

Eberhard Engel, Reiner M. Dreizler, Gyula O. H. Katona, Gábor Fejes Tóth, László Lovász
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Introduction / 1:
Foundations of Density Functional Theory: Existence Theorems / 2:
Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem / 2.1:
Degenerate Ground States / 2.2:
Variational Equation, Interacting v-Representability, Functional Differentiability / 2.3:
Fractional Particle Numbers, Derivative Discontinuity / 2.4:
Spin-Polarized Systems / 2.5:
Current Density Functional Theory / 2.6:
Excited States: Part 1 / 2.7:
Effective Single-Particle Equations / 3:
Kohn-Sham Equations / 3.1:
Noninteracting v-Representability / 3.2:
Degenerate Kohn-Sham Ground States / 3.3:
Janak's Theorem, Fractional Particle Numbers / 3.4:
Kohn-Sham Equations for Spin-Polarized Systems / 3.5:
Interpretation of Kohn-Sham Eigenvalues: Relation to Ionization Potential, Fermi Surface and Band Gap / 3.6:
Ionization Potential / 3.6.1:
Fermi Surface / 3.6.2:
Band Gap / 3.6.3:
Kohn-Sham Equations of Current Density Functional Theory / 3.7:
Exchange-Correlation Energy Functional / 4:
Definition of Exact Exchange within DFT / 4.1:
Variant (a): Kohn-Sham Perturbation Theory / 4.2:
Variant (b): Adiabatic Connection / 4.2.2:
Local Density Approximation (LDA) / 4.3:
Exchange / 4.3.1:
Correlation: High-Density Limit / 4.3.2:
Correlation: Low-Density Limit / 4.3.3:
Correlation: Interpolation Between High- and Low-Density Regime / 4.3.4:
Density Functional: Local Density Approximation (LDA) / 4.3.5:
Spin-Polarized Electron Gas: Local Spin-Density Approximation (LSDA) / 4.3.6:
Nonlocal Corrections to the LDA / 4.4:
Weakly Inhomogeneous Electron Gas / 4.4.1:
Complete Linear Response / 4.4.2:
Gradient Expansion / 4.4.3:
Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) / 4.5:
Momentum Space Variant / 4.5.1:
Real Space Variant / 4.5.2:
Combination of Momentum and Real Space Variants / 4.5.3:
Semi-Empirical Construction of GGAs / 4.5.4:
Merits and Limitations of GGAs / 4.5.5:
Weighted Density Approximation (WDA) / 1.4.6:
Self-Interaction Corrections (SIC) / 4.7:
Meta-GGA (MGGA) / 4.8:
LDA+U / 4.9:
Virial Theorems / 5:
Scaling Behavior of Energy Contributions / 5.1:
Conventional Virial Theorem / 5.2:
DFT Virial Theorem / 5.3:
Hellmann-Feynman Theorem / 5.4:
Orbital Functionals: Optimized Potential Method / 6:
Motivation / 6.1:
Atomic Negative Ions / 6.1.1:
Dispersion Forces / 6.1.2:
Strongly Correlated Systems / 6.1.3:
Third Generation of DFT / 6.1.4:
Derivation of OPM Integral Equation / 6.2:
Compact Notation / 6.2.1:
Direct Functional Derivative / 6.2.2:
Total Energy Minimization / 6.2.3:
Invariance of Density / 6.2.4:
Exact Relation's Based on OPM Integral Equation / 6.2.5:
Krieger-Li-Iafrate Approximation (KLI) / 6.2.6:
OPM in Case of Degeneracy / 6.2.7:
Exchange-Only Results / 6.3:
First-Principles Implicit Correlation Functionals / 6.4:
Kohn-Sham Perturbation Theory / 6.4.1:
Kohn-Sham-Based Random Phase Approximation / 6.4.2:
Interaction Strength Interpolation (ISI) / 6.4.3:
Model-Based Orbital-Dependent Exchange-Correlation Functionals / 6.5:
Self-Interaction Corrected LDA / 6.5.1:
Colle-Salvetti Functional / 6.5.2:
Meta-GGA / 6.5.3:
Global, Screened and Local Hybrid Functionals / 6.5.4:
Analysis of Orbital-Dependent Correlation Functionals / 6.6:
Dispersion Force / 6.6.1:
Correlation Energy / 6.6.2:
Correlation Potential / 6.6.3:
Orbital-Dependent Representation of 2-Particle Density / 6.7:
Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory / 7:
Runge-Gross Theorem / 7.1:
Time-Dependent Kohn-Sham Equations / 7.2:
Exchange-Correlation Action: Adiabatic Local Density Approximation and Beyond / 7.3:
Time-Dependent Linear Response / 7.4:
Spin-Polarized Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory / 7.5:
Excited States: Part II / 7.6:
Relativistic Density Functional Theory / 8:
Notation / 8.1:
Field Theoretical Background / 8.2:
Existence Theorem / 8.3:
Relativistic Kohn-Sham Equations / 8.4:
Towards a Workable RDFT Scheme: No-pair Approximation / 8.5:
No-pair RDFT / 8.6:
Variants of RDFT / 8.7:
Relativistic Exchange-Correlation Functional: Concepts and Illustrative Results / 8.8:
Relativistic Implicit Functionals: Optimized Potential Method / 8.8.1:
Relativistic Local Density Approximation / 8.8.2:
Relativistic Generalized Gradient Approximation / 8.8.4:
Further Reading / 8.8.5:
Functionals and the Functional Derivative / A:
Definition of the Functional / A.1:
Functional Derivative / A.2:
Calculational Rules / A.3:
Variational Principle / A.4:
Second Quantization in Many-Body Theory / B:
N-Particle Hilbert Space / B.1:
Realization in First Quantized Form / B.1.1:
Formal Representation / B.1.2:
Fock Space / B.2:
Creation and Annihilation Operators / B.2.1:
1-Particle Operators / B.2.2:
2-Particle Operators / B.2.3:
Scaling Behavior of Many-Body Methods / C:
Explicit Density Functionals for the Kinetic Energy: Thomas-Fermi Models and Beyond / D:
Asymptotic Behavior of Quasi-Particle Amplitudes / E:
Quantization of Noninteracting Fermions in Relativistic Quantum Field Theory / F:
Renormalization Scheme of Vacuum QED / G:
Relativistic Homogeneous Electron Gas / H:
Basic Propagators / H.1:
Response Functions / H.2:
Ground State Energy / H.3:
Ground State Four Current / H.4:
Renormalization of Inhomogeneous Electron Gas / I:
Gradient Corrections to the Relativistic LDA / J:
Gordon Decomposition / K:
Some Useful Formulae / L:
Introduction / 1:
Foundations of Density Functional Theory: Existence Theorems / 2:
Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem / 2.1:


Cécile DeWitt-Morette, Bryce Seligman DeWitt, Cécile DeWitt-Morette, Reiner M. Dreizler, Eberhard Engel
出版情報: SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Why Physics?
Why Quantum Gravity? Why Link Quantum Gravity and Bryce DeWitt's Memoirs?
Progress in Quantum Physics Since the Late Forties / I:
Functional Integration as a Major Technique in Quantum Physics / I.1:
The Geometry of Gauge Fields / I.2:
Classical Gauge Fields / I.2.1:
Quantum Gauge Fields / I.2.2:
Progress in Gravitation Since the Late Forties / II:
Numerical Relativity / II.1:
Classical Relativity / II.1.1:
Toy Models for Quantum Gravity / II.1.2:
Bryce DeWitt's Lectures on Relativity / II.2:
The 1973 Eclipse Expedition / II.3:
Quantum Gravity / III:
Ph.D. Thesis (Harvard 1950) / III.1:
Covariant Quantization vs. Canonical Quantization / III.2:
Dirac's Constrained Hamiltonian Dynamics / III.2.1:
The Wheeler-DeWitt Equation / III.2.2:
The "Trilogy" / III.2.3:
The Gravity Research Foundation Essay (1953) / III.3:
The Institute of Field Physics (1955-1964) / III.4:
Original Documents / III.4.1:
A Stone Thrown Into a Pool and Its Ripples / III.4.2:
The 1957 Chapel Hill Conference / III.5:
Everett's Theory and the "Many Worlds" Interpretation / III.6:
Everett's Theory Viewed / Bryce DeWittIII.6.1:
Relativity, Groups, and Topology / John WheelerIII.6.2:
Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime / III.8:
Supermanifolds / III.9:
The Global Approach to Quantum Field Theory / III.10:
The Pursuit Goes On / III.11:
A Few Comments from Bryce DeWitt / IV:
Amateurs, Crackpots, Professionals, and Gravitation / IV.l:
Research Centers / IV.2:
Bibliography / V:
A Biographical Memoir by Steven Weinberg / V.1:
Publications / V.2:
Curriculum Vitae / V.3:
Archives Stored at the Center for American History / V.4:
About the Author
Name Index
Why Physics?
Why Quantum Gravity? Why Link Quantum Gravity and Bryce DeWitt's Memoirs?