

Michael E. Atwood, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1998
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Wolfgang Effelsberg, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , ACM, 1998
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Marian G. Williams, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , ACM, 1999
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Papers: Groupware
An Empirical Study of How People Establish Interaction: Implications for CSCW Session Management Models / Steinar Kristoffersen ; Fredrik Ljungberg
Chat Circles / Fernanda B. Viegas ; Judith S. Donath
Social, Individual and Technological Issues for Groupware Calendar Systems / Leysia Palen
Papers: Alternatives to QWERTY
The Design and Evaluation of a High-Performance Soft Keyboard / I. Scott MacKenzie ; Shawn X. Zhang
Non-Keyboard QWERTY Touch Typing: A Portable Input Interface for the Mobile User / Mikael Goldstein ; Robert Book ; Gunilla Alsio
Implications for a Gesture Design Tool / Allan Christian Long Jr ; James A. Landay ; Lawrence A. Rowe
Paper: Object Manipulation Studies in Virtual Environments
Object Manipulation in Virtual Environments: Relative Size Matters / Yanqing Wang ; Christine L. MacKenzie
Exploring Bimanual Camera Control and Object Manipulation in 3D Graphics Interfaces / Ravin Balakrishnan ; Gordon Kurtenbach
Towards Usable VR: An Empirical Study of User Interfaces for Immersive Virtual Environments / Robert W. Lindeman ; John L. Sibert ; James K. Hahn
Papers: Social Foundations and Impacts of HCI
Socially Translucent Systems: Social Proxies, Persistent Conversation, and the Design of "Babble" / Thomas Erickson ; David N. Smith ; Wendy A. Kellogg
The Elements of Computer Credibility / B.J. Fogg ; Persuasive Technology Lab ; Stanford University Hsiang Tseng
A Better Mythology for System Design / Jed Harris ; Austin Henderson
Papers: Wearable and Tangible Audio
Nomadic Radio: Scaleable and Contextual Notification for Wearable Audio Messaging / Nitin Sawhney ; Chris Schmandt
Tangible Progress: Less is More in Somewire Audio Spaces / Andrew Singer ; Debby Hindus ; Lisa Stifelman
Whisper: A Wristwatch Style Wearable Handset / Masaaki Fukumoto ; Yoshinobu Tonomura
Papers: Collaborative and Multimedia Systems
i-Land: An Interactive Landscape for Creativity and Innovation / Norbert A. Streitz ; Jorg Geibler ; Torsten Holmer ; Wolfgang Reischl ; Ralf Steinmetz
Logjam: A Tangible Multi-Person Interface for Video Logging / Jonathan Cohen ; Meg Withgott ; Philippe Piernot
Time-Compression: Systems Concerns, Usage, and Benefits / Nosa Omoigui ; Liwei He ; Anoop Gupta
Papers: Characters and Agents
SWEETPEA: Software Tools for Programmable Embodied Agents / Michael Kaminsky ; Paul Dourish ; W. Keith Edwards
Sympathetic Interfaces: Using a Plush Toy to Direct Synthetic Characters / Michael Patrick Johnson ; Andrew Wilson ; Bruce Blumberg ; Christopher Kline ; Aaron Bobick
Principles of Mixed-Initiative User Interfaces / Eric Horvitz
Papers: Progress in Drawing and CAD
An Exploration into Supporting Artwork Orientation in the User Interface / George W. Fitzmaurice
An Alternative Way of Drawing / Roope Raisamo
The Strategic Use of CAD: An Empirically Inspired, Theory-Based Course / Suresh K. Bhavnani ; Bonnie E. John ; Ulrich Flemming
Papers: Programming Techniques and Issues
Implementing Interface Attachments Based on Surface Representations / Dan R. Olsen Jr ; Scott E. Hudson ; Thom Verratti
A Visual Medium for Programmatic Control of Interactive Applications / Luke S. Zettlemoyer ; Robert St. Amant
Should We Leverage Natural-Language Knowledge? An Analysis of User Errors in a Natural-Language-Style Programming Language / Amy Bruckman ; Elizabeth Edwards
Papers: Touching, Pointing, and Choosing
Testing Pointing Device Performance and User Assessment with the ISO 9241, Part 9 Standard / Sarah A. Douglas ; Arthur E. Kirkpatrick
Touch-Sensing Input Devices / Ken Hinckley ; Mike Sinclair
The Hotbox: Efficient Access to a Large Number of Menu-items / Russell N. Owen
Papers: Gaze and Purpose
Combining Observations of Intentional and Unintentional Behaviors for Human-Computer Interaction / Yoshinori Kuno ; Tomoyuki Ishiyama ; Satoru Nakanishi
Manual and Gaze Input Cascaded (MAGIC) Pointing / Shumin Zhai ; Carlos Morimoto ; Steven Ihde
Inferring Intent in Eye-Based Interfaces: Tracing Eye Movements with Process Models / Dario D. Salvucci
Papers: Foundations for Navigation
Direct Combination / Simon Holland ; Daniel Oppenheim
Footprints: History-Rich Tools for Information Foraging / Alan Wexelblat ; Pattie Maes
Design Guidelines for Landmarks to Support Navigation in Virtual Environments / Norman G. Vinson
Papers: Working with People Near and Far
Single Display Groupware: A Model for Co-Present Collaboration / Jason Stewart ; Benjamin B. Bederson ; Allison Druin
The GAZE Groupware System: Mediating Joint Attention in Multiparty Communication and Collaboration / Roel Vertegaal
Video Helps Remote Work: Speakers Who Need to Negotiate Common Ground Benefit from Seeing Each Other / Elizabeth S. Veinott ; Judith Olson ; Gary M. Olson ; Xiaolan Fu
Papers and Video Paper: Stories and Narratives
Designing Multimedia for Learning: Narrative Guidance and Narrative Construction / Lydia Plowman ; Rosemary Luckin ; Diana Laurillard
Interactive 3D Sound Hyperstories for Blind Children / Mauricio Lumbreras ; Jaime Sanchez
Designing PETS: A Personal Electronic Teller of Stories / Jaime Montemayor ; Jim Hendler
Papers: Profiles, Notes, and Surfaces
Visual Profiles: A Critical Component of Universal Access / Julie A. Jacko ; Max A. Dixon ; Robert H. Rosa, Jr.
NotePals: Lightweight Note Sharing by the Group, for the Group / Richard C. Davis ; Victor Chen
Flatland: New Dimensions in Office Whiteboards / Elizabeth D. Mynatt ; Anthony LaMarca
Papers: Tagging and Tracking Objects in Physical UIs
Palette: A Paper Interface for Giving Presentations / Les Nelson ; Satoshi Ichimura ; Elin Ronby Pedersen
TouchCounters: Designing Interactive Electronic Labels for Physical Containers / Paul Yarin ; Hiroshi Ishii
Bridging Physical and Virtual Worlds with Electronic Tags / Roy Want ; Kenneth P. Fishkin ; Anuj Gujar
Papers: Augmented Surfaces
Augmented Surfaces: A Spatially Continuous Work Space for Hybrid Computing Environments / Jun Rekimoto ; Masanori Saitoh
Urp: A Luminous-Tangible Workbench for Urban Planning and Design / John Underkoffler
PingPongPlus: Design of an Athletic-Tangible Interface for Computer-Supported Cooperative Play / Craig Wisneski ; Julian Orbanes
Papers: Cognitive Models of Screen Interaction
Eye Tracking the Visual Search of Click-Down Menus / Michael D. Byrne ; John R. Anderson ; Scott Douglass
Cognitive Modeling Demonstrates How People Use Anticipated Location Knowledge of Menu Items / Anthony J. Hornof ; David E. Kieras
Learning and Performing by Exploration: Label Quality Measured by Latent Semantic Analysis / Rodolfo Soto
Papers: Tools for Building Interfaces and Applications
MOBILE: User-Centered Interface Building / Angel R. Puerta ; Eric Cheng ; Tunhow Ou
The Context Toolkit: Aiding the Development of Context-Enabled Applications / Daniel Salber ; Anind K. Dey ; Gregory D. Abowd
Getting More Out of Programming-By-Demonstration / Richard G. McDaniel ; Brad A. Myers
Papers: Vision and Fitts' Law
Navigation as Multiscale Pointing: Extending Fitts' Model to Very High Precision Tasks / Yves Guiard ; Michel Beaudouin-Lafon ; Sud Deni Mottet
Authoring Animated Web Pages Using 'Contact Points' / Pete Faraday ; Alistair Sutcliffe
Performance Evaluation of Input Devices in Trajectory-based Tasks: An Application of The Steering Law / Johnny Accot
Papers: Learning and Reading
Symphony: A Case Study in Extending Learner-Centered Design Through Process Space Analysis / Chris Quintana ; Jim Eng ; Andrew Carra
The Reader's Helper: A Personalized Document Reading Environment / Jamey Graham
VR's Frames of Reference: A Visualization Technique for Mastering Abstract Multidimensional Information / Marilyn C. Salzman ; Chris Dede ; R. Bowen Loftin
Papers: Navigation and Visualization
FotoFile: A Consumer Multimedia Organization and Retrieval System / Allan Kuchinsky ; Celine Pering ; Michael L. Creech
Hyper Mochi Sheet: A Predictive Focusing Interface for Navigating and Editing Nested Networks through a Multifocus Distortion-Oriented View / Masashi Toyoda ; Etsuya Shibayama
Excentric Labeling: Dynamic Neighborhood Labeling for Data Visualization / Jean-Daniel Fekete ; Catherine Plaisant
Papers: Virtual Reality and Embodiment
Embodiment in Conversational Interfaces: Rea / J. Cassell ; T. Bickmore ; M. Billinghurst
Emotional Interfaces for Interactive Aardvarks: Designing Affect into Social Interfaces for Children / Erik Strommen ; Kristin Alexander
Bridging Strategies for VR-Based Learning / Tom Moher ; Stellan Ohlsson
Papers: Organizing Information on the Web
The Tangled Web We Wove: A Taskonomy of WWW Use / Neil S. Wehrle
An Empirical Evaluation of User Interfaces for Topic Management of Web Sites / Brian Amento ; Will Hill ; Loren Terveen
Visualizing Implicit Queries for Information Management and Retrieval / Mary Czerwinski ; Susan Dumais ; George Robertson
Papers: Speech and Multimodal Interfaces
Patterns of Entry and Correction in Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Systems / Clare-Marie Karat ; Christine Halverson ; John Karat
Mutual Disambiguation of Recognition Errors in a Multimodal Architecture / Sharon Oviatt
Model-Based and Emprical Evaluation of Multimodal Interactive Error Correction / Bernhard Suhm ; Alex Waibel ; Brad Myers
Papers: Advances in User Participation
Cooperative Inquiry: Developing New Technologies for Children with Children
Projected Realities: Conceptual Design for Cultural Effect / William Gaver ; Anthony Dunne
Customer-Focused Design Data in a Large, Multi-Site Organization / Paula Curtis ; Tammy Heiserman ; David Jobusch
Papers: Groupware
An Empirical Study of How People Establish Interaction: Implications for CSCW Session Management Models / Steinar Kristoffersen ; Fredrik Ljungberg
Chat Circles / Fernanda B. Viegas ; Judith S. Donath


Warren Waggenspack, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1999
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Jane Carrasco Chew, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , ACM, 1990
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John Pugh, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , ACM, 1992
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Shunro Watanabe, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , ACM, 1990
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Andreas Paepcke, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , ACM, 1991
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Irvin R. Katz, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1995
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W. Bruce Croft, Association for Computing Machinery-Digital Library.
出版情報: ACM Digital Library Proceedings , Springer-Verlag, 1994
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