.2:
Scheduling and Routing of AGV Transportation Systems / 8.3:
AI and Robotics Approaches / 8.3.1:
Multi-Agent System Approaches / 8.3.2:
Conclusions / 9:
Reflection on Architecture-Based Design of Multi-Agent Systems / 9.1:
It Works! / 9.1.1:
Reflection on the Project with Egemin / 9.1.2:
Lessons Learned and Challenges / 9.2:
Dealing with Quality Attributes / 9.2.1:
Designing a Multi-Agent System Architecture / 9.2.2:
Integrating a Multi-Agent System with Its Software Environment / 9.2.3:
Impact of Adopting a Multi-Agent System / 9.2.4:
?-ADL Specification of the Architectural Patterns / A:
Language Constructs / A.1:
Virtual Environment Pattern / A.2:
Situated Agent Pattern / A.3:
Synchronization in the DynCNET Protocol / B:
Synchronization of Abort and Bound Messages / B.1:
Synchronization of Scope Dynamics / B.2:
Overview / C:
Invariant / C.2:
Maintaining the Invariant / C.3:
Introduction / 1:
Software Architecture and Middleware / 1.1:
Software Architecture / 1.1.1:


Katinka Wolter
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Introduction / Part I:
Basic Concepts and Problems / 1:
The Timeout Problem / 1.1:
System and Fault Models / 1.2:
Preventive Maintenance / 1.3:
Note on Terminology / 1.4:
Outline / 1.5:
Task Completion Time / 2:
Bounded Downtime / 2.1:
System Lifetime / 2.1.1:
Cumulative Uptime / 2.1.2:
Probability of Task Completion / 2.1.3:
Bounded Accumulated Downtime / 2.2:
system Lifetime / 2.2.1:
Bounded Number of Failures / 2.2.2:
Restart / 2.3.1:
Applicability Analysis of Restart / 3:
Applications of Restart / 3.1:
Randomised Algorithms / 3.1.1:
Optimal Restart Time for a Randomised Algorithm / 3.1.2:
Failure Detectors / 3.1.3:
Congestion Control in TCP / 3.1.4:
Criteria for Successful Restarts / 3.2:
When Does Restart Improve the Expected Completion Time? / 3.2.1:
When Does Restart Improve the Probability of Meeting a Deadline? / 3.2.2:
Conclusions / 3.3:
Moments of Completion Time Under Restart / 4:
The Information Captured by the Moments of a Distribution / 4.1:
Models for Moments of Completion Time / 4.2:
Unbounded Number of Restarts / 4.2.1:
Finite Number of Restarts / 4.2.2:
Optimal Restart Times for the Moments of Completion Time / 4.3:
Expected Completion Time / 4.3.1:
Optimal Restart Times for Higher Moments / 4.3.2:
Case Study: Optimising Expected Completion Time in Web Services Reliable Messaging / 4.4:
Metrics for the Fairness-Timeliness tradeoff / 4.4.1:
Oracles for Restart / 4.4.2:
Results / 4.4.3:
HTTP Transport / 4.5:
60 s Disruption / 4.5.1:
Packet Loss / 4.5.2:
Mail Transport / 4.5.3:
Meeting Deadlines Through Restart / 5:
A Model for the Probability of Meeting a Deadline Under Restart / 5.1:
Algorithms for Optimal Restart Times / 5.2:
An Engineering Rule to Approximate the Optimal Restart Time / 5.3:
Towards Online Restart for Self-Management of Systems / 5.4:
Estimating the Hazard Rate / 5.4.1:
Experiments / 5.4.2:
Software Rejuvenation / Part III:
Practical Aspects of Preventive Maintenance and Software Rejuvenation / 6:
Stochastic Models for Preventive Maintenance and Software Rejuvenation / 6.1:
A Markovian Software Rejuvenation Model / 7.1:
Aging in the Modelling of Software Rejuvenation / 7.2:
Behaviour in State A under Policy I / 7.2.1:
Behaviour in State A under Policy II / 7.2.2:
A Petri Net Model / 7.3:
A Non-Markovian Preventive Maintenance Model / 7.4:
Stochastic Processes for Shock and Inspection-Based Modelling / 7.5:
The Inspection Model with Alert Threshold Policy / 7.5.1:
The Shock Model with a Risk Policy / 7.5.2:
Inspection-Based Modelling using the Möbius Modelling Tool / 7.6:
Comparative Summary of the Stochastic Models / 7.7:
Further Reading / 7.8:
Checkpointing / Part IV:
Checkpointing Systems / 8:
Checkpointing Single-Unit Systems / 8.1:
Checkpointing in Distributed Systems / 8.2:
Stochastic Models for Checkpointing / 9:
Checkpointing at Program Level / 9.1:
Equidistant Checkpointing / 9.1.1:
Checkpointing Real-Time Tasks / 9.1.2:
Random Checkpointing Intervals / 9.1.3:
Algorithms for Optimum Checkpoint Selection / 9.1.4:
Checkpointing at System Level / 9.2:
Analytic Models for Checkpointing Transaction-Based Systems / 9.2.1:
Checkpointing Policies for Transaction-Based Systems / 9.2.2:
A Queueing Model for Checkpointing Transaction-Based Systems / 9.2.3:
A Trade-Off Metric for Optimal Checkpoint Selection / 9.3:
Summary / 9.4:
Summary, Conclusion and Outlook / 10:
Properties in Discrete Systems / A:
Cumulative First Moment / A.1:
The Gamma Function / A.2:
Important Probability Distributions / B:
Discrete Probability Distributions / B.1:
The Binomial Distribution / B.1.1:
The Multinomial Distribution / B.1.2:
The Geometric Distribution / B.1.3:
The Poisson Distribution / B.1.4:
Continuous Probability Distributions / B.2:
The Exponential Distribution / B.2.1:
The Erlang Distribution and the Hypo-exponential Distribution / B.2.2:
The Hyperexponential Distribution / B.2.3:
The Mixed Hyper/Hypo-exponential Distribution / B.2.4:
The Weibull Distribution / B.2.5:
The Lognormal Distribution / B.2.6:
Cumulative Hazard Rate / C:
Epanechnikov Kernel / C.2:
Bandwidth Estimation / C.3:
The Laplace and the Laplace-Stieltjes Transform / D:
Introduction / Part I:
Basic Concepts and Problems / 1:
The Timeout Problem / 1.1:


International Workshop on Parallel Tools for High Performance Computing, Matthias S. M?ller, Michael M. Resch
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
所蔵情報: loading…


Ulrich Gellert, Ana Daniela Cristea
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
What is Web Dynpro? / 1:
SAP Easy Access / 2:
Changing the SAP Easy Access / 2.1:
Favorites List / 2.2:
Setting a Transaction as Start Transaction / 2.3:
Creating a Shortcut / 2.4:
Designing a Web Dynpro Component / 3:
View / 3.1:
View Layout / 3.1.1:
Context View / 3.1.2:
Actions / 3.1.3:
Methods / 3.1.4:
Properties / 3.1.5:
Attributes / 3.1.6:
Componentcontroller / 3.2:
Window / 3.3:
Application / 3.4:
ABAP Debugger / 3.5:
Web Dynpro Logon Page Configuration / 3.6:
ABAP Dictionary / 4:
Data Element / 4.1:
Domain / 4.2:
Structure / 4.3:
Table / 4.4:
Search Help / 4.5:
Database View / 4.6:
Table Type / 4.7:
Lock Object / 4.8:
Context Nodes and Attributes at Design Time / 5:
Nodes / 5.1:
Creating a Node that Uses an ABAP Dictionary Repository Object / 5.2.1:
Working with Child Nodes / 5.2.2:
Data Binding, Context Mapping and Interface Methods / 6:
Data Binding / 6.1:
Context Mapping / 6.2:
Internal Context Mapping / 6.2.1:
External Context Mapping / 6.2.2:
Interface Methods / 6.3:
View Controller Methods / 7:
Hook Methods / 7.1:
wdDoInit / 7.1.1:
wdDoExit / 7.1.2:
wdDoModify View / 7.1.3:
wdDoBeforeAction / 7.1.4:
wdDoOnContextMenu / 7.1.5:
Supply Function Methods / 7.2:
User-Defined Instance Methods / 7.3:
Fire Methods / 7.4:
Event Handler Methods / 7.5:
Layout UI Elements / 8:
FlowLayout / 8.1:
GridLayout / 8.2:
MatrixLayout / 8.3:
RowLayout / 8.4:
User Interface Elements (UI elements), Static and Dynamic Programming / 9:
Action / 9.1:
Timed Trigger / 9.1.1:
ButtonChoice / 9.1.2:
Selection / 9.2:
DropDownByKey / 9.2.1:
DropDownByIndex / 9.2.2:
RadioButtonGroupByIndex / 9.2.3:
Layout / 9.3:
ViewContainerUIElement / 9.3.1:
TabStrip / 9.3.2:
PageHeader / 9.3.3:
ContextualPanel / 9.3.4:
Tray UI Element / 9.3.5:
MessageArea / 9.3.6:
Complex / 9.4:
RoadMap / 9.4.1:
PhaseIndicator / 9.4.3:
Tree-Sequential Implementation / 9.4.4:
DateNavigator / 9.4.5:
Graphic / 9.5:
Image / 9.5.1:
BusinessGraphics / 9.5.2:
Integration / 9.6:
The InteractiveForm / 9.6.1:
FileUpload / 9.6.2:
Messages, Exceptions and Web Dynpro ABAP / 10:
Message Handling / 10.1:
Dynamic Texts Stored in the Text Pool of the Assistance Class / 10.1.1:
Text from Database Table T100 / 10.1.2:
Exception Handling / 10.2:
Exception Class with OTR Text / 10.2.1:
Exception Class with Text from a Message Class / 10.2.2:
Writing Multilanguage Applications / 11:
Creating Multilanguage User Interfaces / 11.1:
Internationalization of Data Elements Defined in ABAP Dictionary / 11.1.1:
Internationalization of Domains Defined in ABAP Dictionary / 11.1.2:
Internationalization of Text from OTR / 11.1.3:
Internationalization of Text from Assistance Class / 11.1.4:
Internationalization of Messages / 11.1.5:
Multilanguage Records in the Database / 11.2:
Study an Example Created in the System / 11.2.1:
Creating Table Structures and Internationalization of the Records / 11.2.2:
Using the Internationalized Records in WebDynpro / 11.2.3:
Web Dynpro Model / 12:
Assistance Class as a Model for a Multicomponent Application / 12.1:
BAPI as a Model / 12.2:
Creating a BAPI / 12.2.1:
Using the Created BAPI as a Model / 12.2.2:
Web Service / 12.3:
Creating the Web Service / 12.3.1:
Web Service Configuration / 12.3.2:
Testing the Web Service / 12.3.3:
Consuming the Web Service in Web Dynpro / 12.3.4:
ALV and Select Options / 13:
SAP List Viewer / 13.1:
Simple ALV Example / 13.1.1:
ALV Configuration Model / 13.1.2:
Select Options / 13.2:
Integrating a Web Dynpro Application into the SAP NetWeaver Portal / 13.3:
Creating a Folder / 14.1:
Connecting to the Back-End ABAP System / 14.2:
Creating an iView / 14.3:
Creating a Role and Role Assignment / 14.4:
Running the Application into the Portal / 14.5:
Triggering a Portal Event / 14.6:
Reacting to a Portal Event / 14.7:
Creating a Page / 14.8:
Running the Application that Processes Portal Events / 14.9:
Web Dynpro and Authorization / 15:
Role Based Access Control Pattern - RBAC / 15.1:
Authorization Object Class / 15.2:
Authorization Object / 15.3:
Authorization Fields / 15.4:
Creating a Single Role and Changing its Authorization Data / 15.5:
Creating the Web Dynpro Component / 15.6:
Checking the Authorization of the Current User / 15.6.1:
Assigning the User-Role and Running the Application / 15.6.2:
Web Dynpro Mind Map / 16:
Creating a Mind Map / 16.1:
Web Dynpro ABAP Mind Map / 16.2:
What is Web Dynpro? / 1:
SAP Easy Access / 2:
Changing the SAP Easy Access / 2.1:


Darja ?mite, Darja #mite, Nils Brede Moe, Darja Smite
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
所蔵情報: loading…


Torgeir Dings?yr, Torgeir Dings?yr, Tore Dyb?, Tore Dyb?, Nils Brede Moe
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
所蔵情報: loading…


Norbert Pohlmann, Helmut Reimer, Wolfgang Schneider
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Vieweg+Teubner, 2010
所蔵情報: loading…


David Salomon
出版情報: Springer eBooks Computer Science , Springer London, 2010
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