

P.W.アトキンス著 ; 土方克法訳
出版情報: 東京 : みすず書房, 1972.8-1973.6  2冊 ; 22cm
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米沢貞次郎 [ほか] 著
出版情報: 京都 : 化学同人, 1963-1964  2冊 ; 22cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 講談社, 1970.7  258, 4p ; 18cm
シリーズ名: ブルーバックス ; B-157
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 共立出版, 1966.8  2, 4, 302p ; 22cm
シリーズ名: 分子科学講座 / 大鹿譲 [ほか] 編 ; 8
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出版情報: 東京 : 三共出版, 2017.5  x, 307p ; 26cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
1 : 序論
2 : 波動力学
3 : 水素原子の波動力学
4 : 多電子原子の原子軌道
5 : 分子軌道論
6 : 簡単な分子の分子軌道
7 : オキソアニオンの分子軌道
8 : 遷移金属錯体の電子状態と化学結合
9 : 金属化合物の電子状態と化学結合
10 : 分子と電磁波との相互作用
1 : 序論
2 : 波動力学
3 : 水素原子の波動力学


出版情報: 東京 : 朝倉書店, 1976.2  ii, 3, 275p ; 22cm
シリーズ名: 朝倉化学講座 ; 8
所蔵情報: loading…


R.ドーデル著 ; 相馬純吉, 林晃一郎, 塩谷優共訳
出版情報: 東京 : 培風館, 1972.10  vi, 196p ; 22cm
シリーズ名: MCL ; 10
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出版情報: 東京 : 共立出版, 1967.6  2, 6, 450p ; 22cm
シリーズ名: 分子科学講座 / 大鹿譲 [ほか] 編 ; 13
所蔵情報: loading…


長倉三郎 [ほか] 編
出版情報: 東京 : 岩波書店, 1981.10  viii, 197p ; 21cm
シリーズ名: 岩波講座現代化学 ; 3
所蔵情報: loading…


川村尚, 藤本博著
出版情報: 東京 : 丸善, 1983.3  x, 286p ; 22cm
シリーズ名: 有機化学講座 / 丸山和博編 ; 9
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 京都 : 化学同人, 1983.4  v, 218p ; 22cm
所蔵情報: loading…


Lampros A A Nikolopoulos
出版情報: San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool, c2019  1 v. (various pagings) ; 26 cm
シリーズ名: IOP concise physics
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 共立出版, 1965.11  2, 171p ; 22cm
シリーズ名: 有機化学における物理的方法 / 大木道則[ほか]編 ; 10巻
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 学会出版センター, 1981-1982  2冊 ; 22cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 南江堂, 1957.11  241p ; 21cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 東京化学同人, 1974  240p ; 22cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 実業図書, 1965  144p ; 21cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 岩波書店, 1964.2  vi, 216p ; 21cm
シリーズ名: 現代科学選書
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 放送大学教育振興会, 1990.3  200p ; 21cm
シリーズ名: 放送大学教材 ; 13020-1-9011
所蔵情報: loading…


マシューズ [著] ; 首藤紘一, 首藤健一訳
出版情報: 東京 : 廣川書店, 1991.4  ix, 263p ; 22cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 昭晃堂, 1991.10  2, 3, 2, 143p ; 22cm
シリーズ名: 21世紀の先端科学をになう新化学教科書シリーズ / 長谷川正木, 柳田博明編集 ; 第2巻
所蔵情報: loading…


edited by Per-Olov Löwdin
出版情報: New York ; Tokyo : Academic Press, 1964-  v. ; 24 cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
Symbols in Science (Roy McWeeny)
Freeon Dynamics: A Novel Theory of Atoms and Molecules / F.A. Matsen ; D. Craig ; Jens Peder Dahl ; Brian Sutcliffe
A Journey with Good Companions
Density Matrices and Phase-Space Functions
Some Mathematical Problems in the Description of Dissociating Molecules
Recent Applications of Spin-Coupled Valence Bond Theory to Charge Transfer Collisions / H. Agren ; D.E. Ellis ; Janos Ladik ; D.L. Cooper et al ; O. Vahtras ; D. Guenzburger ; Ferenc Bogar
AB Initio Program for Treatment of Related Systems
The Discrete Variational Method in Density Functional Theory and its Applications to Large Molecules and Solid-State Systems / B. Minaev
Response Theory and Calculations of Spin-Orbit Coupling Phenomena in Molecules / Vick Van Doren ; C. Kozmutza et al ; C.D. Sherrill
Correlation Corrected Hartree-Fock and Density Functional Computations on Periodic Polymers
Transferable Quantities of Localized Molecular Orbitals
FunctionalGroups in Quantum Chemistry / P.G. Mezey ; H.F. Schaefer III ; Nagy Gradient ; E.S. Kryachko
The Configuration Interaction Method: Advances in Highly Correlated Approaches
Effective Potential of a Single Excited State Along the Adiabatic Path
Thiouracils: Structures, Tautomerism, Interaction with Water, and Functioning in RNA and Modified DNA Base Pairs / Minh Tho Nguyen ; M.K. Mishra ; D.E. Bernholdt ; P. Tz. Yotov
Characterization of Shape and Auger Resonances Using the Dilated One Electron Propagator Method / M.N. Medikeri ; R.J. Bartlett ; F. E. Zakhariev ; O. Tapia
A Critical Assessment of Multireference-Fock Space CCSD and Perturbative Third Order Triples Approximations for Photoelectron Sprectra and Quasidegenerate Potential Energy Surfaces
Towards a Rigged Born-Oppenheimer Electronic Theory of Chemical Processes / Ya. I. Delchev
Was H-2 Observed in Solid H2? A Theoretical Answer / B. Engels ; P. Piecuch ; H.U. Suter et al ; J. Maruani ; L.A. Eriksson
Corrections to the Kinetic-Energy Density Functional Stemming from a Regular Two-Component Relativistic Hamiltonian
EOMXCC: A New Coupled-Cluster Method for Electronic Excited States / E.S. Apostolova ; S. Lunell
D Parameter of the Morse Potential as a New Bond Index for Estimating Bond Breaking Energy in A Molecule / P. Zapol
Recent Developments in Configuration Interaction and Density Functional Theory Calculations of Radical Hyperfine Structure
An Attempt to Release the Constrained Search Approach in the Density Functional Theory Boris
Some Properties of Linear Functionals and Adjoint Operators / Y. Girard ; P.-O. Lowdin ; Vincenzo Aquilanti ; P. Chaquin
Subject Index / John Avery
Effects of Halogen Substituents on the Conformations of Vinyl Alcohol and Vinyl Thiol: A Theoretical Study
Sturmian Expansions for Quantum Mechanical Many-Body Problems, and Hyperspherical Harmonics
Localization of Energy Exchanges in Field-Assisted Double-Barrier Resonant Tunneling / C. Perez del Valle et al
Spin Uncoupling in Chemical Reactions / Simonetta Cavalli ; B.F. Minaev ; Dario De Fazio ; H. +gren ; Alessandro Volpi
The A+BC Reaction by the Hyperqantization Algorithm: the Symmetric Hyperspherical Parametrization for J > 0 / P. Cronstrand
Assignment and Convergence of IR Spectra for a Sequence of Polypyridine Oligomers / V. N. Glushkov ; Stephen Wilson
Distributed Gaussian Basis Sets: Variationally Optimized S-Type Sets / L.J. Dunne
D-Wave Bipolaronic Condensate with Short Range Repulsive Electronic Correlations in an Extended Hubbard Model of High Tc Cuprate Superconductors / I. Martfn ; E.J. BrSndas ; A. M. Velasco
Orthogonalization of Vectors and Its Relation to Cognitive Phenomena / V. Srivastava ; C. Lavfn
Similarities in the Rydberg Spectra of the Isovalent Radicals CH3 and SiH3
Binding in Clusters with Closed-Subshell Atoms (Alkaline-Earth Elements) / I.G. Kaplan et al ; Y. S. Tergiman
Theoretical Study of Charge Transfer Mechanism in N4 + He Collisions at keV Energies / M. C. Bacchus-Montabonnel ; A. Kuleff et al
Reproduction of Metal-Cluster Magic Numbers Using a q-Deformed, 3-Dimensional, Harmonic Oscillator Model
Reaction Dynamics of Metallic Clusters Colliding with Atoms / Ephraim Eliav ; Ulf Saalmann ; Uzi Kaldor
Intermediate Hamiltonian Fock-Space Coupled-Cluster Method Arie Landau / T. Alferova et al
Finite Element Three-Body Studies of Bound and Resonant States in Atoms and Molecules / I. Hubac
A Computer Simulation of the Ring Puckering and Oxygen Wagging Dynamics in the S0 State of Cyclobutanone / D.C. Moule et al
Full CI Solution of Perturbative Equations Gian Luigi Bendazzoli and Stefano Evangelisti On the Generalized Brillouin-Wigner Perturbation Theory and the Many-Body Problem
Finite-Difference Calculations for Atoms and Diatomic Molecules in Strong Magnetic and Static Electric Fields / M.V. Ivanov ; P. Schmelcher ; P. Mach
Multireference Brillouin-Wigner Methods for Many-Body Systems
The Dirac Equation in the Algebraic Approximation VII: A Comparison of Molecular Finite Difference and Finite Basis Set Calculations Using Distributed Gaussian Basis Sets Harry / M. Quiney
Relativistic Multireference M°ller-Plesset Perturbation Theory Calculations for the Term Energies and Transition Probabilities of Ions in the Nitrogen Isoelectronic Sequence Marius / Jonas Vilkas ; Yasuyuki Ishikawa
Reduced Density-Matrix Treatment of Spin-Spin Interaction Terms in Many-Electron Systems / R. L. Pavlov ; A. I. Kuleff
A Method of Combined Treatment for the Evaluation of Core Excitation Energies in Molecules Involving Heavy Atoms: Application to CrF6, MoF6, and WF6 / A. Khoudir ; A. Kuleff ; M. Tronc ; G. Giorgi ; C. Bonnelle
Spectroscopic Constants of Pb and Eka-lead Compounds: Comparison of Different Approaches / Wenjian Liu ; ChristophVan Wnllen ; Young Kyu Han ; Yoon Jeong Choi ; Yoon Sup
Lee Floquet States and Operator Algebra / V. M. Le=n ; M. Martfn ; L. Sandoval ; A. Palma
Ab Initio Relativistic Quantum Chemistry: Four-Components Good, Two-Components Bad! / H.M. Quiney ; H. Skaane ; I.P. Grant
Modern VB Representations of CASSCF Wave Functions and the Fully-Variational Optimization of Modern VB Wave Functions Using the CASVB Strategy / D.L. Cooper ; T. Thorsteinsson ; J. Gerratt
On the Electronic Structure of ScB +: Ground and Low-Lying Excited States / A. Kalemos ; A. Mavridis
On the Effects of Basis Set Truncation and Electron Correlation in the Conformers of 2-Hydroxy-Acetamide / A. Szarecka ; G. Day ; P.J. Grout ; S. Wilson
Gas-Phase Conformational Analysis of (R,R)-Tartaric Acid, Its Diamide, N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyldiamide and Model / M. Hoffmann ; J. Rychlewski
Recent Theoretical Developments in Conical-Intersection Effects in Triatomic Spectra / C. Petrongolo
Ab Initio Determination of Band Structures of Vibrational Spectra of Non-Rigid Molecules: Applications to Methylamine and Dimethylamine / Y.G. Smeyers ; M.L. Senent ; M. Villa
Gauge Invariance and Multipole Moments / R.G. Woolley
Vertical Electron Transitions in Rydberg Radicals / I. Martin ; C. Lavin ; Y. Peacute;rez-Delgado ; J. Karwowski ; G.H.F. Diercksen
Time-Dependent Quantum Treatment of Two-Colour Multiphoton Ionization Using a Strong Laser Pulse and High-Order Harmonic Radiation / V. Veacute;niard ; R. Taiuml;eb ; A. Maquet
Methods Involving Complex Coordinates Applied to Atoms / M. Bylicki
Recent Advances in the Description of Solvent Effects with the Polarization Continuum Model / C. Amovilli ; V. Barone ; R. Cammi ; E. Cancegrave;s ; M. Cossi ; B. Mennucci ; C.S. Pomelli ; J. Tomasi
New Ab Initio VB Interaction Potential for Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Liquid Water / M. Raimondi ; A. Famulari ; E. Gianinetti ; M. Sorani ; R. Specchio ; I. Vandoni
Systematic Sequences of Even-Tempered Gaussian Primatives for Diatomic Molecules in Solution: A Preliminary Study Using Continuum Solvation Models / G.K.A. Keith
Beyond the Transition State Treatment / J. Lingerberg
Why Density-Gradient Corrections Improve Atomization Energies and Barrier Heights / J. Perdew ; M. Ernzerhof ; A. Zupan ; K. Burke
Second-Order Relations Involving Correlation Energy and Its Functional Derivative / S. Ivanov ; M. Levy
Asymptotic Properties of the Optimized Effective Potential / T. Kreibich ; S. Kurth ; T. Grabo ; E.K.U. Gross
Recent Developments in the Local-Scaling Transformation Version of Density Functional Theory / E.V. Ludentilde;a ; R. Loacute;pez-Boada ; V. Karasiev ; R. Pino ; E. Valderrama
In Search of the Correlation Potential / R.K. Nesbet
The n-Particle Picture and the Calculation of the Electronic Structure of Atoms, Molecules, and Solids / A. Gonis ; T.C. Schulthess ; P.E.A. Turchi ; J. Van Ek
Gradient-Corrected Exchange Functional with the Correct Asymptotic Behavior / H. Chermette ; A. Lembarki ; H. Razafinjanahary ; F. Rogemond
Auxiliary Field Representation of Fermion Kinetic Density Functional / J.K. Percus
Using the Exact Kohn-Sham Exchange Energy Density Functional and Potential to Study Errors Introduced by Approximate Correlation Functionals / L. Kleinman ; D.M. Bylander
Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics / B.I. Dunlap ; R.W. Warren
A Quantum Monte Carlo Approach to the Adiabatic Connection Method / M. Nekovee ; W.M.C. Foulkes ; A.J. Williamson ; G. Rajagopal ; R.J. Needs
Full Potential Linearized-Augmented-Plane-Wave Calculations for 5d Transition Metal Using the Relativistic Generalized Gradient Approximation / R.N. Schmid ; E. Engel ; R.M. Dreizler ; P. Blaha ; K. Schwarz
Interatomic Force Constants in Periodic Solids from Density Functional Perturbation Theory / X. Gonze
Recent Developments in the Electronic Structure of Metal Surfaces / V. Sahni ; A. Solomatin
Density Functional Orbital Reactivity Indices: Fundamentals and Applications / T. Mineva ; N. Neshev ; N. Russo ; E. Sicilia ; M. Toscano
Density Functional Calculation of Reaction Energetics: Application to Alkyl Azide Decomposition / P. Politzer ; P. Lane
Density Functional Theory: A Source of Chemical Concepts and a Cost-Effective Methodology for Their Calculation / P. Geerlings ; F. De Proft ; W. Langenaeker
Pure and Mixed Pb Clusters of Interest for Liquid Ionic Alloys / L.M. Molina ; M.J. Loacute;pez ; A. Rubio ; J.A. Alonso
Density Functional Theory in Catalysis: Activation and Reactivity of a Hydrocarbon Molecule on a Metallic Active Site / E. Broclawik
Recent Developments in High-Precision Computational Methods for Simple Atomic and Molecular Systems / F.C. Sanders
Four Decades of Atomic Physics / C. Nordling
Spectroscopy with Highly Coherent Radiation / N.F. Ramsey
Atoms in Optical Lattices: Cooling, Trapping and Squeezing Atoms with Light / W.D. Phillips
Coherent Quantum State Manipulation of Trapped Atomic Ions / D.J. Wineland ; C. Monroe ; D.M. Meekhof ; B.E. King ; D. Leibfried ; W.M. Itano ; J.C Bergquist ; D. Berkeland ; J.J. Bollinger ; J. Miller
Resonance Fluorescence of a Single Ion / J.T. Hoffges ; H.W. Baldauf ; T. Eichler ; S.R. Helmfrid ; H. WaltherP.J. Mohr
Quantum Electrodynamics and the Fundamental Constants
High Precision Spectroscopy of Positronium and Muonium / V.W Hughes
Quantum Electrodynamics of Strong Fields: Status and Perspectives / G. Soff ; T. Beier ; M. Greiner ; H. Persson ; G. Plunien
State-Specific Multi-Reference Coupled Cluster Formulations: Two Paradigms / U.S. Mahapatra ; B. Datta ; B. Bandyopadhyay ; D. Mukherjee
Correlations in the Vacuum / W. Greiner
High-Power Lasers and Their Applications / S. Svanberg
A Periodic Table in Three Dimensions: A Sightseeing Tour in the Nanometer World / A. Rosen
Relativistic and Dynamic Contributions in Ion-Atom and Ion Solid Collisions / B. Fricke ; J. Anton ; K. Schulze ; W.E. Sepp ; P. Kurpick
Atomic Radiative Lifetimes Measured by Pulsed Laser Spectroscopy in the UV/VUV Spectral Region / U. Berzinsh
A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Quartet System of B / Y. Zou ; T. Brage ; I. Martinsson
Two Electron Dynamics in Photodetachment / I. D. Hanstorp ; C. Haeffler ; A.K. Klinkmuller ; U. Ljungblad ; I.Y. Kiyan ; D.J. Pegg
Collinear Laser Spectroscopy on Radioactive Isotopes / J.R. Persson
Four Decades of Hyperfine Anomalies / A-M Martinson-Pendrill ; M.G.H. Gustavsson
Spins and Moments of Nuclei Far from Stability Determined by On-line Atomic-Beam Techniques / C. Ekstrom
Regularization Corrections to the Partial-Wave Renomalization Procedure / S. Salomonson ; P. Sunnergren
The Reference State Coulomb-Breit QED Corrections for the Few-Electron Highly Charged Ions / L. Labzowsky ; M.A. Tokman
Some Aspects on the Bloch-Lindgren Equation and a Comparison with the Partitioning Technique / P-O. Lowdin
What is the Force Between Electrons / J. Sucher
Atomic Physics and the Laser Metrology of Time and Length / L.R. Pendrill ; L. Robertson
Optical Trapping of Absorbing Particles / H. Rubinsztein-Dunlop ; T.A. Nieminen ; M.E.J. Friese ; N.R. Heckenberg
Diatomic Molecules: Exact Solutions of HF Equations / J. Kobus
Perturbation Theory for Low-Spin Open-Shell States / X. Li ; J. Paldus
The Contracted Schrudinger Equation: Some Results / C. Valdemoro ; L.M. Tel ; E. Perez-Romero
Distributed Gaussian Basis Sets: Some Recent Results and Prospects
The Nuclear Motion Problem in Molecular Physics / B.T. Sutcliffe ; D. Moncrieff
Combining Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Simulation / F. Muller-Plathe
Solvent Effects from a Sequential Monte Carlo-Quantum Mechanical Approach / S. Canuto ; K. Coutinho
Energy Deposition of Swift Alphas in Neon: An Electron Nuclear Dynamics Study / J.R. Sabin
Theoretical Modeling of Spectra and Collisional Processes of Weakly Interacting Complexes / R. Moszynski ; T.G.A. Heijmen ; P.E.S. Wormer ; A. van der Avoird
Quantum Chemistry in Condensed Disordered Media / M. Karelson
Determining Shapes of the Molecular Electronic Bands from the Intensity Distribution Moments / D. Bielsinska-Waz
Convergence Properties of the Symmetry-Adapted Perturbation Theory for the Interaction of Helium Atoms and a Hydrogen Moleculewith a Helium Atom / T. Korona ; R. Mosynski ; D. Jeziorski
Electron Affinity of SF 6 / C Lavin
The Oxonium Rydberg Radical: Electronic Transitions / M. Klobukowski ; J.M. Garcia de la Vega
An abInitio Study of Four-Membered Rings / B. Batandjieva ; I. Miadokova ; I. Cernuak
Boranes HBXYYBH; (X, Y = C, N, O). SiN 2 and SiN 4 / R. Janoschek
Molecules: An ab Initio Study of Molecules and Electronic Structure, Stability, and Ir Activity / P.W. Fowler ; S.A. Peebles ; A.C. Logan
A Sternheimer-like Response Property of the Bromine Molecule: Electric Field Dependence of the Br Field Gradient
Molecular Properties of Boron-Coinage Metal Dimers:BCu, BAg, BAu(V)1 / M. Barysz ; M. Urban
Decades of Theoretical Work on Protonated HydratesE. Kochanski / R. Kelterbaum ; S. Klein ; M.M. Rohmer ; A. Rahmouni
Density Functional Theory:A Useful Tool for the Study of Free Radicals / O.N. Ventura ; M. Kieninger ; K. Irving
Guesses-Hunches-Formulae-Discoveries / B.G. Wybourne
Applying Artificial Intelligence in Physical Chemistry / F.J. Smith ; M. Sullivan ; J. Collis ; S. Loughlin
Artifical Intelligence Support for Computational Chemistry / W. Duch
The Role of Rigorously Specified Abstract Data Types in the Construction of Knowledge-Based Quantum Chemistry Software / P.L. Kilpatrick ; N.S. Scott
Foreword / L. Kover
Twenty to Thirty Years of DV-X( Calculations: A Survey of Accuracy and Applications
Electronic State Calculation of Transition Metal Cluster / H. Adachi
The Nature of the Chemical Bond in Hydrogen Storage Compounds / H. Yukawa ; M. Morinaga
Use of the DV-X( Method in the Field of Superheavy Atoms / W.-D. Sepp ; T. Bastug ; S. Varga
Electronic Structures of Metal Carbides TiC and UC: Similarity and Dissimilarity / R. Sekine ; H. Nakamatsu ; T. Mukoyama ; J. Onoe ; M. Hirata ; M. Kurihara
Numerical Psuedopotentials within DV-X( Framework / G.L. Gustav
Density Functional Theory for Excited States / A. Nagy
Theoretical Calculation of Molecular Photoelectron Spectrum by the First-Principles DV-X( Molecular Orbital Method
The Electronic Structure of Silicon Clusters / H. Kimura ; S. Imanaga ; Y. Hayafunji
Studies of the Valence Band of Tetrahedral Oxyanions / I. Cserny
Application of the Embedded Cluster Method to the Electronic State of Silicate Glasses / Y. Kowada
Bond Strength and ThermalStability of Transition Metal Nitrides / M. Takahashi ; G.-C. Lai ; K. Ohta ; F. Kanamaru
Electronic States of Impurities and Their Effect on Material Properties / K. Fukushima ; H. Endo
Electronic States of Oxygen Ions of Molten Slags Used for Iron and Steel Making / M. Morishita ; K. Koyama ; A. Hatamoto
X-Ray Emission in Molecules / K. Taniguchi
DV-X( Calculation of X-Ray Emission Spectra / J. Kawai
X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure Study and DV-X( Calculations on Some Square-Planar Copper(II) Complexes with Macrocyclic Ligands / S. Yamashita ; M. Fujiwara ; Y. Kato ; T. Yamaguchi ; H. Wakita
Scattered-Wave Description of Inner-Shell Processes in Small Molecules andClusters / E. Hartman ; C. Lauterbach
Resonant Orbital Rearrangement During F 1s Ionization or Decay Process / M. Uda ; T. Yamamoto ; T. Takenaga
Charge Transfer in Al-Ni Alloys: A Spin-Selective Study / Z. Kovacs
Core-Electron Binding Energy Shifts in Aluminium / G. Paragi ; I.K. Gyemant ; Z. Varga
Analysis or Core-Hole Effect in Cation L 2,3-Edge of MgO, (-Al 2 O 3 and SiO 2 Based on DV-X( Cluster Calculations / K. Ogasawara ; I. Tanaka
Concluding Remarks
Analytical Energy Gradients for Excited-State Coupled-Cluster methods: Automated Algebraic Derivation of First Derivatives for Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster and Similarity Transformed Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster / 1:
Autoionizing States of Atoms Calculated Using Generalized Sturmians / 2:
Mathematical Elements of Quantum Electronic Density Functions / 3:
Quantum Monte Carlo: Theory and Application to Molecular Systems / 4:
From Fischer Projections to Quantum Mechanics of Tetrahedral Molecules: New Perspectives in Chirality / 5:
On the canonical formulation of electrodynamics and wave mechanics / 6:
Stopping Power: What's Next? / 7:
Yngve +hrn, Scientist, Leader, and Friend / J. Linderberg
Teaching Quantum Mechanics / E. Deumens
Toward an Exact One-Electron Picture of Chemical Bonding / J.V. Ortiz
Spin Density Properties from the Electron Propagator: Hyperfine and Nuclear Spin-Spin Couplings / R.L. Longo
The New Challenges of the Theory of Ionization for Polymers and Solids / M.S. Deleuze ; L.S. Cederbaum
Towards the Calculations of Polarizabilities of Stereoregular Polymers / B. Champagne ; D.H. Mosley ; J.G. Fripiat ; J.-M. AndrT
Dispersion Coefficients for Second Hyperpolarizabilities Using Coupled Cluster Cubic Response Theory / C. Hsttig ; P. J°rgensen
On the Extensivity Problem in Coupled-Cluster Property Evaluation / H. Sekino
The Bethe Sun Rule and Basis Set Selection in the Calculation of Generalized Oscillator Strengths / R. Cabrera-Trujillo ; J. Oddershede ; S.P.A. Sauer
The Molecular Magnetic Shielding Field: Response Graph Illustrations of the Benzene Field / M.+. Jensen ; A.E. Hansen
Time-Dependent Variational Principle in Density Functional Theory / B. Weiner ; S.B. Trickey
Quantum Control in Semiconductor Heterostructures / J.L. Krause
Selective Photodynamic Control of Chemical Reactions: A Rayleigh-Ritz Variational Approach / V.K. Mishra
Semi-Classical Pictures of Non-Adiabatic Induced Electron Ejection in Molecular Anions / J. Simons
Density Matrix Treatment of Electronic Rearrangement / D.A. Micha
Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the Benzene Radical Cation: Effects of Selective Deuteration / S. Lunnell ; J.W. Gauld ; R.M. Kadam ; Y. Itagaki ; A. Lund
A Theoretical Study of the [Fe2( - S 2)(P(o - C 6H 4S) 3) 2] 2- Electronic Spectrum / M.G. Cory ; K.K. Stavrev ; M.C.Zerner
Molecular Quantum Electrodynamics of Radiation-Induced Intermolecular Forces / A. Salam
Theory of Molecular QED
van der Waals Dispersion Force
Optical Binding Energy: Pertubation Theory Calculation
Induced Multipole Moment Method
Discriminatory Effects
Summary / 8:
State- and Property-Specific Quantum Chemistry / Cleanthes A. Nicolaides
Comments on Facts from the Theory and Computation of Ground States with Single Determinantal Zero-Order Wavefunctions
State- and Property-Specific Wavefunctions
Examples of the Application of the SPSA from Published Work
Two Types of Near-Degeneracies in Ground States, and their Impact on the Theory and Computation of Electron Correlation
Open-(Sub)Shell States
On the Separation of Electron Correlation into Dynamical (D) and Nondynamical (ND)
Another Example of the Possible Utility of the Small Fermi-Sea Wavefunctions in Atoms: The Case of the Low-Lying States of Be / 9:
Synopsis / 10:
Ab initio Electron Propagator Calculations on Electron Detachment Energies of Fullerenes, Macrocyclic Molecules, and Nucleotide Fragments / Viatcheslav G. Zakrzewski ; Olga Dolgounitcheva ; Alexander V. Zakjevskii ; J. V. Ortiz
Electron Propagator Theory
Rotations of Asymmetric Molecules and the Hydrogen Atom in Free and Confined Configurations / Ricardo Mendez-Fragoso ; Eugenio Ley-Koo
Review of Exact Formulations and Evaluations of Rotations of Asymmetric Molecules and the Hydrogen Atom
A Guide to Rotations of the Hydrogen Atom and Asymmetric Molecules Confined by Elliptical Cones
On Developing the Theory of Angular Momentum in Bases of Lame Spheroconal Harmonics
Mean Excitation Energies for Biomolecules: Glycine to DNA / Stephan P. A. Sauer ; Jens Oddershede ; John R. Sabin
Bethe's Theory of Stopping
Dipole Oscillator Strength Distributions Obtained from Polarization Propagators
Initial Calculations
The Bragg Rule for Fragments
The Mean Excitation Energy of the Amino Acids and Polypeptides
Mean Excitation Energies of the Nucleobases
Mean Excitation Energies of the Nucleosides
Formation of Nucleotides
Hydrogen Bonding
High-Resolution Signal Processing in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Early Cancer Diagnostics / Dzevad Belkic ; Karen Belkic
The Need for Advanced Signal Processing in Biomedicine
MRS Data for Benign and Malignant Ovarian Cyst Fluid
MRS Data for Normal, Fibroadenoma, and Malignant Breast Tissues
MRS Data for Normal and Malignant Prostate Tissues
Connection of MRS Diagnostics with Dose-Planning Systems in Radiotherapy
Previous Volumes in Series
Fusion And Fission Of Lipid Bilayers / Part 1:
The Pathway to Membrane Fusion through Hemifusion / Jörg Nikolaus ; Jason M. Warner ; Ben O'Shaughnessy ; Andreas HerrmannChapter 1:
Criteria and Assays to Identify Hemifusion / I:
Experimental Evidence for Hemifusion / IV:
Modeling the Biophysical Mechanisms of Hemifusion on the Pathway to Fusion / V:
Dynamic Remodeling of Membranes Catalyzed by Dynamin / Thomas J. PucadyilChapter 2:
Characteristics of Dynamin
Dynamin-Induced Membrane Remodeling
Evolution of Models for Dynamin-Catalyzed Membrane Fission
Current Insights from Structural Studies / VI:
Future Perspectives / VII:
Bond Differentiation and Orbital Decoupling in the Orbital Communication Theory of the Chemical Bond / Roman F. Nalewajski ; Dariusz Szczepanik ; Janusz Mrozek
Quantum States for Quantum Measurements / O.Tapia
Molecular Properties through Polarizable Embedding / J´ogvan Magnus Olsen ; Jacob Kongsted
Parametric Analysis of Time Signals and Spectra from Perspectives of Quantum Physics and Chemistry / D?zevad Belki´
Quantum correlation e_ects in electron dynamics in molecular wires and solar cells: The nonequilibrium Green's function approach / Grigory Kolesov ; Yuri Dahnovsky
Electron Impact Inner-Shell Ionization of Atoms / A. K. Fazlul Haque ; M. Alfaz Uddin ; M. Shahjahan ; M. Rashid Talukder ; Arun K. Basak ; Bidhan C. Saha
Implementing Quantum Mechanics into Molecular Mechanics-Combined QM/MM Modeling Methods / Yaoquan Tu ; Aatto Laaksonen
Partition of a System into QM and MM Parts
Treatment of the QM/MM Boundary
Interactions in the QM/MM Coupling
Computational Aspects
Future Prospects
Extending the Range of Computational Spectroscopy by QM/MM Approaches: Time-Dependent and Time-Independent Routes / Vincenzo Barone ; Malgorzata Biczysko ; Giuseppe Brancato
The QM/MM Framework for Spectroscopic Studies
Final Remarks and Conclusions
Use of the Average Solvent Potential Approach in the Study of Solvent Effects / Ignacio Fdez. Galván ; Aurora Muñoz-Losa ; Catalina Soriano-Correa ; M. Luz Sánchez ; M. Elena Martín ; Manuel A. Aguilar
The Mean Field Approximation
The ASEP/MD Method
Validity of the Mean Field Approximation
Examples of Applications
QM/MM Approaches to the Electronic Spectra of Hydrogen-Bonding Systems with Connection to Many-Body Decomposition Schemes / Ricardo A. Mata ; B.J. Costa Cabral
Theoretical Methods
Molecular Dynamics of Polypeptides and Their Inclusion Compounds with ?-Cyclodextrin in Aqueous Solution Using DC-SCC-DFTB/UFF Approach / Guilherme Ferreira de Lima ; Thomas Heine ; Hélio Anderson Duarte
Theoretical Approach
Polypeptides and their Inclusion Compounds with ?-Cyclodextrin in Aqueous Solution
Final Remarks
Computer Simulations of Photobiological Processes: The Effect of the Protein Environment / Gerrit Groenhof ; Martial Boggio-Pasqua ; Lars V. Schäfer ; Michael A. Robb
Ab Initio Quantum Mechanical Charge Field Molecular Dynamics-A Nonparametrized First-Principle Approach to Liquids and Solutions / Thomas S. Hofer ; Andreas B. Pribil ; Bernhard R. Randolf ; Bernd M. Rode
Application of the QMCF MD Methodology
Applications of Mixed-Quantum/Classical Trajectories to the Study of Nuclear Quantum Effects in Chemical Reactions and Vibrational Relaxation Processes / Gustavo Pierdominici-Sottile ; Sebastián Fernández Alberti ; Juliana Palma
Mixed-Q/C Propagations Schemes
Hydrogen Transfer in Gas Phase
Proton and Hydride Transfer in Condensed Phase
Vibrational Energy Relaxation
Development of a Quantum Chemical Method Combined with a Theory of Solutions-Free-Energy Calculation for Chemical Reactions by Condensed Phase Simulations / Hideaki Takahashi ; Nobuyuki Matubayasi ; Masayoshi Nakano
Quantum Chemical Approach
Theory of Solutions
Combination of Quantum Chemical Method with Theory of Solutions
Conclusions and Perspectives
A Guide to QM/MM Methodology and Applications / Rui Zhang ; Bogdan Lev ; Javier Eduardo Cuervo ; Sergei Yu Noskov ; Dennis R. Salahub
Basic Concepts of QM/MM Methodology
QM/MM Optimization Techniques for Potential Energy Surfaces
QM/MM Approaches to the Simulation of Kinetics and Thermodynamics in the Condensed Phase
Beyond Conventional QM/MM Dynamics: Explicit Account of Nuclear Quantum Effects
Summary of Alternatives to QM/MM Methodology
Applications to Biochemical Simulation
Multireference and Spin-Orbit Calculations on Photodissociations of Hydrocarbon Halides / Ya-Jun Liu ; Wei-Hai Fang
Computational Methods
Photodissociation of Aryl Halides
Photodissociation Processes of Halomethane
Quantum Linear Superposition Theory for Chemical Processes: A Generalized Electronic Diabatic Approach
Basic Quantum Mechanics and Chemical Processes
Basic Space-Time-Projected Quantum Formalism
Abstract Quantum Formalism
Semiclassical Models
The AO Ansatz: Nodal Patterns
Algorithms: Comments and Proposal
Exact Signal-Noise Separation by Froissart Doublets in Fast Pade Transform for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Rational Response Function to Generic External Perturbations
The Exact Solution for the General Harmonic Inversion Problem
Delayed Time Series
Delayed Green Function
The Key Prior Knowledge: Internal Structure of Time Signals
The Rutishauser Quotient-Difference Recursive Algorithm
The Gordon Product-Difference Recursive Algorithm
Delayed Lanczos Continued Fractions
Delayed Pade-Lanczos Approximant
Fast Padé Transform FPT(-) Outside the Unit Circle
Fast Padé Transform FPT(+) Inside the Unit Circle / 12:
Signal-Noise Separation via Froissart Doublets (Pole-Zero Cancellations) / 13:
Critical Importance of Poles and Zeros in Generic Spectra / 14:
Spectral Representations via Padé Poles and Zeros: pFPT and zFPT / 15:
Pade Canonical Spectra / 16:
Signal-Noise Separation: Exclusive Reliance upon Resonant Frequencies / 17:
Model Reduction Problem via Pade Canonical Spectra / 18:
Denoising Froissart Filter / 19:
Signal-Noise Separation: Exclusive Reliance upon Resonant Amplitudes / 20:
Pade Partial Fraction Spectra / 21:
Model Reduction Problem via Pade Partial Fraction Spectra / 22:
Disentangling Genuine from Spurious Resonances / 23:
Results / 24:
Conclusion / 25:
Reflections on Formal Density Functional Theory / Marcel Nooijen
The Hohenberg-Kohn Construction of an Exact Density Functional and Its Extensions
Generalizations of The Kohn-Sham Density Functional Formulation: Inclusion of Exact Exchange
Multiple, Localized, and Delocalized/Conjugated Bonds in the Orbital Communication Theory of Molecular Systems
Entropic Descriptors of Molecular Information Channels in Orbital Resolution
Illustrative Application to Localized Bonds in Hydrides
Atom Promotion in Hydrides
One-and Two-Electron Approaches to Conjugated ?-Bonds in Hydrocarbons
Model Multiple Bonds
?-Bond Conjugation
Quantum Mechanical Methods for Loss-Excitation and Loss-lonization in Fast Ion-Atom Collisions
Simultaneous Projectile Ionization and Target Excitation and/or Ionization
Adiabatic Hypothesis for Resonance Massey Peak
Electron Loss Processes and Stopping Powers of Heavy Ions
Channel Scattering States and Perturbations
The T-Matrix for Short-Range Interactions
The T-Matrix for Long-Range Interactions
Defining, Exact Sum Over all the Target Final States
Practical, Exact Sum Over Dominant Target True Final States
Acceleration of Convergence for Final States
Closure Approximation
Corrected Closure Approximation
Comparison Between Theories and Experiments
Recent advances in the Coupled-cluster analytical derivatives theory for molecules in solution described within the Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM) / Roberto Cammi
Ultrafast manipulation of Raman transitions and prevention of decoherence using chirped pulses and optical frequency combs / Svetlana Malanovskaya ; Tom Collins ; Vishesha Patel
Energy Landscapes in Boron Chemistry: Bottom-Top Approach towards Design of Novel Molecular Architectures / Jose Maria Oliva Enrich
Perspectives on the Reaction Force / Peter Politzer ; Alejandro Toro-Labbé ; Soledad Gutiérrez-Oliva ; Jane S. Murray
Quantum Chemistry in Functional Inorganic Materials / Taku Onishi
Electronic and spin structures of the CaMn4O5(H2O)4 cluster in OEC of PSII refined to 1.9 Å X-ray resolution / Kizashi Yamaguchi
Symbols in Science (Roy McWeeny)
Freeon Dynamics: A Novel Theory of Atoms and Molecules / F.A. Matsen ; D. Craig ; Jens Peder Dahl ; Brian Sutcliffe
A Journey with Good Companions


朽津耕三, 濱田嘉昭編著
出版情報: 東京 : 放送大学教育振興会, 1998.3  390p, 図版1枚 ; 21cm
シリーズ名: 放送大学教材 ; 89141-1-9811
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 朝倉書店, 1997.3  v,142p ; 21cm
シリーズ名: 基本化学シリーズ ; 8
所蔵情報: loading…


Milton Orchin and H.H. Jaffé ; with the help of G. Kuehnlenz and R. Ellis
出版情報: New York : Wiley-Interscience, [c1971]  vii, 220 p. ; 23 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


by Kenneth S. Pitzer
出版情報: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1961  x, 529 p. ; 22 cm
シリーズ名: Prentice-Hall chemistry series
所蔵情報: loading…


by James Miller, John M. Gerhauser & F. A. Matsen
出版情報: Austin : University of Texas Press, c1959  1 vol. (various pagings) tables , 25 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


von H. Preuss
出版情報: Berlin : Springer, 1956-1961  4 v. ; 28 cm
所蔵情報: loading…


Hendrik F. Hameka
出版情報: Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, c1965  x, 277 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名: Addison-Wesley series in advanced physical chemistry
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 東海大学出版会, 1996.3  viii, 206p ; 21cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 京都 : 化学同人, 1996.6  178p ; 24cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 朝倉書店, 2016.8  xi, 367p ; 22cm
シリーズ名: 朝倉化学大系 ; 1
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
1 物性量子化学基礎理論 : 化学結合理論と分子磁性の理論
量子および古典局在スピンとスピンフラストレーション ほか
2 物性・機能発現への展開 : 金属‐金属結合の理論と強相関電子系への展開
有機金属共役系におけるガス吸蔵と1次元系の形成 ほか
3 生体分子磁性と生体機能発現への展開 : 光合成システム2のXRDおよびXFEL結晶構造解析
1 物性量子化学基礎理論 : 化学結合理論と分子磁性の理論
量子および古典局在スピンとスピンフラストレーション ほか


平尾公彦, 濱田嘉昭編著
出版情報: 東京 : 放送大学教育振興会, 2003.3  341p, 図版[4]p ; 21cm
シリーズ名: 放送大学教材 ; 1666410-1-0311
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 講談社, 2002.7  263p ; 18cm
シリーズ名: ブルーバックス ; B-1375
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : アドバンスソフト, 2010.8  287p ; 22cm
シリーズ名: アドバンスソフトシミュレーションシリーズ ; 2
所蔵情報: loading…


寺阪利孝, 森聖治著
出版情報: 東京 : 三共出版, 2007.4  viii, 158p ; 26cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 東京電機大学出版局, 2021.7  viii, 347p ; 26cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
第1部 量子化学へ進む前に / 量子力学の基礎づけ
第2部 量子化学の基礎—Schr ̈odinger方程式を使ってみよう:原子を扱う準備運動として : 角運動量
Schr ̈odinger方程式の1次元系への適用 ほか
第3部 原子の取り扱い : 水素原子
電子スピンと粒子の同等性 ほか
第4部 分子の取り扱い : 原子単位系
水素分子イオン ほか
第1部 量子化学へ進む前に / 量子力学の基礎づけ
第2部 量子化学の基礎—Schr ̈odinger方程式を使ってみよう:原子を扱う準備運動として : 角運動量
Schr ̈odinger方程式の1次元系への適用 ほか


山口兆 [ほか] 編 ; 講談社サイエンティフィク編集
出版情報: 東京 : 講談社, 2004.10  xiv, 288p ; 22cm
所蔵情報: loading…


J.W.Linnett著 ; 藤代亮一, 木村昂訳
出版情報: 東京 : 東京化学同人, 1962.11  viii, 192p ; 22cm
シリーズ名: 現代化学シリーズ ; 15
所蔵情報: loading…


マレル J.N. [ほか] 著 ; 神田慶也 [ほか] 訳
出版情報: 東京 : 広川書店, 1967.7  2,12,401p ; 22cm
所蔵情報: loading…


ドーデル [ほか] 共著 ; 大鹿譲 [ほか] 訳
出版情報: 京都 : 吉岡書店 , 東京 : 丸善 (発売), 1963.7-1963.8  2冊 ; 22cm
シリーズ名: 物理学叢書 / 小谷正雄 [ほか] 編 ; 21,22
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 培風館, 1951.10  327p ; 21cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 培風館, 1960  10,317p ; 21cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 培風館, 1967  328p ; 21cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 東京 : 裳華房, 1955  vi,297p ; 21cm
所蔵情報: loading…


C.R.メッツ著 ; 渡辺啓訳
出版情報: 東京 : マグロウヒル出版, 1993.1  vii, 209p ; 21cm
所蔵情報: loading…


長倉三郎, 中島威編
出版情報: 東京 : 岩波書店, 1979.5  viii, 259p ; 21cm
シリーズ名: 岩波講座現代化学 ; 1
所蔵情報: loading…


藤本博編著 ; 森聖治 [ほか] 著
出版情報: 東京 : 朝倉書店, 2001.9  v, 181p ; 22cm
所蔵情報: loading…


出版情報: 京都 : 化学同人, 1985.6  230p ; 26cm
シリーズ名: 化学増刊 ; 106
所蔵情報: loading…


マイケル・D・フェイヤー著 ; 丑田公規, 吉信淳訳
出版情報: 京都 : 化学同人, 2013.7  xii, 403p ; 19cm
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る